Sungela's PJ & TR Merged! Finally an Update! Faux Disneymoon Time

You two have the *best* sense of humor. I'm so glad I read your welcome packs. They were hilarious.

I can't tell you how excited I've been to read what happened when you got married. It seemed like it was never going to come, and then poof! The next time I blink, I'll probably be married too.


Wait. Okay, maybe next blink!
Oh, sweetie! I am so glad I didn't miss your whole TR while I was away. Woohoo! :woohoo: The best is yet to come! Just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your sense of humor! The sneak peek pix are gorgeous! You both looked so beautiful! More! More! :hug: :cloud9:
I love your TR!!! You are so funny....:lmao: Can't wait to hear what happens next....
Bad Auntie!! 4 yr olds don't need gum!! :lmao: And you definately got a sprinkling of Pixie Dust with that very late ADR for PYC! Everything is great so far, can't wait to read more!!

But 4 year olds with gum are so cute!

I can't believe they had anything available for that many people--we were so lucky, and the dinner was lovely. I forgot to add a funny tidbit: after being rained on and then walking into the over-air conditioned restaurant, Angela and I were freezing. So our lovely waitress got us two tablecloths to wrap ourselves up in! I wish I had pics.

YEA!!!! Another great update! Why are there never any pics of you though. You have to get in FRONT of the camera once in a while (especially with the characters). Can't wait for more.

I don't know why I never get to be in the pictures! I have no character pictures from our whole Disney trip--how sad is that! When we go back to use our Annual Passes, I'm going to have to insist that we stand in every Photo Pass line so I can finally have some good shots.

I guess Papa Gino's doesn't qualify as fine dining either? Is it even there still?

I enjoyed Mannequins when I have visited there. Did you guys get to the Adventurer's Club at all? That is the only place that I am truly going to miss.

No, Papa Gino's definitely qualifies as Norwichean fine dining. I think it's the best we've got. It's still there, although my family doesn't go for Kid's Night anymore. So sad.

I never went to AC, although I've heard such rave reviews. Maybe if we go down before it closes...

Love the update, as usual! My dad doesn't grasp the need for ressies at Disney either.... "What do you mean you can't just go to a place and eat?" :sad2: :scared:

It's actually kind of funny when people don't realize they have to make reservations. During our trip, we went to a few restaurants where people were turned away because there were no available reservations at any time. I don't think a lot of people realize how nice some of the Disney restaurants are. I just thank my lucky stars I knew to make so many ADRs.

Such a great report! You are so descriptive and the joy comes through your whole TR.

Interesting foreshadowing, with the sisterly "weird behavior". We wonders what happens, and can't wait to find out! :lmao:

Thanks! My sister... well, I love her. I just wish she could have gotten over her jealousy and been a little bit more supportive. But then I might have died from the shock, so better that she was herself. :rotfl2:

I know, very intruiging and I can't even spell that word!! :lmao:

I like to keep you guys hooked, what can I say?

You two have the *best* sense of humor. I'm so glad I read your welcome packs. They were hilarious.

I can't tell you how excited I've been to read what happened when you got married. It seemed like it was never going to come, and then poof! The next time I blink, I'll probably be married too.


Wait. Okay, maybe next blink!

I felt the same way about a few of the people on this board--"I'll start worrying when Lynn gets married. Oh crap! Now she's married--time to start worrying."

Oh, sweetie! I am so glad I didn't miss your whole TR while I was away. Woohoo! :woohoo: The best is yet to come! Just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your sense of humor! The sneak peek pix are gorgeous! You both looked so beautiful! More! More! :hug: :cloud9:

Welcome back! Thanks! I can't wait until your VR and TR.

Lovin' it! More please! popcorn::

I love your TR!!! You are so funny....:lmao: Can't wait to hear what happens next....

We're waiting ........ :hyper: :banana: :)

Thank you all! More is coming, I promise. Today is my wife's birthday, and we spent the whole weekend doing whatever she wanted to do, which surprisingly did not involve typing up my TR. :confused3
Saturday is definitely the hardest day to write about, as I spent most of the day a nervous wreck. I’ve read plenty of TRs wherein the stress of the pre-wedding day leads to tension and fighting between the soon-to-be spouses, so I guess I can count myself lucky that none of my pre-marital problems were Angela-related. But problems I had nonetheless.

The day started out promising enough. At 7:45 AM (after a solid 5 hours of sleep, which didn't helped matters), we hauled our dresses down to my parents’ room and met the very prompt and professional people from Carolyn Allen’s. I had promised the boys I’d buy them breakfast, so Angela, my mother and I departed for the ASM cafeteria. Once we got there, Mummy persuaded us to stay and eat, and let the boys come down to get their food after the fittings. Less clutter and crumbs among the gowns and tuxes seemed like a good idea.

We hadn’t really sorted out the issue of prep for Sunday morning, and Angela and I needed to check out of our room by 11. So my mother and I went to the front desk in order for me to have my first minor mini Bridezilla meltdown. Our position: if ASM had done as we’d—twice—requested, and placed everyone in the same building, we wouldn’t need an extra room for hair and makeup, because we could just use two adjacent rooms. Because no two people whose rooms we could commandeer were close to each other, we needed an extra room. Said extra room should be charged at the same rate as the other bridal party rooms, owing to the fact that had we but known we’d be so far apart, we would have reserved an additional room at that price. Reservation Lady’s position: I can’t override the computer. I wasn’t as upset as everyone seemed to think I was (it wasn’t the Reservation Lady’s fault that we were in different buildings, and I’m sure she doesn’t get paid enough to want to deal with nasty people), but after a few minutes of back-and-forth, Reservation Lady and my mother conspired to send me to the room to pack up our stuff. (My mother did get them to give us the discount rate for an additional room, in the same building as my parents’ room, albeit one floor up).

I was glad to pack. When I’m an emotional wreck, I like having some menial task to focus on, and packing requires so little thought that it’s a perfect fit with reflection time. Let me step back for a second: Angela and I had decided not to write our own vows. We didn’t want our ceremony to go on too long, for starters. We wanted to toast each other in a fun way, without the seriousness required of binding oaths. And we wanted people to be a little tipsy before we launched into all the mushy stuff. Instead, we figured we’d write toasts to each other, both as a vow-substitute and as a thank you to our guests. I’d written half of my speech, the part for our guests, bridal party, and parents, intending to write the part to Angela while in Disney. So while I packed our stuff, I thought it would be a good time to figure out what I wanted to say.

And that’s how the sobbing (Part 1) began. I kept going over how much I loved Angela and why, and somehow, I turned into a massive pile of sappy goo. I cried straight through two hours of organizing and packing, reciting the litany of wonderful qualities that my beloved possesses. I’m often sentimental, obviously, but I’d never had quite the, um, emotional spell I did that morning.

Meanwhile, I think everyone suspected I needed a little alone time, so they stayed at the pool. After our impromptu welcome dinner the night before, Angela wound up hosting a little welcome breakfast at the ASM. Most of our bridal party slept off their hangovers in the Florida sunshine, while Angela chatted with our family members and the sober contingent of our friends.

When I finished packing and crying (for the moment), Angela and one of our people of honor helped me move the suitcases to their appropriate new homes (my parents’ room, Angela’s parents’ room, Angela’s parents’ car, etc.). Angela and I realized that we’d neglected to buy cute, fun Disney gifts for our bridal party, so we dashed off to the ASM store to spend a little more money.

And then, off to the spa. After such a stressful morning, I was ready to be pampered. Angela’s dad drove us to the Grand Floridian. We would have been on time, but… we had to start chatting with one of the bellboys at the GF about gay marriage. We wanted to drop off our suitcases so that we could check in easily after the wedding (I had arranged an overnight bag for Angela with all her stuff and an overnight bag for myself, and organized everything else into bags that needed to go to Jennifer, bags that needed to go to the rehearsal dinner, and bags that could go to the GF. I love organizing.). The bellboy asked us about the wedding, and upon realizing that Angela and I were the ones getting hitched, wanted to know everything about it (“Are your parents ok with it? How does your religion factor in?”). He was very nice, but Angela and I were itching to get going.

Finally, we managed to extricate ourselves from the conversation, and head down the pretty GF path toward the spa. We changed into our robes and went in to learn the art of massaging each other. To be honest, I think I liked the Saratoga Springs Spa better than the GF. SS seemed bigger and more “stand-alone spa”-like than the GF. They also had better refreshments in the waiting area. But the couples’ instructional massage was cool—Angela and I learned a few new techniques that we continue to use. I loved my mani and pedi too. Funnily enough, Angela had complained beforehand that because she hadn’t had a manicure in a while, her nails would bleed. Sure enough, she bled, but the first thing my manicurist said to me was, “Oh, you’ve had a manicure very recently.” I said, no, it’s been over a year, and she was shocked. Angela’s manicurist came over and looked at my nails, and both of them oohed and aahed over my perfect hands. It was pretty amusing, given that I don’t exactly take good care of my nails. Poor, jealous Ange. Unfortunately, Angela and Flor (my manicurist) decided that I could not have hot pink nails because they were not appropriately “bridal.” I settled for a light, opaque pink-ish color instead. Not nearly as cool as hot pink, but I’ll live.

After my nails dried, I decided to look at my phone. Big mistake—gone went relaxed Sunny, and in came Bridezilla. I had seven missed calls. Beaute Speciale needed to know my room number, easy enough. But the DJ… grrr…

Let me preface my tirade by saying that I thought DJ Silva did a wonderful job at the wedding. The dance floor was always full, and everyone had a fabulous time. But he was not the most responsive beforehand. I had called and emailed several times before leaving for Disney, and called a few times on Friday and Saturday morning to make sure that we were on the same page. I finally heard back from him at 2-ish on Saturday, when I was at the spa; he told me to call him before 4 (the same time that I finally got the message), and repeated the wrong information about the next day. We didn’t want to be formally announced, certain people were supposed to say things at certain times, and we wanted certain music played, but the DJ didn’t seem to have received all of my emails with these important details.

With the waiting room full of people trying to relax, my nails barely dry, I started calling people. The DJ first; I left an urgent message. Then Veronica at Beaute Speciale; of course, when I was on the phone with her, the DJ called, but I couldn’t get off the phone. He left another message. I then called Angela’s mom to tell her where we were, as she had our rehearsal dinner dresses. Then, DJ again, so we could finally went over all the details. I could tell that he thought I was a little nutty/obsessive, but at that point, I was really frustrated that I was still so stressed out. I thought that my stress would magically evaporate the second I got on the flight to Orlando, and instead, I was one little ball of nerves.

Angela’s mom and sister arrived, looking very pretty. They dropped off our dresses and shoes, and went back to 1900 Park Faire, where the rehearsal dinner commenced without us. It was actually nice to walk over with Angela alone. She started stressing about a zit on her face, which made me instantly relaxed (Angela and I are really good at balancing each other—if she’s stressed out, I’m not, and vice versa. I just wish she’d taken on more of the anxiousness load during the pre-wedding days). We joked about ditching the dinner and heading to Ghirardelli instead (I kind of wish we had), but we made it, in all of our finery:

Our party took up four tables in the heart of the restaurant, right next to the buffet. Angela and I barely had time to eat, even though we were starving (we’d only had an assortment of peanuts and Goldfish for lunch because our spa appointments went from 12 to 4:30). We were hopping around, talking with people, having a great time, when the announcer said something about people celebrating special events. They started up the waltz music, and our friends egged us on to dance. We were pretty much surrounded by our friends/family members, or so I thought. At the end, we shared a smooch.

And that’s when the trouble began.

Some crazy guy ran over to us and began to yell, at the top of his lungs, about how homosexuality is a mental disorder, how it perverts his children to see two people of the same sex together, and so on. I was shell-shocked. There were plenty of other (straight) couples making out with each other in the restaurant. My friend Jess was wearing a dress that left nothing to the imagination. My mother had made some kind of inappropriate sexual comment within earshot of small children. But these things didn’t upset him, apparently; only that two people who were so committed to each other that they were getting married had danced together and kissed for about two seconds.

All I could say was, “But we’re getting married tomorrow.” Great defense. Fortunately, he messed with the wrong crowd. Our friends/family members were pretty respectful, I thought; they didn’t shout back, at least. They tried to get him to stop or to at least lower his voice. And it didn’t seem like anyone else at the restaurant was that happy about his interruption: he asked if anyone agreed, and only one woman stood up. When the Disney manager came to escort him out (after about one minute), everyone else in the restaurant looked relieved. A few of the other patrons made supportive comments afterward, which I appreciated. Disney staff expressed their profound apologies. Among our group, Angela and my brother were furious, my (paternal) grandmother was bewildered (she’s going a little deaf), Christopher (the four year old) had no idea what had happened, Angela’s mom started crying, and everyone else seemed kind of unsure what to say or do.

At first, I was kind of numb. I couldn’t believe that with all the arrangements I’d made, all the planning, the time and energy, some schmuck wanted to ruin my wedding. I wasn’t so much angry at him as I was angry at the situation: I was getting married in the morning, and I couldn’t even celebrate my love without fear of reprisals. I was scared, both in the immediate sense (was that crazy guy waiting for us outside?), and in the larger sense. Will we have to pretend to be friends or sisters whenever we vacation together? And what happens when we have kids? I can handle a few homophobic comments, but no child should have to deal with it. My little ball of nerves unraveled (aided by constant reminders from my family and friends that I shouldn’t let it bother me), and sobbing (Part 2) began.

Very alluring red eyes:


My dad eventually managed to calm me down. He reminded me that times change: it would once have been unthinkable to have a commitment ceremony at Disney; and almost everyone in the restaurant was on our side, not the crazy guy’s. I breathed deeply a few hundred times.

Eventually, our bridal party came back down to the GF lobby (they had found a bar, so they were all a little more festive). They also helped cheer me up, and we had fun giving them their gifts (the boys all got Mickey socks and their cufflinks to wear at the wedding; the girls got their earrings and necklaces. We had also picked out fun small gifts for everyone, like pirate shot glasses for Angela’s best person and a rainbow Mickey pin for my brother that he wore with his tux).

Of course, even though the rehearsal dinner had started at 4:30, and the rehearsal was across the street at 8, we were still a few minutes late. Jennifer was wonderful at herding everyone. The only slight, small problem? The rabbi still hadn’t arrived. His flight got in at 6-something, but the Magical Express People wouldn’t let him go straight to the Grand Floridian if his reservation was at ASM. Grrr… He ended up missing the whole rehearsal. But we didn’t need him. Angela was a little worried that she didn’t have the Hebrew part of our vows down, but we figured we’d practice later on.

Me and my parents traipsing down the aisle:


Angela waving hello, surrounded by our people of honor:

My friend Becky captured some of the chaos on film (her and my (maternal) grandmother are the ones narrating):

After the rehearsal ended, the crowd dispersed, and we made our way back to ASM. One monorail ride to Magic Kingdom and bus to ASM later, my mother and I ran into the rabbi just as he was getting food at the cafeteria. I was a little relieved (in terms of things getting to Orlando, the rabbi was one of the more important elements). Angela and I went over our vows once more (I had mine memorized; Angela, not so much). I finally felt more relaxed: everyone who needed to be in Disney was there, we hadn’t lost a single stitch of luggage, and we were ready to get married. We said goodnight for the last time as single women (and of course, both of us proclaimed, “We’ll be married in the morning!” as an homage to Enchanted).

Before this whole trip began, which is to say, before I lost my sanity, Angela was the one who was nervous about the wedding. She had a lingering fear that I’d abandon her at the chuppah. Not exactly a realistic fear, but she was afraid nevertheless. To abate her concerns, I wanted to make sure that she knew I still loved her and was planning to marry her, so I’d arranged to have the Bud Vase in her room:

Stock photo of Bud Vase, with cool hidden Mickey:


And I’d gotten her a pretty card. I couldn’t find any “Can’t wait to marry you” cards, but I did find one that said, “I love you more and more every day, and I can’t wait until tomorrow.” Three surprises down, three to go!

Only complaint about that night: we should probably have traded roommates. Angela’s sister wanted to chat about weddings and do sisterly stuff. Angela fell right to sleep. I needed to finish my toast, and I wanted to reminisce with my sister about our childhood, bask in the pre-wedding glow. So of course, my sister constantly griped that I was keeping her awake. I had to call a few people to make sure they knew the drill for the next morning, annoying my sister even further. It was exactly like when we were little kids and I read books with a flashlight under the covers because she wouldn’t let me keep the light on.

Eventually, she fell asleep. Me? Not so much. I tried. But I looked at the clock just about every five minutes, convinced that an hour had passed. I was excited and anxious and ready for the big day.

And up next, the Big Day! Part 1, anyway; I'm stretching out this baby as long as I can.
Oh, YAY!! This installment was definitely worth the wait! I LOVE hearing about all your romantic gestures for Angela. You are so sweet and thoughtful ! :lovestruc I am so sorry about that jerk, but am thrilled to know he did not rally the masses to a state of idiotic agreement. Complacency is nearly as bad, but I'm glad other guests made supportive noises afterwards.

Your dress looked fabulous on you, though I missed the rockin' socks that adorned your feet in your PJ pic of the dress. Really, though, you and Angela looked beautiful for your rehearsal and RD! :hug:
I'm so sorry about that guy. What an ordeal to go through the night before your wedding. So what if you are two women getting married. I hope your trip gets better! Can't wait to read about your wedding.
I just went through about 20 seconds of intense polar opposite emotions reading about your rehearsal. I got so upset about the guy at your dinner that I was crying and then a couple of seconds after that I clicked on your captured video and almost peed my pants. Becky and your granny are hilarious! "they look like a very focused group.Those 2 are sitting down with their ****s hanging out!" I almost fell off my chair :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I'm sorry that guy rained on your parade! Some people never learned if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Anyway- such sweet things you did for Angela. You must be very thoughtful to have done all that. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I am so sorry about the guy. Some people are just completely ignorant.

Anyways, I'm hoping to go down to WDW the last weekend in September for AC, the Food and Wine Festival and MNSSHP. You guys should join me!
Great update Sunny! :thumbsup2 That guy at your rehearsal dinner was unbelievable! :mad: I'm glad your dad was able to make you feel better! :goodvibes You and Angela looked great- I especially love your rehearsal dress. Such a pretty color! Can't wait for the next installment... :surfweb:

First of all great installment! Can't wait to see more. I am sorry that crazy guy interrupted your rehearsal dinner. Unfortunately there are nutty people in the world and it is sad that people are so closed minded. Don't let that ruin your beautiful relationship with Angela. Enjoy your marriage and all the joys to come and block out the people that try to bring you down. All that matters is you and Angela. :hug:
I am glad you live in a hopefully more openminded part of the world and I do believe the world is changing too! I have thoroughly enjoyed everything so far and can't wait to hear more!! :lovestruc :goodvibes
Not again!! I'm so sorry this jerk did that to you! I can't believe someone would think that kissing is wrong, but to stand up in front of people and yell and carry on like that is ok. You're a wonderful woman, and obviously very much in love, so @#*&!) that jerk and I hope you had a wonderful wedding day, with no more crying!!
I was so excited there was more of my "story" to watch today!

Who were the ***B sisters, btw? I just love your gran!

It already looks like such a great time, just from the rehearsal video!

Can't wait for the next chapter! popcorn::
I swear I cried when I read your story of that guy... I mean, yes I was sad that there are people like that, but I cried because I was sooo pissed off someone would treat another person like that.... I swear if i was there (hey, this is a fantasy, I'd really just tag along to play ping pong with you ladies) I would have beaten that guys a**... plain and simple!

can't wait for another update!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to see that dress again!

I am sorry that guy made you feel bad the night before your wedding...It makes me mad when people are so ignorant....:mad: I am glad that you didn't let that ruin the rest of your rehearsal, and most importantly your wedding day....You are so sweet with all of the little surprises for Angela....:flower3: Can't wait to read more...:surfweb:
I have been lurking on this board for a while looking for ideas for my DD's vow renewal. Reading about the run in with that closed minded man was so upsetting. It would have been terrible at any time, but at your rehersal dinner, I can only imagine how you felt. PLEASE remember that there are so many people with loving accepting views that oppose his. Times are changing, but not everyone has caught up yet. Blessings on your marriage.


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