Summer 2024 Direct Incentives

Yes, try to demand a UY that comes with 2022 points (currently Aug-Dec)
Hmm- if we normally
Yes, try to demand a UY that comes with 2022 points (currently Aug-Dec)

Since I seem to be simultaneously overthinking things and yet not thinking them through enough in advance - if we sometimes travel in November for Wine and Dine race weekend, are we better to ask for an October UY than the Dec one originally given? I don't know how often we'll do the race in the future, but the only months where the weather is really tolerable for DH are typically late Oct to early March since he doesn't enjoy the heat.

With our FW 49, is there anything else I'm not considering as to why we wouldn't want to switch to Oct? Is this likely to be something a guide gives pushback on? We're planning to sell back the 2023 MB.
Hmm- if we normally

Since I seem to be simultaneously overthinking things and yet not thinking them through enough in advance - if we sometimes travel in November for Wine and Dine race weekend, are we better to ask for an October UY than the Dec one originally given? I don't know how often we'll do the race in the future, but the only months where the weather is really tolerable for DH are typically late Oct to early March since he doesn't enjoy the heat.

With our FW 49, is there anything else I'm not considering as to why we wouldn't want to switch to Oct? Is this likely to be something a guide gives pushback on? We're planning to sell back the 2023 MB.

I would not want a Dec UY for November travel, so I would ask the guide to get it switched.

You might get pushback, but explain why and also that you realize that they might need to get approval.
Well, the fact that nothing is changed with CFW tells me that selling them right now is not a priority and they have other plans to sell them down the road.

Glad that RIV isn’t better because we decided to hold off on new points until after DD wedding, snd better ones would have tempted me!
Ha, I feel the same way about CCV. We had several things come up this spring and I'd be kind of upset if they had a huge sale right now, but ask me in 6 months!
What would be best course of action if march and June would be our travel months? We are local and we are being offered FEB UY for Riveria and CFW?

What would be best course of action if march and June would be our travel months? We are local and we are being offered FEB UY for Riveria and CFW?
Feb UY is a good one for those times of travel. You want to try to avoid traveling at the end of a UY since there is a lot less flexibility if you have to change or cancel and trip and could end up losing points.

March UY would work as well.
What would be best course of action if march and June would be our travel months? We are local and we are being offered FEB UY for Riveria and CFW?
Feb UY is great for March and June travel! What you want to avoid is a UY that is just after your travel dates, because if you have to cancel it might be too late to bank the points.
So, I just got off the phone with my guide and finalized the new contracts. I did not have to use my Disney Card to get the extra $1,000 off and I didn't have to have my card status verified. Disney for sure already knows I'm a cardholder, so perhaps my guide does as well. The only thing that is odd is that there are two adjustments to incentives for me - extra $2,000 Welcome Home since I added 50 points (went from 252 to 302) and the new $1,000 Visa incentive. Rather than loading those incentives on the additional 50-point contract, they both went to my bigger fixed week, which is going to change my final payout on that contract (I'm paying on credit card rather than financing but spread out the payments).
I would not want a Dec UY for November travel, so I would ask the guide to get it switched.

You might get pushback, but explain why and also that you realize that they might need to get approval.
What is the purpose of trying to funnel buyers into one specific UY over any other they might want? How does that benefit Disney?
What is the purpose of trying to funnel buyers into one specific UY over any other they might want? How does that benefit Disney?
Previously it made sense because UY was tied to a unit. However, a year or so ago they made a change so UY isn't tied to a Unit anymore, basically the UY assigned to points can be set to whatever.

My only guess is they try to spread UY out somewhat to normalize breakage to occur more evenly through the year, but I do know I had to fight hard for my current September UY even after the amendment they made that I referenced above.
What is the purpose of trying to funnel buyers into one specific UY over any other they might want? How does that benefit Disney?
I'm too new to know, but I can say that my guide didn't bat an eye when I asked for a different UY than what they were currently selling (December when we first started talking a few months ago and then February) since I was buying a September fixed week. If there was pushback, I didn't sense it.
If you do add on 150 points at SSR to get Membership Extras, it’s $9,750, or $97.50/pt, to tack on the next 100 more, after MB. That’s nearly resale rates.

Aren't you double counting the MB, or applying it to the wrong number of points?

You don't need to buy more than 150 points to get MB. So wouldn't you already get the MB for the first 150 points (bringing the total to $160/pt for those first 150)?

If so, you won't get it for the next 100 too. So the next 100 would be $11,750 ($117.50/pt).
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Previously it made sense because UY was tied to a unit. However, a year or so ago they made a change so UY isn't tied to a Unit anymore, basically the UY assigned to points can be set to whatever.

My only guess is they try to spread UY out somewhat to normalize breakage to occur more evenly through the year, but I do know I had to fight hard for my current September UY even after the amendment they made that I referenced above.
What did "fighting hard" entail?
Aren't you double counting the MB, or applying it to the wrong number of points?

You don't need to buy more than 150 points to get MB. So wouldn't you already get the MB for the first 150 points (bringing the total to $160/pt for those first 150)?

If so, you won't get it for the next 100 too. So the next 100 would be $11,750 ($117.50/pt).
Why wouldn’t you get Magical Beginnings for points 151-250?
What is the purpose of trying to funnel buyers into one specific UY over any other they might want? How does that benefit Disney?
The only thinks I can think of is it makes it easy for paperwork purposes and sales to target one UY at a time….but, TBH, I have never read of someone getting turned down for a resort in active sales for the UY they want.
What is the purpose of trying to funnel buyers into one specific UY over any other they might want? How does that benefit Disney?
Disney can and does run out of current calendar year points on resorts in active sales, so if it’s say November and everyone has bought only December contracts since May, they’re just flat out not going to have any more contracts with new 2024 points left on them. Remember they spent the whole year renting out unsold 2024 points. They can’t just pretend they have more 2024 points to sell when they don’t.

This has happened twice now with Riviera where late in the year they will literally turn people demanding December UYs away (or make them wait until 12/1). IIRC one year (2021?) they weren’t even selling Dec UYs to people who already HAD Dec UYs.

So they’re trying to manage for that.
Disney can and does run out of current calendar year points on resorts in active sales, so if it’s say November and everyone has bought only December contracts since May, they’re just flat out not going to have any more contracts with new 2024 points left on them. Remember they spent the whole year renting out unsold 2024 points. They can’t just pretend they have more 2024 points to sell when they don’t.

This has happened twice now with Riviera where late in the year they will literally turn people demanding December UYs away (or make them wait until 12/1). IIRC one year (2021?) they weren’t even selling Dec UYs to people who already HAD Dec UYs.

So they’re trying to manage for that.
Thanks for the explanation! Hope we don't run into that switching from Dec to Oct (when they're currently pushing Feb)🤞
Just dropped an e-mail to my Guide to see how we would go about getting the extra $1,000, if it is even possible at this point for Disney Visa credit. I signed on April 4th, last escrow payment was today, so still within 90 days and the contract has not officially "closed" as of yet (but it probably will tomorrow or this week). Figured it was worth a shot - also not going to lose sleep over the $1,000 if not possible - not end of the world. Kudos to this thread though - would've never known about the extra $1,000 any other way. :) Keep ya'll posted.
As the incentives still look decent I’m revisiting how many points I need.

I’m trying not to over buy points, right now my contract is for 150 at Riviera. We really only want to go every 2-3yrs but 150 wouldn’t get us a week in April every 2yrs in a 1 bedroom, I’d need 351 for the week.

Is it feasible to do a split stay with a lower points chart resort or stay one night cash at Caribbean beach and move to the Riviera?
As the incentives still look decent I’m revisiting how many points I need.

I’m trying not to over buy points, right now my contract is for 150 at Riviera. We really only want to go every 2-3yrs but 150 wouldn’t get us a week in April every 2yrs in a 1 bedroom, I’d need 351 for the week.

Is it feasible to do a split stay with a lower points chart resort or stay one night cash at Caribbean beach and move to the Riviera?
If you're going for 1BRs I don't think you'd have a hard time booking what you want for a split stay. You could book like 3 nights at somewhere like OKW/AKV/SSR to save points or hell you likely will have a good chance of booking even BWV since you're going for 1BRs to conserve points and then switch to RIV for the remainder.

In the future you can consider adding resale points if you start to feel bad about burning direct points on these resorts you could've booked with resale SSR lol.

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