stupid question


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Aug 6, 2002
What is turn down service? Can you tell it is my first trip booked in a deluxe resort - AKL!!
Housekeeping comes into your room in the evening and turns the covers back so you can get into bed (turn down). They usually leave a chocolate on the pillow as well.
They usually try and do this between, say 6 and 8 pm, when most folks are at dinner.

If, however, you are in the room, they'll knock and ask. When that happened to us, we were usually too embarassed to have them come in and go to all that trouble while we were there, gawking. So we'd say thank you, but no, and they'd usually offer us fresh towels and chocolates.

Which, of course, we ALWAYS accepted :bounce:
Not a stupid question at all. My mom always used to say the only stupid question is one that is not asked.

I never knew what turndown service was until we decided to stay at the concierge for my 40th birthday in about a week. They also bring you fresh towels, fresh drinking glasses and possibly empty the garbage cans for you on top of turning down the beds and putting chocolates on your pillow.
Were you staying on the concierge level? That's the only way you will automatically get it. If not you will have to request turndown.

For some reason, the last couple of days of our Polynesian stay we got a different housekeeper and he tried to do the turndown at 3:30 every afternoon. It was a little early for me.:p


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