Stroller Question


<b><font color=f95602>Member of the 'Jambo! WildBu
Jan 24, 2001
Are stroller rentals available? While we don't think we'll need it aboard ship, we are concerned that DD4 will get tired when walking in St Martin, and St Thomas. Are strollers available onboard. Any suggestions?:confused:
you can borrow (i say that not knowing whether they have begun to charge for them...last we borrowed one, it was free) a stroller on board. they don't have a lot of them, so we plan to get one just as soon as we board. my dh said that he thinks you can take them with you on excursions....that the stroller is yours for the duration of the cruise.
Thanx for the info Dizneykids. Where are board can you pick one up?
we picked ours up at guest services...just cross the lobby and stop in.

note: while you might not use it much on board, if you get it first thing, then i can hold all your carry-on luggage until you get to your room. also, they are the jogging strollers, so they are big. we found that we had little space to store it in our stateroom, so we just tucked it into one of the spaces created by an inside door to the ship's interior (we've only had one on deck 8). if it was an inconvenience to any of the stewards or other cms, we never heard about it. i've also seen someone store theirs in a space created across from the elevators.


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