Staying offsite, but want to know about visiting onsite resorts?


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2002
I keep reading about people going to the Polynesian Beach to view the MK's fireworks. Do you need to be staying at the Polynesian to do this? If we want to visit any of the resorts - (we really want to look at Animal Kingdom) is there any problems doing this (because we are staying offsite)? TIA
Hi tiga and welcome! Yes, you can go to the onsite resorts just to look around, watch the MK fireworks, eat at the restaurants, etc. Just be prepared to show your drivers license to the security guard at the gate and remember that you can't use the resort pools. You may be issued a 3 hour parking pass and, if so, be sure to honor it as I've been hearing that they will now tow cars left in the resort parking lots for too long. Have fun.:)
Make a Reservation!
We found the security to be a bit tight getting into the Resorts without ressies.
Some are good,depends on who you get at the gate. To be sure you will get in just make a food ressies
to eat thru Disney dining, they will give you a ressie number that the security will ask for.
Once your in you can either cancel or go for a great meal. We did this for AKL last spring when it opened. A must to see! Good Luck and Enjoy!:smooth:


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