"Spring is in the Air" March 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

Today I'm thankful that I get to read all of your thankfuls. - It's been kind of a rough week here, and it's a good reminder that they're not all like this one.

Oh, and purring cats, always purring cats. :cat::cat:
The rough weeks are the ones when it’s most important to look for those things that we’re thankful for! Happy you found the positive in reading through yesterday’s posts :hug:...and for purring cats.:cat:😊
Quiet weekend ahead-have to finish my book for book club next week.
Getting together with the family for pizza tonight before our grandson’s basketball game. I am determined to only eat one slice! Especially since it’s raining and I won’t get a walk in today.
Weekends are always a little challenging-trying to keep snacking under control is another goal.
Thought I would share this-nuts are a favorite snack of mine, but I have to be mindful of portions!

I had a good week. I ate responsibly and am feeling that cutting out the sugar is really good for me. I still have sweet things like fruit and such. And the other day I drizzled some sugar on my cappuccino foam as I usually do without thinking. But most of my carbs are more complex and it’s good for me!

the scale moved as well, butI think it’s mainly water weight. But if eating less sugar means that I retain less water, that’s great, too!

work and live are still far too crazy for my liking. But not much I can do about it... I am glad that it’s the weekend and am looking forward to getting my home cleaned as it’s needed!
Sorry for such a heavy post on a Friday. Geez. On a lighter note, the scale was down a pound today, putting me at 211.4, which is down 1.6lbs since March 1, and 15.8lbs since January 1. I'd love for that loss number to be higher, but I'll definitely take it. Being 12lbs from Onederland is motivating. I'm sticking to my 5lb-per-month goal but secretly I'd love to be at or under 199 by the end of April, which would mean I need to lose 7-8lbs both this month and next. We'll see what happens.

No apologies needed. - That's what we're here for! My college DS is feeling a lot like your brother right now, and I agree on how hard it is to know what to say and how to help.

Congrats on the weight loss, though!!
Free For All Friday:

I really need to vent about this Coronavirus nonsense, and I hope that I don't upset or offend anyone in the process.

I am a germaphobe. I wash my hands OFTEN. It is a part of my job teaching young children who can't keep their fingers out of every orifice on their little bodies. They then touch EVERY surface in my classroom and in the school. Boogers. Vomit. Pee. Poop. I catch their colds, and because of my asthma, it invariably becomes bronchitis or pneumonia unless I take at least 2 sick days. The stomach virus going around my room got me really bad last weekend. I recently received "corrective counseling" because I had too many incidences of illness.

So, I wash my hands to the point of redness and irritation. I use lotion immediately after. I use hand sanitizer when I can't get to a sink quickly. I take vitamins. I eat healthy. I get moderate exercise. I open windows and let fresh air in. I harass our custodian when the room isn't cleaned thoroughly. I clean and disinfect on my own as a back-up. I try to relax and not get stressed out. I pray.

Since the Coronavirus news coverage started creating widespread PANIC, I stopped watching the news. I'm battling my own fears inside me, and I am working very hard to NOT be that person hoarding food, bleach, hand sanitizer, and rubbing alcohol. I could easily be that paranoid person, but I REFUSE to give in to the fear.

Every morning, my assistant greets me with the latest outrageous Coronavirus statistics. She is FREAKING OUT. This is the same person who refuses to get the flu shot because she thinks it will give her the flu. :rolleyes2 I'm going to lose my mind listening to her trying to stir up a panic response in me. I keep trying to calm her down and help her to put it into perspective. She is driving me nuts. I wish she had a MUTE button. Thank God it is Friday, because I really need a break from her.

I am so excited that I am going to WDW in June, but this general public overreaction and widespread media coverage is putting a real damper on my enthusiasm. My attitude is basically that unless WDW closes in June, we are going. Even if the airports close, we will just get in the car and drive. We've had to do it before, and we will do it again.

I just wish people could put this in perspective; take the necessary precautions; and get on with their lives.

Okay. That's the end of my rant. :headache:
We're supposed to go bowling tonight with another couple we know, but I'm not sure at this point if we will or not. It's been a long couple of weeks and I'm exhausted.

We've been pouring over our finances trying to find any and every where to save any penny we can, and haven't made much progress. There's just not much left for us to cut out. It's exhausting.

We had to decide this week about renewing the lease on the house we're renting - the original owners wanted to sell it to us last fall, but we couldn't buy it, and since we're hoping to move out of state in 2-3 years, we didn't want to take on a house we might not be able to sell later. Someone else bought it and agreed to keep renting it to us since we've been in it for 5 years already, but he raised our rent $100 a month. The property management company emailed us this week to renew our one-year lease (we've been on one-year leases this whole time, with the guarantee that as long as we stayed in the house our rent wouldn't go up when we renewed) and then told us that the new owner offered a two-year lease at the same (higher) rate. We asked if signing a two-year lease was the only way to lock in the new rate for two years, or if we still had the same guarantee that as long as we were renewing, our rent wouldn't go up again. We never got a straight answer, but the half answers we got implied the guarantee didn't exist anymore and the only way to lock in the rate is to sign a 2 year lease. Realistically, we'll probably be in this house another 2 years whether we were signing two one-year leases or one two-year lease. The only way we'd probably move is if we could find something cheaper that was in as safe of a neighborhood (not that ours is great) and that's really, really hard to do here. There's just something about being locked in for two years that feels different.

My brother is in his first year of law school and is having a really hard time. He's working himself to death and he's really worried he's derailing his entire future because he can't line up a summer internship, and everyone else in his program is finding them, so he's convinced he's the problem. I don't know how to make him understand that these kids have had internships lined up since they were in middle school thanks to their parents' connections. He doesn't fit with the kids in his program and he doesn't have any friends in the town he's in, which makes it all even worse/harder. I don't know how to help him and he's spiraling. He just feels like things won't get any better and everything's going to suck forever - I want to (and do) tell him they will get better, but at the same time I feel that way a lot, too. Life shouldn't be as hard as it's become, especially when you're still so young.

Sorry for such a heavy post on a Friday. Geez. On a lighter note, the scale was down a pound today, putting me at 211.4, which is down 1.6lbs since March 1, and 15.8lbs since January 1. I'd love for that loss number to be higher, but I'll definitely take it. Being 12lbs from Onederland is motivating. I'm sticking to my 5lb-per-month goal but secretly I'd love to be at or under 199 by the end of April, which would mean I need to lose 7-8lbs both this month and next. We'll see what happens.
Sounds like you have a lot going on right now-in your own life and being a source of support for your brother. Hope your house situation works out-if you’re only thinking two years would an apartment work for you and maybe be cheaper?
15lbs since January is awesome!
I’m glad you can focus on taking care of yourself-having something you can control is good for you mentally and physically.
Free For All Friday:

I really need to vent about this Coronavirus nonsense, and I hope that I don't upset or offend anyone in the process.

I am a germaphobe. I wash my hands OFTEN. It is a part of my job teaching young children who can't keep their fingers out of every orifice on their little bodies. They then touch EVERY surface in my classroom and in the school. Boogers. Vomit. Pee. Poop. I catch their colds, and because of my asthma, it invariably becomes bronchitis or pneumonia unless I take at least 2 sick days. The stomach virus going around my room got me really bad last weekend. I recently received "corrective counseling" because I had too many incidences of illness.

So, I wash my hands to the point of redness and irritation. I use lotion immediately after. I use hand sanitizer when I can't get to a sink quickly. I take vitamins. I eat healthy. I get moderate exercise. I open windows and let fresh air in. I harass our custodian when the room isn't cleaned thoroughly. I clean and disinfect on my own as a back-up. I try to relax and not get stressed out. I pray.

Since the Coronavirus news coverage started creating widespread PANIC, I stopped watching the news. I'm battling my own fears inside me, and I am working very hard to NOT be that person hoarding food, bleach, hand sanitizer, and rubbing alcohol. I could easily be that paranoid person, but I REFUSE to give in to the fear.

Every morning, my assistant greets me with the latest outrageous Coronavirus statistics. She is FREAKING OUT. This is the same person who refuses to get the flu shot because she thinks it will give her the flu. :rolleyes2 I'm going to lose my mind listening to her trying to stir up a panic response in me. I keep trying to calm her down and help her to put it into perspective. She is driving me nuts. I wish she had a MUTE button. Thank God it is Friday, because I really need a break from her.

I am so excited that I am going to WDW in June, but this general public overreaction and widespread media coverage is putting a real damper on my enthusiasm. My attitude is basically that unless WDW closes in June, we are going. Even if the airports close, we will just get in the car and drive. We've had to do it before, and we will do it again.

I just wish people could put this in perspective; take the necessary precautions; and get on with their lives.

Okay. That's the end of my rant. :headache:
If it’s any consolation, I read an article that says our focus should be on our most vulnerable populations-people in hospitals and nursing homes. The rest of can help ourselves with hand washing and keeping our hands away from our faces. Schools are germ factories, for sure, but it sounds like you have a good routine in place.
I can’t believe you were counseled about your sick leave! Isn’t that a privacy issue? If you have the leave, it shouldn’t be anyones business that you are taking sick days. I would have been speaking to my union rep if someone in admin questioned my absence. And do they want you to come in sick and possibly infect others?
Sounds like you have a lot going on right now-in your own life and being a source of support for your brother. Hope your house situation works out-if you’re only thinking two years would an apartment work for you and maybe be cheaper?
15lbs since January is awesome!
I’m glad you can focus on taking care of yourself-having something you can control is good for you mentally and physically.

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I catch their colds, and because of my asthma, it invariably becomes bronchitis or pneumonia unless I take at least 2 sick days. The stomach virus going around my room got me really bad last weekend. I recently received "corrective counseling" because I had too many incidences of illness.

This really grinds my gears. If you have the sick days, you should be able to use them. They should be happy you're not bringing illnesses to a school full of other people. The way this country deals with healthcare and time off and has the asinine need to punish and belittle people for taking care of themselves makes me incessantly angry.
I went back to the doctor today, I am now on a steroid to make the pain go away. If this does not work I will need to have a CAT scan of my sinuses and go to an ENT. I am hoping it does not get to that. We have a busy day tomorrow but Sunday we have nothing but grocery shopping. It will be a day to mostly rest.
I went back to the doctor today, I am now on a steroid to make the pain go away. If this does not work I will need to have a CAT scan of my sinuses and go to an ENT. I am hoping it does not get to that. We have a busy day tomorrow but Sunday we have nothing but grocery shopping. It will be a day to mostly rest.
Feel better.
Happy Sunday, everyone! Is the time change messing with anyone else? :laughing: I love having the sun set later, but I'd really like that hour of sleep back right now. Personally, I wish we'd do away with the time changes and just leave everything on summer times all year long.

It's a beautiful 65° and sunny here today, and I am soaking up every last second of my "spring break" before my next class starts tomorrow. Got an email from the professor today outlining the class requirements and expectations... 7 weeks of group projects (this is a fully online MBA program), grading will be done by teacher's assistants, and the only extra credit opportunity is to record and upload a video introduction of yourself. :scared::sad2: If you're not wearing business attire in the video, you don't get credit for doing it, which is an odd requirement to me. I don't own business attire since I don't have a job right now and really have no need for clothes like that, so I'm not sure what I'll do about that.

I am really nervous and kind of dreading this class. So far this sounds like everything that I hate. The MBA program is really strict and if you get a C as your overall final grade for a class, you get put on academic probation. If you get two Cs, you're kicked out of the program. Knowing my grade in a class depends on other people to care and take things seriously is REALLY stressful, especially when you're talking about coordinating with a group of people all on different work & family schedules from various areas of the country. I understand you have to work together in groups in the real world, but in my opinion that is not the same. Ugh. Since class doesn't start until tomorrow, though, I'm trying very hard not to even worry about it until then. Hopefully it just sounds bad now but once I get in to it and get going, it will get better.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend! Drink your water!
Happy Sunday, everyone! Is the time change messing with anyone else? :laughing: I love having the sun set later, but I'd really like that hour of sleep back right now. Personally, I wish we'd do away with the time changes and just leave everything on summer times all year long.

It's a beautiful 65° and sunny here today, and I am soaking up every last second of my "spring break" before my next class starts tomorrow. Got an email from the professor today outlining the class requirements and expectations... 7 weeks of group projects (this is a fully online MBA program), grading will be done by teacher's assistants, and the only extra credit opportunity is to record and upload a video introduction of yourself. :scared::sad2: If you're not wearing business attire in the video, you don't get credit for doing it, which is an odd requirement to me. I don't own business attire since I don't have a job right now and really have no need for clothes like that, so I'm not sure what I'll do about that.

I am really nervous and kind of dreading this class. So far this sounds like everything that I hate. The MBA program is really strict and if you get a C as your overall final grade for a class, you get put on academic probation. If you get two Cs, you're kicked out of the program. Knowing my grade in a class depends on other people to care and take things seriously is REALLY stressful, especially when you're talking about coordinating with a group of people all on different work & family schedules from various areas of the country. I understand you have to work together in groups in the real world, but in my opinion that is not the same. Ugh. Since class doesn't start until tomorrow, though, I'm trying very hard not to even worry about it until then. Hopefully it just sounds bad now but once I get in to it and get going, it will get better.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend! Drink your water!
Well, that sounds a little stressful! Hopefully you will be paired with people that take the course as seriously as you do-they should, considering what those courses cost! As far as business attire-if you video at a table or desk could you get away
with a simple top and jacket or sweater? I’m thinking he just doesn’t want to see everyone’s pajamas!

Today is beautiful-loved being outside. Took a long walk. I have some chicken marinating for the grill. It’s starting to feel like spring is here!
I have to admit that the Corona scare hit me quite a bit today. The news that they locked down a large part of Italy - and that area is only a 5 hours drive from here - did it. And then Germany now recommends no large gatherings of more over 1000 people. Ugh. I am not so much afraid of the virus, but the whole uncertainty about what is going to come makes me worried. Also, my husband is currently in the US and due back late April. Who knows whether he will be able to travel then and whether he should. But then a friend needed some advice from my professional area of expertise and I spent a couple of hours on that and it really helped!

Food was good during the weekend. Yesterday I made a mistake and forgot to track something, so eating was not perfect. But I made a new dish: curried chickpeas with tofu. It was delicious! I think I have mentioned a couple of times that I am trying to cut down on meat and am always looking for other good sources of protein. I actually like tofu. When I have it at Asian restaurants I love it. But so far I was never able to buy any that was tasty. And now I found one! It is even organic with European soy (so no GM soy). The dish was so easy to make and really tasty. I finally dug out my rice cooker and made some brown rice with it and felt like I had such a healthy meal! If anyone is interested, I can post the recipe.

Exercise was a big fail. I walked to the gym, went to the locker room, opened my bag and found out that I forgot to pack my shorts! Wasn't going to work out in my tight low rise jeans!

If you're not wearing business attire in the video, you don't get credit for doing it, which is an odd requirement to me. I don't own business attire since I don't have a job right now and really have no need for clothes like that, so I'm not sure what I'll do about that.

I normally would not condone this, but maybe that is a case of getting something to wear for the video and then return... You would only wear it for 10 minutes at home while doing the video. Since the video is only from the front, you can leave tags on.

Knowing my grade in a class depends on other people to care and take things seriously is REALLY stressful, especially when you're talking about coordinating with a group of people all on different work & family schedules from various areas of the country. I understand you have to work together in groups in the real world, but in my opinion that is not the same.

See it as a chance that you could possibly emphasize as a skill when you apply for jobs afterwards. And with things being so international, the likelihood of groups that you work with being based in all different areas of the world (and therefore in different time zones) is only going to increase.
I have to admit that the Corona scare hit me quite a bit today. The news that they locked down a large part of Italy - and that area is only a 5 hours drive from here - did it. And then Germany now recommends no large gatherings of more over 1000 people. Ugh. I am not so much afraid of the virus, but the whole uncertainty about what is going to come makes me worried. Also, my husband is currently in the US and due back late April. Who knows whether he will be able to travel then and whether he should. But then a friend needed some advice from my professional area of expertise and I spent a couple of hours on that and it really helped!

They announced today the first confirmed case in our county! We have to go to the grocery store tomorrow night since we couldn't fit it in over the weekend, and I am expecting insanity, haha. Our grocery stores were already limiting sales of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and cold medicine because people have been stockpiling. Have any cases been confirmed where you are?

I don't usually lose sleep over these things - the flu doesn't really worry me, my suite mate in college had swine flu and that didn't worry me, zika came and went with no real issues - but coronavirus has got me a little concerned. I think it's the poor handling of things stateside that makes this much worse than it probably should be. Maybe things are being blown out of proportion, maybe they aren't - no one has any idea!

Is your husband anywhere that cases have been reported so far? I hope he is able to go home with no issue!! We are planning to go to New Orleans the first weekend in May for Jazzfest and I'm worried it's going to get cancelled because of the virus, or that bands will start dropping out. So many things up in the air!
I am concerned, enough that we postponed our trip for next week. We can travel anytime, so I don’t need to get on a plane right now. Although we’re over 60 we’re in good health otherwise. I think we will see more cases in hospitals and nursing homes. Hopefully warmer weather will bring a drop in cases.

@Flossbolna, I am going to try cooking with tofu this week! Here’s the recipe. https://tasty.co/recipe/protein-packed-roasted-vegetable-salad
...and the only extra credit opportunity is to record and upload a video introduction of yourself. :scared::sad2: If you're not wearing business attire in the video, you don't get credit for doing it, which is an odd requirement to me. I don't own business attire since I don't have a job right now and really have no need for clothes like that, so I'm not sure what I'll do about that.

I think the purpose is to put together clothes for future interviews - now, while there's no pressure. This way, you can shop around a bit for good prices, and justify spending the money on yourself because it helps your grade. :teeth:


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