Spring is Coming

I'm sorry, how quick would I get called out if I posted a young female in skimpy shorts and jogging bra and called her "yummy"?
Well, <<I>> wouldn’t call you out. It wouldn’t bother me whatsoever, unless your description was really crude. “Yummy” isn’t, IMO.
😫😫 Last week was beautiful, yesterday 4-5 inches of snow and cold. Not as bad a parts of california, but I am so tired of the cold & snow. Bring on the HEAT, I am ready for summer!
Trade you! I am so sorry what little winterish weather we had is over, and the temps are hitting the 80’s many days. I can remember when the hot weather wouldn’t arrive until late April, which was fine by me. It’s time for me to hibernate in the AC until at least November . . .
Well, <<I>> wouldn’t call you out. It wouldn’t bother me whatsoever, unless your description was really crude. “Yummy” isn’t, IMO.
Honestly, the only issue I have with it is the double standard. I don't have a problem with people saying "so and so is attractive". You think that guy is yummy? Good for you. But I *REALLY* think I'd be raked over the coals if I did the same with a young woman.
Spring is lovely where I live, but then comes the dreaded Summer. I wish Winter were longer.


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