Split stay, yes or no


I am a delicate flower and need my sleep.
Jan 4, 2000
I have booked POFQ for ten days for Disapalooza. Originally for my December trip I was going to stay at the Dolphin. But since it doesn't count for the party, I decided on POFQ. It is just finishing a rehab, so it will still be sparklely new when I get there in December. And I have always loved this resort.

Of course, I am never happy just letting things be. Especially when I have almost six months to make changes to my plans.

So what do you think about making it a split stay? Opinions please.

This past December we did a split stay and personally I rather just stay in one place. My dh missed out on part of our day having to make sure things got transferred and it just kind of put a damper in things and I hated unpacking and packing in the middle of my trip. For me I enjoy it just staying at one place
I am 100% not a fan of split stays. I rather get comfortable in my room and resort than have to move. Some guests like it, but it is just not for me. I rather focus on having fun that packing and unpacking.
I like the idea of trying out 2 hotels in one trip but i've never actually done it and think I would be annoyed at the wasted time and effort. Heck I get upset when dh wants to do a no park day :lmao: if you've got tons of time and have a good reason then go for it (like to save $ or to be in a specific location for an event ) but I wouldn't do it just for the heck of it.
I love split stays! But, only if you're staying for a week or more. We've done it the past couple years and it works for us. Gives us 2 totally different experiences. Last yr it was CSR and BCV. Helped us decide we had to be in the boardwalk area for F&W this yr. This it will be BWV and AKL. It can be a hassle to pack everything and move it but we do pretty well, now that we've gotten some practice. It also helps that we rent a car. Stuff we don't need can stay packed in the car and we don't have to rely on someone else to move our bags.
I like split stays for longer trips...but, we are trying to not do 3 resorts in one stay again.
Maybe for a 10 day stay it would be okay, but I'm not a fan of moving. I like to get settled in and not think about packing and suitcases until I absolutely have to. To me packing and moving is just an unnecessary hassle that I avoid.
We did a split stay over a weekend last fall and it was awesome. We're a little paranoid about putting our stuff in the drawers at any hotel, so there wasn't any packing or unpacking to deal with. The ride from AKL to BWI took all of 10 minutes, and since we did online check in for both resorts, it was easy as pie.
I've never done a split stay, and not sure I would want to....but who knows what the future will bring.

I like to get settled and stay put....gives me more time to enjoy the parks.
I've never done a split stay beacuse I only go for 5-7 nights per trip. I prefer to drop my crap in the room and use it only as a shower and a bed. If only I could schedule a longer trip to give myself to enjoy the resort more ...
I'm not a fan of split stays either. Once I drop my stuff in a room - I don't want to have to pick it all up and move it somewhere else.

The split stay is far less fun and way more work while you're on vacation than it sounds like at home. But there are people who say they just love it. One man's meat.

If you must do it, plan time to pack up into your schedule. Packing at Disney is much less fun than it was at home. At home, you're excited about leaving and all that jazz. On vacation, it is just work. Bring something (plastic garbage bags work nicely) for stuff that is wet and for stuff that is dry, but dirty. If you can, pack two separate bags for the two different hotels. That would help some. :)

Remember that you may have nowhere to go until 3 p.m. (in rare instances, later) on the day you're changing hotels. Have an idea of where you'd like to go if the day turns out to be too hot, cold or rainy and you have no room.

If you do the split stay, let us know how you liked it...and good luck!
I'm so confused by people who think that split stays are a big deal. Ours literally took a total of 20 minutes, from being in our room at AKL to in our room at BWI.
I'm so confused by people who think that split stays are a big deal. Ours literally took a total of 20 minutes, from being in our room at AKL to in our room at BWI.
You packed up all your stuff, went to the car or bus, drove over to BWI, checked in and walked to your room in 20 minutes?!

Color me impressed. And jealous - I've waited longer than 20 minutes just to get to the check-in counter.
You packed up all your stuff, went to the car or bus, driven over to BWI, checked in and walked to your room in 20 minutes?!

Color me impressed. And jealous - I've waited longer than 20 minutes just to get to the check-in counter.

We don't pack or unpack. We do suitcase living on vacation. But yes, we took a taxi and did online check in. It took less than 20 minutes.
We did a split stay (to avoid paying holiday weekend - and discount code not applying - rates at the Poly). It really wasn't a big deal. We had a rental car, which may have made it easier. We just packed up our things and loaded the car up in the morning before heading over to DHS. Then, when we left DHS for our afternoon break, we just drove over to the Swan and checked in there. Then it was back out to MK for MNSSHP.

That move saved us about $400 for just that one night, so it was well-worth it from a financial perspective. The extra hassle was minimal, and we discovered that we really liked the Swan a lot.

If you split between two different Disney resorts, it's even easier, as they'll transfer your luggage for you. It's also a good way to indulge in a Deluxe Dining Plan for just part of a trip (and enjoy signature dining for a few days) or save some cash by downgrading to a QSDP (or no dining plan at all).
We've done a split stay and will do it again, BUT I would prefer NOT to. We do it to save on DVC points or if our 1st choice is only available for part of the vacation time. I like to unpack my things and then have to pack them up again. If I were you, I wouldn't do a split.
In Dec. 2009 I stayed at Bonnet Creek for 3 nights, Disney Wonder cruise for 4 nights, then a split stay between AKL (2 nights) and WL (3 nights). I would've preferred all 5 nights at AKL, but my roommate wanted to try the WL - so we compromised. What I REALLY would've preferred was to stay at the Swan all 5 nights - where I usually stay.

To answer your question, moving from one resort to another was no big deal, but I'd prefer to stay in one place for a visit that's less than one week.
When I STARTED planning this trip I had said I didn't want a split stay. I have done several split stays. I think I'm going to just stay at POFQ. Skip is staying there and strangely enough another friend is staying there the same week. I think I am going to be her escape valve from DH and DGS :lmao: :lmao: I will whisk her away from family and I will have a companion for part of my solo trip.


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