Something About Nothing............ #14

Good evening everyone. Quiet night here. Dh is watching college football. Last night I fell asleep while he was watching NFL - NY Giants and the Washington football team. This afternoon I took a nap. Woke up around 5:00, turned the TV on and the same game was on. A replay of course, but it looked to be about the same time in the game from when I fell asleep.

I hate 2 step sign ins. We have to use those on some of the websites we use at work. My boss uses her phone for the second step, so if she forgets to leave me her phone I can't get into the site.

I'll take the PB&J. I'm not shrimp sensitive. I just don't like them.

Have a great trip. I'm sorry I will miss you.

I'm looking forward to getting the luggage out, but it is still too early for me to start packing.

Have you driven in Miami? Some of the worst drivers I have seen.

Gorgeous. Looks so peaceful.

I would have loved to be there today too. I heard that the day crowds were very low.

You have my sympathies. I hope nothing serious for you too.

I think tomorrow we will be making a trip to Home Depot. We have an electrician coming next week to do some small jobs. One is replacing the light fixtures on our front porch. We need to go purchase the fixtures.

Never been to Miami Charade so can`t compare, but Orlando is notoriously bad....I`ve seen some of the worst driving there.....and we`ve driven in Paris which is up there with the worst driving in the world!

We do have some gorgeous beaches in our country......I do miss having the Islands to look out to like we had on the West Coast, but I love living beside the ocean.

Hope you get what you need today and get your jobs done.

@tink1957 ........Safe travels to you today Vicki......hope you have the best time on your trip!!!

Had a lovely sleep in this morning as we weren`t heading out was lovely and I had the best sleep last night.

We do plan to walk into the village this afternoon as a couple of our friends are meeting to have a glass of wine in one of the pubs, so they asked and we said we`d join them for one.

So this morning is bedding and a few jobs I`ve been putting off for a while....always fun!! But, it`s another beautiful day here, although the autumn chill is prevalent in the early mornings and evening now......getting a little crispy now which is so lovely while the sun shines.

Bacon will be sizzling in a couple of hours....decided on it for lunch instead of breakfast as we slept so late.




Have a wonderful Saturday........:wave2:
Never been to Miami Charade so can`t compare, but Orlando is notoriously bad....I`ve seen some of the worst driving there.....and we`ve driven in Paris which is up there with the worst driving in the world!
I find it interesting that many locals blame the traffic on's not the's the damn locals! Everyday I see idiot drivers that just don't care about other drivers on the road...just as long as they get where they are going...that's all that matters. You have to drive aggressively down here.

Anyway...good morning all. Just paid some bills and will make my weekly Walmart trip here in a while.

We had some serious rain early last evening so I know the folks at HHN were least for a while.

I hope everyone has a great day. :sunny:
Did I smell bacon cooking? oooooh. Yum! Any time of day is a time for bacon eating.🥓

Glad to hear had a good night sleep Schumi. And a later start to a day is definitely a Saturday morning perfect way to start. Me, did also have a good night’s sleep, but still cannot always sleep late on weekend days. So, up early, and put that pot of tea on, and grabbed the throw, as house feels a bit cool this morning. Yep, getting towards that Fall cool mornings and evenings, and glorious sunny days with the trees starting to be those yellows, oranges and golden colors. But for now, we get that warm air around, so all is still green, and grass still has a few more weeks to be mowed.

Charade, hope the dermo visit shows nothing, and Son, I hope no bad news either.

Very dark out, as still an overcast sky. But weather lady just said, the clouds should depart before the sun sets, then a clear, and much cooler overnight, with Sunday and Monday to be full of sun days. Yay, will be taking off with a beautiful sunny mid day flight. Woot! Though as usual, where I’m going says partly sunny, with rain predicted in the later afternoon and early evening. Hoping by the time I stroll into HHN tomorrow night, that rain chances for the rest of the night are zero. But as our normal high temp this time of year is in the low 80’s, will still be around 10 degrees higher where I’ll be the next two weeks. Double woot.

Good Morning Metro. Yep, I’m with you, early shopping is the best. Hope you find what want at Walmart. Yep, I was in bill paying mode last late afternoon. Have to do it some time. And yeah, I heard a very rainy night last night too. As said, very much hoping tomorrow night has no rain. Will be my first night, with a private RIP the second night I go. So my first night does not have to be having to see and do everything.

Stupendous Saturday homies. And again, safe travels to Tink, MonyK, and any other homie enjoying their countdown is going to be take off day this weekend.
T minus one. :jumping3: Yay!!!
I find it interesting that many locals blame the traffic on's not the's the damn locals! Everyday I see idiot drivers that just don't care about other drivers on the road...just as long as they get where they are going...that's all that matters. You have to drive aggressively down here.

Anyway...good morning all. Just paid some bills and will make my weekly Walmart trip here in a while.

We had some serious rain early last evening so I know the folks at HHN were least for a while.

I hope everyone has a great day. :sunny:

I often think Brits should get a slide show on the plane of differing driving standards in America......especially.....right turn on red!

Tom once banned me from driving for a day or two after my head was almost exploding stuck behind folks who don`t know you can turn right on red unless it tells you not to of course........yep, makes me mad. I think I`m a darn decent driver over there too, so I do get frustrated at bad driving anywhere. And phoning or txting while driving!!! You do see the occasional idiot over here doing it, but not to the same degree.

But, I agree, locals can be bad for sure and also agree you have to drive, shall we say Completely disregarding other drivers is common.

Have a great Saturday and enjoy shopping!!! In and out as quickly as possible if we ever need to shop on a Saturday here.......

Most little jobs done now.....including cleaning the drawer in the washing machine......doesn`t matter how often it`s cleaned, there`s always something lurking in there, I may be a little obsessive about things like that though according to friends.......:rolleyes1

Just found out my friends sister the Vegan is coming for a lunchtime drink My friend sent me a txt with just the words....."I`m sorry lol" I knew what she meant.

All she ever does is moan, be cheap and copy everything I say, despite not liking me lol.......not fun to be around, but there will be about 9 of us, so I`ll sit the far end from her. She is the complete opposite of her sister.....but will be nice to see everyone else.
Was actually a pleasure to enjoy the (not quite so bad losing) football game last night. finally, a conference game on their own level. Think it’s going to take another year for them to come into their own tho, all younger classmen. Many who never suited up for a single game before this year. if anybody is up to that challenge to get them up to speed it’s my boys :)

today, need to steam a suit that was handed to me yesterday afternoon & possibly cut my youngest DS’s that hasn’t been touched since the pandemic started. o_O A clipper cut = i got that. Have a bit of knot in my stomach over the thot of attempting an actual haircut, as it’s below his shoulders. Ah well, plan B is clippers lol
Lynne give Patrick (patster) a big hi from me when you see him.
Think it was maybe close to 3 weeks ago he told me you were the last one to contact him to fill his private hhn tour in September
good for him filling his Last spot. Buying a tour, then scurrying to find people to join in & share the cost is nerve wracking IMO. not sure it would ever get easier on my mind. Was always so happy to be able to enjoy them, think it a real kindness for those who make that experience happen for others:worship:
I could read but not post.
But that’s all behind me for the next 26 days
hoops, why so many hoops in this world. you wouldn’t think to find them here. I’m sure that date tends to loom rather large on the horizon.
Dinner tonight is shrimp!
nature’s other white, meat, um, shellfish, um crustacean No matter what you call it, yummy
Shrimp......even though I`m full with Janet`s bourbon chicken dish......there`s always room for shrimp!!!
:dance3:So glad it worked out well for you. I tend to get a bit nervous sharing recipes for fear they won’t work out for recipient.
It's almost go my hair cut, eyebrows waxed and pedicure done. Instacart order placed and checked into our SW flight.
sounds like all the boxes are checked! go get the heck scared out of you :) have a great time.
keisha...oh no, a Jack Daniels shortage
Lynne, looks like we're going on the same tour with Pat
Give him a shout out from the mr & me too! talk about a small world after all :earboy2:
Didn`t get anything with birthday money mum gave me, but I`m sure I will....
so nice she remembered you. Must look for something special.
yep, I love scooby is the earliest cartoon I remember watching as a child......
classics I still watch the newer offerings with the ‘lil. She insists, really she does lol
lol...thank you......he still looks a little sunblushed from the sun today as he
nothing with a little glow
Did someone mention Champagne........😉
i had thot you might gasp, just a little :)
oops....bourbon chicken is finished.......we were supposed to leave some for lunch tommorrow....didn`t happen, it was delicious!
jr who worked at Starbucks in mall during HS & college breaks was so excited I finally nailed it. Pretty sure he ate it every day he worked, not something on menu in most take out Chinese places here.

Saw a sign a thai take out joint is going to be opening in town. Only tried it a few times in the past, not a fan of either of the pad Thai dishes. will give it another whirl
Sorry to miss Mac and Robo this year.
:rolleyes1how soon we forget :rotfl2::rotfl: I’m sure you will have a lovely time. So many tend to work those APs at both parks to work in multiple trips on one. Most thrilled when they added on the extra months extending their usage.

i have two U AP to renew at GS before the end of the month as I’m going to downgrade one of them. I called in and was told it should be done that way since the mr would need a new card because of it. Oh happy joy to get to wait in line I’m still considering calling in & waiting on hold again to see if I get a different response from the next CSR I speak to, my thot he should be able to just stop in shorter GS inside park sometime during the trip to get the new card:confused3 eh, what do i know?
All she ever does is moan, be cheap and copy everything I say, despite not liking me lol.......not fun to be around, but there will be about 9 of us, so I`ll sit the far end from her. She is the complete opposite of her sister.....but will be nice to see everyone else.
Hey, everyone! Hope everyone had a good week and has a good weekend! Thanks for all the congrats on me graduating! I also weighted myself again this morning and down 45lbs so I guess if I ever go to the parks again I should definitely have no issues as I haven't been this low in years. Unless Hagrid's (yep still haven't ridden it yet) and Velocicoaster is hella smaller compared to other rides. :rotfl2:

schumigirl hope it works out for the lunch and you still have a good time. Also, nice pictures of that beach!

Lynne I love how you describe everything on how it looks outside, sounds so peaceful. I wish we had cooler weather here. Won't be for awhile. Sniff.

Charade hope it turns out okay!

Tink hope you travel safely!

Keisha I had to cut my father's hair during the pandemic and other than general knowledge I also watched a few YouTube videos prior to doing it. Perhaps if you see someone else doing it and perhaps instructing you, you may be able to feel a little less anxiety about it. However, I'm a visual learner so if you learn better another way may need to find another method. However, either way, you can always do little by little. Always best to do too little than too much.

Metro West I feel ya, it definitely it's the locals, however I kinda feel with living in Florida as long as I have I feel everyone in Florida is a tourist. We have so many mixed cultures, especially down more southern Florida. Also, we all like to visit all these attractions over Florida. Where I live most the people in my town come recently from New Jersey and New York so not many "Floridians" in my town. Also, I gotta say I give you props if you live in Orlando and drive in all that all the time. I'm not aggressive enough so I always try to stay on property if I go to the parks. 1-4 is enough for me.

Anywho, peace out homies, I hope you all are doing alright and if anyone is going through anything, I hope it all works out for you. <3

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Keisha I had to cut my father's hair during the pandemic and other than general knowledge I also watched a few YouTube videos prior to doing it. Perhaps if you see someone else doing it and perhaps instructing you, you may be able to feel a little less anxiety about it. However, I'm a visual learner so if you learn better another way may need to find another method. However, either way, you can always do little by little. Always best to do too little than too much.
Ooh good idea. Hadn’t thot of it. Going to have the mr sharpen the scissors when he rolls out of bed too

two major accomplishments for you! Wishing you the world:flower1:

I haven't told too many people that I am turning 50 either. I mean family obviously knows. I kept it quiet at work before I quit, because so many people are much younger than me. As my dad says, better to be getting older than to not be getting older.
I haven't shared with many either...but your dad is correct!

Yum yum in our tums. Dinner was delish, with leftovers for tomorrow & takeout containers to be delivered to my DS.

sauce reminded me of lava. Used those garden tomatoes
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The chicken/veggie mix before being lightly sauced & baked. Served with spaghetti noodles. Made the mistake of sampling the peppers out of garden to ‘see how hot they were’. Milk, bring me the milk:drinking1
View attachment 605355

pesky work. When i did toil full time, tried that cook all day Sunday thing/eat all week. Hogwash lol


lol a great description. He some across so intense, almost frightening

that’s still early in my book

funny how that often works out. Me, I’m obsessed with how good his mummy looks Lol. Wonder what magical elixir she uses To stay so young looking? Maybe sonny boy whipped up something

has Xmas in July segued over there yet? It’s rather popular here for dining, events & sales In the shops.

happy trails

time to call in Detective Poirot

I‘m sure it’s difficult to believe, as that is a milestone, however; it is all relative. A decade from now 50 will sound young.:thumbsup2
Your food looks positively delish!

A decade from now, I'll be still telling people I'm 50, lol!! Not aging another year for at least that long...

The differences in our countries are massive. Even when I worked for my best friend, I was her Practice Manager for 2 years, I still got sick/vacation pay. Again, very different policies between our nations, I understand that, it`s just how many folks over there don`t get these benefits that always surprises me even today. Glad you ahve an understanding boss though, that is good to hear especially with your mum living a bit away from you.

Nice tee shirt.......I like that one a lot.

Shout it loud and proud you`ll be 50 one will believe you as you look so good!!!

I loved my 50th celebrations......get that trip sorted and celebrate!!!

Hope your dad is doing ok, he must be feeling so bad right now. I`m glad you`re so close to them Lori.

lol.....hope the chillies weren`t too bad! Sounds a lovely dish though......Tom wants the bourbon chicken on Sunday, so I`m going to make it then, I just need some soy sauce I think.

Well, the Christmas movie channel started up on July 1st and a place we bought one of our Christmas trees had a July sale on this year.......crazy. But generally no we aren`t as bad as that yet.....but cards, wrapping paper are definetely sneaking in earlier and earlier........ goodness, yes, willpower.....I`ve heard of that being a true gift......never had much of it myself!! Yes, I think Mr Musk has created something for her, she looks amazing! He is a strange one for sure, but as I said to you I think, I could listen to him talk for hours and never get bored. I tried to watch Bezos one night.....ugh....I switched off after 2 minutes, completely without personality or character.

Woke up this morning feeling as though I had a hangover!! Only had tonic water last night, I think I must not have slept great. Tom just told me I was yapping in my sleep last night about missing appointments :confused3 I don`t have a single appointment this month, then I muttered something about driving.......not a clue.

Going to be another warm and glorious day today, I`m sure when it changes we`ll really feel it, but enjoying these late summer days while we can.

No muffins this morning, just plain old toast and preserves and again no clue for dinner tonight, I need to think later what I want. Out walking first though......might pop into town today as I have some birthday money my lovely mummy sent me to get something nice. Then again, if going to be really nice, might just set up in the garden for the rest of the day.

Friday.....yep, even us ladies of leisure still love that Friday feeling.




Have a wonderful Friday :sunny:
Thanks Carole!
I don't feel 50...not sure how this number is possible??

Sweet of your mum to gift you funds to find something nice, Schumi. Glad your weather is good enough to enjoy time in the garden. And yep, I always enjoy my Friday feeling. So happy it’s the end of this week day routine. Particularly means next two will be a different week day routine, so very happy about that.

Keisha, did you hear, limiting to two bottles of liquor in our state stores? Shortages of bubbly, what? Eh, if it was more around the holidays, I can see people wanting to send several others to buy 2 bottles for them, LOL. Safe travels. And dinner sounded great. Yeah, my one brother said his very hot pepper plants are bursting with big enough to pick peppers. I’m sure he will give us a good handful. And yep, milk at the ready. Though most will be eaten by my DH. I swear, he has no taste buds. I do like spicy hot, nose clearing fine, but not so hot I have to get milk. As we had chinese last night, that hot mustard does a good job of that nose clearing. I like to put some of that mustard on my egg roll.

And a nice day for us. 80 degrees the high, with those pesky scattered showers predicted later in the day. But warm enough now, I hear the AC going. I guess. Says it’s 70 out, cloud covering sky, and oh so humid. Air quality is good, so hoping some of that early day humidity will burn off. Weather lady said partly sunny day. I hope that sunny part is when I do my lunchtime walk.

Fabulous Friday feeling homies. Yay! A Friday it is.:dance3:

And yeah, no comment on that turning 50. That was umm, in my past. Shh. :poop:
A liquor limit??!! There would be rioting if that was the case in WI....we take our booze seriously!! LOL!

Charade yay for painters!

Keisha it might have marginally worked. I just can’t understand how people can leave their dirty dishes in the sink in a staff room. So ignorant.
I still have to leave house at 3am for 6:00 flight, ugh. Contemplating staying at daughters house. She’s a lot closer to airport.

Schumi ugh big spiders! Yikes. I’m chicken and call husband to deal with it!

Lynne we have opposite problem. They removed my afternoon connecting flights going home so I have to overnight in Seattle to wait for morning flight.

Pumpkin that’s terrible people are being idiots about following rules. And now we have to show vaccine passport to gain entry to some places. I feel bad about workers getting the brunt of peoples anger. Some restaurants have decided to do takeout only to avoid unruly people. Sad.

it’s like magic with my 2, the minute they’re done with their exam they’re fine lol.

Schumi bbq sounds good. Love jerk chicken.

Paris sorry about your dads BFF. You should absolutely go yourself! I’ve heard solo trips are a blast!

Charade glad you’re getting sick pay! I’m kinda surprised to hear there’s offices that don’t give sick pay.
Good tee find! I saw that one in Walmart but unfortunately they only had one, and it was an xs. I may go to the larger store and have anoth

Schumi here Mat leave is 1yr. 4 weeks is shocking!
Yay for finding your DVD and birthday money!

Paris, 50 is just a number! :upsidedow

Realfood safe travels.

Pumpkin yay for DH coming home and presents!

Soniam your dad is a wise man! Certainly better than the alternative.

Lynne lol! I tell my husband he has probably singed his taste buds off!

Yesterday we BBQd burgers, oldest dds fav! And was last nice day for awhile. Also got a nice walk in.
Today the storm moved in. Torrential rain at times, supposed to get high wind gusts too. Never a good combination. We have several tall trees around our property. I hate wind.
We may even have lightning a rarity here. A good day to stay home! Weather will still be unsettled the next few days so doubt I’ll go paddling tomorrow.
DH bought chicken yesterday for chicken soup today. A good soup day!
Thank you for your kind words Sue!! I have done solo before and it was a blast!
Was just hoping to have DH accompany me...

When do you leave Lynne for your trip, is it the 19th? I`m sure you`ll have the best time...and you have the RIP tour with Patster.......hope you enjoy that too ::yes::

Why did I think you didn`t eat spicy stuff ever?

"Gift you funds" is the funniest way to describe birthday money ever.......never heard anyone use that expression for a present before. But, yes, will buy something rather lovely with it.

Thoroughly enjoyed our walk as well this morning, did 6 miles, home and showered then out to pick up a few bits and pieces........going to do Janet`s Bourbon chicken recipe she gave me tonight, so I needed cider vinegar and soy sauce, had run out of both. Hope it turns out ok.......

This afternoon has been a lazy one, laundry on the line and will dried in no time, and done some baking for the weekend and a church event tomorrow that they asked for baking donations to be handed in, plus make a few things for us while I`m at it.

Another sunny, hot day here......Tom was snoozing on one of the sofa`s by the windows in the kitchen earlier, sun was beating down on him lol.......they`re floor to ceiling bifold doors, so lots of sunshine through them, he was like a cat on that sofa.

3rd batch of baking ready to come out........
Wish we could hang laundry on a line. It is against our HOA rules...

It's Friday :banana:

I was sitting in my chair...and I honestly thought it was Friday night last night. I was more day. Only 6 more hours (give or take) until the weekend. seems like it was a long week. Not sure what's on the agenda for the weekend. One thing I will do is to sort the clothes we decided to sell from our closet. We cleaned out our closet last weekend of all the clothing we no longer fit or was just old and out of style. I have a good lot of clothing to sort into smaller groups to sell. So that will take up a good portion of my weekend. It felt good to get that chore done. Now, I can focus on reorganizing the closet with some sort of closet organizer to maximize how we use it. We actually have a decent size closet...but just need to reconfigure it.

@Charade 67 great t-shirt for your trip. Also, it's great your boss is great for time off. I have to say our branch manager is the same. I'm extremely lucky he is so flexible. It was great when the kids were younger and I was always running them to appointments, sicks days ...and now when we decide last minute to leave early and head to the city to see the kids. I definitely will miss that flexibility if I ever find a different job.

@Sue M enjoy your chicken soup. I LOVE a good bowl of soup - especially chicken! It sounds like a perfect day for soup!!!!!!!

@Lynne G limiting alcohol. wow...there must be shortages somewhere. Have a great weekend. What is your countdown at now?

@schumigirl enjoy the $$$ your mom sent you. Those are the best gifts. I hope your trip into town goes great and you find something special to buy. I'm sure you had your eye on something special.

@soniam I am turning 50 too in the new year. It definitely is a right of passage, and like you, we haven't told many people. Many of dh's work didn't know he was turning 50 until I posted on FB of his birthday surprise. It's just one of those things. I do love it when people tell me that I don't look old enough to be a Grammie lol I love being the young fun grammie who takes her down water slides and will get onto the playground to play with her

@J'aime Paris I too and turning 50 in the new year. With covid and travel restrictions who knows what or when we will actually get to do what we had planned to celebrate our birthdays.

Well...I should probably shuffle some papers. That is why they actually pay me a wage.

Have a great day everyone. Stay safe!!!!
Yay for closet cleaning! One of the best feelings!!

I hope the travel restrictions ease in time for a celebration for's getting frustrating for so many.

Painters are here working. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

Had an interesting dermatologist appointment today. I have what I thought was a blood blister on my leg, but it’s not healing. The doctor decided that a biopsy was in order. Hope it isn’t anything too serious.

I originally had an 11:00 flight. If I had known it would be moved up 2 hours I would have paid a little more and flown out of the airport close to home.

Thank you. If I remember correctly you are a Scooby fan too.

An alcohol shortage now? There seems to be a shortage of so many things right now.

I found mine in Kohl’s. Do you have those there?

I would love to find a good way to organize our closets . Ours are too small.

I need to go find something to do. I am literally watching paint, actually primer, dry.
ALL good thoughts on the biopsy results!!

Now I need to hit up Kohls!!

Spent a few hours bringing beginnings of halloween decorations up from basement storage area.

Some unseen creepy crawly (Boris? Is that you) took a chimp on my thumb near the joint. Now, have ice on it as nearly doubled in size. May take a Benadryl sooner vs later but, they make me drowsy and it’s Friday Night Lights

I’m sure she’d be thrilled to have you. I insisted my DS spend the night before we leave. That way I can shake the bed in the dawn’s early light lol

Always afraid our power will go out. Never got round to buying a generator

Pat & family are such lovely people! Always enjoyed being on tour with them. His Mom was a real fire cracker. Not sure if she’s still along for the trip. Say hey for me

Exactly what I thot as you started to describe it. You are quite the wordsmith.

Best wishes. No many how many I have processed, always a relief to get that report back no matter what the outcome

Hadnt heard that at our PA state stores. Not a surprise as I’m lucky to visit twice a year. Tend to buy by the case or in bulk if possible there


Busch Gardens, across the street? Never tried it out. I do detest that congested drive down I4 Have seen one too many serious wrecks. Haven’t made that drive in at least 5 years.

IMO it’s not speed being the main factor, just aggressive/reckless drivers. Have seen it worse than DC beltway traffic

Of course, I drive out of my way to always avoid I4. No issue with either bee-line or greenway from airport Could just be ima ‘a chicken’ lol.

Todd’s our resident expert here on the roads :thumbsup2 …curious to his input
Hope your thumb is ok! I'd be so freaked out to not know what bit me!!

Lynne - just saw, I’m safe lol don’t drink any of that fancy stuffs

The PLCB cited “sustained supply chain disruptions and product shortages” as the primary cause of restrictions on some 43 items.

PLCB spokesman Shawn Kelly told the Associated Press that bars, restaurants and other customers were informed of the purchase restrictions and he blamed them on the pandemic.

“If you take a look at stories that have come out from around the country because of covid-19, supply chains have been disrupted, production had been disrupted,” said Kelly. “In some cases there have been shortages of cans and bottles.”

The list of items to be rationed includes specific brands of bourbon, champagne, cognac, tequila and whiskey. Among them: Dom Perignon Champagne, several varieties of Moet & Chandon and Veuve Clicquot Champagne, Hennessy Cognac, Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 Black Label Tennessee Whiskey and Sazerac Straight Rye Whiskey.
Whew! I don't drink most of those....sometimes Jack however

Lynne give Patrick (patster) a big hi from me when you see him.
Think it was maybe close to 3 weeks ago he told me you were the last one to contact him to fill his private hhn tour in September

I’m glad he was able to get 12 in his group!
He was in many of myprivate tours but our dates at the parks over the years, have not matched up

Just now got back on the Dis
Had issues with the 2 step sign in last 4 days
Not a fan of having to do the 2 step set up to sign in every 30 th day

I could read but not post.
But that’s all behind me for the next 26 days

Dinner tonight is shrimp!
Come on over if you are hungry.

If you are shrimp sensitive, I’ll make you a PB&J
Sign me up for shrimp!

Hi everybody :wave2:

It's almost go my hair cut, eyebrows waxed and pedicure done. Instacart order placed and checked into our SW flight.

Still have a few last minute things to pack and a load of laundry to do.

I'm getting more excited by the minute...I know I'm forgetting something...

keisha...oh no, a Jack Daniels shortage :scared1:

Lynne, looks like we're going on the same tour with Pat :cool1:

Carole, save some Bourbon Chicken for me...sounds delicious.

Have a great rest of your day ...I'm off to pack :flower1:
Happy packing and have a wonderful trip!!!!!!!!!

I love a good clear out of closets and drawers.....makes room for more new

Didn`t get anything with birthday money mum gave me, but I`m sure I will....

Have a great weekend.......

Hope you`re happy with the paintwork when it`s done, it`s lovely to see home improvements.

yep, I love scooby is the earliest cartoon I remember watching as a child......

lol...thank you......he still looks a little sunblushed from the sun today as he

I don`t mind that drive on that road, I agree though it is a complete madhouse at times. In all the roads we`ve driven on in Florida, that is one of the worst areas for crazy drivers.

Did someone mention Champagne........😉

Vicki.....have a wonderful time......don`t worry about last minute can get anything you need when you`re there.....and enjoy your tour with of these days I`ll get to say a big hello to him.........

oops....bourbon chicken is finished.......we were supposed to leave some for lunch tommorrow....didn`t happen, it was delicious!

Have a blast and safe travels........

Still full from dinner, so no snashters or snacks tonight......having iced water right now......

But, bacon in the morning for sure.......farmer dropped off 2 dozen of his freshest eggs breakfast and baking in the weekend ahead........

2 pics from the beach this morning.....first one, the sun was barely up, it`s very pretty.


This was 2 hours later.......


Have a good Friday evening.......
Beautiful photos!!!

I hope it's nothing serious. I have to get a biopsy-like procedure on Tuesday. It will be the second time my obgyn has gotten flesh from me in about a month.

Yikes :scared1: Champagne and Cognac shortages!
Good luck on your biopsy as well!!!

Never been to Miami Charade so can`t compare, but Orlando is notoriously bad....I`ve seen some of the worst driving there.....and we`ve driven in Paris which is up there with the worst driving in the world!

We do have some gorgeous beaches in our country......I do miss having the Islands to look out to like we had on the West Coast, but I love living beside the ocean.

Hope you get what you need today and get your jobs done.

@tink1957 ........Safe travels to you today Vicki......hope you have the best time on your trip!!!

Had a lovely sleep in this morning as we weren`t heading out was lovely and I had the best sleep last night.

We do plan to walk into the village this afternoon as a couple of our friends are meeting to have a glass of wine in one of the pubs, so they asked and we said we`d join them for one.

So this morning is bedding and a few jobs I`ve been putting off for a while....always fun!! But, it`s another beautiful day here, although the autumn chill is prevalent in the early mornings and evening now......getting a little crispy now which is so lovely while the sun shines.

Bacon will be sizzling in a couple of hours....decided on it for lunch instead of breakfast as we slept so late.




Have a wonderful Saturday........:wave2:
A glass of wine with friends is the perfect Saturday afternoon!

I find it interesting that many locals blame the traffic on's not the's the damn locals! Everyday I see idiot drivers that just don't care about other drivers on the road...just as long as they get where they are going...that's all that matters. You have to drive aggressively down here.

Anyway...good morning all. Just paid some bills and will make my weekly Walmart trip here in a while.

We had some serious rain early last evening so I know the folks at HHN were least for a while.

I hope everyone has a great day. :sunny:
I never drive when we are in Orlando....too scary!!
I'll drive in Milwaukee traffic, but that's not even close to Orlando level.

Did I smell bacon cooking? oooooh. Yum! Any time of day is a time for bacon eating.🥓

Glad to hear had a good night sleep Schumi. And a later start to a day is definitely a Saturday morning perfect way to start. Me, did also have a good night’s sleep, but still cannot always sleep late on weekend days. So, up early, and put that pot of tea on, and grabbed the throw, as house feels a bit cool this morning. Yep, getting towards that Fall cool mornings and evenings, and glorious sunny days with the trees starting to be those yellows, oranges and golden colors. But for now, we get that warm air around, so all is still green, and grass still has a few more weeks to be mowed.

Charade, hope the dermo visit shows nothing, and Son, I hope no bad news either.

Very dark out, as still an overcast sky. But weather lady just said, the clouds should depart before the sun sets, then a clear, and much cooler overnight, with Sunday and Monday to be full of sun days. Yay, will be taking off with a beautiful sunny mid day flight. Woot! Though as usual, where I’m going says partly sunny, with rain predicted in the later afternoon and early evening. Hoping by the time I stroll into HHN tomorrow night, that rain chances for the rest of the night are zero. But as our normal high temp this time of year is in the low 80’s, will still be around 10 degrees higher where I’ll be the next two weeks. Double woot.

Good Morning Metro. Yep, I’m with you, early shopping is the best. Hope you find what want at Walmart. Yep, I was in bill paying mode last late afternoon. Have to do it some time. And yeah, I heard a very rainy night last night too. As said, very much hoping tomorrow night has no rain. Will be my first night, with a private RIP the second night I go. So my first night does not have to be having to see and do everything.

Stupendous Saturday homies. And again, safe travels to Tink, MonyK, and any other homie enjoying their countdown is going to be take off day this weekend.
T minus one. :jumping3: Yay!!!
:cool1: :yay: 👻 🎃 :car: :goodvibes

I often think Brits should get a slide show on the plane of differing driving standards in America......especially.....right turn on red!

Tom once banned me from driving for a day or two after my head was almost exploding stuck behind folks who don`t know you can turn right on red unless it tells you not to of course........yep, makes me mad. I think I`m a darn decent driver over there too, so I do get frustrated at bad driving anywhere. And phoning or txting while driving!!! You do see the occasional idiot over here doing it, but not to the same degree.

But, I agree, locals can be bad for sure and also agree you have to drive, shall we say Completely disregarding other drivers is common.

Have a great Saturday and enjoy shopping!!! In and out as quickly as possible if we ever need to shop on a Saturday here.......

Most little jobs done now.....including cleaning the drawer in the washing machine......doesn`t matter how often it`s cleaned, there`s always something lurking in there, I may be a little obsessive about things like that though according to friends.......:rolleyes1

Just found out my friends sister the Vegan is coming for a lunchtime drink My friend sent me a txt with just the words....."I`m sorry lol" I knew what she meant.

All she ever does is moan, be cheap and copy everything I say, despite not liking me lol.......not fun to be around, but there will be about 9 of us, so I`ll sit the far end from her. She is the complete opposite of her sister.....but will be nice to see everyone else.
Easy to accommodate her eating.....
Pick some grass from your yard and put it in a bowl, find a few unidentified mushrooms to toss with, and add a couple edible flowers....a little olive oil and voila!!! Lunch, lol!!

Was actually a pleasure to enjoy the (not quite so bad losing) football game last night. finally, a conference game on their own level. Think it’s going to take another year for them to come into their own tho, all younger classmen. Many who never suited up for a single game before this year. if anybody is up to that challenge to get them up to speed it’s my boys :)

today, need to steam a suit that was handed to me yesterday afternoon & possibly cut my youngest DS’s that hasn’t been touched since the pandemic started. o_O A clipper cut = i got that. Have a bit of knot in my stomach over the thot of attempting an actual haircut, as it’s below his shoulders. Ah well, plan B is clippers lol

good for him filling his Last spot. Buying a tour, then scurrying to find people to join in & share the cost is nerve wracking IMO. not sure it would ever get easier on my mind. Was always so happy to be able to enjoy them, think it a real kindness for those who make that experience happen for others:worship:

hoops, why so many hoops in this world. you wouldn’t think to find them here. I’m sure that date tends to loom rather large on the horizon.

nature’s other white, meat, um, shellfish, um crustacean No matter what you call it, yummy

:dance3:So glad it worked out well for you. I tend to get a bit nervous sharing recipes for fear they won’t work out for recipient.

sounds like all the boxes are checked! go get the heck scared out of you :) have a great time.


Give him a shout out from the mr & me too! talk about a small world after all :earboy2:

so nice she remembered you. Must look for something special.

classics I still watch the newer offerings with the ‘lil. She insists, really she does lol

nothing with a little glow

i had thot you might gasp, just a little :)

jr who worked at Starbucks in mall during HS & college breaks was so excited I finally nailed it. Pretty sure he ate it every day he worked, not something on menu in most take out Chinese places here.

Saw a sign a thai take out joint is going to be opening in town. Only tried it a few times in the past, not a fan of either of the pad Thai dishes. will give it another whirl

:rolleyes1how soon we forget :rotfl2::rotfl: I’m sure you will have a lovely time. So many tend to work those APs at both parks to work in multiple trips on one. Most thrilled when they added on the extra months extending their usage.

i have two U AP to renew at GS before the end of the month as I’m going to downgrade one of them. I called in and was told it should be done that way since the mr would need a new card because of it. Oh happy joy to get to wait in line I’m still considering calling in & waiting on hold again to see if I get a different response from the next CSR I speak to, my thot he should be able to just stop in shorter GS inside park sometime during the trip to get the new card:confused3 eh, what do i know?
Good luck on that haircut! And yes, the clippers are always a good plan B!

Didn't want to get too many pages behind again...
I'll stop back later to give a couple updates. I'm off to meet my friend at the gym!
Was actually a pleasure to enjoy the (not quite so bad losing) football game last night. finally, a conference game on their own level. Think it’s going to take another year for them to come into their own tho, all younger classmen. Many who never suited up for a single game before this year. if anybody is up to that challenge to get them up to speed it’s my boys :)

today, need to steam a suit that was handed to me yesterday afternoon & possibly cut my youngest DS’s that hasn’t been touched since the pandemic started. o_O A clipper cut = i got that. Have a bit of knot in my stomach over the thot of attempting an actual haircut, as it’s below his shoulders. Ah well, plan B is clippers lol

good for him filling his Last spot. Buying a tour, then scurrying to find people to join in & share the cost is nerve wracking IMO. not sure it would ever get easier on my mind. Was always so happy to be able to enjoy them, think it a real kindness for those who make that experience happen for others:worship:

hoops, why so many hoops in this world. you wouldn’t think to find them here. I’m sure that date tends to loom rather large on the horizon.

nature’s other white, meat, um, shellfish, um crustacean No matter what you call it, yummy

:dance3:So glad it worked out well for you. I tend to get a bit nervous sharing recipes for fear they won’t work out for recipient.

sounds like all the boxes are checked! go get the heck scared out of you :) have a great time.


Give him a shout out from the mr & me too! talk about a small world after all :earboy2:

so nice she remembered you. Must look for something special.

classics I still watch the newer offerings with the ‘lil. She insists, really she does lol

nothing with a little glow

i had thot you might gasp, just a little :)

jr who worked at Starbucks in mall during HS & college breaks was so excited I finally nailed it. Pretty sure he ate it every day he worked, not something on menu in most take out Chinese places here.

Saw a sign a thai take out joint is going to be opening in town. Only tried it a few times in the past, not a fan of either of the pad Thai dishes. will give it another whirl

:rolleyes1how soon we forget :rotfl2::rotfl: I’m sure you will have a lovely time. So many tend to work those APs at both parks to work in multiple trips on one. Most thrilled when they added on the extra months extending their usage.

i have two U AP to renew at GS before the end of the month as I’m going to downgrade one of them. I called in and was told it should be done that way since the mr would need a new card because of it. Oh happy joy to get to wait in line I’m still considering calling in & waiting on hold again to see if I get a different response from the next CSR I speak to, my thot he should be able to just stop in shorter GS inside park sometime during the trip to get the new card:confused3 eh, what do i know?

Lol……how true!!!

Oh anything that threatens the champagne buying scares me……

The dish was perfect Janet, you worked it out well…..he raved about it the whole night, and again today. I know what you mean about being reluctant to share recipes, I tend not to especially some Scottish ones, there is a certain way of doing some dishes, and I’m not taking responsibility, especially when someone I know doesn’t cook/bake very well asks me…..

Pad Thai in this country isn’t the best, but do enjoy a good Thai restaurant.

Have a good one and enjoy that hair cutting……I cut Kyle’s through the pandemic, but now, he’s back to the barber…..Tom’s is easy though lol…..

Hey, everyone! Hope everyone had a good week and has a good weekend! Thanks for all the congrats on me graduating! I also weighted myself again this morning and down 45lbs so I guess if I ever go to the parks again I should definitely have no issues as I haven't been this low in years. Unless Hagrid's (yep still haven't ridden it yet) and Velocicoaster is hella smaller compared to other rides. :rotfl2:

schumigirl hope it works out for the lunch and you still have a good time. Also, nice pictures of that beach!

Lynne I love how you describe everything on how it looks outside, sounds so peaceful. I wish we had cooler weather here. Won't be for awhile. Sniff.

Charade hope it turns out okay!

Tink hope you travel safely!

Keisha I had to cut my father's hair during the pandemic and other than general knowledge I also watched a few YouTube videos prior to doing it. Perhaps if you see someone else doing it and perhaps instructing you, you may be able to feel a little less anxiety about it. However, I'm a visual learner so if you learn better another way may need to find another method. However, either way, you can always do little by little. Always best to do too little than too much.

Metro West I feel ya, it definitely it's the locals, however I kinda feel with living in Florida as long as I have I feel everyone in Florida is a tourist. We have so many mixed cultures, especially down more southern Florida. Also, we all like to visit all these attractions over Florida. Where I live most the people in my town come recently from New Jersey and New York so not many "Floridians" in my town. Also, I gotta say I give you props if you live in Orlando and drive in all that all the time. I'm not aggressive enough so I always try to stay on property if I go to the parks. 1-4 is enough for me.

Anywho, peace out homies, I hope you all are doing alright and if anyone is going through anything, I hope it all works out for you. <3

View attachment 605632

Well done Disxuni……that is an amazing achievement with your weight loss!! You must be so pleased…….it’s not easy.

I haven't shared with many either...but your dad is correct!

Your food looks positively delish!

A decade from now, I'll be still telling people I'm 50, lol!! Not aging another year for at least that long...

Thanks Carole!
I don't feel 50...not sure how this number is possible??

A liquor limit??!! There would be rioting if that was the case in WI....we take our booze seriously!! LOL!

Thank you for your kind words Sue!! I have done solo before and it was a blast!
Was just hoping to have DH accompany me...

Wish we could hang laundry on a line. It is against our HOA rules...

Yay for closet cleaning! One of the best feelings!!

I hope the travel restrictions ease in time for a celebration for's getting frustrating for so many.

ALL good thoughts on the biopsy results!!

Now I need to hit up Kohls!!

Hope your thumb is ok! I'd be so freaked out to not know what bit me!!

Whew! I don't drink most of those....sometimes Jack however

Sign me up for shrimp!

Happy packing and have a wonderful trip!!!!!!!!!

Beautiful photos!!!

Good luck on your biopsy as well!!!

A glass of wine with friends is the perfect Saturday afternoon!

I never drive when we are in Orlando....too scary!!
I'll drive in Milwaukee traffic, but that's not even close to Orlando level.

:cool1: :yay: 👻 🎃 :car: :goodvibes

Easy to accommodate her eating.....
Pick some grass from your yard and put it in a bowl, find a few unidentified mushrooms to toss with, and add a couple edible flowers....a little olive oil and voila!!! Lunch, lol!!

Good luck on that haircut! And yes, the clippers are always a good plan B!

Didn't want to get too many pages behind again...
I'll stop back later to give a couple updates. I'm off to meet my friend at the gym!

I know what you mean, I look in the mirror sometimes and think…..who is that………but, embrace it, honestly, it really is just a number.

Yes, cannot imagine a booze shortage…….there would be a riot over here……

Hope you’re doing ok and tomorrow goes well for you all….. :hug:

Here’s one just for you……just poured it……it might be sideways or I’ve already had too much…….lol……..


@Metro West

Guess what arrived on our doorstep today…….finally found it in stock with local bookstore.


It does look a very good read, thanks for the mention!

So, did meet some friends for a drink… was lovely, not too sunny as we were outside, but nice and warm. Only had a couple then walked home, but was lovely to spend some time with a few friends. Things do feel almost normal at times like that.

Managed to avoid the Vegan thankfully……we’re always pleasant to each other out of respect to my friend, but she is a cheapskate so I won’t be around her out of choice. I’m guilty of teasing her about bacon though as she has been caught in the past eating bacon…….lol…….

Takeout tonight……no cooking and still to decide if it’s pizza or Chinese……I’ll go with the majority……
Now that's good looking drink 👀

It is very nice! Very refreshing.

And the Disneyland Paris Planet Hollywood glasses we bought in 1992.

Tom surprised me with a week in DLP a month before we got married, everyone thought we were crazy going away just before the wedding…..but, everything was done. Had a fabulous week staying there and visiting Paris too.

But, those glasses have lasted not too bad all this time……
15 minutes until board, sitting at a deli but can see gate. LOVE my small regional airport-know it's getting close when I see pilot, copilot and flight attendant walk to gate LOL. zipped through security -3 people in line but I'm randomly selected for "extra"-just a swabbing of hands. screener recognized my vera bradley Alice in Wonderland bag my kid got me from Disney years ago.
What those guys are doing at SpaceX is fabulous.
pretty cool. Florida kid gets to put her top3 companies she wants to mentor with this year-she put NASA as number 1-SpaceX is on the list but not in her top 3.
MonyK, should be at Royal mid afternoon. I have a BOGO, so I can use one with you that night, and I’ll save the other for that following Saturday. I can always upgrade it to a frequent fear, but may be just as happy with going those two nights. And glad to hear boy is feeling better.
Got my number so just give me a holler if you are up for it
My worry is her not eating but I left food for a few days with her.
Glad she has the comfort of you as her friend. Hope she finds peace in coming days
Might go solo.

I guess you could say I'm in a bit of a funk. Working on pulling myself out...
Go solo!! woot!
I did get some good news. My boss says that she will pay me for the week I was out sick. She says she got some business Covid relief money.
That`s not good.
No our leave policies are HORRENDOUS. It's really a large problem and probably a contributing factor to how badly covid spread in USA
I found one more shirt that I want to take on my trip.
But I hope someone goes and lets us know if there is indeed some in park fun for AP holders.
sad I am missing it!
2 pics from the beach this morning.....first one, the sun was barely up, it`s very pretty.
Well better run for a bathroom break before boarding!
We do have some gorgeous beaches in our country......I do miss having the Islands to look out to like we had on the West Coast, but I love living beside the ocean.


We hope to have a house in Spain, probably Catalunya, on the coast some day. Just love the ocean.

That is totally our son. He grabs the chip bowl for the table and puts it in front of him. He has done this since he was little.

I find it interesting that many locals blame the traffic on's not the's the damn locals! Everyday I see idiot drivers that just don't care about other drivers on the road...just as long as they get where they are going...that's all that matters. You have to drive aggressively down here.

Preach! We have terrible drivers here in Austin. They are slow, indecisive, selfish, and not paying attention. Nothing like the drivers in Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio. Well, all drivers in Texas are a bit selfish, but the rest of them aren't slow.

I often think Brits should get a slide show on the plane of differing driving standards in America......especially.....right turn on red!

Tom once banned me from driving for a day or two after my head was almost exploding stuck behind folks who don`t know you can turn right on red unless it tells you not to of course........yep, makes me mad. I think I`m a darn decent driver over there too, so I do get frustrated at bad driving anywhere. And phoning or txting while driving!!! You do see the occasional idiot over here doing it, but not to the same degree.

But, I agree, locals can be bad for sure and also agree you have to drive, shall we say Completely disregarding other drivers is common.

:rotfl2:You should hear me in the car when taking our son to/from school. It would definitely get an adult rating for language. He is learning to drive, and I kind of feel bad for him. He's probably the only one learning to drive a standard. All of our cars are manual, except the pickup, which doesn't brake well. Plus, the Mini Cooper will become his, and it's also a manual. We have told him that just because he turns 16, is technically allowed to get his driver's license, and has completed all of the training, doesn't mean we will allow him to get it. We have already apologized that we are going to be way stricter than his friend's parents, because we know none of them know how to drive. We have also told him that his phone goes in the glove box or his backpack in the backseat when he drives. The car has bluetooth, but he doesn't need to be distracted yet. I rarely answer calls when I am driving and never look at the phone. Hopefully, next summer we can take him to the BMW teen driving school in South Carolina. They do a lot of car control stuff and have a skid pad.

today, need to steam a suit that was handed to me yesterday afternoon & possibly cut my youngest DS’s that hasn’t been touched since the pandemic started. o_O A clipper cut = i got that. Have a bit of knot in my stomach over the thot of attempting an actual haircut, as it’s below his shoulders. Ah well, plan B is clippers lol

i have two U AP to renew at GS before the end of the month as I’m going to downgrade one of them. I called in and was told it should be done that way since the mr would need a new card because of it. Oh happy joy to get to wait in line I’m still considering calling in & waiting on hold again to see if I get a different response from the next CSR I speak to, my thot he should be able to just stop in shorter GS inside park sometime during the trip to get the new card:confused3 eh, what do i know?

:scared1: on the haircut. I am not that brave. Luckily our son doesn't mind shaggy hair. However, we all go to the same stylist now, so that cuts down exposure some.

I just downgraded my husband's and son's APs over the phone, but they expire before our next trip. They did say we will need to get them new cards. Since I paid for it, I can get the new cards when I arrive before them for HHN. Probably do it at the hotel.

Missed the spider bite. Ouch! I hope it's OK. I am allergic to many spiders, but they always find me. I end up with a nasty little scar that looks like something out of horror movie.

Hey, everyone! Hope everyone had a good week and has a good weekend! Thanks for all the congrats on me graduating! I also weighted myself again this morning and down 45lbs so I guess if I ever go to the parks again I should definitely have no issues as I haven't been this low in years.

That's awesome! Congratulations!

Managed to avoid the Vegan thankfully……we’re always pleasant to each other out of respect to my friend, but she is a cheapskate so I won’t be around her out of choice. I’m guilty of teasing her about bacon though as she has been caught in the past eating bacon…….lol…….

Bacon, it's the gateway meat:rotfl2: Seriously, everyone I know who is now vegan/veggie but didn't grow up that way says bacon is the thing they miss the most.

15 minutes until board, sitting at a deli but can see gate. LOVE my small regional airport-know it's getting close when I see pilot, copilot and flight attendant walk to gate LOL. zipped through security -3 people in line but I'm randomly selected for "extra"-just a swabbing of hands. screener recognized my vera bradley Alice in Wonderland bag my kid got me from Disney years ago.
pretty cool. Florida kid gets to put her top3 companies she wants to mentor with this year-she put NASA as number 1-SpaceX is on the list but not in her top 3.

How exciting!!! Have a great trip!

My husband started out as an aerospace engineering major, but in the 90s, the industry was in the toilet. So, he switched to Electrical Engineering, where we met. He is still a big space nut though. I am looking at some of his Lego space stuff now. Hope she gets a cool mentor.
Hey, everyone! Hope everyone had a good week and has a good weekend! Thanks for all the congrats on me graduating! I also weighted myself again this morning and down 45lbs so I guess if I ever go to the parks again I should definitely have no issues as I haven't been this low in years. Unless Hagrid's (yep still haven't ridden it yet) and Velocicoaster is hella smaller compared to other rides. :rotfl2:

schumigirl hope it works out for the lunch and you still have a good time. Also, nice pictures of that beach!

Lynne I love how you describe everything on how it looks outside, sounds so peaceful. I wish we had cooler weather here. Won't be for awhile. Sniff.

Charade hope it turns out okay!

Tink hope you travel safely!

Keisha I had to cut my father's hair during the pandemic and other than general knowledge I also watched a few YouTube videos prior to doing it. Perhaps if you see someone else doing it and perhaps instructing you, you may be able to feel a little less anxiety about it. However, I'm a visual learner so if you learn better another way may need to find another method. However, either way, you can always do little by little. Always best to do too little than too much.

Metro West I feel ya, it definitely it's the locals, however I kinda feel with living in Florida as long as I have I feel everyone in Florida is a tourist. We have so many mixed cultures, especially down more southern Florida. Also, we all like to visit all these attractions over Florida. Where I live most the people in my town come recently from New Jersey and New York so not many "Floridians" in my town. Also, I gotta say I give you props if you live in Orlando and drive in all that all the time. I'm not aggressive enough so I always try to stay on property if I go to the parks. 1-4 is enough for me.

Anywho, peace out homies, I hope you all are doing alright and if anyone is going through anything, I hope it all works out for you. <3

View attachment 605632
Bravo!! Double congrats on your amazing successes!!

Lol……how true!!!

Oh anything that threatens the champagne buying scares me……

The dish was perfect Janet, you worked it out well…..he raved about it the whole night, and again today. I know what you mean about being reluctant to share recipes, I tend not to especially some Scottish ones, there is a certain way of doing some dishes, and I’m not taking responsibility, especially when someone I know doesn’t cook/bake very well asks me…..

Pad Thai in this country isn’t the best, but do enjoy a good Thai restaurant.

Have a good one and enjoy that hair cutting……I cut Kyle’s through the pandemic, but now, he’s back to the barber…..Tom’s is easy though lol…..

Well done Disxuni……that is an amazing achievement with your weight loss!! You must be so pleased…….it’s not easy.

I know what you mean, I look in the mirror sometimes and think…..who is that………but, embrace it, honestly, it really is just a number.

Yes, cannot imagine a booze shortage…….there would be a riot over here……

Hope you’re doing ok and tomorrow goes well for you all….. :hug:

Here’s one just for you……just poured it……it might be sideways or I’ve already had too much…….lol……..

View attachment 605644

@Metro West

Guess what arrived on our doorstep today…….finally found it in stock with local bookstore.

View attachment 605645

It does look a very good read, thanks for the mention!

So, did meet some friends for a drink… was lovely, not too sunny as we were outside, but nice and warm. Only had a couple then walked home, but was lovely to spend some time with a few friends. Things do feel almost normal at times like that.

Managed to avoid the Vegan thankfully……we’re always pleasant to each other out of respect to my friend, but she is a cheapskate so I won’t be around her out of choice. I’m guilty of teasing her about bacon though as she has been caught in the past eating bacon…….lol…….

Takeout tonight……no cooking and still to decide if it’s pizza or Chinese……I’ll go with the majority……
Carole, you always know how to cheer me up!! We speak the same language....cocktails!!
Love the glass too!

It is very nice! Very refreshing.

And the Disneyland Paris Planet Hollywood glasses we bought in 1992.

Tom surprised me with a week in DLP a month before we got married, everyone thought we were crazy going away just before the wedding…..but, everything was done. Had a fabulous week staying there and visiting Paris too.

But, those glasses have lasted not too bad all this time……
I went to DLP once, about 20 years ago. It was not too long after 9/11, and folks were afraid to fly. I got the absolute bargain airfare for international and couldn't pass it up!!

15 minutes until board, sitting at a deli but can see gate. LOVE my small regional airport-know it's getting close when I see pilot, copilot and flight attendant walk to gate LOL. zipped through security -3 people in line but I'm randomly selected for "extra"-just a swabbing of hands. screener recognized my vera bradley Alice in Wonderland bag my kid got me from Disney years ago.
pretty cool. Florida kid gets to put her top3 companies she wants to mentor with this year-she put NASA as number 1-SpaceX is on the list but not in her top 3.
Got my number so just give me a holler if you are up for it
Glad she has the comfort of you as her friend. Hope she finds peace in coming days
Go solo!! woot!
No our leave policies are HORRENDOUS. It's really a large problem and probably a contributing factor to how badly covid spread in USA
sad I am missing it!

Well better run for a bathroom break before boarding!
Have a safe trip and wonderful time!!!!

For you Michael Myers lovers :rotfl:
The guy is Brilliant!!!! The wife needs a new word....idiot is a terrible choice:rolleyes2

We hope to have a house in Spain, probably Catalunya, on the coast some day. Just love the ocean.

That is totally our son. He grabs the chip bowl for the table and puts it in front of him. He has done this since he was little.

Preach! We have terrible drivers here in Austin. They are slow, indecisive, selfish, and not paying attention. Nothing like the drivers in Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio. Well, all drivers in Texas are a bit selfish, but the rest of them aren't slow.

:rotfl2:You should hear me in the car when taking our son to/from school. It would definitely get an adult rating for language. He is learning to drive, and I kind of feel bad for him. He's probably the only one learning to drive a standard. All of our cars are manual, except the pickup, which doesn't brake well. Plus, the Mini Cooper will become his, and it's also a manual. We have told him that just because he turns 16, is technically allowed to get his driver's license, and has completed all of the training, doesn't mean we will allow him to get it. We have already apologized that we are going to be way stricter than his friend's parents, because we know none of them know how to drive. We have also told him that his phone goes in the glove box or his backpack in the backseat when he drives. The car has bluetooth, but he doesn't need to be distracted yet. I rarely answer calls when I am driving and never look at the phone. Hopefully, next summer we can take him to the BMW teen driving school in South Carolina. They do a lot of car control stuff and have a skid pad.

:scared1: on the haircut. I am not that brave. Luckily our son doesn't mind shaggy hair. However, we all go to the same stylist now, so that cuts down exposure some.

I just downgraded my husband's and son's APs over the phone, but they expire before our next trip. They did say we will need to get them new cards. Since I paid for it, I can get the new cards when I arrive before them for HHN. Probably do it at the hotel.

Missed the spider bite. Ouch! I hope it's OK. I am allergic to many spiders, but they always find me. I end up with a nasty little scar that looks like something out of horror movie.

That's awesome! Congratulations!

Bacon, it's the gateway meat:rotfl2: Seriously, everyone I know who is now vegan/veggie but didn't grow up that way says bacon is the thing they miss the most.

How exciting!!! Have a great trip!

My husband started out as an aerospace engineering major, but in the 90s, the industry was in the toilet. So, he switched to Electrical Engineering, where we met. He is still a big space nut though. I am looking at some of his Lego space stuff now. Hope she gets a cool mentor.
Another ocean/beach lover!!

Teens getting their license is definitely the #1 reason parents get grey hair!! DD did quite well and was very responsible, but that never stopped the worrying. I always had her text me when she reached her destination....that helped a bit.

The gym was almost deserted this morning. The day is so gorgeous, I think folks want to enjoy all the great weather while it lasts. Felt good to workout again. I'd hit a roadblock with my back issues, and took a few months off. I've been back at it for several weeks, and I love it!!

Going to meet friends tonight to sit at an outside bar. The bar will play the Brewers game on the jumbo screen, and there is also great local band scheduled to play. Should be a fun night!

We saw DD for a couple of hours last night! She had her first exam yesterday, and wanted to relax her brain some after studying all week. Her, DH and I met at the driving range. We hit balls for an hour and then went out for supper.

We tried the new Lou Malnati's Pizza restaurant. It really has gotten quite the hype, so we wanted to check it out. Sadly, we were underwhelmed. The sauce had little flavor, the huge sausage patty was a bit weird for us, and it didn't have enough cheese for our liking. But we gave it a go....and it was wonderful spending the time with DD!!! No complaints there!

Wishing all the travelers a SUPER trip!!! Share lots of phots for the ones living vicariously through the computer screens, lol!!
For you Michael Myers lovers :rotfl:

I can’t see it……:guilty: it’s only showing me I have to log into FB which I won’t have.

We hope to have a house in Spain, probably Catalunya, on the coast some day. Just love the ocean.

That is totally our son. He grabs the chip bowl for the table and puts it in front of him. He has done this since he was little.

Preach! We have terrible drivers here in Austin. They are slow, indecisive, selfish, and not paying attention. Nothing like the drivers in Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio. Well, all drivers in Texas are a bit selfish, but the rest of them aren't slow.

:rotfl2:You should hear me in the car when taking our son to/from school. It would definitely get an adult rating for language. He is learning to drive, and I kind of feel bad for him. He's probably the only one learning to drive a standard. All of our cars are manual, except the pickup, which doesn't brake well. Plus, the Mini Cooper will become his, and it's also a manual. We have told him that just because he turns 16, is technically allowed to get his driver's license, and has completed all of the training, doesn't mean we will allow him to get it. We have already apologized that we are going to be way stricter than his friend's parents, because we know none of them know how to drive. We have also told him that his phone goes in the glove box or his backpack in the backseat when he drives. The car has bluetooth, but he doesn't need to be distracted yet. I rarely answer calls when I am driving and never look at the phone. Hopefully, next summer we can take him to the BMW teen driving school in South Carolina. They do a lot of car control stuff and have a skid pad.

:scared1: on the haircut. I am not that brave. Luckily our son doesn't mind shaggy hair. However, we all go to the same stylist now, so that cuts down exposure some.

I just downgraded my husband's and son's APs over the phone, but they expire before our next trip. They did say we will need to get them new cards. Since I paid for it, I can get the new cards when I arrive before them for HHN. Probably do it at the hotel.

Missed the spider bite. Ouch! I hope it's OK. I am allergic to many spiders, but they always find me. I end up with a nasty little scar that looks like something out of horror movie.

That's awesome! Congratulations!

Bacon, it's the gateway meat:rotfl2: Seriously, everyone I know who is now vegan/veggie but didn't grow up that way says bacon is the thing they miss the most.

How exciting!!! Have a great trip!

My husband started out as an aerospace engineering major, but in the 90s, the industry was in the toilet. So, he switched to Electrical Engineering, where we met. He is still a big space nut though. I am looking at some of his Lego space stuff now. Hope she gets a cool mentor.

Yes, I think my vocal utterances were a little coloured that day, not my usual serene language.

Kyle learned to drive in a manual, his first car was a manual, but that didn’t last long before he upgraded to an automatic as he’s only ever know us to have automatics. But, it was important to pass the test with a manual. Here they can’t apply to learn till they’re 17. Little bit older than the States.

Yes, bacon seems to be a stumbling block for some vegetarians.

Bravo!! Double congrats on your amazing successes!!

Carole, you always know how to cheer me up!! We speak the same language....cocktails!!
Love the glass too!

I went to DLP once, about 20 years ago. It was not too long after 9/11, and folks were afraid to fly. I got the absolute bargain airfare for international and couldn't pass it up!!

Have a safe trip and wonderful time!!!!

The guy is Brilliant!!!! The wife needs a new word....idiot is a terrible choice:rolleyes2

Another ocean/beach lover!!

Teens getting their license is definitely the #1 reason parents get grey hair!! DD did quite well and was very responsible, but that never stopped the worrying. I always had her text me when she reached her destination....that helped a bit.

The gym was almost deserted this morning. The day is so gorgeous, I think folks want to enjoy all the great weather while it lasts. Felt good to workout again. I'd hit a roadblock with my back issues, and took a few months off. I've been back at it for several weeks, and I love it!!

Going to meet friends tonight to sit at an outside bar. The bar will play the Brewers game on the jumbo screen, and there is also great local band scheduled to play. Should be a fun night!

We saw DD for a couple of hours last night! She had her first exam yesterday, and wanted to relax her brain some after studying all week. Her, DH and I met at the driving range. We hit balls for an hour and then went out for supper.

We tried the new Lou Malnati's Pizza restaurant. It really has gotten quite the hype, so we wanted to check it out. Sadly, we were underwhelmed. The sauce had little flavor, the huge sausage patty was a bit weird for us, and it didn't have enough cheese for our liking. But we gave it a go....and it was wonderful spending the time with DD!!! No complaints there!

Wishing all the travelers a SUPER trip!!! Share lots of phots for the ones living vicariously through the computer screens, lol!!
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I remember after 9/11 flight were so cheap and America was offering so much for the Brits to travel over…….little different today sadly……lol……

Hope the back is doing better now, glad you’re back in the gym. Yes, I think folks are making the most of the late summer weather too. Although yesterday morning we were surprised how quiet the seafront was even early.

Enjoy your night, it sounds a lot of fun!

Congrats on your weight loss

Boo for me as I think I found the pounds you lost


I hope you like it and don't the author's notes at the end BUT not until you get there...wait until you've finished the book.

Glad you told me that, I sometimes read the author’s notes first. It does sound good.

Had a little mini disaster with dinner…..well, more an annoyance. We all got pizzas, thought Kyle’s looked a little pale, but it was fine. However started mine and the base was dry as sand……think they scraped the sauce on, then scraped it off again.

Called them and they said they’d send another one, told them no thanks, I’d been out off by then. Scraped it in the trash. So next town is 15 minutes away, but Kyle drove me and I got myself a Chinese after everyone else had eaten. It was much nicer…….so feeling very full now.

And a rather nice red wine tonight…….

Still so mild outside, but rain is forecast during the night into tomorrow, first rain for a while.
Good afternoon everyone. We have had a very productive day. We got the lights for our front porch, a new toaster, and I bought a new case for my phone. We are trying to figure out ways to maximize kitchen counter space, so we are also looking at getting rid of our countertop microwave and having one installed over the oven. We want to talk to the electrician before making the purchase though.

We have also been looking for a small, rolling kitchen island.I want one that also has storage space. Today I was looking online and think I have found exactly what I want on I went ahead and ordered it and it should be here by Friday.

I find it interesting that many locals blame the traffic on's not the's the damn locals! Everyday I see idiot drivers that just don't care about other drivers on the road...just as long as they get where they are going...that's all that matters. You have to drive aggressively down here.
Miami was a fun combination of locals, tourists, and snowbirds who couldn't drive. I'm glad I'm not living there anymore.

Yay, will be taking off with a beautiful sunny mid day flight. Woot! Though as usual, where I’m going says partly sunny, with rain predicted in the later afternoon and early evening. Hoping by the time I stroll into HHN tomorrow night, that rain chances for the rest of the night are zero.
Have a safe flight. Hope you miss the rain.

I often think Brits should get a slide show on the plane of differing driving standards in America......especially.....right turn on red!
We have the opposite problem where I live. People seem to forget that it is right turn on red after stop. I often have to turn left when coming out of my neighborhood, but have to watch the cars coming from the opposite direction. People often turn right on that red light without stopping to consider that the cars coming from the opposite side may have the right of way.

today, need to steam a suit that was handed to me yesterday afternoon & possibly cut my youngest DS’s that hasn’t been touched since the pandemic started. o_O A clipper cut = i got that. Have a bit of knot in my stomach over the thot of attempting an actual haircut, as it’s below his shoulders. Ah well, plan B is clippers lol
You are a braver person than I. I am not brave enough to try to cut anyone's hair. I am afraid of whatI might do to it.

I also weighted myself again this morning and down 45lbs
Congratulations! That is a great accomplishment.

Managed to avoid the Vegan thankfully……we’re always pleasant to each other out of respect to my friend, but she is a cheapskate so I won’t be around her out of choice. I’m guilty of teasing her about bacon though as she has been caught in the past eating bacon…….lol…….
A vegan who eats bacon. Hmm.......

15 minutes until board, sitting at a deli but can see gate. LOVE my small regional airport-know it's getting close when I see pilot, copilot and flight attendant walk to gate LOL. zipped through security -3 people in line but I'm randomly selected for "extra"-just a swabbing of hands. screener recognized my vera bradley Alice in Wonderland bag my kid got me from Disney years ago.
Hope you had a nice flight. Have you seen the new Harry Potter pattern from Vera Bradley? Really cute.

Hopefully, next summer we can take him to the BMW teen driving school in South Carolina. They do a lot of car control stuff and have a skid pad.
Good luck with the driving. My daughter still doesn't have a license and she is almost 21. She is scared to learn. I wanted to take her to a driving class in Martinsville, but it was crazy expensive.

Dh has left for a football game, so I need to figure out what to do witht he rest of the evening.


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