Something About Nothing............ #14

Happy Birthday to your daughter, @Lynne G

@schumigirl I forgot that you are an F1 fan too. The race was a big nothing. It wouldn't have been safe to continue though. Can't wait for the USGP in October. We have season tickets/dedicated seats. We have friends that usually come in for it, but they are getting their house in California ready to be sold. Also, I think she is having some knee issues. It's a bummer. It's so much fun to go with them. My husband bought a used Ferrari a few months ago. The Ferrari Club is doing some fancy shindig the Friday night before. Got to lose weight to wear one of my dresses, or do the even harder thing, try to buy another that I like. I detest clothes shopping, especially fancy clothes shopping. My tastes tend toward simpler, older styles from the 40s and 50s. Most stuff now doesn't always work for me.
:wave2: Quick Sunday night stop in!

We finally got out fishing today. It was a bit cool, but it was a good day. This momma caught the most fish in the boat today :rolleyes1 I kept telling them it was because of my lure...the fish love it. It works every time lol :teeth: We only caught one keeper (as there are size limits on fish here) but, we put it back for another day.

We stopped for supper at one of those "small hidden gem" places in a tiny little hamlet ( don't blink driving by or you'll miss it lol). It was so delicious, and the place was extremely busy tonight. It seems more and more city people are driving out to this place. It was a good way to finish off the day.

I picked up my pain medication today but doubt I will use it. The soreness is almost gone, but I still plan to get my scan on Thursday.
I do that with my migraine medication. I only take it when I really need to. I hope you don't have to use it.
We`re thinking of having a Gin of the month from now on. You can buy into a club that does similar, they massively advertise on tv, but we could just choose our own as we all love the flavoured options rather than plain gin. Sounds like a nice plan to me....... ::yes::
I think that sounds like a wonderful club to join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know mornings are dark now when dh gets up for work at 5:30. I just looked outside just after 9:00 tonight, and the sun has just set. The leaves are turning, and no temps anymore above 20C . I won't be long until my evening walks are in the dark again.
Since I bought some new shirts for my Disney trip, I thought I should get at least one for my Universal trip. This is the one I ordered except the scarf will be Ravenclaw colors.
OMG....that shirt is adorable :lovestruc
A quick Sunday morning stop in! The grandparents will all be here in about an hour. We are all meeting DD at an area restaurant for brunch. Continuing the celebrations from Friday night, since the grandparents weren't able to attend.
This will likely be the last time they see DD in person until Thanksgiving. (Which is 88 days is that even possible?)
I hopw your brunch went well. The 88 days will seem like a long time at first, but soon enough you will see how the time flies until you see her again. Some days are easier than others.
Sunday night is the get ready for week day routines. Sniff, as means the weekend is at its end. But happy the a bit longer weekend this week, a bit longer weekend the next two weekends. How nice is that? Though this coming weekend means the end of the Summer season. Another sniff. But it does mean, my Fall trip is getting that much closer. And for that, woot!
Happy birthday to your dd. I hope you had a good day!. How much longer until your trip? Soon enough you will be doing the single digit dance!
I detest clothes shopping, especially fancy clothes shopping. My tastes tend toward simpler, older styles from the 40s and 50s. Most stuff now doesn't always work for me.
I am the same. I really don't like clothes shopping either. Let's not even talk about buying jeans. I would rather pick my eyes out of their sockets with an ice pick, than shop for jeans :sad2:

Take care Hommies!!!!
Happy Birthday to your daughter, @Lynne G

@schumigirl I forgot that you are an F1 fan too. The race was a big nothing. It wouldn't have been safe to continue though. Can't wait for the USGP in October. We have season tickets/dedicated seats. We have friends that usually come in for it, but they are getting their house in California ready to be sold. Also, I think she is having some knee issues. It's a bummer. It's so much fun to go with them. My husband bought a used Ferrari a few months ago. The Ferrari Club is doing some fancy shindig the Friday night before. Got to lose weight to wear one of my dresses, or do the even harder thing, try to buy another that I like. I detest clothes shopping, especially fancy clothes shopping. My tastes tend toward simpler, older styles from the 40s and 50s. Most stuff now doesn't always work for me.

I love dress, coat and boot shopping......that`s about it. I`m better than I used to be for clothes shopping, but hate if it`s for someone else.......I like the sound of your style though, 50`s dresses can be so lovely.

Hope he enjoys the new car! We`ve driven some Ferrari`s on race days, although almost did my back in climbing into one of the rather sleeker drive!

We`ve been F1 fans all our lives. We have family members who have always been involved and Zandvoort that is back on the calendar finally this week was one of the first races in my memory. For all the wrong reasons of course, I was 6 years old when Roger Williamson died there, horrible crash.

I was so happy when I met Tom he was as big of an F1 fan as I had been brought up to be. Last few years`s changed a lot and not all for the better. We were lucky though with family members involved in various parts of the business we never had to rough it in the felt so sorry for everyone there yesterday. Spa can be notorious for weather and that was among the worst we had ever seen there. It also gets cold, so cars wouldn`t function as they should. Shame really as our newest rising superstar was 2nd on the grid, young George Russell....he`s a name to watch in the future.

:wave2: Quick Sunday night stop in!

We finally got out fishing today. It was a bit cool, but it was a good day. This momma caught the most fish in the boat today :rolleyes1 I kept telling them it was because of my lure...the fish love it. It works every time lol :teeth: We only caught one keeper (as there are size limits on fish here) but, we put it back for another day.

We stopped for supper at one of those "small hidden gem" places in a tiny little hamlet ( don't blink driving by or you'll miss it lol). It was so delicious, and the place was extremely busy tonight. It seems more and more city people are driving out to this place. It was a good way to finish off the day.

I do that with my migraine medication. I only take it when I really need to. I hope you don't have to use it.

I think that sounds like a wonderful club to join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know mornings are dark now when dh gets up for work at 5:30. I just looked outside just after 9:00 tonight, and the sun has just set. The leaves are turning, and no temps anymore above 20C . I won't be long until my evening walks are in the dark again.

OMG....that shirt is adorable :lovestruc

I hopw your brunch went well. The 88 days will seem like a long time at first, but soon enough you will see how the time flies until you see her again. Some days are easier than others.

Happy birthday to your dd. I hope you had a good day!. How much longer until your trip? Soon enough you will be doing the single digit dance!

I am the same. I really don't like clothes shopping either. Let's not even talk about buying jeans. I would rather pick my eyes out of their sockets with an ice pick, than shop for jeans :sad2:

Take care Hommies!!!!

Good job on the fishing! It`s something I`ve never done in my life is fishing of any kind. And don`t you just love those back of beyond places that serve the best food!

Yes, we wouldn`t do the club advertised on tv....if only we despise the guy doing the creating our own purchases would be fun, and tasting too of course. We are missing our wine tasting sessions, as they haven`t returned yet.

Yes, I agree with the weather, although you get it so much colder than us when it does change. We had around 14c (58F) all day yesterday, but it felt much cooler and we did notice the leaves are starting to really fall off the trees around us now. Sure sign Autumn is on the way. Along with the cooler temps of course. I think our schools go back next Monday which means summer is over. It`s been a good one though for us this year.....I even have a slight tan which is unusual for me!

Missed a birthday? Belated happy birthday to your daughter lynne.

Monday again and another dull start to the day, going to be around low to mid 60`s but no sunshine. Makes for nice walking weather though, but not great for the last Bank Holiday of the year till Christmas. I think the seafront will get much quieter from now on. Although we`re down so early we usually have it quiet anyway, but considering the early hour it alway surprises us just how many do get out early and not just the dog walkers and joggers. We tend to meet the same folks most days.

No idea on food today, will smoosh around later and see what we fancy.

And a little sunshine has crept through as I have my 2nd cup of ginger tea. Nice.




Have a wonderful Monday 😁
Marvelous Monday homies.

Yeah, with the back to school time, week days places return to see those that are usually only older adults and younger kids.

Ack, to a not so nice weather Bank Holiday, Schumi. Yep, perfect weather when a walk does not make you sweaty or too cold. Hope lunch will be delicious.

And so, back to that week day routine for me. Tea and screen. Yep. And still up before the sun. Ooh AC just went on. An, glad it did. Did not even get below 70 degrees overnight. 73 out now, and still humid. Still a not as hot day, with 84 the high, and still those rain chances later in the day. Yes, our Summer weather routine of muggy hot days, with later in the day thunderstorms. But time does go by, as the daylight does seem shorter and shorter each day. Sunrise now not for another bit more than half an hour, and sunset now almost a half hour before 8 pm.

Yay, Pumpkin the prize fisher, and enjoying a meal after the fish catching fun.

Monday homies. Why yes it is. :crazy2: ::yes:: LoL
A easy like a Sunday morning here. 😊

Good Morning homies. A cloudy 68 out. Shorts will be worn, as seems to be a warmer day. Still those afternoon chances of rain, but weather guy, on morning news, said not as rainy a day as yesterday was.

Ooh Schumi may be making bacon. Think I might have smelled it. LoL. And you know me, I’m enjoying some tea this morning too. Hope you finished your book.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to the pub with the kids, Julie. And found the perfect sneakers for the kids too.

Another lazy day, Metro? Yes, please.

And so, that largest screen is mine, as is the now quiet house. Seems little one was up until those very wee hours, and I thought I heard older one say, all agreed online to be playing at 3am. So I doubt I will see either kid up until later, more like a late lunch getting up time. Fine with me. I actually like these quiet mornings.

So our Sunday plans? Trash goes to the curb, and birthday girl makes me say I now have kids in their 20’s. Where did the time go? And yeah, she turned 4 when Katrina hit NO. I hope all stay safe while Ida visits the NO and Southern coasts today. Sending good thoughts all are okay after the storm. But yeah, two storms on this date. One way to have all remember her birth date. :oops:

:wave2: Super Stupendous Sunday homies.
A very wonderful happy birthday to your DD!!! :cheer2: :bday::cake::flower1::bday:

I know what you mean, it’s so different from a lot of other shows on offer, I just wish they’d go back to their original format……good stories and good actors.

Breakfast sounded good and like the new profile pic :thumbsup2

You’d like it Lori……very fresh blackcurrant flavours!

Yes, we’re in a few wine clubs and thoroughly enjoy them, but think our gin club would have around 8 members :rotfl:……not exactly groundbreaking, but it would be fun!

Sounds a lovely day planned today too……long celebrations are always fun!!! Have a super time and a lovely meal.

Supposed to be going to see our friends new foal they’re going to be training, but it’s cold today and the stables aren’t the warmest of places, so we’ll go another day.

We did walk 7 miles this morning, but although it was dry, it was very breezy and cool. Warm shower when we got home was appreciated. Now watching the Belgium Grand Prix which hasn’t actually started yet due to torrential rain and no visibility. We’ve been to that race many times over the years, and it is the dampest place in the whole of Europe!! But, amazing race track, one of the best races around. It’ll be a shame if it doesn’t go ahead today, not looking good.

Lamb is simmering away nicely for later……can’t wait to eat that tonight……
I may swing by the giant liquor store about 30 minutes away sometime this week to see if I can find this gin....and anything else that looks interesting, lol!

DH and I are looking to try a new restaurant this week. They have lamb on the menu, which is unusual in our area. I am going to give it a try!!

Good afternoon everyone. Nothing much going on here today. So far just church and lunch with friends.

I am praying that this mess clears up sooner than later and you will be able to travel to the U.S. again. Dh has mentioned going to Vegas for his birthday next year, but has also suggested London. He has been there before. I have not.

Lazy Sundays are great. I have already had an afternoon nap.

Happy birthday to your daughter.

Did you get to have your race? Ours was last night instead of the usual Sunday race. It was more of a demolition derby than a race. Thankfully none of the drivers were injured.

I have no idea what I will do with the rest of the day. I should do something productive, but probably won't.
I'd love to get back to London someday....

Birthday girl’s dinner request. Home made chicken noodle soup, fresh bought baguette, Caesar salad, with some strips of the left over chicken, that I had saved from putting into the soup, and we baked some chocolate chip cookies, as she is not a cake eating fan, and we all were happy to eat them not much past getting the cookies out of the oven.

Trash has left the house, ready in the street. No rain to be seen, though some very gray looking clouds went by. Was very muggy out, even if the sun was not seen more of the day.

Sunday night is the get ready for week day routines. Sniff, as means the weekend is at its end. But happy the a bit longer weekend this week, a bit longer weekend the next two weekends. How nice is that? Though this coming weekend means the end of the Summer season. Another sniff. But it does mean, my Fall trip is getting that much closer. And for that, woot!

Restful sleep tonight homies. Monday is tomorrow. Yeah, I know….
Sounds like a delish birthday meal and family celebration!!!!

Happy Birthday to your daughter, @Lynne G

@schumigirl I forgot that you are an F1 fan too. The race was a big nothing. It wouldn't have been safe to continue though. Can't wait for the USGP in October. We have season tickets/dedicated seats. We have friends that usually come in for it, but they are getting their house in California ready to be sold. Also, I think she is having some knee issues. It's a bummer. It's so much fun to go with them. My husband bought a used Ferrari a few months ago. The Ferrari Club is doing some fancy shindig the Friday night before. Got to lose weight to wear one of my dresses, or do the even harder thing, try to buy another that I like. I detest clothes shopping, especially fancy clothes shopping. My tastes tend toward simpler, older styles from the 40s and 50s. Most stuff now doesn't always work for me.
Sounds like a fun gathering!
Shopping for fancy clothes isn't fun for me either.....

:wave2: Quick Sunday night stop in!

We finally got out fishing today. It was a bit cool, but it was a good day. This momma caught the most fish in the boat today :rolleyes1 I kept telling them it was because of my lure...the fish love it. It works every time lol :teeth: We only caught one keeper (as there are size limits on fish here) but, we put it back for another day.

We stopped for supper at one of those "small hidden gem" places in a tiny little hamlet ( don't blink driving by or you'll miss it lol). It was so delicious, and the place was extremely busy tonight. It seems more and more city people are driving out to this place. It was a good way to finish off the day.

I do that with my migraine medication. I only take it when I really need to. I hope you don't have to use it.

I think that sounds like a wonderful club to join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know mornings are dark now when dh gets up for work at 5:30. I just looked outside just after 9:00 tonight, and the sun has just set. The leaves are turning, and no temps anymore above 20C . I won't be long until my evening walks are in the dark again.

OMG....that shirt is adorable :lovestruc

I hopw your brunch went well. The 88 days will seem like a long time at first, but soon enough you will see how the time flies until you see her again. Some days are easier than others.

Happy birthday to your dd. I hope you had a good day!. How much longer until your trip? Soon enough you will be doing the single digit dance!

I am the same. I really don't like clothes shopping either. Let's not even talk about buying jeans. I would rather pick my eyes out of their sockets with an ice pick, than shop for jeans :sad2:

Take care Hommies!!!!
Yay Pumpkin! Best fisherwoman!!!

I love little hole in the wall type places. Normally have the best food around!

Marvelous Monday homies.

Yeah, with the back to school time, week days places return to see those that are usually only older adults and younger kids.

Ack, to a not so nice weather Bank Holiday, Schumi. Yep, perfect weather when a walk does not make you sweaty or too cold. Hope lunch will be delicious.

And so, back to that week day routine for me. Tea and screen. Yep. And still up before the sun. Ooh AC just went on. An, glad it did. Did not even get below 70 degrees overnight. 73 out now, and still humid. Still a not as hot day, with 84 the high, and still those rain chances later in the day. Yes, our Summer weather routine of muggy hot days, with later in the day thunderstorms. But time does go by, as the daylight does seem shorter and shorter each day. Sunrise now not for another bit more than half an hour, and sunset now almost a half hour before 8 pm.

Yay, Pumpkin the prize fisher, and enjoying a meal after the fish catching fun.

Monday homies. Why yes it is. :crazy2: ::yes:: LoL
Our sunrise is at 6:15am currently. I very rarely see that time in the morning....not an early riser.
Sunset is 7:30pm....way too soon for me...

Load of laundry is in the washer before my first cup of coffee! I need to pay a few bills online, and head to the post office this morning.
Hope to get the dogs walking before it warms up. We have been holding onto summer temps, and each afternoon has still been toasty. No complaints!! I know it doesn't last....

Stuffed peppers will be supper tonight, and hopefully DH and I fit in a couple episodes of New Girl. Easy start to the week.

Looking forward to Labor Day weekend. I'm crossing my fingers DH will take an extra day, so we can have a long weekend at the lake house!

Paris, hoping your DH does take day off, to make a longer weekend. We tend to celebrate Labor Day on Sunday. Then everyone usually gets the Monday off. Older one works Monday, but not Sunday, which is also why we like to do Sunday get togetherness. And my niece said she’s coming with her three kids, including her 6 week old little one. Can’t wait to see them. Hope you do enjoy a very long weekend at the lake.

Ack, is it lunchtime yet? Sigh, the early, quick breakfast does not always last until lunch. Did hear the trash trucks roll by, so may ask the kids to take them back up from the curb if they are empty. Both have virtual classes. Little one could go in person for all classes this semester, but she decided only one class in person was the most she was willing to be in a classroom for hours. I don’t blame her. The City virus numbers are not good. Sigh. I hope all will be in person when she graduates at the end of next year.
:wave2: Early morning stop in.

Just enjoying my Tim's steeped tea before shuffling papers. Bright, sunny cool morning so far. I believe school starts here tomorrow. First year in 20ish years we haven't had someone starting school. Feels a weird to not be rushing to get some school supplies, lunch items bought etc. I guess that's probably why it was so quiet on the lake yesterday ;)

Is it 4:30 on Thursday yet? lol We are planning on taking an extrended long weekend. Dh has a busy week of things to get ready so we can leave early. If not, we will probably leave early Friday for the long weekend. His grandma is turning 100 on Monday. So there is a big party planned for her on Monday. But many of the cousins are all meeting in the city over the weekend. So it will be a good weekend of visiting and celebrating.

Have a great day everyone.
A very wonderful happy birthday to your DD!!! :cheer2: :bday::cake::flower1::bday:

I may swing by the giant liquor store about 30 minutes away sometime this week to see if I can find this gin....and anything else that looks interesting, lol!

DH and I are looking to try a new restaurant this week. They have lamb on the menu, which is unusual in our area. I am going to give it a try!!

I'd love to get back to London someday....

Sounds like a delish birthday meal and family celebration!!!!

Sounds like a fun gathering!
Shopping for fancy clothes isn't fun for me either.....

Yay Pumpkin! Best fisherwoman!!!

I love little hole in the wall type places. Normally have the best food around!

Our sunrise is at 6:15am currently. I very rarely see that time in the morning....not an early riser.
Sunset is 7:30pm....way too soon for me...

Load of laundry is in the washer before my first cup of coffee! I need to pay a few bills online, and head to the post office this morning.
Hope to get the dogs walking before it warms up. We have been holding onto summer temps, and each afternoon has still been toasty. No complaints!! I know it doesn't last....

Stuffed peppers will be supper tonight, and hopefully DH and I fit in a couple episodes of New Girl. Easy start to the week.

Looking forward to Labor Day weekend. I'm crossing my fingers DH will take an extra day, so we can have a long weekend at the lake house!

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I hope you find it Lori, it is so nice and not one unique to the UK, we`ve seen that brand in America before. There are so many flavoured gins available now, some local and many distilleries opening up everywhere.......all to our benefit of course!

I`m hoping to get a very nice bottle of Sloe Gin in with my birthday gifts this year.....I have hinted

I hope you do get a long weekend, that`ll be lovely. my cousin was filling me with details of their Labour Day pool party this year.....sounds lovely.

How was the get together yesterday? I`m sure it was a big success though.......and hope they do a good job cooking the lamb. I like mine pink to rare, or slow cooked for hours. But not cooked correctly it`s either too fatty, or too chewy.....but, hope you enjoy it if you do choose it.

We got drenched this morning on our was that type of light rain, that comes down heavy and just soaks you, but we persevered and did 6 miles before giving up as the wind got heavier and just cold. We did laugh as we both were soaked....but we kept going!

Went to my friends house to head down to the stables to see the new foal, she is gorgeous and so gentle. I would have spent longer there, but it really was cold. So, had lunch with her then back home and got a few things done around the house as it was so miserable this afternoon.

Made donut burgers tonight. It`s never been something Tom would order, but he did say to make him one too.....

2 glazed ring donuts, no cheese on mine and added jalapenos to both, I got more of course! Tom got the very crispy bacon, I prefer mine less so on top of a had to cook his slightly longer......but it was lush!!! Made some real chips with spicy piri piri seasoning and a dip of mayo and ketchup which is usually served her as a sauce for shrimp cocktail, but also nice for dipping chips in.

As requested, a picture.....also posted a picture of the inspiration from Teak Neighborhood Grill. First place I ever had one. They also forgot the jalapenos in that picture, but brought me a side dish of them.


It is incredibly filling and sweet, spicy and full of flavour. I couldn`t eat both donuts or all the chips tonight.


Lamps are already on tonight, dishwasher has been emptied and will put the tv on soon with a cup of tea and see what`s worth watching, usually we`ll end up on Netflix or DVD`s.

Hope everyone`s having a lovely Monday........
Paris, hoping your DH does take day off, to make a longer weekend. We tend to celebrate Labor Day on Sunday. Then everyone usually gets the Monday off. Older one works Monday, but not Sunday, which is also why we like to do Sunday get togetherness. And my niece said she’s coming with her three kids, including her 6 week old little one. Can’t wait to see them. Hope you do enjoy a very long weekend at the lake.

Ack, is it lunchtime yet? Sigh, the early, quick breakfast does not always last until lunch. Did hear the trash trucks roll by, so may ask the kids to take them back up from the curb if they are empty. Both have virtual classes. Little one could go in person for all classes this semester, but she decided only one class in person was the most she was willing to be in a classroom for hours. I don’t blame her. The City virus numbers are not good. Sigh. I hope all will be in person when she graduates at the end of next year.
Thanks Lynne! If he cannot take the extra day, we will celebrate on Sunday as well!

:wave2: Early morning stop in.

Just enjoying my Tim's steeped tea before shuffling papers. Bright, sunny cool morning so far. I believe school starts here tomorrow. First year in 20ish years we haven't had someone starting school. Feels a weird to not be rushing to get some school supplies, lunch items bought etc. I guess that's probably why it was so quiet on the lake yesterday ;)

Is it 4:30 on Thursday yet? lol We are planning on taking an extrended long weekend. Dh has a busy week of things to get ready so we can leave early. If not, we will probably leave early Friday for the long weekend. His grandma is turning 100 on Monday. So there is a big party planned for her on Monday. But many of the cousins are all meeting in the city over the weekend. So it will be a good weekend of visiting and celebrating.

Have a great day everyone.
Wow!! 100 years is something special to celebrate!!! :bday: :cool1:

I hope you find it Lori, it is so nice and not one unique to the UK, we`ve seen that brand in America before. There are so many flavoured gins available now, some local and many distilleries opening up everywhere.......all to our benefit of course!

I`m hoping to get a very nice bottle of Sloe Gin in with my birthday gifts this year.....I have hinted

I hope you do get a long weekend, that`ll be lovely. my cousin was filling me with details of their Labour Day pool party this year.....sounds lovely.

How was the get together yesterday? I`m sure it was a big success though.......and hope they do a good job cooking the lamb. I like mine pink to rare, or slow cooked for hours. But not cooked correctly it`s either too fatty, or too chewy.....but, hope you enjoy it if you do choose it.

We got drenched this morning on our was that type of light rain, that comes down heavy and just soaks you, but we persevered and did 6 miles before giving up as the wind got heavier and just cold. We did laugh as we both were soaked....but we kept going!

Went to my friends house to head down to the stables to see the new foal, she is gorgeous and so gentle. I would have spent longer there, but it really was cold. So, had lunch with her then back home and got a few things done around the house as it was so miserable this afternoon.

Made donut burgers tonight. It`s never been something Tom would order, but he did say to make him one too.....

2 glazed ring donuts, no cheese on mine and added jalapenos to both, I got more of course! Tom got the very crispy bacon, I prefer mine less so on top of a had to cook his slightly longer......but it was lush!!! Made some real chips with spicy piri piri seasoning and a dip of mayo and ketchup which is usually served her as a sauce for shrimp cocktail, but also nice for dipping chips in.

As requested, a picture.....also posted a picture of the inspiration from Teak Neighborhood Grill. First place I ever had one. They also forgot the jalapenos in that picture, but brought me a side dish of them.


It is incredibly filling and sweet, spicy and full of flavour. I couldn`t eat both donuts or all the chips tonight.


Lamps are already on tonight, dishwasher has been emptied and will put the tv on soon with a cup of tea and see what`s worth watching, usually we`ll end up on Netflix or DVD`s.

Hope everyone`s having a lovely Monday........
Can you airmail one of those burgers my way?? Extra bacon, hold the green rings, lol!
Looks incredible!

Brunch was super yummy yesterday! Our group of 7 did share a couple pitchers of Mimosas to commemorate the occasion!

I was able to find this gin at my local store. I didn't buy it, since I plan on searching at the larger store later this week...

There is a drink made with sloe gin that I haven't had since college probably.
A sloe comfortable screw. It's made with Sloe gin, Southern Comfort, vodka, and Orange Juice (the screwdriver part of the cocktail). Ever heard of it?

A very demanding cat is nonstop meowing, and that's my clue.....her highness must be taken outside for a bit of birdwatching!! No worries, this old gal can't catch a thing!
I was able to find this gin at my local store. I didn't buy it, since I plan on searching at the larger store later this week...
View attachment 601029

There is a drink made with sloe gin that I haven't had since college probably.
A sloe comfortable screw. It's made with Sloe gin, Southern Comfort, vodka, and Orange Juice (the screwdriver part of the cocktail). Ever heard of it?
That looks good. I love sevilla/bitter orange flavored stuff. I think I miss drinking the most on keto :rotfl2:
Do you allow yourself a cheat day?
Great job on following the keto though....I'm terrible with diets.
No. It can take a day or two, depending upon how bad the cheat is, to get back into keto. I try to stay in it once I'm in it. However, I can have vodka. It only has alcohol sugars. It won't kick you out keto, but it does prevent fat burn. So, I only do that sparingly. However, I always go off keto for vacations, and it usually takes a week or so to get back on afterwards.
Those burgers looked absolutely delicious, Schumi.

Ooh drinks. Yeah, I remember a screwdriver drink. I tend to just stay with my few one ingredient alcoholic drink. Though did pick up a mixed summer mixed drink with vodka that came in a six pack of 12 ounce cans. They were tasty when very cold. Wanted more, but I guess already on Fall type drinks.

Why I put crushed ice in my cup to pour a little gray goose on. I tend to like my drinks cold. And ooh, I saw the limoncello bottle in the freezer. May take a small glass of it after dinner. Thinking since I have some chicken left, Mexican today. Not a taco, more like a quesadilla. Did buy tortillas the other day. Easy dinner, as did pick up some fresh salsa too.
Those burgers looked absolutely delicious, Schumi.

Ooh drinks. Yeah, I remember a screwdriver drink. I tend to just stay with my few one ingredient alcoholic drink. Though did pick up a mixed summer mixed drink with vodka that came in a six pack of 12 ounce cans. They were tasty when very cold. Wanted more, but I guess already on Fall type drinks.

Why I put crushed ice in my cup to pour a little gray goose on. I tend to like my drinks cold. And ooh, I saw the limoncello bottle in the freezer. May take a small glass of it after dinner. Thinking since I have some chicken left, Mexican today. Not a taco, more like a quesadilla. Did buy tortillas the other day. Easy dinner, as did pick up some fresh salsa too.
I have to look away when I open the fridge, because we have a big bottle of Paula's Texas Grapefruit, which is really just grapefruitcello. The lemon one is excellent too. Really good mixed with vodka too.


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