Something About Nothing............ #14

A happy Tuesday to you too Schumi. Nice you are having a wonderful weather day.

Charade, ack to your Aunt. You’d think she would have told you about her travel earlier. Hope you get better news and easier work calls today.

Woke up around 3 am to hear quite the noisy rain downpour. I guess it stopped, as was not raining when I got up an hour and a half later. Some chances of those random rain showers in the morning, but was a glorious yellow sunrise in a clear sky was seen as I got out of the bathroom. And so, AC working well, as feels almost cool inside. Yeah, well it’s 63F degrees out, and humid. But the humidity is to lessen as the day goes on, and a beautiful sunny 80 degree high day. Sunglasses will certainly be worn on lunchtime walk. Yay! And no more rain chances, with high 70’s the high temp to round out the week days. Then of course, Saturday is predicted to be close to 90. Yeah. And as weather ticks up to those 90’s degrees, the rain chances increase. And so, a chance to be a rainy Saturday it is. And kinda makes sense. The only 90 degree high day this week is the last day of Spring. A bit after I go to bed on Sunday, Summer arrives. Woot!

But as today is a Taco Tuesday, Mac should be happy. No cooking dinner tonight. A trip to the Taco Bell will be the perfect dinner eating place today.

Ah, shorts on, and so is a tea cup in my hand. Time for more tea, and a breakfast of what I can find to eat. Hehe, DH got into the jelly beans bag. Nope, not yet. Maybe some oatmeal.

A Good Morning to all the homies, and have a totally Terrific Taco Tuesday. Oh, and enjoy a taco or two today.

Sounds like some nice weather for you, yep, we are so enjoying ours. It`ll be gone soon enough.

I forgot is was taco Tuesday
Doing rice, chicken ,broccoli casserole for dinner
Left overs from last night

will do taco Wednesday for a change

we will confuse the staff there
They will look at us and say, you are late
Tuesday was yesterday

Hope all all the homies have a great day!

Hope you have a good day today......and yes, you will confuse the team!

A quick good morning to everyone.

My aunt is making me insane. My theory is that she originally didn't plan to go on vacation with the rest of the family. Then when my brother said he was coming for a weekend visit she decided that he was going to stay the week with Mom while she went on vacation. I don't mind that she wants a vacation, but it would have been nice if she had mentioned it a few weeks ago and asked nicely rather than demanded that my brother stay the week. There is one positive side to this. Mom has some medical appointments next week. I am going to take the opportunity to have her sign some HIPAA release forms so that her doctors will talk to me and my brother about her care. I am tired of having to rely on my aunt to give correct information.

Lynne - I hope the storms didn't cause too much damage. I think we have sunny days the next few days.

Gotta get to work.

Taking your aunt out of the middle is a good idea, then you can both deal directly with the people responsible for your mother.

Still gorgeous here.......we did 7 miles again today, and hopefully the same tomorrow before the rain and thunder that are forecast appear. We`ll do some shopping Thursday morning if that`s the case.

Had a turkey, lettuce and tomato sandwich for lunch, was ok. Tomatoes were gorgeous as they were home grown. Not by my home......still counts though.

Spicy pork steaks and spicy chicken kebabs with some shrimp skewers for dinner.......lots of salad choices too. Potato salad is half gone already, glad I made a large bowlful.

Sitting in the sun again, but little breezy so sheltering in the gazebo now it`s been freshly stained, looks lovely. And it`s still hot.
Yay! Paris and McK posts!

Sounded very busy Paris. And yep, we did have a good time in NYC. Yum, strawberries. Seem to be more in season when the prices are more reasonable now.

Woot, McK, park time. Glad you enjoyed the Potter coaster ride. Happy you had a fun filled vacation.

Ack, kids already asking a what for dinner. Hmmm. Pasta, oh don’t think we have any pasta left. Burgers, like Schumi, have to buy that too. Did not much grocery shopping this weekend. Oops. Do have eggs, though will get the stink eye from little one. Does not like breakfast eggs for dinner, or at breakfast, or any time. Will think of something, or else will be going to the grocery store soon.
I'd love to get back to NYC! Besides the Potter store, what was the favorite thing you and DD did or saw?

Tea is always good.

Didn`t have burgers in the end up, made some beautiful seabass.....

Glad you had such a lovely weekend at the lake and strawberry picking was fun. I have never made a strawberry bread before....sounds intruiging......and yes, lack of internet is good at times....only for a short time it is nice to switch off for a while.

Good to see you have been missed and happy to hear you`re all doing ok.

And glad you had such a lovely trip recently, and yes, Hagrid`s is so much fun.

Take care :wave2:

Ended up chatting most of the evening away with my friend Sue and then my brother for a good old catch up. Time flies though when you`re chatting. But, always enjoy it.

Ended up with some seabass for dinner which was lovely, made some sauteed pak choi and few other little bits and made it a Thai infused dish. We all love seafood and seabass is a big favourite of Tom`s. Made some vanilla and honey ice cream for dessert with some lychees which went surprisingly well together.

Cloudy evening, but warm. Will make the most of the next two day before summer may be over for us......or maybe not....who knows.
Both the muffins and bread have been disappearing quickly. I think they like the muffins better. I topped them with coarse sugar. The bread is the 'healthier' option, so less desirable I guess, lol!!

Good evening everyone. Today has been a Monday. I have started troubleshooting a Medicare/Medicaid problem for one of our clients. I have a feeling this one may drag on for a while.

I don’t even know what to begin to think of it.

That’s awesome. You are going to be ready for Universal when you finally get to come back.

Hopefully not too bad.

I think our weather headed your way.

Yum. I love fresh strawberries. Will you make ice cream?

Good to see you again. Hope you can get back more often.

It looks like I am going to be going to South Carolina next week. My brother was going to drive down on Thursday and visit for the weekend. (Mom’s birthday is Thursday.) My aunt has informed him that she is going to go on vacation next week, so he needs to plan on staying for the week to take care of Mom. So he has changed his plans and will be going on Sunday instead of Thursday and staying through Friday or Saturday. I volunteered to go down and help out.
I am really annoyed with my aunt right now.
I'm sorry your aunt is being difficult. A bit of notice is just common courtesy....

I've never made ice cream. May have to peek at a few internet recipes.


Hope you don’t lose power

Sounds like a nasty storm!

Stay safe.

Hope your weather tomorrow is all sunshine and lollipops

A shout out to Mrose that she is back with us!
We haven't had a drop of rain in a couple weeks now. The lawn looks quite sad...


Yes, I didn`t want any spoilers but couldn`t resist!! But Tom and Kyle were completely ini the dark about the whole ride.....and neither of them have studied pics or info on the VC.......I`m desperate to tell them about it, but they won`t

Not a lot of notice from your aunt for such a trip for you both to make. Not everyone would be in a position to just go like that. Hope your mum is doing ok though.

Yes, getting fitter is the goal, when we started 3 months ago we could barely walk half a mile without feeling it....yes, we had become that lazy during lockdown. And the weather was so cold, but we kept going despite the miserable weather. And now we love it.

Hope th eclients issues are an easy fix and not a drain on time and energy.

6am crew here........not always though....I do love a snuggle in the morning, so might get delayed some days....... ::yes::

Birds started at 2am, although for these next few weeks we don`t have astronomical darkness at look out the window and theres always some light over the ocean where the sun rises.

Little blighters had stopped at 5 when I woke back up again.....think even they go back to bed for a nap!!

Lovely night light........

And another beautiful morning again.....going to be a warm one with bright sunshine, so sunscreen on I think even though we`ll be out early. Lightning forecast for Thursday with heavy rains in some areas, although they promise us storms, they very rarely occur as forecast.

Blueberry muffins and fruit for breakfast, no idea for lunch and dinner is bbq meat again...lots of salad choices on the side, good to go. Will make up some potato salad, but use one that has bacon pieces and hard boiled egg champed through, first time I saw it I did wonder, but it`s delicious. I have an abundance of chives growing in my herb garden so will use them up, they`re growing like wildfire.

Not much else on the agenda for today.......




Happy Tuesday..........😁
You all will love VC!! I just know it!!
Fingers crossed you'll be riding it in 2021 yet....

A happy Tuesday to you too Schumi. Nice you are having a wonderful weather day.

Charade, ack to your Aunt. You’d think she would have told you about her travel earlier. Hope you get better news and easier work calls today.

Woke up around 3 am to hear quite the noisy rain downpour. I guess it stopped, as was not raining when I got up an hour and a half later. Some chances of those random rain showers in the morning, but was a glorious yellow sunrise in a clear sky was seen as I got out of the bathroom. And so, AC working well, as feels almost cool inside. Yeah, well it’s 63F degrees out, and humid. But the humidity is to lessen as the day goes on, and a beautiful sunny 80 degree high day. Sunglasses will certainly be worn on lunchtime walk. Yay! And no more rain chances, with high 70’s the high temp to round out the week days. Then of course, Saturday is predicted to be close to 90. Yeah. And as weather ticks up to those 90’s degrees, the rain chances increase. And so, a chance to be a rainy Saturday it is. And kinda makes sense. The only 90 degree high day this week is the last day of Spring. A bit after I go to bed on Sunday, Summer arrives. Woot!

But as today is a Taco Tuesday, Mac should be happy. No cooking dinner tonight. A trip to the Taco Bell will be the perfect dinner eating place today.

Ah, shorts on, and so is a tea cup in my hand. Time for more tea, and a breakfast of what I can find to eat. Hehe, DH got into the jelly beans bag. Nope, not yet. Maybe some oatmeal.

A Good Morning to all the homies, and have a totally Terrific Taco Tuesday. Oh, and enjoy a taco or two today.
Didn't plan for taco Tuesday. I think my mind was skipping right over to Wednesday...
Making elk chili for tonight.

Another sunny day! I've been loving every aspect of the gorgeous weather we've been having....with the exception of our poor lawn. Our grass looks downright sad, and is very 'crunchy' in texture right now. We could use an all night rain to green it up!

DD is golfing with some friends today, and then we are meeting after to get our nails done. Not sure what color will be my choice this time...maybe a pink??

Need to get a few groceries. DH has requested I make Tiramisu for him for Father's Day this weekend. It turns out delish, but is a fussy dessert to make. But I won't refuse; it's for his special day!

Morning all! Some great memes lol

GD deposited at gymnastics before 9 am, getting a ride from another family ‘home’ to see her parents for abit before the start of softball double header ’under the lights’ tonight. Her first, she is floating:cloud9: Think we will be fashionably late & show up midway thru first game. Wish us luck it doesn’t go into extra innings lol

Dr appt didn’t go as planned yesterday. Now wearing a different brace with the boot & on steroids. Told to expect said boot being my best friend for another 1 - 2 months. Stick a fork into me, i am over-done.:bitelip:

Jamie - how is ur DD doing from the bull incident?

MKrose - welcome home. Glad to hear you were able to work a trip in this summer. Had been some time for you.

Charade - you are a smrt woman. Should have some clarity as to things after next week, good luck

Lynne- missed your trip NYC, sounds like it was a goodie.

Nice to hear several adult kiddos have gotten their vaccines. Good show! Also, applause to those who booked their flights.

PS one day SWA sale, starts mid sept until early Nov...check those flight prices. My spirit flights still far less but
Yep, 4000 points back to my SW account. Same flights, that I hope don’t get changed. Got that email, Keisha was quick to change. Yay!

Paris, I usually I do something special on our NYC trips, but with all not back to normal, we did lots of sight seeing in parts we had not gone to before instead. I love the architecture of many of the old buildings, and could not pass up riding up and down the wooden escalators in the Macy’s store. And of course shopping at places we shockingly don’t have in any of the malls around me. I think for my little one, her highlight was seeing the sample stores within walking distance, and scoring some nice clothes in the two we saw. And we enjoyed seeing Times Square, and yes, the naked cowboy still is there. We also like strolling in Central Park, when the weather is nice. Was nice to buy a drink and sit on the lawns there. Though the walk back to our hotel is long from that park. Also, dropped off little one’s shoes at a shoe store and picked them up just before we left. Only place close to us that is mentioned on that designer’s website as where to take your shoes to get protective sole cover done. Happy camper little one, as she loves those shoes.

And so, close to lunch, and I can’t wait to take a walk. Have heard a tree cutter machine that has been very loud humming up the street from me. May try to walk that way to see who has tree service being done.
hi everybody :wave2:

This is the third time I had to type out my post so I hope the third time is the charm. I kept getting this weird graph text that I couldn't get rid of..oh well, it's gone now thankfully.

I was going to give everyone a heads up about the SW sale but keisha beat me to it...good news is we got the flight time we wanted and a nice credit too :cool1:

I've been struggling to lose weight for our trip and have managed to lose 10 lbs so far with lots more to go. I've added a daily walk into the routine so hopefully it will help me get in park shape.
I'm going to give up now since this text just went to bold for no apparent reason.

Have a great day everyone:flower1:
Lori, you suit any colour on your have that type of colouring that suits everything! And another lovely day ahead for you.......

Never tried Elk, would like to try an Elk steak at some rmeinded me I need to think of a special dinner for Father`s Day too....although should leave it to Kyle really.......although it might be chicken mac n cheese which is his speciality or take out.......

Janet....enjoy the game tonight.....hope she does well.

And 1-2 months?? Not the best of results.......

Vicki.......I feel your pain. It`s not easy for anyone......10lbs is a good loss though, keep going......and yes, walking is us some time to enjoy it, but it was barely 40F some days when we started walking......much nicer now......good to see you.......

mac......I like Miss V as another name for Vicki........ ::yes::

Another barbecue over, lots of nice food and sitting outside eating is always nice. We took our time and enjoyed lots of little tasters rather than full portions, and plates were all empty again, and potato salad bowl was almost licked clean.

Feel like a night in front of the tv, but still outside while it`s so warm.

Peach spritzer time.
Mmmmm tater salad :). I have one i make off top of my head. Always ready to try a different version to shake it up. Mostly misses & back to the original.

Only one of My DS & I will eat here, like pasta salad, pretty sure it grows overnight in the fridge :crazy:

Glad to hear Lynne & VIcki scored!

Spent my free afternoon crafting some clothing for the ‘lil, hope to finish by this week. Tik-tok’s social influencer’s are inspiring her lol.
Morning all! Some great memes lol

GD deposited at gymnastics before 9 am, getting a ride from another family ‘home’ to see her parents for abit before the start of softball double header ’under the lights’ tonight. Her first, she is floating:cloud9: Think we will be fashionably late & show up midway thru first game. Wish us luck it doesn’t go into extra innings lol

Dr appt didn’t go as planned yesterday. Now wearing a different brace with the boot & on steroids. Told to expect said boot being my best friend for another 1 - 2 months. Stick a fork into me, i am over-done.:bitelip:

Jamie - how is ur DD doing from the bull incident?

MKrose - welcome home. Glad to hear you were able to work a trip in this summer. Had been some time for you.

Charade - you are a smrt woman. Should have some clarity as to things after next week, good luck

Lynne- missed your trip NYC, sounds like it was a goodie.

Nice to hear several adult kiddos have gotten their vaccines. Good show! Also, applause to those who booked their flights.

PS one day SWA sale, starts mid sept until early Nov...check those flight prices. My spirit flights still far less but
Good luck to your granddaughter, how exciting!!!!

Sorry to hear that your foot is still not healed....I had a partial tear of my achilles years ago, and it took forever to heal.

Not sure if you were referencing my DD and the bull incident? If yes, she's doing good! Had a recheck yesterday. She needs to wrap it for protection while golfing or doing activities that could aggravate it. Otherwise, it should be completely healed by end of summer.
If you meant someone else, sorry to butt in, lol! (I'm Lori)

Yep, 4000 points back to my SW account. Same flights, that I hope don’t get changed. Got that email, Keisha was quick to change. Yay!

Paris, I usually I do something special on our NYC trips, but with all not back to normal, we did lots of sight seeing in parts we had not gone to before instead. I love the architecture of many of the old buildings, and could not pass up riding up and down the wooden escalators in the Macy’s store. And of course shopping at places we shockingly don’t have in any of the malls around me. I think for my little one, her highlight was seeing the sample stores within walking distance, and scoring some nice clothes in the two we saw. And we enjoyed seeing Times Square, and yes, the naked cowboy still is there. We also like strolling in Central Park, when the weather is nice. Was nice to buy a drink and sit on the lawns there. Though the walk back to our hotel is long from that park. Also, dropped off little one’s shoes at a shoe store and picked them up just before we left. Only place close to us that is mentioned on that designer’s website as where to take your shoes to get protective sole cover done. Happy camper little one, as she loves those shoes.

And so, close to lunch, and I can’t wait to take a walk. Have heard a tree cutter machine that has been very loud humming up the street from me. May try to walk that way to see who has tree service being done.
Great clothing score for your DD!!!
We've ridden those escalators!
And I've had my picture with the naked cowboy, but in NOLA. That was 15+ years ago....he's gotta be getting a bit old, haha!!

hi everybody :wave2:

This is the third time I had to type out my post so I hope the third time is the charm. I kept getting this weird graph text that I couldn't get rid of..oh well, it's gone now thankfully.

I was going to give everyone a heads up about the SW sale but keisha beat me to it...good news is we got the flight time we wanted and a nice credit too :cool1:

I've been struggling to lose weight for our trip and have managed to lose 10 lbs so far with lots more to go. I've added a daily walk into the routine so hopefully it will help me get in park shape.
View attachment 582304View attachment 582305
I'm going to give up now since this text just went to bold for no apparent reason.

Have a great day everyone:flower1:
Love those memes!
And keep up the good work!
It's tough losing weight when you love food....I know I have this issue as well.

Lori, you suit any colour on your have that type of colouring that suits everything! And another lovely day ahead for you.......

Never tried Elk, would like to try an Elk steak at some rmeinded me I need to think of a special dinner for Father`s Day too....although should leave it to Kyle really.......although it might be chicken mac n cheese which is his speciality or take out.......

Janet....enjoy the game tonight.....hope she does well.

And 1-2 months?? Not the best of results.......

Vicki.......I feel your pain. It`s not easy for anyone......10lbs is a good loss though, keep going......and yes, walking is us some time to enjoy it, but it was barely 40F some days when we started walking......much nicer now......good to see you.......

mac......I like Miss V as another name for Vicki........ ::yes::

Another barbecue over, lots of nice food and sitting outside eating is always nice. We took our time and enjoyed lots of little tasters rather than full portions, and plates were all empty again, and potato salad bowl was almost licked clean.

Feel like a night in front of the tv, but still outside while it`s so warm.

Peach spritzer time.
You're too nice Carole!! Leaving in a few minutes for the nail appointment. So I still have a bit of time to decide the color.

Elk is actually a tasty meat. I think it's quite mild and not too gamey. It's also incredibly lean. The chili is made and will be very nice for supper tonight. DH will be extra happy, as he loves the non-traditional meat choices.

I've been on hold for about an hour and a half. No, not an insurance company this time. I'm trying to arrange transportation to and from the airport when I go to Universal.

Need to get a few groceries. DH has requested I make Tiramisu for him for Father's Day this weekend. It turns out delish, but is a fussy dessert to make. But I won't refuse; it's for his special day!
Yum! I love tiramisu, but have never tried to make it myself.

Dr appt didn’t go as planned yesterday. Now wearing a different brace with the boot & on steroids. Told to expect said boot being my best friend for another 1 - 2 months. Stick a fork into me, i am over-done.:bitelip:
Sorry to hear this. I hope it won't disturb any park time.

Yep, 4000 points back to my SW account. Same flights, that I hope don’t get changed. Got that email, Keisha was quick to change. Yay!
Congrats. Unfortunately SW doesn't fly out of anywhere near me.

I've been struggling to lose weight for our trip and have managed to lose 10 lbs so far with lots more to go. I've added a daily walk into the routine so hopefully it will help me get in park shape.
Congratulations. 10 pounds is a great accomplishment.

Still on hold....
Hopefully Charade got a good sleep last night and a big hello to Pumpkin......

Wednesday again.......and apparently we only had 1 hour of astronomical darkness last night, from midnight till 1am.....and it felt like it. Woke up a couple of times and it was always light to varying degrees. But still slept like a top in between....someone was restless though........ ::yes::

Completed the reservations for my family member who is staying at RP in July for the first time, they are so excited. I hope they love it there, I think they will.

Out early again for a walk before the heat builds. Forecast for Thursday is not good so will make the most of it while we can. I think we need a bit of a thunderstorm to clear the air. Will bbq out tonight if weather hasn`t moved in yet and think I`ll make some more potato salad....or maybe not as we just eat too much of it and seems I can`t make smaller portions :rolleyes1




Happy Wine Wednesday 🥂
Happy Wine Wednesday to you too Schumi. Yeah, must have been a popular night last night, as my bed mate was restless as well. I’m going to blame it on the fact that he went to bed very early, as was tired. And yeah, not much darkness last night. Nice the weather held today, to get your walk in. Hope tea was drank when you got back. And a yay for us, as rain chances not until Saturday. Agree, a good thunderstorm does clear the air.

Hey Pumpkin. Hope all is out your way is doing good, and nicer weather too. :wave2:

Oh no, Charade, maybe try when they first open the phone lines, you will be able get a live answer. I usually call to renew my pass. After hearing about the scary long holds to get a live person, I did it online for the first time. And I guess, it was just as easy. Hopefully you get your ride reservations soon.

And ah yes, that middle of the week days, where all can say, get over this hump of a day, and wahoo, Friday two days later. And so, why hello camel.

Hehe, camel must have known Mac will be doing her Taco Tuesday Taco Bell dinner today. The horror! :laughing: Eh. Any day to enjoy dinner out, is a good one now a days.

And so. No breakfast out for me today. That normal week day, early up, still before that so bright sunrise. Glorious sunshine day. One that weather lady said on the morning news, a perfect one. And I’d agree with her. Wall to wall sun, with 77F degrees the high. And lower humidity. Woot. ☀

Though have to say, a bit cool, as with a clear sky in the overnight, it’s 61 degrees out now. Hence one of the first things I do after refreshing and dressed for the day, is to get that tea pot filled and set back on the now turned on stove. Ooh tea refill needed, and that ooh, what do I see would be good for breakfast.

Therefore, hope all the homies have a Wonderful Wednesday. And a great morning.

Sunny day homies, get out and enjoy. And rock those sunglasses. I will be. Lunchtime walk ready. Looks so nice out.
Well, it’s very nice to meetcha :p I’m Janet

Yes, was wondering re ur DD. Nice to
See it’s not stopping her from golfing. Still say it’s the best ‘war’ story ever lol
A pleasure, Janet!
And yes, it's a great story for sure!

I've been on hold for about an hour and a half. No, not an insurance company this time. I'm trying to arrange transportation to and from the airport when I go to Universal.

Yum! I love tiramisu, but have never tried to make it myself.

Sorry to hear this. I hope it won't disturb any park time.

Congrats. Unfortunately SW doesn't fly out of anywhere near me.

Congratulations. 10 pounds is a great accomplishment.

Still on hold....
I'm making two Tiramisu desserts, since my recipe is for an 8x8 pan. DH says that's never enough, lol
Swing on up to Milwaukee and I'll share!

Hopefully Charade got a good sleep last night and a big hello to Pumpkin......

Wednesday again.......and apparently we only had 1 hour of astronomical darkness last night, from midnight till 1am.....and it felt like it. Woke up a couple of times and it was always light to varying degrees. But still slept like a top in between....someone was restless though........ ::yes::

Completed the reservations for my family member who is staying at RP in July for the first time, they are so excited. I hope they love it there, I think they will.

Out early again for a walk before the heat builds. Forecast for Thursday is not good so will make the most of it while we can. I think we need a bit of a thunderstorm to clear the air. Will bbq out tonight if weather hasn`t moved in yet and think I`ll make some more potato salad....or maybe not as we just eat too much of it and seems I can`t make smaller portions :rolleyes1




Happy Wine Wednesday 🥂
If you did the planning, your family will have a super trip! You and Tom are practically locals and could navigate Universal and Orlando with eyes closed. They will be so appreciative of your expertise!!

Had a Wine Tuesday with the neighbor last was totally worth it, lol!

Happy Wine Wednesday to you too Schumi. Yeah, must have been a popular night last night, as my bed mate was restless as well. I’m going to blame it on the fact that he went to bed very early, as was tired. And yeah, not much darkness last night. Nice the weather held today, to get your walk in. Hope tea was drank when you got back. And a yay for us, as rain chances not until Saturday. Agree, a good thunderstorm does clear the air.

Hey Pumpkin. Hope all is out your way is doing good, and nicer weather too. :wave2:

Oh no, Charade, maybe try when they first open the phone lines, you will be able get a live answer. I usually call to renew my pass. After hearing about the scary long holds to get a live person, I did it online for the first time. And I guess, it was just as easy. Hopefully you get your ride reservations soon.

And ah yes, that middle of the week days, where all can say, get over this hump of a day, and wahoo, Friday two days later. And so, why hello camel.
View attachment 582454

Hehe, camel must have known Mac will be doing her Taco Tuesday Taco Bell dinner today. The horror! :laughing: Eh. Any day to enjoy dinner out, is a good one now a days.

And so. No breakfast out for me today. That normal week day, early up, still before that so bright sunrise. Glorious sunshine day. One that weather lady said on the morning news, a perfect one. And I’d agree with her. Wall to wall sun, with 77F degrees the high. And lower humidity. Woot. ☀

Though have to say, a bit cool, as with a clear sky in the overnight, it’s 61 degrees out now. Hence one of the first things I do after refreshing and dressed for the day, is to get that tea pot filled and set back on the now turned on stove. Ooh tea refill needed, and that ooh, what do I see would be good for breakfast.

Therefore, hope all the homies have a Wonderful Wednesday. And a great morning.

Sunny day homies, get out and enjoy. And rock those sunglasses. I will be. Lunchtime walk ready. Looks so nice out.
Happy Hump Day, Lynne!
Enjoy that tea! On my first cup of coffee, and will surely have a second....maybe iced for cup #2.

Today DD will be going to get measured and fitted for scrubs for dental school. She invited me to tag along, and I'm thrilled! She's obviously capable of going on her own, but I love the fact that she will still include me.
This is most likely her last summer living at home, since dental school is year round. And after dental school, she'll be out on her own. I'm trying to soak up every minute I get with her. ....Cue the sappy music....

Ended up with a bright pink and silver for the nails. The silver shimmers rainbow colors in the sunlight!

Will walk the dogs this afternoon, since we are supposed to be sunny and 75. That's just about perfect in my book! And supper will be leftover elk chili. I made a large pot, and it was yummy!

Aww, nice DD still includes ya, Paris. And enjoy that second cup of coffee. Tiramisu is not my favorite treat. After had been working for around 15 years in a Italian neighborhood, had my fill of all sorts of sweets from local bakeries. Learned which treat to buy in each one. Won’t pass up a cannoli from the one bakery. Yum. Missed all the close neighborhood food items when my work moved to a different neighborhood, where I am still at now.

Is either kid up? Nope. Sigh. I need more tea.


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