Something About Nothing............ #14

:wave2: Early morning stop in!

My paper stack is a little light again today. That's alright, I'll take it! Winter is our busy season, as we service many oilfield companies, and that is when they do the bulk of their work to get new drill sites set up. So summer/fall is not as busy in our office. So I can enjoy lighter days...and I really enjoy not feeling guilty about wanting to leave early on Friday afternoons because the office is dead!!!

We went and received our second shots yesterday. It's been a long wait for us, but we finally have ours done. So far, feeling good besides my arm really hurts today and is very tender to touch it. Not even an hour after, my upper arm was hot and red. That seems to have went away. So now in two weeks...we should be good to go!!!! Not that we are going anywhere except to see the kids lol.

I've been lost in Yourtube world trying to pick our perfect birthday celebration trip!!! I want to put a deposit down now, before prices sky rocket when our travel restrictions lift. I am heavily leaning towards Dominican Republic. I would love to go to the same area we were in Mexico before (I still haven't seen much outside of the resorts that I wanted to do) but if we have family/friends go with us, they would rather go to a different area. But for this special trip...I really want a VERY tropical feel!!!!! The DM has always been on my bucket now is my chance!!!

We made it through the horrible winds yesterday. We only lost a few branches off of one tree. Our neighbor lost some flashing off the side and some shingles. There were reports of a few trampolines flying into other peoples yards yesterday, and fences being blown down and then dogs escaping. My FB page was flooded with reports of " found" lost dogs lol. It was crazy windy. Today is gloomy and rainy. But we need the rain, so I can't get too upset about the rain.

Happy birthday to you Mom!!! That's an amazing age! It is appreciated when work is understanding about needing time off - especially for family reasons.

Retail therapy is always a great pick me up...even if you don't buy anything. I love to look around and window shop!

Your walk sounds lovely. I know your like us, we enjoy the warmer weather when we get it...because before we blink it's cold again ;) The strawberry lemonade sounds delightfully refreshing. Enjoy the jerk chicken!!!!

Well, I should shuffle around a few of the papers in front of me.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

Yes, we both need to take advantage of the nicer weather when it appears.....glad your shots went well, always good to tick that box and have no bad side effects.

Strawberry lemonade was lush!!! As was the chicken thanks.......full up!!

They will have a super time off of your recommendations!

Sounds like a perfect day with your granddaughter!!

She's beautiful!

Enjoy the good weather and hope you're doing ok!

Yes, the students get fitted for the scrubs. They want them to have a professional appearance, and not fit like paper bags, lol!

Great news about the truck payoff!

A night out at a steak house sounds like a pretty good plan!!

I've used Tony for years as well. He's a very nice guy!

Happy Birthday to your mom! :bday: :flower3::cheer2:

Retail therapy?? I'm in!!
I'm lucky that I can really wear anything and my feet won't complain. I do have some nice sandals like Birks, Keen, Sanuk, etc

I found out at StrongWater Tavern that jerk seasoning is too spicy for me! They had a special on jerk chicken legs the evening we were there, and gave it a try. Thankfully DDs roommate enjoyed it!!

We had a fantastic trip to the DR just over 2 years ago!! PM me if you want any details from our trip.

DDs scrubs fitting went well yesterday. She was able to bring 5 tops home. The pants needed to be ordered since she wears a long. Those should be ready for pick up in 2 weeks.
I didn't realize at the time, but the uniform shop is right next door to an incredible bakery!! It opened in 1937 and is a Milwaukee institution. Naturally, a stop next door had to be made. I got their "famous" cheese pocket, and DD got a chocolate filled buttercream donut. We brought some home for the neighbors and DH too of course.
I think we will be filling orders for the bakery when we go back to pick up the pants in a couple weeks!
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We might get some rain today, and it's badly needed. Hopefully we get enough to green the lawn a bit.

Tonight will be baked salmon, sauteed zucchini, and cheddar broccoli rice. Kinda healthy, and will be gobbled down by all 3 of us!

Need to clean out and organize my spice cabinet. It's getting too full, and plenty in the way back that needs to go. A wild and crazy Thursday around here, lol!!!!

Yes, I think they will Lori.....we like similar things, so I`ve based choices on what we would like.......

Lovely sounding donuts!! And nice dinner too, although can I miss out the

I have a husband who could clear out your spice cabinet.......honestly, drives me nuts and I have no clue why he does it. I have everything in a certain place and in order, so I know where everything is and there is a section for oils and balsamic vinegars.....he moves them around and says he thought I`d like it. Er, no.....funny, he never does it with any other cabinet! I can send him over if need

Yep, dinner was super spicy and delicious. And very filling, sitting watching one of the football games rather unusually.

Going round to our friends home tomorrow night. He just popped round to check on my foot and asked if we`d like to go round and watch the Scotland - England game tomorrow evening. With some English there and some Scottish, it`ll be fun!!! Our friend is Scottish too, and actually grew up about 20 minutes from where I lived......and we`re the exact same age, only separated by two weeks. Funny how we ended up in the same place. So looking forward to that, it`ll be a fun night.

Time to empty the dishwasher and make up a strawberry lemonade........
Yay, little one wants to come for the full weekend I am there, so may save my one other ticket from bogo to go to HHN with her. So, we will be looking for a group to visit with that Thursday thru Saturday. So will be keeping an eye out for any offers to join private RIP as time goes on.

Sp nice weather made up bacon and cheese burgers on the grill, with grilling some green peppers and tomatoes. Yum! Dinner served. Oh and kids put mac and cheese bites in the oven. Will see how they taste when done cooking.

And a wahoo, as was going to take off tomorrow, now a holiday, so bonus 3 day weekend. Woot! Turned off alarm. May still be up early, but no way will I be moving fast.

Hope all have that quite lovely evening. And no warning as to sleep, as another wahoo, sleep well, tomorrow is Friday!
Good evening everyone. We had a really nice night tonight, so dinner was hot dogs and corn on the cob on the grill. We went to our favorite ice cream place afterwards.

Tomorrow will be an errand day. I want to go buy a small fan to take with me next week. Mom keeps the temperature in the house too high for my taste. I'm afraid it will be too warm for me to sleep. I might go shoe shopping too.

Keens, did I hear Keens :)? Def need to try them on. I had to return 2 different styles since my pinkie toes kept getting caught in straps & would wind up intermittently sticking out at odd angle that would pinch. (Uneek & whisper).
I don't think many stores around here carry them. If I can't find anything here I might stop at the big mall in Concord, NC when I drive down to my mom's.

I've been lost in Yourtube world trying to pick our perfect birthday celebration trip!!! I want to put a deposit down now, before prices sky rocket when our travel restrictions lift. I am heavily leaning towards Dominican Republic. I would love to go to the same area we were in Mexico before (I still haven't seen much outside of the resorts that I wanted to do) but if we have family/friends go with us, they would rather go to a different area. But for this special trip...I really want a VERY tropical feel!!!!! The DM has always been on my bucket now is my chance!!!
If it's on your bucket list go for it. I've checked off a couple of bucket list trips. I still want to go to Boston Harbor and pretend to throw tea off a ship.

Yeah, Keens. I can’t wear them. Little one, when younger had them for more than a few years. I agree, if get the chance, try on to see if feels comfortable. I tend to wear my sneakers for park walking. Only wear my flip flops if not waking long, and always when going on the water rides or in the water parks.
I don't know if I will use them for the parks, but I would like to have a good pair of sandals for summer use.

I didn't realize at the time, but the uniform shop is right next door to an incredible bakery!! It opened in 1937 and is a Milwaukee institution. Naturally, a stop next door had to be made. I got their "famous" cheese pocket, and DD got a chocolate filled buttercream donut. We brought some home for the neighbors and DH too of course.
I think we will be filling orders for the bakery when we go back to pick up the pants in a couple weeks!
Sounds like a place that will require more investigation.

I think I will get a jump on errand day and go throw some clothes in the wash.
Quick "hi". If you are on Instagram I posted some lake pics. Home for this weekend, back the weekend of fourth of July. Then leave on the 10th of July for a week in Las Vegas.
And car rental prices ack! only wanted a couple days-ended up being cheaper to add a day after an offer from Alamo when factoring in wait time and cost from airport for private transport to hotel. Splurged and booked loungers for pool day after we get in too-will have time to waste while waiting to check into condo.
Glad I have a kid in Orlando now and can commandeer her car!

Super hot/humid/dry currently. Watering deck plants 2 x day. putting ice in chickens water. And the 2 stubborn broody's who insist on sitting on top of each other have to be pulled out several times a day to make sure they eat and drink.

Hope all are doing ok! Waiting to see if HHN tix for multi-days comes back!
LG......nice your daughter is joining you for part of your trip in September.

Charade......I like your style with the Boston` such a historic place to visit, and absolutely on our bucket list........especially with Maria (worfiedoodles) living there.....and extra excuse to visit, but it looks beautiful, and everyone says it`s so easy to navigate.

Hey Monyk....sounds like a lovely trip to the lake, and yes, rental car prices are very odd right now!

It was a little cooler last night, around 60F during the night and a little cloudy this morning, so will be pleasant to walk in later before the rain arrives.

I think although our friends house is walkable to tonight, if the rain is as heavy as forecast, Kyle will drive us there as they are coming too, all the kids are going to be there, so it`ll be a nice mix of ages, and as he doesn`t drink, he`s the perfect driver to have in the house. Might not make our walk Saturday though :rolleyes1

And another night out next Thursday for the steakhouse......managed to get us booked close-ish together, hopefully in another month the limits to the amount of people/households will be lifted and we can go out to dinner with more than a coupls of others from a different household.

Time for a cuppa, still a while to go for breakfast.......🥓🥓🥞





Have a wonderful Friday 8-)
Ugh, I have been up since 4:30 and can't get back to sleep. It's times like this that I really envy the cat.

Boston Harbor has been on my travel bucket list for awhile. My birthday is December 16, which is the same day as the Boston Tea Party. I recently discovered that there is an interactive Tea Party museum, and one of the activities is throwing fake chests of tea off the ship. Hopefully we will be able to make a trip after all of the Covid restrictions are lifted.

I'm finally starting to feel sleepy again, so maybe I will be able to get back to sleep.
It is a wonderful Friday. Absolutely golden sunshine this morning. And with that clear sky last night, still not seeing 60 degrees on the thermometer. But the clouds are a coming by lunchtime, and will see mid 80’s degrees in the afternoon. Yay no rain predicted today. And yeah, you can tell it’s close to the Summer Solstice. Around 11 o’clock last night, went to toss some trash out, and it didn’t seem that dark out.

But as it is a lazy Friday for me, I’m thankful. Older one has to work, but I think he leaves just before lunchtime. On Monday, all will be working. The 8 week Summer camp where little one will be working, starts next week. And I have to tell ya. When the kids were much younger and campers at that camp, those 8 weeks flew by fast. Then we went on vacation, where Universal closed at 6pm. The days when our vacation time was late summer due to school always starting after Labor Day. But now I have adult college kids, and here, the colleges start the third week or last week of August. So, our vacation time has shifted. A short week earlier in August, or a longer one in January. See, most breaks between the Fall and Spring college sessions are generally 3 weeks, from right before Christmas to mid January. Eh, both low crowd times, mostly after the holidays, though we have braved Christmas crowds quite a few years. End of summer I prefer, as first part of January, and over the winter holidays, you never know how hot, or cool feeling it will be. And I like steamy hot. Though a May vacation may happen one of these days, as most colleges end mid May.

Ah, that lazy Friday, and fondly thinking of our past vacations. So nice to have a break in routine once in a while.

And so, with DH once again having to be with his mom, he’s out the door, and kids are still asleep. So quiet house I have. And I’d make a nice cooked breakfast, but little one wants to go out to breakfast. Eh, that will be hours from now. So I’ll stick with me tea, and had bought plain gram crackers. I’ll nibble on those, as just a bit sweet. They, use honey flavoring in those crackers. I’m not a honey tasting fan, but those crackers I like to eat once in awhile. And yeah the time of year they are on sale. See, they are the cracker in a s’more. Ah, I like the summertime.

Hope Charade got back to sleep. And yay, a MonyK sighting. Sounds like you have been busy, and nice for lake time, and nice to travel for 4th of July. Vegas bound family too. Hope all have a great time.

And yeah,I went to grad school in Boston, my work paid for me to get a masters degree, so they sent me to a Boston college. Where I roomed with a Boston bred coworker. Was, quite the long time ago now, but we still keep in touch, as she still works in Boston. It was so far back, before kids were born, with a military ticket, you can jump on whatever flight you can catch, regardless of which ticketed flight you had. DH had come up right before I was done, and took all but the little bit I still needed. Got to the airport quick, and checked in. Lady said there was a flight taking off soon, so I can get you on it, run and they’ll let you on. Well. I did. And I think it has been the only time I have flown on the second floor of a plane. See back then, my city airport did not have many flights to Europe. Hence, oddly, the plane was going to Germany, but first stopping at my city’s airport. Am thankful, as while we have not been over the pond for years now, my city airport has attracted enough European business, we have had a separate international part of the airport for quite the time now.

Ah the talk of travel. May see what the travel channel has on. The happy time and day when I control the biggest tv we have. Yeah, I could use my iPad, but nice to see a much bigger screen. And since house feels a bit cool, yes, shorts are on, and throw laying across my legs.

As babbling enough about travel and places to visit, I need at least a refill of tea.

That’s it homies. From a happily lazy starting homie, a fabulous Friday to you all.
Did go out nice and early this morning, beach and promenade were fairly quiet which was nice and as the tide was so far in, not many dog walkers along there this morning.

Weather has changed slightly since we took these, much cloudier now and feeling cooler, but we did 5 miles instead of 7 today.



Had lunch, and now trying to decide whether to wander out somewhere this afternoon or not to bother. We don`t really need anything today........

Time for a cuppa then I think and some baking I did when we came back this morning.
Yes, we both need to take advantage of the nicer weather when it appears.....glad your shots went well, always good to tick that box and have no bad side effects.

Strawberry lemonade was lush!!! As was the chicken thanks.......full up!!

Yes, I think they will Lori.....we like similar things, so I`ve based choices on what we would like.......

Lovely sounding donuts!! And nice dinner too, although can I miss out the

I have a husband who could clear out your spice cabinet.......honestly, drives me nuts and I have no clue why he does it. I have everything in a certain place and in order, so I know where everything is and there is a section for oils and balsamic vinegars.....he moves them around and says he thought I`d like it. Er, no.....funny, he never does it with any other cabinet! I can send him over if need

Yep, dinner was super spicy and delicious. And very filling, sitting watching one of the football games rather unusually.

Going round to our friends home tomorrow night. He just popped round to check on my foot and asked if we`d like to go round and watch the Scotland - England game tomorrow evening. With some English there and some Scottish, it`ll be fun!!! Our friend is Scottish too, and actually grew up about 20 minutes from where I lived......and we`re the exact same age, only separated by two weeks. Funny how we ended up in the same place. So looking forward to that, it`ll be a fun night.

Time to empty the dishwasher and make up a strawberry lemonade........
I also tackled my gift wrapping closet yesterday too....I guess it's time to Purge!!

Yay, little one wants to come for the full weekend I am there, so may save my one other ticket from bogo to go to HHN with her. So, we will be looking for a group to visit with that Thursday thru Saturday. So will be keeping an eye out for any offers to join private RIP as time goes on.

Sp nice weather made up bacon and cheese burgers on the grill, with grilling some green peppers and tomatoes. Yum! Dinner served. Oh and kids put mac and cheese bites in the oven. Will see how they taste when done cooking.

And a wahoo, as was going to take off tomorrow, now a holiday, so bonus 3 day weekend. Woot! Turned off alarm. May still be up early, but no way will I be moving fast.

Hope all have that quite lovely evening. And no warning as to sleep, as another wahoo, sleep well, tomorrow is Friday!
Oh, fun! So nice DD will join you!

Quick "hi". If you are on Instagram I posted some lake pics. Home for this weekend, back the weekend of fourth of July. Then leave on the 10th of July for a week in Las Vegas.
And car rental prices ack! only wanted a couple days-ended up being cheaper to add a day after an offer from Alamo when factoring in wait time and cost from airport for private transport to hotel. Splurged and booked loungers for pool day after we get in too-will have time to waste while waiting to check into condo.
Glad I have a kid in Orlando now and can commandeer her car!

Super hot/humid/dry currently. Watering deck plants 2 x day. putting ice in chickens water. And the 2 stubborn broody's who insist on sitting on top of each other have to be pulled out several times a day to make sure they eat and drink.

Hope all are doing ok! Waiting to see if HHN tix for multi-days comes back!
Vegas is always a fun time! Any special plans? Staying on the strip?

LG......nice your daughter is joining you for part of your trip in September.

Charade......I like your style with the Boston` such a historic place to visit, and absolutely on our bucket list........especially with Maria (worfiedoodles) living there.....and extra excuse to visit, but it looks beautiful, and everyone says it`s so easy to navigate.

Hey Monyk....sounds like a lovely trip to the lake, and yes, rental car prices are very odd right now!

It was a little cooler last night, around 60F during the night and a little cloudy this morning, so will be pleasant to walk in later before the rain arrives.

I think although our friends house is walkable to tonight, if the rain is as heavy as forecast, Kyle will drive us there as they are coming too, all the kids are going to be there, so it`ll be a nice mix of ages, and as he doesn`t drink, he`s the perfect driver to have in the house. Might not make our walk Saturday though :rolleyes1

And another night out next Thursday for the steakhouse......managed to get us booked close-ish together, hopefully in another month the limits to the amount of people/households will be lifted and we can go out to dinner with more than a coupls of others from a different household.

Time for a cuppa, still a while to go for breakfast.......🥓🥓🥞





Have a wonderful Friday 8-)
Fun plans for a Friday night, yay!!!

It is a wonderful Friday. Absolutely golden sunshine this morning. And with that clear sky last night, still not seeing 60 degrees on the thermometer. But the clouds are a coming by lunchtime, and will see mid 80’s degrees in the afternoon. Yay no rain predicted today. And yeah, you can tell it’s close to the Summer Solstice. Around 11 o’clock last night, went to toss some trash out, and it didn’t seem that dark out.

But as it is a lazy Friday for me, I’m thankful. Older one has to work, but I think he leaves just before lunchtime. On Monday, all will be working. The 8 week Summer camp where little one will be working, starts next week. And I have to tell ya. When the kids were much younger and campers at that camp, those 8 weeks flew by fast. Then we went on vacation, where Universal closed at 6pm. The days when our vacation time was late summer due to school always starting after Labor Day. But now I have adult college kids, and here, the colleges start the third week or last week of August. So, our vacation time has shifted. A short week earlier in August, or a longer one in January. See, most breaks between the Fall and Spring college sessions are generally 3 weeks, from right before Christmas to mid January. Eh, both low crowd times, mostly after the holidays, though we have braved Christmas crowds quite a few years. End of summer I prefer, as first part of January, and over the winter holidays, you never know how hot, or cool feeling it will be. And I like steamy hot. Though a May vacation may happen one of these days, as most colleges end mid May.

Ah, that lazy Friday, and fondly thinking of our past vacations. So nice to have a break in routine once in a while.

And so, with DH once again having to be with his mom, he’s out the door, and kids are still asleep. So quiet house I have. And I’d make a nice cooked breakfast, but little one wants to go out to breakfast. Eh, that will be hours from now. So I’ll stick with me tea, and had bought plain gram crackers. I’ll nibble on those, as just a bit sweet. They, use honey flavoring in those crackers. I’m not a honey tasting fan, but those crackers I like to eat once in awhile. And yeah the time of year they are on sale. See, they are the cracker in a s’more. Ah, I like the summertime.

Hope Charade got back to sleep. And yay, a MonyK sighting. Sounds like you have been busy, and nice for lake time, and nice to travel for 4th of July. Vegas bound family too. Hope all have a great time.

And yeah,I went to grad school in Boston, my work paid for me to get a masters degree, so they sent me to a Boston college. Where I roomed with a Boston bred coworker. Was, quite the long time ago now, but we still keep in touch, as she still works in Boston. It was so far back, before kids were born, with a military ticket, you can jump on whatever flight you can catch, regardless of which ticketed flight you had. DH had come up right before I was done, and took all but the little bit I still needed. Got to the airport quick, and checked in. Lady said there was a flight taking off soon, so I can get you on it, run and they’ll let you on. Well. I did. And I think it has been the only time I have flown on the second floor of a plane. See back then, my city airport did not have many flights to Europe. Hence, oddly, the plane was going to Germany, but first stopping at my city’s airport. Am thankful, as while we have not been over the pond for years now, my city airport has attracted enough European business, we have had a separate international part of the airport for quite the time now.

Ah the talk of travel. May see what the travel channel has on. The happy time and day when I control the biggest tv we have. Yeah, I could use my iPad, but nice to see a much bigger screen. And since house feels a bit cool, yes, shorts are on, and throw laying across my legs.

As babbling enough about travel and places to visit, I need at least a refill of tea.

That’s it homies. From a happily lazy starting homie, a fabulous Friday to you all.
Love reminiscing about past trips...
And now I'm thinking of Boston as a destination, lol!!

DH and I went out last night, which is rare for a week night. We went to a nearby bar to watch the Milwaukee Bucks play the NY Nets. We Won! This now forces a 7th game, in NYC. It's gonna be a close game I predict!
DD headed downtown with friends to be a part of the frenzy in the "deer district". The entire area around the Fiserv Forum (where the Milwaukee Bucks play), is full of huge bars and restaurants. And now capacity is at everybody and their cousin decided to join in the fun!!


Thinking about making another Tiktok recipe for supper tonight. I've actually gotten some decent meal ideas off of Tiktok!
Thatmidwesternmom has a unique pizza burger recipe. I think I'll give it a try!

We got a tiny bit of rain yesterday, but not near enough. Next chance of rain is on Father's Day. In-laws are hosting, and I'm guessing grilling out is the plan. Hopefully any rain doesn't mess with that.

Going for my second cup of coffee, and then run a couple of errands. Happy Friday!

Good morning again. I finally got back to sleep and slept until 10:30. I was so dead to the world that I didn't hear dh get up and leave the house. Now I need to get up, do my shopping, then come home and start cleaning the house. I know if i don't clean before i leave it won't get done while I am gone.

I went to grad school in Boston, my work paid for me to get a masters degree, so they sent me to a Boston college.
How bad are Boston winters? I've been asked if I would go on my birthday, but I don't think I want to be in Boston in December.

I also tackled my gift wrapping closet yesterday too....I guess it's time to Purge!!
You have a whole gift wrapping closet? I'm impressed. I used to love buying Christmas paper when it went on sale after Christmas, but it kind of got out of hand. I finally had to stop buying until I used up what I already had.

Time for either a late breakfast or early lunch.
I guess another Boston area homie can say, but the winter I was there, was very snowy and cold, Charade. But if you go the beginning of December, there may not be as much snow, and surely the holiday decorations would be all over town.

Ah, pancakes, eggs (for me) and bacon, nice brunch out. Not as the place we first went to, as way too crowded for us. But other place we knew would not be busy, and it was not. Almost as good pancakes. I like them as that place puts a bit of vanilla flavor in their pancakes. But both places have fluffy pancakes, and we have some left over, so later pancakes? Maybe. Made some lemonade, as getting warm and sticky out, Had to run older one his phone. Apparently, the phone number I did not know, was him asking to drop it off to him. And when DH had got to his mom’s, called me to say he must have forgot a bag he wanted to bring. On way to older one’s work, DH said he did take the bag ge was looking for. Men. Forgetful day for both my guys.

And so, it’s a few hours of little one and me. Well, little one playing with her online friends. Either way, a peaceful afternoon, with some cool drink. Life is good.
Good Friday evening Sans family :wave2:

hope no rain for either of th

Yep...,,we are keeping fingers and toes crossed.

Yay, news of a closer and closer wedding coming up and July trip with grandson. Good to hear all doing good, Robo. Yep, hotel booked and flights too. She’s a lucky kid. Could not pass up using my in the Spring renewed AP.

Yes, wedding week from day tomorrow. All is falling into place. Seems like only yesterday I was rocking her In my arms. Now she is getting married.

Glad to hear you are getting good use of the AP. Universal is kind of addictive..LOL.....A good addiction to have.

I`m only a little nervous they`ll like the places I`ve chosen for them...I`m sure they will and I know they`ll love RPR. But, when someone puts their trip in your hands........eeekk!!!! No

They will enjoy all your planning.

The Potter store was really cool. Both of us got t shirts.

The store looks awesome. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

So I'm hoping that our restrictions continue to ease, so that we can gather like we want well as, I would LOVE to gift him a Nascar weekend trip! But for that to happen, travel restrictions will need to ease...and we have not heard of any plans from our federal government on that. So we will wait and see.

Hope you are able to get a trip planned.

Great news from B & dh's university. For the first time in over a year they have reported zero Covid cases on campus. Of course almost all of the students have left for the summer, but they still have some faculty and staff working. Hopefully the numbers will stay very low when the students return in the fall.

Great news.

I'm on day 6 of 7 in a row at work...can't wait until Monday. At least I have our trip to look forward to ...only 98 days to go!

Yeah to the double digit countdown. It will be here before you know it.

I'm happy to say I LOVED Uni, and rode Hagrid's.... front seat, up on the bike. Holy-moly is that intense! We had a wonderful trip.

So glad to hear your had a great time on your vacation. Hagrid’s Motorbike coaster is wicked and fun.

Dr appt didn’t go as planned yesterday. Now wearing a different brace with the boot & on steroids. Told to expect said boot being my best friend for another 1 - 2 months. Stick a fork into me, i am over-done.:bitelip:

Hope the foot heals up with the new brace and steroids.

Forgot to add my favorite picture from the weekend. She was painting had one rubber boot on :laughing:. I found those little rubber boots in the camper and they fit her perfectly. I bought those for probably both the boys to use. She just loved them lol. Little stinker and her fascination with shoes and boots :lovestruc

Cute pictures. She is adorable.

Today is my mom's 88th birthday.

Happy birthday to your mom


Weather has changed slightly since we took these, much cloudier now and feeling cooler, but we did 5 miles instead of 7 today.

Nice beach pictures. Five miles is impressive. Love the memes.

I saw this a while ago and I loved it......LOL....I have been going to the gym just in case....LOL


Looks like everyone has been busy on the boards.

We have been roasting here for the past couple of days. We had 3 cooler days this past week then summer came full force in the mid 90’s. Can’t complain much though as we have had an unusual cool start to June comparably to years past.

Helping granddaughter with a few odds and ends for the wedding. We are all excited for their special day. Praying for a nice mild sunny day. Their wedding is outdoors and the reception is inside.

l watched my great-nephew today. He is going to be 20 months old the end of the month. He is the sweetest little fella. I do enjoy spending time with him. He likes doing his animal puzzle. Every time he gets to the skunk he laughs and says “skunk”. He is a joy to watch.

Son came by today to disconnect gas tank from grill for me and load it into SUV. I need to have it filled tomorrow for cookout for Father’s Day. I asked hubby what he wanted and he said burgers and hot dogs. So will make up some sides and a pineapple upside down cake. Looking forward to celebrating the dads on a Sunday.

Sounds like everyone is getting excited for HHN. You can tell by the fact that the hotels are filling up that it’s going to be busy. Let the Horror begin. Hope this year is awesome.

Have a great Friday evening everyone.
Robo, I hope to see ya at the end of September. Hehe, I guess I’d better walk some more. Will cross fingers and ties that weather is beautiful for the wedding day. Wedding wishes mummy dust sent. And grilling for Father’s Day is certainly a good dinner choice. DH will have to go to his mom’s on Sunday, so we will celebrate on Monday. He’s not one who wants anything. Steaks on the grill if the weather holds this Sunday.

And so, that relaxing Friday night. Kids were hungry, so a Wawa run was done. Apparently, the chicken stir fry dinner was not filling around 5 for the 3 of us, and left over for 7:45 pm arriving older one. They just got back and said it was bonkers busy. Yeah, the Friday late night munchies. I’m sticking with my tea. Started a puzzle, as finally had finished the very hard to do SW puzzle. I need to ask older one if he wants me to glue it together, and he gets a picture. If not, will break it up and give away. I tend to not like doing a puzzle twice. This puzzle is a nice sea side evening picture. Ahh, shades of oranges and blues. Still haven’t found all the end pieces, but will start on the one building, I’ll find the missing end pieces soon enough.

Peace may all find tonight. And sending some healing mummy dust wishes to Keisha. Hope your foot is feeling better. After all, Jack will be at HHN. Hope to see ya too, at end of September.
Friday night check in :)
Have to admit when I showed them to Tom he was surprised I had chosen them, I told him you wore them and swore by that was ok then if Janet were supposed to arrive 3 days ago, but company emailed to say no deliveries so far. Terra something or other was the name, I did like the Venice but they were completely out of stock, but will try them and see how I go on with them.

Lol, well, in truth they are function over form. My feet thank me every time I do wear them in

We went and received our second shots yesterday. It's been a long wait for us, but we finally have ours done.
good for you! Hopefully, the arm will clear up

Yes, the students get fitted for the scrubs. They want them to have a professional appearance, and not fit like paper bag
Who knew? Sounds like a fancy school :)
Going round to our friends home tomorrow night. He just popped round to check on my foot and asked if we`d like to go round and watch the Scotland - England game tomorrow evening. With some English there and some Scottish, it`ll be fun!!!
Oh, IDK, i’ve Seen some soccer fan skirmishes in the stands that curled my hair JK. You’ll have a great time
Yay, little one wants to come for the full weekend I am there,

Waiting to see if HHN tix for multi-days comes back!
Answer to that is the new, best kept secret.

And another night out next Thursday for the steakhouse......managed to get us booked close-ish together, hopefully in another month the limits to the amount of people/households will be lifted and we can go out to dinner with more than a coupls of others from a different household.
Moving forward!
I went to grad school in Boston, my work paid for me to get a masters degree, so they sent me to a Boston college
We’ll add you to the list of ‘masters’ here, lots of s
Yes, wedding week from day tomorrow. All is falling into place. Seems like only yesterday I was rocking her In my arms. Now she is getting married.

Aw, that’s lovely to read.
Hope the foot heals up with the new brace and steroids.
Had 2nd assessment at PT today, range of motion is coming back nicely. Glad i kept up the exercises. Was told to order 3 more different brace combos today, one i had not supportive enough. Somewhere in there the therapist will find the right order of usage for my step down now that i’m Starting to transition into one for a few hours a day from the boot.

I was so excited to be allowed to drive for a mile earlier this week. Have increased it just a bit each day, everything is holding tight lol. Will call it a win.
Good morning again. I finally got back to sleep and slept until 10:30. I was so dead to the world that I didn't hear dh get up and leave the house. Now I need to get up, do my shopping, then come home and start cleaning the house. I know if i don't clean before i leave it won't get done while I am gone.

How bad are Boston winters? I've been asked if I would go on my birthday, but I don't think I want to be in Boston in December.

You have a whole gift wrapping closet? I'm impressed. I used to love buying Christmas paper when it went on sale after Christmas, but it kind of got out of hand. I finally had to stop buying until I used up what I already had.

Time for either a late breakfast or early lunch.
One of our extra bedrooms is an in-law suite, complete with ensuite bathroom and a walk in closet. We use the space as a den, instead of a bedroom. The closet was then dedicated as a gift wrap (and all those accessories) type space.

I guess another Boston area homie can say, but the winter I was there, was very snowy and cold, Charade. But if you go the beginning of December, there may not be as much snow, and surely the holiday decorations would be all over town.

Ah, pancakes, eggs (for me) and bacon, nice brunch out. Not as the place we first went to, as way too crowded for us. But other place we knew would not be busy, and it was not. Almost as good pancakes. I like them as that place puts a bit of vanilla flavor in their pancakes. But both places have fluffy pancakes, and we have some left over, so later pancakes? Maybe. Made some lemonade, as getting warm and sticky out, Had to run older one his phone. Apparently, the phone number I did not know, was him asking to drop it off to him. And when DH had got to his mom’s, called me to say he must have forgot a bag he wanted to bring. On way to older one’s work, DH said he did take the bag ge was looking for. Men. Forgetful day for both my guys.

And so, it’s a few hours of little one and me. Well, little one playing with her online friends. Either way, a peaceful afternoon, with some cool drink. Life is good.
Brunch is my favorite meal!

Good Friday evening Sans family :wave2:

Yep...,,we are keeping fingers and toes crossed.

Yes, wedding week from day tomorrow. All is falling into place. Seems like only yesterday I was rocking her In my arms. Now she is getting married.

Glad to hear you are getting good use of the AP. Universal is kind of addictive..LOL.....A good addiction to have.

They will enjoy all your planning.

The store looks awesome. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Hope you are able to get a trip planned.

Great news.

Yeah to the double digit countdown. It will be here before you know it.

So glad to hear your had a great time on your vacation. Hagrid’s Motorbike coaster is wicked and fun.

Hope the foot heals up with the new brace and steroids.

Cute pictures. She is adorable.

Happy birthday to your mom

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Nice beach pictures. Five miles is impressive. Love the memes.

I saw this a while ago and I loved it......LOL....I have been going to the gym just in case....LOL

View attachment 583123

Looks like everyone has been busy on the boards.

We have been roasting here for the past couple of days. We had 3 cooler days this past week then summer came full force in the mid 90’s. Can’t complain much though as we have had an unusual cool start to June comparably to years past.

Helping granddaughter with a few odds and ends for the wedding. We are all excited for their special day. Praying for a nice mild sunny day. Their wedding is outdoors and the reception is inside.

l watched my great-nephew today. He is going to be 20 months old the end of the month. He is the sweetest little fella. I do enjoy spending time with him. He likes doing his animal puzzle. Every time he gets to the skunk he laughs and says “skunk”. He is a joy to watch.

Son came by today to disconnect gas tank from grill for me and load it into SUV. I need to have it filled tomorrow for cookout for Father’s Day. I asked hubby what he wanted and he said burgers and hot dogs. So will make up some sides and a pineapple upside down cake. Looking forward to celebrating the dads on a Sunday.

Sounds like everyone is getting excited for HHN. You can tell by the fact that the hotels are filling up that it’s going to be busy. Let the Horror begin. Hope this year is awesome.

Have a great Friday evening everyone.
Wow, the big day is almost here!! Your excitement is palpable! I hope your granddaughter has the absolute best day possible.....please share some photos of the day!

20 months is such a fun age! Nice you get to spend time with your little buddy!

Robo, I hope to see ya at the end of September. Hehe, I guess I’d better walk some more. Will cross fingers and ties that weather is beautiful for the wedding day. Wedding wishes mummy dust sent. And grilling for Father’s Day is certainly a good dinner choice. DH will have to go to his mom’s on Sunday, so we will celebrate on Monday. He’s not one who wants anything. Steaks on the grill if the weather holds this Sunday.

And so, that relaxing Friday night. Kids were hungry, so a Wawa run was done. Apparently, the chicken stir fry dinner was not filling around 5 for the 3 of us, and left over for 7:45 pm arriving older one. They just got back and said it was bonkers busy. Yeah, the Friday late night munchies. I’m sticking with my tea. Started a puzzle, as finally had finished the very hard to do SW puzzle. I need to ask older one if he wants me to glue it together, and he gets a picture. If not, will break it up and give away. I tend to not like doing a puzzle twice. This puzzle is a nice sea side evening picture. Ahh, shades of oranges and blues. Still haven’t found all the end pieces, but will start on the one building, I’ll find the missing end pieces soon enough.

Peace may all find tonight. And sending some healing mummy dust wishes to Keisha. Hope your foot is feeling better. After all, Jack will be at HHN. Hope to see ya too, at end of September.
I've never been to a Wawa. We don't have any in WI....but their reputation is legendary, lol!

Quiet Friday evening. I have a glass of wine. Ignoring the TV, but may watch some Netflix in a bit.
DH is going golfing early tomorrow morning about an hour away. He's already watching TV in bed and will surely be asleep within the hour.

We will be seeing DH's grandma....She will be at DH parents house for Father's Day. DH is very excited to see his beloved grandma!! Best 'gift' he could get:lovestruc
She's such an awesome lady, and we cherish any amount of days we have left with her! (She's a spunky one at 94, but nobody lives forever)

Aww, they are cute at 20 months old, Robo. Soon I will have another great niece or nephew. Niece is more than ready to have her third child born. And a ooh, she is really hoping to enjoy the July holiday, as all the family to be here. She’s due 9 days later than the holiday Sunday, so all of us are hoping to see her, and then seeing the new baby on the not as all the family usually get together on the September holiday. And our July holiday family will not only be celebrating the holiday, but three June and one two days before the holiday, birthdays. And do what my mom asked we do after she was gone. We could not before, as sadly, she passed away last Spring, and while us siblings got together to say goodbye, we all left after, masked and had stood distant. So all extended family, including my 3 nieces and nephew, and 5, soon to be 6 total, 3 great nieces and 2 great nephews, will all be enjoy eating ice cream. My mom always enjoyed eating it, so we will be sure to remember her and eat ice cream by all the family this time, not masked and with hugs. And hoping for a hot and steamy weather this coming holiday. As would be eating ice cream while relaxing in the pool. ::yes::

What a nice sunny day. Going to maybe see rain, as that Southern winds have brought the hot and humid, and yep, those thunderstorms. Phone said extreme weather watch this weekend. I guess so. Summer has returned a day early. 90 degrees is the high temp, and it’s just half after 9 am, and already 73 degrees out. Weather lady on early morning news has said isolated showers later in the day, and clouds to rule the afternoon. But a gloriously yellow sunrise, oh so early now. Took my tea cup and sat on the stoop to enjoy that early, full of light just after sunrise. And I guess around 9 is a good time to have heard my neighbor banging away at something. DH said he’d wait until 11 to not disturb the neighbors. Well, apparently one of our neighbors thought before 9 to bang away. Eh, I think he just wants to relax, before once again going to see his mom.

Hope all are enjoying this glorious sunny Saturday. But stay cool, wear a hat, drinks to be had, and if outside, that suntan lotion too. Oh and pack an umbrella. May be that unlucky homie, later today. As then you win having that isolated rain shower.

it’s a Saturday. Woot. :dancer::banana:

And the last day of Spring for us above the equator. And that means Summer arrives late tomorrow night. Woot! Woot! Woot! Woot! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Oh, and a good morning to ya too. :wave2:
Morning all. Getting ready to tackle a surprising number of ‘clean’ laundry baskets that need sorted. The mr has spare time on his hands/on a laundry kick. If it’s not nailed down into the washer it goes. I may hide the tide pods :jester:

charade u r heading south for ur mom soon? Hope that weather front heading thru doesn’t give u grief. Same for Mac & Vicki

We will be seeing DH's grandma....She will be at DH parents house for Father's Day. DH is very excited to see his beloved grandma!! Best 'gift' he could get:lovestruc
She's such an awesome lady, and we cherish any amount of days we have left with her! (She's a spunky one at 94, but nobody lives forever)
True but, when it’s all said & done, you can’t ask for more than a family that treasures you
And our July holiday family will not only be celebrating the holiday, but three June and one two days before the holiday, birthdays. And do what my mom asked we do after she was gone. We could not before, as sadly, she passed away last Spring, and while us siblings got together to say goodbye, we all left after, masked and had stood distant.
Big, fat 4th of July celebrations are the best! Weekend ones are icing on the cake. Being able to gather again with family & friends after such a long, dark period is a blessing
Friday night check in :)

Lol, well, in truth they are function over form. My feet thank me every time I do wear them in

good for you! Hopefully, the arm will clear up

Who knew? Sounds like a fancy school :)

Oh, IDK, i’ve Seen some soccer fan skirmishes in the stands that curled my hair JK. You’ll have a great time

Answer to that is the new, best kept secret.

Moving forward!

We’ll add you to the list of ‘masters’ here, lots of s

Aw, that’s lovely to read.

Had 2nd assessment at PT today, range of motion is coming back nicely. Glad i kept up the exercises. Was told to order 3 more different brace combos today, one i had not supportive enough. Somewhere in there the therapist will find the right order of usage for my step down now that i’m Starting to transition into one for a few hours a day from the boot.

I was so excited to be allowed to drive for a mile earlier this week. Have increased it just a bit each day, everything is holding tight lol. Will call it a win.
Glad PT is going well for you. Yes, doing the exercises is very important

Aww, they are cute at 20 months old, Robo. Soon I will have another great niece or nephew. Niece is more than ready to have her third child born. And a ooh, she is really hoping to enjoy the July holiday, as all the family to be here. She’s due 9 days later than the holiday Sunday, so all of us are hoping to see her, and then seeing the new baby on the not as all the family usually get together on the September holiday. And our July holiday family will not only be celebrating the holiday, but three June and one two days before the holiday, birthdays. And do what my mom asked we do after she was gone. We could not before, as sadly, she passed away last Spring, and while us siblings got together to say goodbye, we all left after, masked and had stood distant. So all extended family, including my 3 nieces and nephew, and 5, soon to be 6 total, 3 great nieces and 2 great nephews, will all be enjoy eating ice cream. My mom always enjoyed eating it, so we will be sure to remember her and eat ice cream by all the family this time, not masked and with hugs. And hoping for a hot and steamy weather this coming holiday. As would be eating ice cream while relaxing in the pool. ::yes::

What a nice sunny day. Going to maybe see rain, as that Southern winds have brought the hot and humid, and yep, those thunderstorms. Phone said extreme weather watch this weekend. I guess so. Summer has returned a day early. 90 degrees is the high temp, and it’s just half after 9 am, and already 73 degrees out. Weather lady on early morning news has said isolated showers later in the day, and clouds to rule the afternoon. But a gloriously yellow sunrise, oh so early now. Took my tea cup and sat on the stoop to enjoy that early, full of light just after sunrise. And I guess around 9 is a good time to have heard my neighbor banging away at something. DH said he’d wait until 11 to not disturb the neighbors. Well, apparently one of our neighbors thought before 9 to bang away. Eh, I think he just wants to relax, before once again going to see his mom.

Hope all are enjoying this glorious sunny Saturday. But stay cool, wear a hat, drinks to be had, and if outside, that suntan lotion too. Oh and pack an umbrella. May be that unlucky homie, later today. As then you win having that isolated rain shower.

it’s a Saturday. Woot. :dancer::banana:

And the last day of Spring for us above the equator. And that means Summer arrives late tomorrow night. Woot! Woot! Woot! Woot! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Oh, and a good morning to ya too. :wave2:
I have a love/hate relationship with the 1st day of summer. I Love that we get the most sunlight of the entire year!! I also get quite bummed that each day after that we lose daylight as we head back to winter.:headache:

Morning all. Getting ready to tackle a surprising number of ‘clean’ laundry baskets that need sorted. The mr has spare time on his hands/on a laundry kick. If it’s not nailed down into the washer it goes. I may hide the tide pods :jester:

charade u r heading south for ur mom soon? Hope that weather front heading thru doesn’t give u grief. Same for Mac & Vicki

True but, when it’s all said & done, you can’t ask for more than a family that treasures you
Big, fat 4th of July celebrations are the best! Weekend ones are icing on the cake. Being able to gather again with family & friends after such a long, dark period is a blessing
Wait, guys know how to do laundry?? LOL!!
DH had his mom do his laundry until we were married. And he wasn't living at home....
DH has many wonderful qualities, but laundry duty isn't one of them.

Two tiramisu desserts are complete and in the fridge until tomorrow when we head to the in-laws. I also boiled eggs today, and will make the filling for deviled eggs in the morning. Bringing 2 dozen of those along as well.

No matter how you celebrate, have a wonderful Father's Day tomorrow!!!
Good to see you again. Hope you can get back more often.
A shout out to Mrose that she is back with us!
MKrose - welcome home. Glad to hear you were able to work a trip in this summer. Had been some time for you.
Thanks all, for the nice wishes! I am chomping at the bit to share some good things that have been happening here over the past few months, but I can't right now. I hope you can understand. This forum, while helpful, is open to anyone to view. So even if we post something helpful, it can be taken the wrong way by people looking for the "wrong".

I'm still laying low, but very interested in what my homies are up to. Hope you all are well!
Our trip last month was very much last minute, not knowing who would come with us or how to plan accordingly. We did Uni and Disney and it was a blast! I saw the new dates for the Disney Halloween parties, but I don't think we will do it. We'll see, and it may be last minute planning like this last trip.

Looking forward to Father's Day tomorrow! I bought hubby the Hooten Young American Whiskey that we tried in Wine Bar George a few weeks ago! I'm not a whiskey person, but the story behind the guys who make it, along with being a proud daughter of a US Army Vet, Korea, I really appreciate what they've done. I'm excited for hubby to open it!
Be well, Be safe!


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