Something About Nothing............ #14

Daytime view!! 😁


See you later :sunny:

Waiting for our friend to arrive, supposed to meet them at 1.30, they came in early! Only spending a couple of hours with them though as they fly home tonight to NY.

HOT and very humid today, September humid, but sun is out now, it has been cloudy earlier, can’t go wrong……:)
Good Saturday afternoon everyone :wave2:



Our cabin & balcony. If u squint NASA complex back there.
Very nice big State room. Hope you all are having a wonderful time on your cruise.

I’m sorely tempted to get my first. Arms shrinking & all, tough to reach those piggies
Go and treat yourself. You deserve it.

ut to her favorite place for dinner - Subway! That girly loves a sandwich!!! Then we went to the new Disney "Wish" movie. It was really good! She of course was scared in some parts - but a little sitting on Grammie's lap and talking our way through the scary parts. We all enjoyed the movie. Then ice cream after then to bed! She went down surprisingly fast - given the sugar from candy from the movie and ice cream lol.
Sounds like a wonderful time with your sweet granddaughter.

Carole gives us such entertaining and informative reads! Robbie has very detailed ones, especially as to shopping opportunities. Admittedly, the only two I follow. Nice that people do share their excitement. Surely, helps others with their planning
Thank you for reading along on the trip reports.

Carole is the queen of trip reports I enjoy her reports too.

Christmas Mouseville trip coming up Dec 13th with the littlest Grandsons!!! WHHHOOOOO!!!

Miss y'all!!!
Mr buckeev glad to hear you have a trip planned to the mouse house with your Grandsons. Have a great time.

Merry Christmas season to you and your family.

Yesterday was my last radiation treatment, yay. With all that’s been going on I haven’t been around here much but think of everyone. Now to recuperate. I’m a bit fatigued from treatment But will pop in. It’s a busy time of year too! This morning I’m celebrating finishing radiation by having a mani/pedi :goodvibes
Sue, good to hear from you and glad to hear your radiation is over. Sending prayers that you feel better soon.

Enjoy your mani/pedi you deserve to be pampered.

Saturday morning to all the homies!
Afternoon Mac. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods in Georgia.

HOT and very humid today, September humid, but sun is out now, it has been cloudy earlier, can’t go wrong……
Perfect Lizard weather. Enjoy.

Today is turning out to be a laid back Saturday. We need those sometimes.

Granddaughter told me on Thanksgiving that her hubby was supposed to bring cookies to his office party. Hint…Hint. So I told her I would make some. I took those by Wednesday.


I made orange marmalade, peanut butter, peanut butter chocolate drizzle, oatmeal apple walnut, and chocolate chip pecan.

I made up a nice tray for him to take and he said they were gone in no time.

If I remember correctly the Oatmeal apple walnut is a recipe Pumpkin shared. That recipe is delicious.

My sister and I used to get together for a major cookie baking day and evening for years before Christmas. We have not done that for a few years. It was fun, but very time consuming for sure.

I might make a few more of the Orange Marmalade cookies and some Pecan Tassies. Then some Cinnamon Rolls by special request from granddaughter and baking will be done.

I watched little J on Thursday and we had a wonderful time. Of course we had to go to Target for our Starbucks stop and some shopping. He likes the apple juice there. Then it was off to the Mall play area and a few rides on the Merry go Round.

My sister, Granddaughter, daughter in law, niece and myself made a shopping trip to Mall at Green Hills in Nashville yesterday. We had a wonderful time. Everyone found some things they wanted. So it was a successful trip. Lots of laughs and quality visiting time.

We stopped for a round of Starbucks before we started shopping in the morning. Then lunch at Cheesecake Factory.

We stopped by Carrabba’s Italian Grill for a late dinner. I have eaten at one in Florida once and was not a fan, but this one was good.

Arrived home after midnight from the trip so was a tad tired this am.

Ordered pizza for dinner so getting ready to go and pick it up.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.
Lynne just read your post a page back.

Since I am the only family member left, there is no one else in my small family to take over his assets and belongings over house, land, etc

I only have Mr Mac but he is still kicking

My family of the past are no longer around.

It’s just Mr Mac and my adult sons
Yesterday a day trip to minion land. Mostly for grinchy goodness, parade & our few favorites there

Had great seats, unexpected mummy dust, selected from standby



Difficult with u light placement for parade pics. We made do, didn’t grab a good spot before the OI throng was released

King Julian
& his twerking minions. You won’t see that at a WDW parade lol

Today sea world got their Xmas fun, surprising the mr With a different tour this go round

We didn’t get off the boat when we docked there either. The one time we did, and nothing special.
Oh, we’ve done adrasta gardens to March with the flamingos & Atlantis water park at least 25 times. Only if family along will I bother now as so much to do on the ship. Allure on the left, oasis class


Do think this was our first stop pulling away at night, even prettier

Coco cay was great again, bit unusual

Reminded me of a weathervane

Standing under that earlier in day a friendly stingray appeared next to us, a solid 4 foot width. No fears there, have kissed for that 7 years’ good luck in grand cayman

What did make my heart skip a beat was seeing a 5 -6 foot nurse shark leisurely float a few feet past us

Only the small critters will venture over the reef

Robbie -drool. That’s a cookie table!
Yesterday was my last radiation treatment, yay. With all that’s been going on I haven’t been around here much but think of everyone. Now to recuperate. I’m a bit fatigued from treatment But will pop in. It’s a busy time of year too! This morning I’m celebrating finishing radiation by having a mani/pedi :goodvibes
Wonderful news!
am currently snuggling under a warm blanket, remote in hand, watching the newest season of "The Crown". I was a Princess Di fan and cried when and how she died.
It’s on my list, haven’t seen a single episode
Last edited:
Yay, a delicious looking cookie share from Robo, and some great live reporting from Keisha. Love seeing your pictures.

And so, today, that Sunday, some more rain to come. Saying coming soon, and overcast even as I woke up.

DH still coughing, but at least he is feeling better. Hehe, gave him that knock out drug last night. He sleep well, was not restless, and woke up later than I have seen him do for some time. His body needed that. I too was later getting up. Nice when we both can relax today.

Thinking of visiting sister, though have to give her a call to see what is up with her. Then a pick up, as ordered last night. On the way, so will do it before or after our visit. Otherwise, not too far from us, and will do that pick up if visit not in the cards.

Speaking of, got the wrapping psier out of the closet. And since little one did not get to the post office yesterday, told her let’s wrap the gift today, so you have it ready for Monday. Then I’m going to wrap the few presents I do gift.

Also going to discuss when we are going to do our baking. Can’t do it this weekend, or next, or the one after. The weekend before Christmas Monday, um, probably. I don’t think we have done it so late. Otherwise, may do it the day after we get back, and ask if older one would take off, to help out on the day we come home in the middle of the evening. Then he can pick us up, rather than DH. DH is doing the drop off though. Then older one can work that day. If older one drops us off, he takes the day off. And I doubt he will take off both the days we travel. Ooh didn’t do that right, have to not have a lazy Friday this week. But oh well, the next three will be. Woot!

Mac, hugs. Hard when not many family around. Hope you are doing well, and enjoying that warmer air than me.

Super happy Sunday. Safe travels to Schumi. Enjoy reading and seeing your pictures here, and in your trip report.
Nice to make the Fiesta Bowl, Charade. Maybe a flight to AZ for you.

Ah that ugh, it’s Monday feeling. Clear skies made it close to freezing in the overnight, but 40 out now. Then by Thursday, the high is 37. Eh, we are in December now.

Back to that week day routine, and will hear those trash trucks soon enough. DH offered to toss the last of it out, so I’m like have at it. Sipping on my tea, after bacon, eggs and cheese for breakfast. Felt like I was hungry enough, so made hot food. Got up at 3:30 am for some reason, and couldn’t get back to sleep. So, long hot shower, and a full feeling. Nap, maybe later today.

Rainy yesterday, is gone until predicted to be this Sunday. So, yay, a rest of week dry. Hehe, will be leaving at around freezing and arriving at around 60 degrees, flight should be quick and following the coast. Woot! Arriving not much after sunrise to end this week. Ready for some park fun.

Hope Schumi got home without any issues. Night flights are nice, when you get to arrive the next morning. Enjoy reading your trip report.

And so, that most Marvelous Monday wish to all. Good morning.
Morning all.

Carole should be safely back home by now. Talk about a long flight there!

Early wake up to grab BR return for guardians. Our Epcot day. Candlelight processional pkg. just saw how two presenters earlier in season dropped out due to health issues. Odd

Yesterday tour was a blast. He was obsessed with both my watch and iPhone

What’s better than one camel! Three of them
Sea world truly has an amazing Christmas pageant

Not a fan of their new no-cash policy. More annoyed they are adding a service fee to use credit card…

to point an $11 Cronut Ice cream snack morphed into nearly $15. SMH

detest being nickel & dimed. Just be upfront about any additional fees other than taxes due. Appears they are pushing for guests to buy their version of a prepaid debit card in the park

DH still coughing, but at least he is feeling better
Uck do u think it might have been rsv in lieu of flu? Holiday travel does throw a monkey wrench into baking time lol I freeze cookies every year. Mostly so I can stagger putting them out, to always have fresh ones thru the season

Charade fiesta bowl sounds fun. Youngest DS visits college bud there every year. Air options are few & far between from our market. If going I’d hop on that sooner Vs later. Maybe alumni association wil put together a package tour?
Yay another live report from Keisha. Hope you enjoy Epcot today. Yeah, I hate that the SW parks are adding that service charge and no cash. I used my free 10 dollars on a pin, that was 12 dollars, l still cost me almost 10 anyway. I think when we go to SW on our trip, we won’t buy anything. A shame they decided to money grab that way. Yes, saw those 2 speakers not doing it, and hope our guy will be there next week, when we go.

Ooh such a quiet day so far. Older one has off, so kids decided to take an almost day long road trip. Why not. Roads are clear, though traffic is picking up. Time of year.
A quick early Monday stop in!

The weekend flew by WAYYYYYYYY too quick. Shopping is nearly done. We have either picked up or ordered almost everyone on our list. We still have son-in-law to buy for. He's always a tough one to find a gift for - and I don't always want to just buy him clothes either. I'm thinking a leather portfolio organizer. He's a realtor...and could definitely use something like that I think. I don't always want to buy him clothes for a gift.

I did get one batch of cookies whipped up. ummmmmm they were a total flop!!! I had trouble with the butter here last year - this year seems to be worse :furious: It doesn't want to cream up and nice a fluffy. And I refuse to pay the price for the good Kerry Gold butter. IT's nearly 12.00/ block here :worried: So I might be forced to go back to my broke days and use margarine - which some people hate. But if it makes my baking normal - then I might have to do that!!!!!! Dh will be thrilled with alllllllllll the flat oatmeal chocolate chip cookies he will get to eat - even if they are as flat as a pancake. They taste delicious - they are flat. It is clearly the butter - and - I also let the batter set in the fridge for a couplehours before baking them off. I've never had cookies do this EVER!!!!!!!!

We finally got a sprinkling of snow here. It made for a slick drive to work this morning. The forecast if calling for mild temps yet with some snow mixed in. We are still above our average temps. This weather won't help the famers and get some moisture in our ground for wildfires in the forested areas. But it has helped with my SAD.

If our kids remember, they send them last minute
:o This is me sending to my family at holidays and birthdays!!!!
HOT and very humid today, September humid, but sun is out now, it has been cloudy earlier, can’t go wrong……:)
That is perfect Lizard weather!!!! I can't remember when your supposed to be heading back home. Hopefully your are or had an amazing trip!!!!
My sister and I used to get together for a major cookie baking day and evening for years before Christmas. We have not done that for a few years. It was fun, but very time consuming for sure.

I might make a few more of the Orange Marmalade cookies and some Pecan Tassies. Then some Cinnamon Rolls by special request from granddaughter and baking will be done.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to get together with my sisters to do that!!!! My mom - I love her - but she is NOT a baker!!!!! It is not in her wheelhouse. I love doing it - and give all mine away as gifts. I don't and haven't ever bought gifts for others. They get a tin of Xmas baking.
pulling away at night, even prettier
:lovestruc That was pretty!!!!! I have pictures of us leaving Cozumel. We had an extra long day there when we cruised and enjoyed out whole day there.
It’s on my list, haven’t seen a single episode
It is probably one of my favorite shows since it premiered. I didn't like season 3. I found it extremely BORING!!!! But all the rest of them - were amazing.
DH still coughing, but at least he is feeling better. Hehe, gave him that knock out drug last night. He sleep well, was not restless, and woke up later than I have seen him do for some time. His body needed that.
There is a very nasty chest infection going around here. It is taking people weeks to get rid of it.
The early predictions were that we would go to the New Orleans bowl. That’s not going to happen. Instead we are going to the Fiesta Bowl.
That's great!

Well, I should get going and shuffle some more papers around.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Pumpkin, one of my friends kids is a chef and will only use margarine for baking most things, so although I tend not to, it`ll be fine without butter.

And yes, thanks, perfect lizard weather most days for us. Few cooler ones, but we knew to expect that so were prepared. Just a lovely trip.

Janet.....loving the pictures from you!! Lovely as always......and again, it was fabulous spending that evening with you and your lovely mister, we did have a fabulous time!!!

Landed at 11am yesterday, 30 minutes early despite leaving 30 minutes late! Not too shabby from VA. 7 hours 30 minutes to come home is exceptional with a two engine plane considering it`s over 9 hours coming out. But, it was a very good flight, food was decent, flight crew were amazing as always and Premium seat was comfy and we got the back row we like.

Car service was waiting for us and it was cold, but we missed the snow and below freezing temps, still cool though. Drove home in constant heavy rain, but Tom and I slept most of the way as always.

It was nice coming home to all the decorations up and they were on as we drove up to the house....loved it.

We had an amazing trip.....Sapphire and Royal Pacific were fantastic as always!!! We were so happy to see everyone again and welcomed like family which is lovely, they do look after everyone so well. I think we managed to catch up with everyone we wanted to.

Now to work around the jet lag......laundry has been started, shouldn`t take long but we do need to go grocery shopping this rush we`re taking our time and will snooze when we need to.

It is nice to be home though....... :santa:
Ah, what day is it? Taco Tuesday. You know.


Yep, minion, the hand held taco eating reminder is today. Today is the day of week you can enjoy a Taco Bell meal of tacos or have tacos wherever they are made. Saw you could buy a Taco Bell one price deal and have an order of those Taco Bell fries free every time you order in a month. Still, I doubt we will buy such. While that is one of the only items little one eats there, we haven’t stopped in a Taco Bell in quite some time. And I doubt today too. But as we have some steak around, maybe steak tacos at home for dinner, maybe. Clear sky, in the early morning, so those steaks may be on the grill, even if cloudy at dinnertime, as it’s dry. No matter. Even if close to freezing by the time we grill, we might grill. We grill year round. Our grill is close enough to our door, we do that dash in and out when the weather is too cool or too hot.

But up in that early hour, having quickly tossed thst trash in almost empty cans. A little ooh, outside thermometer showed 34 degrees. High is 43, so at least that mostly cloudy day it is to be, the temps will rise 10 degrees throughout the day.

And so, as said early evening last night night. Mom, house feels warm. Why, yes it does. I do like it warm, except I turn heater down as we sleep. But it goes higher an hour before I get up. I like having warmer as I get out of my bed covers. And so, even with a warmer house, that tea kettle was heard whistling, saying come get the hot water for your tea. Hot tea in my mug, now, having been refilled once so far.

Glad to hear Schumi arrived quick, and back home to your decorated home. And nice Pumpkin had a nice weekend, shopping. Ack, to baking not coming out right. We tend to use half margarine and half butter when it calls for just butter in our chocolate chip recipe. Eh, at least if it tastes good, I’m okay with not pretty looking cookies. Was with my sister yesterday, so we picked up most of our baking supplies. While not baking until we get back, I wanted to help with getting the supplies, as then we can get right to baking and candy making in only one day.

And agree with Pumpkin. Weekends tend to fly by quick. And for this one, oh my a one hand countdown now. Wow, not only do weekends go by fast, so did November. Park fun soon enough, for me and Buckeev. Buckeev, safe travels to you and the grandkids next week.

Finally, a good morning to all, and hope all the homies have a most terrific Taco Tuesday.
Good morning. Yesterday I overslept and today I woke up too early.
Plans are still up in the air for the bowl game. If we don’t go to the game dh wants to go back to Dollywood since we got snowed out last year.

Nice to make the Fiesta Bowl, Charade. Maybe a flight to AZ for you.
I would love to go, but flights are too high right now. I guess that’s the downside of having a New Year’s Day game.

Early wake up to grab BR return for guardians.
How was the ride? I want to ride that one, but don’t know when we will get back to Disney.

Not a fan of their new no-cash policy. More annoyed they are adding a service fee to use credit card…
That’s insane. No cash, but a fee to use credit? That’s enough to keep me from going back.

Charade fiesta bowl sounds fun. Youngest DS visits college bud there every year. Air options are few & far between from our market. If going I’d hop on that sooner Vs later. Maybe alumni association wil put together a package tour?
We should be getting details on a package soon, but I have a feeling it will still be pricey. We will probably be watching this one from home.

Shopping is nearly done. We have either picked up or ordered almost everyone on our list.
I’m ready to start wrapping. The only gift I have left is the one I am making.

And I refuse to pay the price for the good Kerry Gold butter. IT's nearly 12.00/ block here :worried: So I might be forced to go back to my broke days and use margarine - which some people hate. But if it makes my baking normal - then I might have to do that!!!!!!
If you don’t tell anyone they probably won’t know the difference.

Almost time for my alarm to go off. Guess I should get up and start the day.
Pumpkin, I have the same issue occasionally. One of my pastry chef friends told me fresh butter whips up better. I was leaving the stand mixer on forever to get air into it some bakes.
If I'm doing a big batch we'll plan a trip to Costco or BJs just before.
I hate it when a bake goes off on me, it's like a personal affront 😄
Good morning. Yesterday I overslept and today I woke up too early.
Plans are still up in the air for the bowl game. If we don’t go to the game dh wants to go back to Dollywood since we got snowed out last year.

I would love to go, but flights are too high right now. I guess that’s the downside of having a New Year’s Day game.

How was the ride? I want to ride that one, but don’t know when we will get back to Disney.

That’s insane. No cash, but a fee to use credit? That’s enough to keep me from going back.

We should be getting details on a package soon, but I have a feeling it will still be pricey. We will probably be watching this one from home.

I’m ready to start wrapping. The only gift I have left is the one I am making.

If you don’t tell anyone they probably won’t know the difference.

Almost time for my alarm to go off. Guess I should get up and start the day.

Yes, there`s no real difference between butter and margarine, anyone will tell you the same.

That`s a shame you won`t get to see the I may have missed it, which sport are we talking about....non American non sports fan here, so it`s usually not on my radar.

Looking forward to seeing the gift you`re making for your friend, it sounds lovely and handmade gifts are usually so appreciated, I hope you do share it with us. Hope your day goes well.

Well, we did go shopping in the cold and rain this morning, the grocery store has been changed all around so that confused us even more, then the farm store we usually go to for chicken was closed due to a bereavement, went to another and we just missed an accident in their car park. It`s usually the road to get to them as like most roads around here they`re tight and winding country lanes but everyone was ok.

Got our chicken then went to the veg place and thankfully no incidents there.

Came home, fell asleep, woke up got dryer back on, had lunch, fell asleep and it`s now almost 4pm, pitch black outside so all the lights inside and out are all twinking nicely. Will try not to sleep now till bedtime.

So, doing chicken breasts stuffed with brie and cranberry and wrapped in bacon for dinner tonight, spicy parmentier potatoes and fancied some cauliflower. Nice home cooked meal for us tonight...although you do wonder what folks describe as home coked sometimes when you see what they claim to cook!!! Holy moly.....

Then tonight, glass of a very nice red wine we were given as a present from someone in the hotel, thankfully everything we brought back was well wrapped in bubble wrap and survived!!!

And Janet....this will make you smile......had a load of txts from friends today asking how we are, I`m not fooled......the real question they want to ask is......did we get the Tide was very cruel and didn`t mention them so they had to ask.......I know them all so well!!!! Hope you`re still having a blast, looking forward to some WL christmas images.....such a beautiful place to be during the holidays🎄

And more tea......must be my 15th cup today.....hard to beat that one!! 🫖🫖🫖
now I may have missed it, which sport are we talking about..
This is American football at the university/college level. My team is currently undefeated.
There are 6 bowl games played on New Year’s Day. Two of them serve as playoffs for the national championship, the others are highly coveted spots. It is huge that our team gets to play in one of these games.
It's Taco Tuesday!!!! No tacos for us tonight - we did have that last night though. I have a taco salad for lunch with all the left overs from the toppings and meat crumble left over. Tonight I'm making french onion chicken. It was a hit the last time - so hoping it turns out again tonight.

Mild weather is in our area again - it is actually raining today :confused: So the roads are super slick. It is definitely an El Nino weather this year! I am NOT complaining. If I don't have to pull the big coat out of the closet - then it's a great day!

We had an amazing trip.....Sapphire and Royal Pacific were fantastic as always!!! We were so happy to see everyone again and welcomed like family which is lovely, they do look after everyone so well. I think we managed to catch up with everyone we wanted to.

Now to work around the jet lag......laundry has been started, shouldn`t take long but we do need to go grocery shopping this rush we`re taking our time and will snooze when we need to.
It is always sad when a trip ends - but it is always nice to get home as well. It's always bittersweet. Hopefully the jetlag doesn't hit you too hard. I'm glad you made it home safe and sound.

And your right about margarine vs butter. I just like to use butter for my Christmas baking as I give it away as gifts. No one will know the difference. I ran to the grocery store last night to stock up for my baking.
Even if close to freezing by the time we grill, we might grill. We grill year round. Our grill is close enough to our door, we do that dash in and out when the weather is too cool or too hot.
I would love to grill in the winter. It's too dark. I've asked my sparky dh to add more lighting in the backyard so I could grill in the winter - :rolleyes1 ummmmm that hasn't happened yet.
Plans are still up in the air for the bowl game. If we don’t go to the game dh wants to go back to Dollywood since we got snowed out last year.
It sounds like a win either way!!!!!! Both would be a great little get-away!

We are eagerly waiting for Nascar to start again. Dh was aiming to maybe do three Nascar races this year. I'll have to wait and see what we can all figure out. He for sure wants to see the final race in Phoenix. He's also talking about Talladega or Atlanta speedways.

Well, I should go track down more papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
We are eagerly waiting for Nascar to start again. Dh was aiming to maybe do three Nascar races this year. I'll have to wait and see what we can all figure out. He for sure wants to see the final race in Phoenix. He's also talking about Talladega or Atlanta speedways.

You should go to Martinsville. I don’t know if there is anything to do there other than racing, but it’s not too far from where I live.
You should go to Martinsville. I don’t know if there is anything to do there other than racing, but it’s not too far from where I live.
I'm sure one day we will see a race there. For us to get there - it would be a milk run trip! From here - it would be 3 airports to get to Washington - then either drive or fly a cheap american carrier to Martinsville. Some day I know we will!!! Those areas that are not serviced great by Canadian Carriers, it will take us longer to get to.


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