Something About Nothing ... #12

I was so lucky when my two youngest graduated. My brother owned a successful photography studio and I got the "super duper photo package with assorted locations for absolutely $0.00. It was his graduation present to the kids. They even removed my son's braces and missing tooth from his smile. I have ginormous photos of my kids with special effects and they each brought a suitcase of stuff to wear. I didn't even know there was something called a "basic package". That makes so much more sense. I was fighting with those two about what shots locations and poses...o_O

I am so envious. I would like to do a senior year photo shoot later on on the year, but dread what that will cost. I think that the pictures this week will be taken by the same company that does all of our school photos. I’d rather hire a local photographer for other pictures.
I am so envious. I would like to do a senior year photo shoot later on on the year, but dread what that will cost. I think that the pictures this week will be taken by the same company that does all of our school photos. I’d rather hire a local photographer for other pictures.
Oddly, taking school photos is how my brother's studio made most of their money. He had some really great award winning photographers that worked with him though so those wedding, engagement and grad shoots really enhanced the business. I do have some successful relatives and then there is normal ordinary me. I wish said brother owned the studio when daughter number two graduated. She was "busy", she lived with her Dad in order to go to a better high school, and he "forgot" to do grad pics. My graduation picture of her right now is her 11th grade school photo which my brother's company took. o_O. My ex DH totally dropped the ball on that one.
Oddly, taking school photos is how my brother's studio made most of their money. He had some really great award winning photographers that worked with him though so those wedding, engagement and grad shoots really enhanced the business. I do have some successful relatives and then there is normal ordinary me. I wish said brother owned the studio when daughter number two graduated. She was "busy", she lived with her Dad in order to go to a better high school, and he "forgot" to do grad pics. My graduation picture of her right now is her 11th grade school photo which my brother's company took. o_O. My ex DH totally dropped the ball on that one.

I guess we will be doing cap & gown photos at the end of the year. I hope B’s graduation photos look better than mine. I think I look like a child playing dress up in someone’s cap & gown.
Sitting in my favorite spot in living room this evening. Checking up on the Sans family.
Saw my doc today. Was put on some steroids to try and ease up neck and upper back issues. Hoping for a good nights sleep tonight.

Robbie !!!
You rest all you can and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you for today, tomorrow and everyday until you get back to everyday life.
:grouphug:This is us giving you many gentle hugs..

Thank you Kneester :hug:

Robo, it will be October before ya know it, and I will be happy to say hello to you again. Gentle hugs until then.

Love the Pic of the Dragon on Gringotts. Escape from a Gringotts is my favorite ride.

mac said it best and I second her post!

Yep, she did. Thanks Monyk. Hope The laryngitis clears up soon :hug:

So good to hear from you Robbie...glad you're doing okay and continued prayers for all involved :grouphug:

Thank you Tink :hug:

Oh Robbie! I watched the news report! Prayers for you and everyone involved. How scary...

Thank you for your prayers agavegirl1. You remain in my prayers also :hug: Hope you are resting well leading up to your surgery. I know it was hard postponing your vacation, but you have the right spirit about saving up more to do fun things when you get to go.

Welcome back Robo!!

Thanks Charade67 :hug:

Oh and of course, the one time I stay more than 8 nights with Loews in a year, and their reward program ends this year.

When did you hear about Lowe’s youfirst reward program ending?

@pattyw can you spare a little more wine? I am feeling sorry for myself having to cancel my entire 2018 vacation. Pour me a glass...I can toast us both

I will have a bottle with you agavegirl1 even though I’am not particularly a wine drinker......right now feel like I could use it....

:hug: Robo, hope you are feeling less sore and aching today. Gentle hugs for today

Thanks Lynne :hug:

You inspired me to buy some new types of hot sauce this morning from our deli...….one looks positively nuclear!!!! Hope so...…..:D

St. Elmo’s shrimp cocktail sauce is pretty explosive. They sell it at Sam’s here.....They do not spare the horseradish. One tip of your fork in it will clear your sinuses.

Robo! So glad to hear from you. Hope your healing goes quickly.

Thanks kohly:hug:

Still sending our Robo good thoughts........and those :grouphug:

Thanks Schumi :hug:

:hug: To Keisha

:hug: To pattyw
Are you saying you are short?
Well, I am short, but also think I look very young. You be the judge.
Well, I am short, but also think I look very young. You be the judge.
Well, you are cute as a button and you would never be served a drink unless you had two id’s to show

I can’t say 16 as you have already told us your kids are not in diapers

You look sweet and cute!
Robbie I’m so glad you dropped in!

I hope the steroids do the trick and help you

You rest as much as you can and heal up

Happy you checked in as you have been missed

Many good thoughts and prayers for you
Charade, you are "teeny" and remind me of my best friend in High school all of 4"10" and weighing about 80 something lbs. We ha fun with pep club skits with her in them. Anyway. Robbie, so nice to see you back and posting.

Homies, you are correct, in July, some very talented people are going to cut into my spine, relocate some stuff, weld some pieces together etc..

Meanwhile, me cancelling my trip does not hold a candle to our dear Robbie being home and healthy and ...well Yay...Robbie.
I don’t drink any alcoholic beverages. I usually just ignore those conversations. Can’t really contribute to something you know nothing about.

I get it. It`s like me with cats...….no interest in them at all.

Hey all! Missed the wine talk, been having cocktails instead this week. Trying to convince myself that vodka is good for laryngitis- yep lost my voice. Actually don't feel bad other than an occasional stuffiness and can't talk.
Love a good broccoli cheese soup-winter soup for me,but make a double batch and freeze some for quick dinners, with beer bread...mmmm.

Senior photos...will be thinking about that again this time next year, better keep in good graces of our friend and neighbor (assistant head of photo dept at university in our town). He did oldest senior pics for a song and they were beautiful.

Postponed is always better than cancelled.

Haven't made it to universal yet. Thought we might go tonight but everyone is wiped out. Up at 630 am to make space mountain fastpasses, then stayed til almost 4 at MK. Grandson Jacob loves everything! Even the drop in Pirates, and Astro orbiter. Son and Jacob bonded- have several pics of Ben guiding Jacob and holding hands- think Ben likes being an uncle. Hit but great day. Very busy in MK but seemed people were in pretty decent moods and no rude behavior. A guy was walking by us while waiting on monorail platform and he stopped and said 'oh no we didn't mean to cut line'- nope dude- we awere hanging back cuz we were tired and no problem at all to walk on up and fill in open spaces. Saw more of that kind of thinking vs the entitled 'I deserve to be here' stuff.

Breakfast tomorrow at 1900 Park Faire with all the kids (DCP kid isn't going in til 315pm), then will likely finally get to Universal.
Had a dismeet with chunkymonkey too! So fun!

Racking up Marriott reward points - suspect if we get back next year to use Uni passes it will be offsite at a Marriott...

Glad you`re having such a nice trip......isn't it nice when people around you are nice...….:thumbsup2

Happy new week everyone!
We went camping this weekend, it was pouring most of the time and quite cold. But it was with my husbands friends and they are all scouts so trying to argue with them that the weather isnt good enough for camping is a no go. They would go if it was snowing and storming.

Oh how I long for a Florida trip, I just have to get my fix by reading trip reports :)

Camping fills me with dread!!! I admire you for going...…….I`d be the one in the hotel looking out the window at the campers...….::yes::

Schumi, such blasphemy! You are speaking to a Wisconsin resident that loves cheese of most types. Yes, a good Brie baked with cranberry jam is good. Cream cheese is good (read labels carefully) but there is so much out there!!!. Wisconsin has a cheese factory every 20-30 miles specializing in something and I have yet to find a homemade mac and cheese blend of cheeses I didn't like. The real stuff, not the fake orange stuff.

lol...….cranberry and brie are one of my favourite combos!!! I do like a good Scottish cheddar.....but never, ever in a soup for me!!!! Yes, we all like a good home made mac n cheese......never use fake cheese!!!! and Tom just reminded me I have been known to nibble on a good cheeseboard......but the soup thing isn't for me.

Ahem, as for my "postponed" vacation a little over 500 days away. DH and I are on board that since we have another year to save, and I am sad, we will add "enhancements". I already mentioned Club Level at Portofino. What kind of special things involving HHN 2019 should I consider? Remembering I have 500 days and a whole nother tax season to save up? My part time tax job is my vacation fund. It has no where to go in 2018. Private tour? Special Event? We won't be upgrading the Disney hotel because it is cost prohibitive and DH wants to stay at POR.

Is there a Brazilian Steak House in Orlando? Have any of you tried it? This is something DH wants to try. I guess I am starting to feel less "down". Should we rent a car and pay parking just to try new stuff? Should we just throw more into savings for Uber, Lyft and Taxis?

Well, It's not like I don't have time to figure it out.

Feeling more positive tonight. Thank you all for your support.

We went to Texas de Brazil a good few years back...….very disappointing. I think the quality of the meat was poor but folks were just seeing quantity there......I wouldn't go back. They did have a good salad bar though......very noisy.

Glad you`re feeling a little more positive...….:thumbsup2

Robo…….nice to see you feeling a little better...…….

Tuesday again...…..

Went out to get my friend some presents for her 50th birthday on Thursday. That`s another one hitting the milestone...…..went looking for some cushions too and didn't see anything today....always the way.

Beautiful sunny day here today...….light breeze, but think we`ll be sitting in the garden this afternoon again.

Have a great Tuesday...…...:wave2:
I can look at a calendar to see what day it is

But since all my days blend together I have to read it on the San to know if it is that day
I can look at a calendar to see what day it is

But since all my days blend together I have to read it on the San to know if it is that day

lol......I know I woke up this morning and didn't have a clue what day it was today...…..asked Tom and he told me how many sleeps till our next trip.....:rotfl:
Ta Ta Tuesday, taco on the mind homies!

Ah, sun, glorious sun, has made an appearance in the clear sky on the horizon. Not yet quite warming, car said it was 50 out, but that's okay, the rain has left the building, and we inch closer toward 80 today. Sunglasses worn, and I'm on the short side too, so the sun visor is never low enough. But, hey not complaining. At least I did not have to commute on one of our major highways, seems the river decided to run with the cars, many stalled from the rising water on the road. Road closed for almost 10 hours, before the water receded. Still not as passable as could be, lots of mud deposited on the road. Hoping to go on it on Sunday, so hoping the mud is gone by now. The rain kindly washed away the bird poop that made my kids laugh at the chosen locations for that poop to land on my car.

, yep,

Schumi, hope you are enjoying your nicer weather. Does put most in a better mood, when the weather is nice. Hope you find the cushions you were looking for. And yep, my youngest brother turns 50 this week-end. Milestone indeed. That and he has a 4 year old. Says he's getting old. LOL

With that, little one said she reminded me friend's birthday party is Friday night. I said, remind, what? I do forget things, but I clearly don't remember that little info. So, asked her what present she wants to give. Something with cats. Alright then, what does that mean? Guess we will be shopping when I get home on Friday. Nothing like last minute. We did go to the mall last night, but she did not see anything she wanted to buy. Ended up with an iced coffee, as she could not decide as she was feeling somewhat cold, but not sure wanted to drink something hot.

Robo, so glad you have some steroids, and sending healing thoughts that the pain and aches are less and less.

Mac, hope your coffee is hot this morning. Give those cats a hug.

With that, tea for me. Love that we have some week-end stuff. Zoo, and funeral on Saturday, seeing superhero family on Sunday, and next week, dino saving seeing Sunday. Wahoo, it's June, homies. The month school ends, summer begins and so does camp. Kids on the same schedule for another summer. :music:

Happy Tuesday all! Another glorious day here!! trying to get all caught up at work- only 10 days until we leave for Orlando!!


I ‘aged out’ of tent camping when i hit 50 :). DH of the mountain-man type of camper. When i hit 40 insisted on taking a blowup pool float. He thot it heresy. Following year bought a screened in thing. That was the end of it haha. He now freely admits that 4 & 5 star hotels are lovely indeed. Will never forget the year there was a freak snow overnight (pre internet days, yes, i’m that old :). Woke up wet. Thought one of the kids had a rare, major accident. Nope, the moisture was seeping up through the ground. That sort of cold takes awhile to work out of your bones!

Carole well, guilty as charged with whatever wine placed in front of me, especially when a guest at a party. It’s only the red wine that literally makes me feel like death, often an hour or so after ingesting.

I developed a whopper of a Rx sulfa allergy my late 20’s. Maybe sulfites in the same ballpark? Might explain it my reaction

Hey all! Missed the wine talk, been having cocktails instead this week. Trying to convince myself that vodka is good for laryngitis- yep lost my voice. Actually don't feel bad other than an occasional stuffiness and can't talk.
Love a good broccoli cheese soup-winter soup for me,but make a double batch and freeze some for quick dinners, with beer bread...mmmm.

Senior photos...will be thinking about that again this time next year, better keep in good graces of our friend and neighbor (assistant head of photo dept at university in our town). He did oldest senior pics for a song and they were beautiful.

Postponed is always better than cancelled.

Haven't made it to universal yet. Thought we might go tonight but everyone is wiped out. Up at 630 am to make space mountain fastpasses, then stayed til almost 4 at MK. Grandson Jacob loves everything! Even the drop in Pirates, and Astro orbiter. Son and Jacob bonded- have several pics of Ben guiding Jacob and holding hands- think Ben likes being an uncle. Hit but great day. Very busy in MK but seemed people were in pretty decent moods and no rude behavior. A guy was walking by us while waiting on monorail platform and he stopped and said 'oh no we didn't mean to cut line'- nope dude- we awere hanging back cuz we were tired and no problem at all to walk on up and fill in open spaces. Saw more of that kind of thinking vs the entitled 'I deserve to be here' stuff.

Breakfast tomorrow at 1900 Park Faire with all the kids (DCP kid isn't going in til 315pm), then will likely finally get to Universal.
Had a dismeet with chunkymonkey too! So fun!

Racking up Marriott reward points - suspect if we get back next year to use Uni passes it will be offsite at a Marriott...

Since i’m Waxing old today haha, will share this. When I was a kid the family doctor would prescribe a shot of Rock N Rye to help us sleep & quiet our coughs/sooth throat. He’d lose his license in this age if not worse. How did we ever survive.

Congrats on the point run! It’s an epic moment when the kids can do the big boy stuff.

Yes, the soup will be frozen in bowl sized batches today.

Schumi, such blasphemy! You are speaking to a Wisconsin resident that loves cheese of most types. Yes, a good Brie baked with cranberry jam is good. Cream cheese is good (read labels carefully) but there is so much out there!!!. Wisconsin has a cheese factory every 20-30 miles specializing in something and I have yet to find a homemade mac and cheese blend of cheeses I didn't like. The real stuff, not the fake orange stuff.

A whole generation of kids growing up who think Kraft is the bomb is sad.

Tried the Plaza version with the pulled pork. Decent, never had that combo but will say enough to feed 2 people easily. Too much rich food and I’m looking something to cut it. Lol glass of wine probably would’ve done the trick.

Ahem, as for my "postponed" vacation a little over 500 days away. DH and I are on board that since we have another year to save, and I am sad, we will add "enhancements". I already mentioned Club Level at Portofino. What kind of special things involving HHN 2019 should I consider? Remembering I have 500 days and a whole nother tax season to save up? My part time tax job is my vacation fund. It has no where to go in 2018. Private tour? Special Event? We won't be upgrading the Disney hotel because it is cost prohibitive and DH wants to stay at POR.

Is there a Brazilian Steak House in Orlando? Have any of you tried it? This is something DH wants to try. I guess I am starting to feel less "down". Should we rent a car and pay parking just to try new stuff? Should we just throw more into savings for Uber, Lyft and Taxis?

Well, It's not like I don't have time to figure it out.

Feeling more positive tonight. Thank you all for your support.

POR isn’t exactly cheap these days. Before they started to charge for parking @ WDW, I’d say at least rent a car there & explore outside the bubble a bit. Uber & Lyft cheap & easy in MCO.

You have lots of good ideas & time. My vote for Private vs Public tour, can always try to drum up some guests you can vette here to offset the price.

I wanted to try the Brazilian steakhouse @ crossroads but read some awful reviews then it perinneally popped up on groupon which tends to be a big, red warning flag for me. Make sure to post if you find an interesting contender.
I ‘aged out’ of tent camping when i hit 50 :). DH of the mountain-man type of camper. When i hit 40 insisted on taking a blowup pool float. He thot it heresy. Following year bought a screened in thing. That was the end of it haha. He now freely admits that 4 & 5 star hotels are lovely indeed.

We're both camping wimps!! But we've enjoyed Ft Wilderness cabins and the Treehouse villas! I guess we're ok at glamping!!
Ahem, as for my "postponed" vacation a little over 500 days away. DH and I are on board that since we have another year to save, and I am sad, we will add "enhancements". I already mentioned Club Level at Portofino. What kind of special things involving HHN 2019 should I consider? Remembering I have 500 days and a whole nother tax season to save up? My part time tax job is my vacation fund. It has no where to go in 2018. Private tour? Special Event? We won't be upgrading the Disney hotel because it is cost prohibitive and DH wants to stay at POR.

Is there a Brazilian Steak House in Orlando? Have any of you tried it? This is something DH wants to try. I guess I am starting to feel less "down". Should we rent a car and pay parking just to try new stuff? Should we just throw more into savings for Uber, Lyft and Taxis?

Well, It's not like I don't have time to figure it out.

Feeling more positive tonight. Thank you all for your support.
I'd see what extras you decide to do and then consider if renting a car makes sense. For example, if you decide to do a day at the beach, rent a car. If you stay local though, or do extras with buses like Busch Gardens, I'd think uber/lyft might actually be cheapest since you have a parking fees at both Portofino and POR on top of the rental cost.

Happy Tuesday! It's off to robotics later this afternoon. The worse thing about the drive is that I pass the Disney exit. (I go that way to all the Disney parks except for MK). I see exit 8 in all of its glory with "Disney World" on the sign, but yet, I have to take exit 6 after it. It reminds me I live in a vacation place but yet have too much adulting to do.
Good morning :coffee: glad to hear from you and hope you're feeling better soon :goodvibes

Agavegirl...your new trip plans sound awesome! It helps to have something to look forward to when you're healing and 2019 will be here before you know it.

Patty :cheer2: for your 10 day countdown! I might be there at the same time if we can get a good deal either that week or the week of the 4th...just have to talk my DD into it. many sleeps do you have left? I love cheese...goes good with wine but neither one is on my pretrip diet unfortunately.

Janet...the last time we went camping it rained all night and our tent leaked so we were all wet and miserable...DD vowed never to go camping again so imagine my surprise when she suggested we go camping with friends for the 4th of Julyo_O I'm too old to sleep on the ground, I have enough trouble just getting out of bed in the morning.

Kohlby, adulting is overrated...I say go to the parks.

Yikes on the river in the road Lynne...we are surrounded by water around here and have been cut off from traveling a few times in the past...not fun at all.

The corporate powers that be decided to reduce our hours during the busiest time of the year for the next few weeks so I have to work only 3 days out of 11...guess I'll get lots of time to do all the chores I've been avoiding or I could take a little solo trip.

Happy Tuesday everyone :flower1: Time to get going.


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