Something About Nothing ... #12

B looks like a dear child....but that's NUTS!! LOL!

I agree. She’s done it twice and absolutely loved it. They even let her steer the hang glider at one point. They went up to 3000 feet.

Of the many things I miss about being in Newport News, Busch Gardens and Water Country is right up there on the list.
If I lived closer I would get a pass to Busch Gardens. I am about a 3 hour drive.

Tonight B started complaining about her mouth hurting. She said that she can feel a lump on her gum. I’m wondering if it is a wisdom tooth. Looks like we will be placing a call to the dentist tomorrow morning.
Lynne you’re sure getting the weather, hope you got the clearing promised tonight.

Pooh you sure have had a lot on your plate. You needed that weekend away!
Hope it’s smooth sailing now.

Schumi no Walking Dead hasn’t been cancelled, this season has finished so now we have Fear The Walking Dead season! Then Walking Dead new season will be on again.
I’m also avidly watching Handmaids Tale.

Bobbie nice waterpark pic. I haven’t been to the one here in ages. And it hadn’t been warm enough yet. I don’t think it has a lazy river or anything as fun as the US parks, like the aqua coasters etc. And I’m not into drop slides. I should look it up to see. I’m sure there have been upgraded since I was last there.

Charade that hang glider pic eek! Crazy about several Waffle Houses being robbed at the same time! Glad it didn’t happen when you were there.

Getting ready for dinner. The sun came out, it was nice enjoying the patio in the afternoon, got some reading done. Had to move my chair into the shade, even though it’s low 70 s the sun was hot!
Chicken done on the bbq, salad & corn n the cob. Then going for neighbourhood doggy walk with friend. Rain returning Tomorrow maybe?
Well it is now 10:40 pm and our temps have finally dropped down to 82
High today was 96

We do like the weather here as our winters are much more milder than Chicago

The one thing we did not bring with us when we moved here were the snow shovels

Hope all are doing fine
Sending everyone hugs
We have rain today.

And quite cool outside. But, we`ve had some lovely weather recently so can`t complain.

Off for dentist appointment soon. Just a check up....hopefully. Then real plans for the rest of the day.

But...…..8 weeks today till we fly out to Orlando again...….:love:

Have a great Tuesday

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Image result for aunt acid funnies
Yeah, not dreaming of snow shovels yet. Hope your weather is a bit cooler now, Mac. What we did get, Sue, was that clearing out. Went down into the low 60's overnight. A refreshing, low humidity start of 67. Dare I say, I almost wanted a longer sleeved shirt? Yep, that cooler feeling. And still a dark commute, and fogged in car windows. But a nice quick one, that did become a little longer, hello truck, so slow that light did change. Darn. Oh well, he turned, and I went straight. Guy behind me also turned, after he followed me straight, to beat the truck. I feel ya, guy.

With that, the sum is a huge glowing ball of gold just above the horizon. Still some clouds left, but a blue sky, and full sun will give us close to 90 today. And low humidity, hello wind from the North. So ready for sunglasses. And yes, we did have late day sun, and it was a beautiful sunset last night. Ending up with a burger for me, and cooked breaded fish in my air fryer for older one. Then fries in that fryer too. Easy dinner, since it was just him and me last night. Little one texted me she was bored, ah well, make the best of it. Seems some of the speakers during her college orientation yesterday, were not of her liking. It finishes up today, so tonight, will be back to the 3 of us. DH is still on a business trip.

Ah, and Tuesday is here. Yep, that day of the week, Mac may do her Taco Bell run. I may do that too, little one wanted those fries the other day. 30 minute wait at both of the Taco Bells we tried. Um, not waiting that long, so walked out of both, and went to Wendy's. Anyways, Taco Tuesday, come and get it.
415697 Yum, Yum.

Have a great day, all. And hope B's mouth is fine. Molars coming in are painful. I think both my kids had their molars in already. And hope Schumi's dentist check up is fine too.

So, Good Morning all, and Good Afternoon, Schumi!

Here comes the sun, and yes, the tea. Later homies.
Good morning all, sorta. It’s 3:56 am here and I got up at 3 and can’t get back to sleep :guilty:
No plans today except to go out and get a birthday present for a friend. The group of us are taking her out for lunch Friday. I might get her a gift card, at this stage in our lives none of us needs more stuff. Or may get her a nice hand and body cream set.

Schumi good luck at the dentist, and have a nice lunch.

Lynne enjoy the low humidity! Of fast food places, I like Wendy’s. Especially their frostys lol! And the burgers don’t give me heartburn like some other places. I rarely go to fast food but when I do it’s usually Wendy’s. That’s crazy, 30 min lines at Taco Bell!

Mac happy Taco Tues! Hope you’re staying cool.

Maybe I’ll go to living room tv and put on the early news, maybe that will make me fall back asleep!
lynne, hope your weather does stay lovely......I hear you on being ready for sunglasses! I have an umbrella today......

Sue, hope you got back to sleep...….Oh I one needs stuff......but it`s so much fun buying gifts for each other. All my groups of friends except one still get each other gifts....usually something nice....not something you need, but a treat. Next friend`s birthday coming up four of us got together and got her and one other friend a spa day....that`s her thing, so she`ll enjoy that. My friend who passed away three years ago was a huge spa fan, and I used to go regularly as she loved not so much. Always enjoyed the lunch though!!! Each to their own.....

Dentist went well...….although think I`m going to lose a back tooth soon.....will hang on to it as long as possible though. Stopped in at local café for lunch and I had a shrimp sandwich and Tom had bacon sandwich.....nice. Resisted their beautiful home made cakes! And they have giant meringues with peach, lemon or raspberry swirls through them.....looked fabulous!!

Rain is heavier now than earlier......

Washing will be dried in the dryer today now...…..Time for tea......
Hope we hear from Keisha........I’m sure she had a lovely vacation and now getting back to normality again........

We have heavy rain right now so no going out for a walk tonight.

Planning a night in front of the tv........still to finish the tv show Chernobyl as well.......will get round to it.

Time for a cup of tea.........
Happy afternoon everyone...It is a beautiful warm day here again today. Slept in a bit after being up early. Liv and I went to a luncheon for one of her scholarships that she won. It was very nice and the food was good. We are heading out in a bit to go to another scholarship presentation for Liv. This one is only refreshments so we will have to find somewhere to eat first. Tomorrow the kitty goes for the rest of her mouth surgery, so we hope she will be better after that.

We bought a small camper real cheap that we can tow to Florida when we move. Brian is going to gut it and set up special cat areas for them. It was the easiest, safest and quickest way we could think of to get them down there. He has been spending lots of time drawing plans and can't wait to start demolishing the inside.

The park was fun yesterday, we had dinner went on a ride or two and came home. Liv was not feeling to well. Their friend Alex stayed over again, he and Charlie stayed up til like 3 playing games.

Charade I am not sure how long the aviary has been there. When we went in 2017 it was there also. It is on a separate island off the main part. The lazy river runs through it and it is really cool. We can spend a lot of time in there. We also get our cabana on that island we like it more secluded. That is a crazy pic of B. I don't think Liv or would do that. I know Brian and Charlie would love too. Good for her that she has no fear of that. I didn't realized you lived so far from Bush Gardens. We really enjoyed that park and it was one of the prettiest I have been too. Water Country is really cool too. I hope B feels better with her mouth soon.

Sue the warmer the better for me, however, I will take a day in the 70's sitting in the sum. I hope you found a gift for your friend. It sounds nice to have a group of friends to do that with. I am thinking now that the teens are older and I have more time I can find a friend group like that. I hear you I don't want anymore useless stuff for gifts. I feel bad when people spend their money on stuff I don't use. Hope your weather stays nice.

Lynne I hope your low humidity and high temps stay. I agree love the sunglasses. I love my air fryer, wish I has gotten the bigger one. Snow is an evil four letter word in this house. I hope you can get your fries on your taco Tuesday run.

Mac I can't wait to leave the snow shovels and the snow blower behind for the next owner. I am glad that the temps went down for you last night. I hope you enjoy your taco bell run today!

Schumi Nice, only 8 weeks til you are state side again. Always nice to look forward too. I hope your rain clears out soon. It sounds like a nice lunch that you had, I don't think I could resist the deserts.

:wave: to the rest of the SANS family not posting. I hope everyone has a nice day!
Happy afternoon everyone...It is a beautiful warm day here again today. Slept in a bit after being up early. Liv and I went to a luncheon for one of her scholarships that she won. It was very nice and the food was good. We are heading out in a bit to go to another scholarship presentation for Liv. This one is only refreshments so we will have to find somewhere to eat first. Tomorrow the kitty goes for the rest of her mouth surgery, so we hope she will be better after that.

We bought a small camper real cheap that we can tow to Florida when we move. Brian is going to gut it and set up special cat areas for them. It was the easiest, safest and quickest way we could think of to get them down there. He has been spending lots of time drawing plans and can't wait to start demolishing the inside.

The park was fun yesterday, we had dinner went on a ride or two and came home. Liv was not feeling to well. Their friend Alex stayed over again, he and Charlie stayed up til like 3 playing games.

Charade I am not sure how long the aviary has been there. When we went in 2017 it was there also. It is on a separate island off the main part. The lazy river runs through it and it is really cool. We can spend a lot of time in there. We also get our cabana on that island we like it more secluded. That is a crazy pic of B. I don't think Liv or would do that. I know Brian and Charlie would love too. Good for her that she has no fear of that. I didn't realized you lived so far from Bush Gardens. We really enjoyed that park and it was one of the prettiest I have been too. Water Country is really cool too. I hope B feels better with her mouth soon.

Sue the warmer the better for me, however, I will take a day in the 70's sitting in the sum. I hope you found a gift for your friend. It sounds nice to have a group of friends to do that with. I am thinking now that the teens are older and I have more time I can find a friend group like that. I hear you I don't want anymore useless stuff for gifts. I feel bad when people spend their money on stuff I don't use. Hope your weather stays nice.

Lynne I hope your low humidity and high temps stay. I agree love the sunglasses. I love my air fryer, wish I has gotten the bigger one. Snow is an evil four letter word in this house. I hope you can get your fries on your taco Tuesday run.

Mac I can't wait to leave the snow shovels and the snow blower behind for the next owner. I am glad that the temps went down for you last night. I hope you enjoy your taco bell run today!

Schumi Nice, only 8 weeks til you are state side again. Always nice to look forward too. I hope your rain clears out soon. It sounds like a nice lunch that you had, I don't think I could resist the deserts.

:wave: to the rest of the SANS family not posting. I hope everyone has a nice day!

Hope Liv is feeling better today......shame she felt poorly after having such a lovely day.

Oh definitely time for groups of friends Bobbie.........I’m so lucky to have several groups of wonderful friends, some I’ve known for many years. A few since our boys were babies. I would say I would consider out if all of the groups 5 or 6 of them to be my best friends......but we have so much fun together, lunches, nights out or just chatting......definitely time for some “you” time.....

Enjoy the rest of your day.......
:wave2: Hello all!!!!

Wow...I go away to the lake for a weekend...and it takes me two days to get all the updates read lol. And it was a buys Monday at work. Had to go home over lunch and change...I was just too cold in my capris and little tom shoes in bare feet. So I have long pants on...and actually put on socks and my feet were absolutely freezing - even with the heater on under my desk :crazy2: :scared: My feet are silently screaming as they don't like socks...or being it was one or the other...I picked socks for warmth. Hopefully it warms up here for the weekend again.

@Sue M we heard about the earthquakes. I have family in the lower mainland, so a quick check in with them to see how it affected them. They were all good.

@Realfoodfans...I love that memorial Bear!!!!! What an awesome heirloom. I made a couple of quilts for some family members with our favorite clothes from my mil who passed away a few years ago now. They may not mean much to anyone else, but to those who have those items...they are priceless!

@schumigirl Loved your chicken story. That sounds like something I regularly do :lmao: I love to cook...but there is also the odd meal...that well...maybe we do end up eating a larger evening snack :o :laughing:

@Lynne G i hope you don't have to build an ark soon with all the rain you have had there. We have had our fair share in the last few was needed here. And I'm a little tired of overcast cold windy days. I hope once the rain goes, the humidity doesn't get too bad. We are hoping to see that spiderman movie too. Our 18 yr old son has loved spiderman since he was olde enough to point to him in walmart when he was just a young kiddo. I even had to find a spiderman tie for him to wear to his highschool graduation. He wore one to his kindergarten graduation...and one to his highschool graduation. He loved it!!!!

@Robo56 ...yikes, I would hate to also listen to all those fireworks. I sure hope any animals in your area get a break soon from all of them.

@bobbie68 - What great pictures of the trip so far. Sounds like you and the family are having a great time!!!

Well...toodles for now...I guess this pile of paperwork won't sort and get onto a spread sheet by it's self. Have a great day everyone!!!

Just posting a picture of sitting around the firepit enjoying the outdoors before being bitten alive by all the mosquitos


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Happy Tuesday afternoon Sans family :wave2:

It’s pretty hot here today 92 and high humidity. Had dentist appointment and a couple stores to stop at today.

Did some investigating on water flossers and decided on the Waterpik Ultra. So picked that up today.

Well, we still have had fireworks going every night. They stopped at 11 last night so that’s better then midnight. I figured people would be running out by now.

Sounds like it was a day Schumi for dentist appointments. I had some work done today and permanent crown put on. Hope you don’t lose your tooth.

The realtor we talked with has started sending us house listings. I told him we won't be able to do anything til after the first of the year or later. Wouldn't you know the perfect house we were looking for is up for a short sale. I was so sad to see that. I think I am going to stay away from looking right now, window shopping can be painful. LOL!!

Hang in there bobbie68. Hopefully they will have plenty of inventory for to pick from when the time is right.

Great pictures at Discovery Cove.

The past few weeks have felt like a constant ride of RRR. It started out the Saturday before a conference we (the non-profit I work with) had for 175 teachers. I came *this close* to being thrown into the hospital with a raging UTI. I got through the conference with a smile on my face.

Wow.....sounds like you need a’s to things looking much better for you.

Since we have been discussing fear of heights, I will leave you with this picture of B from 4 years ago. My crazy child.

Fearless she is......that is incredibly high up.....not something I would ever have the courage to do.

I saw YouTube videos of teens and 20 year olds passing out on that bungee ride in Orlando. Then saw another video of a older couple (looked like they were in their 70’s) who loved it and rode it two times.......not for me.

Mac today is your taco Tuesday run for Taco Bell...did you see BK is now selling tacos?

I watched the last episode of Stranger Things 3 last night. The door has been left open for Season 4. Looked at HHN site last night and it said “Stranger Things” house this year will be from Season 2 and 3. The powers that be must have gotten a preview to include season 3 as it just came out on Netflix on July 4th.

Have a great rest of the day everyone.

:wave: To all the Sans family.
Hope everyone has had a wonderful Tuesday!

Our Corey turned 18 today. I thought I'd be sad, but the only thing I can feel is excited for him. He's grown into such a kind hearted and caring young man....I know he's going to do great things.

@bobbie68 What is Liv going to study? I know you must be so proud of the scholarships she earned!

Feels like I should whisper this but it looks like we might just have a dry day tomorrow. Soooo tired of the rain. Just one day with reasonable temps and low humidity....that's not being unreasonable, is it?

@schumigirl I think it's great that you put the time and effort into selecting gifts for your dearest friends. I have a core of girlfriends that I've been with for 37 years now (wow....that doesn't seem possible!) and nothing makes me happier than finding the perfect gift for them.

Hope everyone has a peaceful and restful night and a wonderful start to Wednesday!
:bday: To Pooh’s Corey!

He’s now 18 but will always be mom’s little boy

Our kids grow up too fast don’t they...

Always our little boys. Alex turned 25 three weeks ago and he'll always be my baby boy. It does go by all too quickly.
Schumi it sounds odd but I can’t tell if I fell back to sleep or not! Went shopping, looked at Pandora. I had an email sale flyer from them and saw a cute white enamel daisy earrings on sale that I thought would be perfect. But of course they didn’t have them. Then I thought of a mani gift certificate but she only goes for a mani if she has a special occasion otherwise she does it herself. I finally decided on a gift card to a store she likes!
I love a spa day! There’s a lovely one in Whistler. After massage you go outside the grounds are a beautiful alpine meadow. They have Adirondack chairs, hammocks, hot and cold plunge pools, steam bath and sauna. It’s a Scandinavian type spa.
Hope your back tooth will be ok.

Bobbie yes, it’s definitely time for friends! I have several groups. My neighbourhood group where most of us have known each other since our kids have been in preschool or kindergarten! This is the group for birthday lunch Friday. Then another group from where I worked pre kids. 4 of us that worked together and kept up our friendship for over 35 yrs! And a couple other groups.
I think the older we get, the more important our girlfriends get.
Hope Liv feels better!

Pumpkin that looks like a great foot warmer! Yes, we didn’t feel the quakes in the lower mainland. Too far away. But with all the activity here and in California it’s been the topic of conversations. As we’ve been told many times, the big one could come any time. I was at CAA today renewing my annual policy for trip interruption/cancellation and the agent asked about my travel plans. I told her in Aug I’m going to California with the quakes, and Sept Florida hurricane season. We both laughed.

Robo seems like its dentist day today! I’ve never watched Stranger Things. Is it scary? I can’t watch scary! Or read. Gives me nightmares. I have enough trouble with sleep as it is!

Poohls happy birthday to Corey :cake:

Mac They do grow up fast ::yes::
My oldest is having her 34th birthday at the end of the month! And my baby is 29!

Got some stuff done, deciding what to get my friend, renewed trip insurance, found the perfect cards for a couple of friends! Love when that happens.
But on the way home realized I need 3 more. My daughters birthday, and on Thursday meeting office friends, one just retired, and the other is moving, and changing schools. So some congrats cards. Guess I’ll go to store tomorrow after doctor appt. morning is Aquafit. Thurs is work friends get together, and Friday is friends birthday lunch. We’re trying a new Japanese restaurant, since our fav place closed recently.

Hopefully I’ll sleep tonight!
A big Happy Birthday to Corey!

They do grow up fast. Little one will be 18 at the end of next month. And, my nephew turned 40 last week. Sigh. I'm not that old, right? LOL

Sue, hope you got a good night sleep. Nice you got some stuff done. Funny, the two times I had a hurricane during my vacation was in October and December. All the late August trips we took, not one, and most of the time, very little rain interrupted our plans. Good to have trip insurance though. And yeah, my one niece lives in Northern CA, and was talking about those earthquakes. She was calling back to her friends, as when they happened, she was visiting with us.

Robo, hope the dentist visit was fine, and nice you got some errands done. Still sending thoughts that the fireworks stop very soon. That would be so annoying to me, every single night.

Pumpkin, glad to see you pop in here. Hope all is well, and yep, my older one is a Spiderman fan, and I think we all en;joyed the film. Older one has always been a comic fan, even when he was little.

Charade, little one is fearless too, and does not mind heights. I would not even go up a lighthouse she wanted to go up. Good thing is, she did go up those very narrow, winding stairs, and I told her take pictures. She did, and had a nice view, apparently.

With that, wonder if Keisha is now in the land of routine home life. And today is a Wednesday, so

415952 ah yes, a hump day is upon us. That means 415953 (hoping this will get Keisha's attention. LOL)

Yep, two cups of tea so far. A cloudy, dark commute, but the heat and humidity arrives today. 91 and hello sun, I see a brighter hoirizon starting to show some blue. And a hello bunny, as I saw him in my front yard, as I opened the door. He disappeared as I stepped off my stoop. Noisy me, I guess.

415955 hehe, and homies, 415956, each and every one of you.

Time for more tea. Almost too cold inside once again. And maybe a bit hungry, that piece of poundcake did not do it.


:wave2: Hello all!!!!

Wow...I go away to the lake for a weekend...and it takes me two days to get all the updates read lol. And it was a buys Monday at work. Had to go home over lunch and change...I was just too cold in my capris and little tom shoes in bare feet. So I have long pants on...and actually put on socks and my feet were absolutely freezing - even with the heater on under my desk :crazy2: :scared: My feet are silently screaming as they don't like socks...or being it was one or the other...I picked socks for warmth. Hopefully it warms up here for the weekend again.

@Sue M we heard about the earthquakes. I have family in the lower mainland, so a quick check in with them to see how it affected them. They were all good.

@Realfoodfans...I love that memorial Bear!!!!! What an awesome heirloom. I made a couple of quilts for some family members with our favorite clothes from my mil who passed away a few years ago now. They may not mean much to anyone else, but to those who have those items...they are priceless!

@schumigirl Loved your chicken story. That sounds like something I regularly do :lmao: I love to cook...but there is also the odd meal...that well...maybe we do end up eating a larger evening snack :o :laughing:

@Lynne G i hope you don't have to build an ark soon with all the rain you have had there. We have had our fair share in the last few was needed here. And I'm a little tired of overcast cold windy days. I hope once the rain goes, the humidity doesn't get too bad. We are hoping to see that spiderman movie too. Our 18 yr old son has loved spiderman since he was olde enough to point to him in walmart when he was just a young kiddo. I even had to find a spiderman tie for him to wear to his highschool graduation. He wore one to his kindergarten graduation...and one to his highschool graduation. He loved it!!!!

@Robo56 ...yikes, I would hate to also listen to all those fireworks. I sure hope any animals in your area get a break soon from all of them.

@bobbie68 - What great pictures of the trip so far. Sounds like you and the family are having a great time!!!

Well...toodles for now...I guess this pile of paperwork won't sort and get onto a spread sheet by it's self. Have a great day everyone!!!

Just posting a picture of sitting around the firepit enjoying the outdoors before being bitten alive by all the mosquitos

Another lake dweller!!! How lovely....glad you had a nice trip and hope your weather warms up for know I hate the cold too!!!

Yes, the chicken was the first disaster I`ve had in quite a while.....won`t happen again....I take too much pride in my food to let it!!!

Hope you got your paperwork done...….

Happy Tuesday afternoon Sans family :wave2:

It’s pretty hot here today 92 and high humidity. Had dentist appointment and a couple stores to stop at today.

Did some investigating on water flossers and decided on the Waterpik Ultra. So picked that up today.

Well, we still have had fireworks going every night. They stopped at 11 last night so that’s better then midnight. I figured people would be running out by now.

Sounds like it was a day Schumi for dentist appointments. I had some work done today and permanent crown put on. Hope you don’t lose your tooth.

Let me know what you think of the water flossers....I`m curious.....yes, think the back tooth will have to come out at some point, but as long as it`s not causing issues, he`s happy to leave it.....for now!!! My gag reflex will go into overdrive when that comes out!! Congrats on the crown....always feels good to get them completed......

Hope your fireworks stop soon......not fun listening to that every night.....

Our Corey turned 18 today. I thought I'd be sad, but the only thing I can feel is excited for him. He's grown into such a kind hearted and caring young man....I know he's going to do great things.

@schumigirl I think it's great that you put the time and effort into selecting gifts for your dearest friends. I have a core of girlfriends that I've been with for 37 years now (wow....that doesn't seem possible!) and nothing makes me happier than finding the perfect gift for them.

Belated Happy Birthday to Corey!!! Yes, seeing them grow and thrive is the best isn't it!!!! He sounds a lovely young man and one to be proud of......

I`ve spoken about my groups of friends here for years.....they are such a part of our lives, can`t imagine being without most of who is one of my best friends now, we met over 20 years ago when both husbands were in the UAE.….we disliked each other on there had been a usually is!!! But we both saw something not very funny one day.....not funny for most people.....but her and I both crumpled with laughter, much to the annoyance of those around us, and a new friendship was forged on that one incident.

But, all my groups of friends can come together which is nice.....usually we have a big get together on Boxing Day at our home......and they all get on well...….but yes, most of my friends are very long standing. It`s good to have them isn't it......and yes, we love finding each other the perfect gift...…..

Have a great Wednesday....….

:bday: To Pooh’s Corey!

He’s now 18 but will always be mom’s little boy

Our kids grow up too fast don’t they...

They do don't they!!! You have seen it more times than me having had more boys.....but it`s a blessing of course, but I still love to think of that little boy running around....….

Schumi it sounds odd but I can’t tell if I fell back to sleep or not! Went shopping, looked at Pandora. I had an email sale flyer from them and saw a cute white enamel daisy earrings on sale that I thought would be perfect. But of course they didn’t have them. Then I thought of a mani gift certificate but she only goes for a mani if she has a special occasion otherwise she does it herself. I finally decided on a gift card to a store she likes!
I love a spa day! There’s a lovely one in Whistler. After massage you go outside the grounds are a beautiful alpine meadow. They have Adirondack chairs, hammocks, hot and cold plunge pools, steam bath and sauna. It’s a Scandinavian type spa.
Hope your back tooth will be ok.

Oh I hate that!!! I generally sleep like a baby, thankfully......I like to wake up feeling refreshed after a good sleep...….

I do kind of like spa days, but I get a little I only go if a friend asks me along.....I won`t go into a sauna or hot tubs, or water really...….so it`s just the treatments for me when I go, and usually a champagne lunch of….earrings sound nice, shame you couldn't get them.

Hey Lynne...….just saw you pop in........

So, went round to a friends house who have been restructuring their home...…..they`ve finally completed their master bathroom and it is stunning...….they knocked a large wall down and incorporated one of their extra rooms to make it absolutely huge!!!

Some of you who may have read a previous trip report of mine might remember the huge shower we had when we were given the Presidential Suite one visit......well, it`s similar to that only slightly more gadgets and is gorgeous......and huge!!! Tom looked at me and said er, we only redid our master bath not long back, so no changes there, but this is beautiful.

Back home and it is chucking it down with rain...…..again.

Won`t be going far today...…..

Salmon and avocado for lunch...….and home made Thai Fishcakes for me and good old fish and chips for my two guys...…..

Have a great Wednesday....…..
Quick good morning before heading off to work. I learned yesterday that therapist 3 has not contacted any insurance companies or other referral services and let them know she is no longer working. I also need to talk to therapist 1 about getting her bio removed from our webpage. Someone emailed the office at 9:45 last night wanting to schedule an appointment with her.

Sue - I would love to be where you are right now. Low 70s and sunny sounds delightful. Hope you were able to get back to sleep. I woke up at 4:30 this morning.

Lynne - 30 minutes for fries? No thank you. I actually ran through Taco Bell yesterday on my way back from the doctor’s office.

Bobbie - Hope Liv is feeling better. How many cats do you have? Someone had one on our flight from San Diego to Charlotte. Poor kitty sounded really stressed.

Robo - No bungee ride for me either. I couldn’t even go with Dh and B when they went hang gliding. I told him to call me when they were safely back on the ground.

Pooh - Happy belated birthday to Corey.

Lynne - Several years ago B and I vacationed in Savannah, GA. We went out o Tybee Island and climbed the lighthouse. I managed to make it to the top, but wouldn’t go outside. B had to take pictures for me.

Well, B got up yesterday and said that her mouth was feeling fine. No more pain. She has a dental appointment for tomorrow anyway.

Gotta get to work now.


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