Something About Nothing ... #12

Sending best wishes for your mum RFF...….and all the family too.....yes, memories are to be cherished.....we certainly cherish ours and often reminisce......

Lynne......happy hair day hair is a disaster today.....I`m trying not to trim my fringe as it is in my eyes.....only have to wait till Thursday morning, and not going out tomorrow, so maybe I can deal with it......she laughs at me when she sees I have chunked it myself.....only the fringe though.....never attack the rest of it....yep looking forward to new car a lot!!! And of course Orlando first...….:)

Lunch is shrimp with parma ham and crackers for me......ham sandwich for Tom with lettuce, tomato and mustard.....making Thai fishcakes for dinner tonight......found some decent lemongrass in local deli this morning.....

Beautiful sunny and reasonably warmish day...….two loads of laundry on the line...….will be dry soon...…

Almost lunchtime...….:thumbsup2
Good morning. I woke up earlier than I wanted to today. I should use the time to do something productive, but I didn’t. This afternoon I’m going shopping for what is probably the strangest item I’ve had to buy for B for dance - a mannequin head. She is going to be wearing a wig for her tap dance. The teacher has asked all the students to buy a styrofoam head to keep the wigs on to keep them from getting messy. I also need to figure out how to get the wig on over all of B’s hair. This is going to be a challenge.

I'm the worst packer- I don't know what "pack light" means!:laughing: So pack a little of everything! and what you forget, buy new!!:thumbsup2
I always seem to over pack for trips. In a few weeks I need to start watching the Southern California weather. I also need to find the little scale I have to weigh suitcases.

We arrived at RPH today around noon. After talking with hotel desk about views, we ended up in tower 1, with a view out front of the waterway, and terraced garden. Off to the left you can see rip rocket. Very pretty.
Sounds nice. Hope you have a great time in the parks.

Morning everyone - currently in intensive care with Mum. Amazing care but things are touch and go.
Prayers and well wishes for your mom.

My throat feels sore, so pills are being taken, and hope I do not get sick.
Oh no. Well wishes for you too Lynne. I hope you aren’t getting sick. Such a miserable feeling.

I guess I should get up and start my day. Two of our therapists are leaving early today, so maybe I will too.
Morning everyone - currently in intensive care with Mum. Amazing care but things are touch and go. My brother brought Dad in to see her last night and prepare him for any possible scenario but difficult when they’ve been married 67 years. She didn’t know as she’s sedated but glad he got here. Will know more over next 24 hours. Positive thoughts.
Hope all those holidaying have good times and make memories because heck don’t we spend a lot of time enjoying those memories!
Sending gentle hugs and positive thoughts that your mum recovers and heals quickly
It was a good thing for brother to bring dad so he could see the love of his life

Real you are the perfect caring daughter
Another chilly day here! And rainy! The next week looks very dreary, here! Ugh! No gardening for us! Our lawn will be a forest by the time we can get out there!

Hope Sue is having a great park day!!

Lynne is heading out to get salon pampered!

Schumi is enjoying a sunny day with yummy food!!

Mac is packing!

Charade is shopping for a head!

:wave2: everyone else!

Time for coffee #2! :thumbsup2

Have a great day!!

Cleaned the insides of half the downstairs windows at the rear of the house this is a huge bi-fold door about 12 feet wide.......takes ages.......

Thought they were immaculate........then the sun came around and shone in them just before lunch.........

I hadn’t done such a good job! Trying to go over the streaks as the sun was blazing in wasn’t easy.......think I’ve wiped most of them off......I hate cleaning windows. We have a lot of glass, especially at the back........

That really is Something about nothing..........:D

Not really moaning.......:)

It was such a beautiful day today........did spend a little time in the garden........lovely in the sunshine......

Keep thinking it’s Wednesday though..........
Been struggling with phone signal in ICU and just discovered free WiFi! Lovely to see your posts and all the trip planning and packing taking place.
So cold in here I have a top, fleece and my son left his hoodie for me thank goodness as last night I dozed in the chair with my coat zipped up.
Mum’s minister came to see us this afternoon and though she is not aware I know it would have pleased her and when I rang Dad he was very happy. All the family have been today so I’ve not been on my own much just waiting on DIL coming tomorrow when she lands back from Orlando.
Thank you for hugs and thoughts all much appreciated.
Hope everyone receives them back by return x
Been struggling with phone signal in ICU and just discovered free WiFi! Lovely to see your posts and all the trip planning and packing taking place.
So cold in here I have a top, fleece and my son left his hoodie for me thank goodness as last night I dozed in the chair with my coat zipped up.
Mum’s minister came to see us this afternoon and though she is not aware I know it would have pleased her and when I rang Dad he was very happy. All the family have been today so I’ve not been on my own much just waiting on DIL coming tomorrow when she lands back from Orlando.
Thank you for hugs and thoughts all much appreciated.
Hope everyone receives them back by return x

Continued good wishes for your mum and all the family.......

I’m glad you have seen family today, it does help when they’re around........:hug:
RFF, sending more hugs and loving thoughts for you and the family

It’s a blessing you are there taking care of things and your family also supporting your Mum

Schumi, I don’t do windows
I hire that job out by passing
it to Mr Mac to do....

That’s a big job for you to get done but I bet the windows really shine fine now

Yes Tuesday Taco Bell day for us

I started to pack a few minutes ago and decided to take a break and Dis

It’s not a long vacation for us and I don’t want to overpack
I usually take more items than I really need and need to repack based on what i already have laid out

If I forget something, we have a car and can always hit a store

Hope all the homies are having a great day

We put the ac on this past week as temps still climbing
Yesterday was 8& and today at 85

Looks like summer is here to stay

Oh Tom does plenty around the house.......but I know he wouldn’t do the windows the way they should be done......I’m fussy like that.....can’t complain about him though, we share most of the housework.......I don’t do any of the heavy stuff......not a bad deal.......:)

In case I miss you Mac, have a wonderful trip tomorrow.......hope the tour is everything you’d want it to be.......

Almost bed time here........we’re both sat here yawning our heads off right now.........
Charade is shopping for a head!
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read today.

Mum’s minister came to see us this afternoon and though she is not aware I know it would have pleased her and when I rang Dad he was very happy. All the family have been today so I’ve not been on my own much just waiting on DIL coming tomorrow when she lands back from Orlando.
Continued prayers for you mom and for you.

We put the ac on this past week as temps still climbing
Yesterday was 8& and today at 85
68 here yesterday and 85 today. The weather can’t seem to make up its mind.

The head has been purchased and I took my very first trip to a Hobby Lobby today.
Hi everybody :wave2: sorry to hear about your mom:hug: my prayers are with you.

Mac...hope you enjoy your trip this week after all you've been through lately you deserve a break.

Sue...glad you got to watch GoT...I really enjoyed the episode except for the darkness.

Charade...I liked Endgame and felt that it ended as well as expected but there were some plot holes that were inconsistent....and Thoro_O

Carole...I did cut a little grass yesterday but relaxed most of the day and I had Sushi after the movie so it was a good day.

I'm happy to say that my vacation was approved :cool1: so we will be going to the beach in July. Now I just have to lose 20 lbs so I can be seen in a swimsuit :rolleyes1

Hi to patty, Lynne, and anyone else who is reading along..have a good night :goodvibes
The head has been purchased and I took my very first trip to a Hobby Lobby today.

Yay!!:thumbsup2 I've never been to Hobby Lobby, either! I'm not very good at art or crafts! But I hear great things about their selection and prices!

I'm happy to say that my vacation was approved :cool1: so we will be going to the beach in July. Now I just have to lose 20 lbs so I can be seen in a swimsuit :rolleyes1

Good news Tink!!:goodvibes You've been working A LOT- you deserve a break!! I hear you on losing weight! I added cruise pounds to my winter pounds! Not good! We're trying to eat better and hopefully some pounds will come off!

Quiet night here! Watching hockey and doing some paperwork!

Safe travels, Mac!!:)

Have a great evening all!!

65756C84-B922-41E8-9906-2FF7A2B9A5CD.jpeg Nighty, night for me too.

Little one just had to go dress shopping after my haircut, big zero. But that is fine. Hoping my DSL can do the alterations she wants to the dress she really likes.

Real, keeping you in my prayers, and hoping for the best for your dear mum. Nice family is getting a chance to be with her. You are a great daughter.
Morning all - thank you for all your thoughts. They have found me a relatives room now so I had 4/5 hours sleep so good of them.
My son and DIL due to go on vacation to Dubai on Saturday are wanting to cancel but I’ve told them that they should go. Only a short break and my son really needs it at this time of year - he works very hard and Mum would definitely say go.
Those mentioning weight loss I definitely recommend Keto. It’s not easy at first as the mindset goes against every healthy eating article you’ve ever read but it works. I do this WOE for health but have also lost 2 stone and DH 3 stone.
An easy starting point is ditch the carbs. No bread, cereal, biscuits, pasta, rice, potatoes. Increase water, green veg, protein, magnesium. Ditch spreads, jam, sugars. Increase real butter, cheese, full fat milk. Cook in coconut oil adding Himalayan Pink Salt and a little apple cider vinegar to appropriate meals.
Peaceful day to all and safe travels to those going anywhere today.
Hi everybody :wave2: sorry to hear about your mom:hug: my prayers are with you.

Mac...hope you enjoy your trip this week after all you've been through lately you deserve a break.

Sue...glad you got to watch GoT...I really enjoyed the episode except for the darkness.

Charade...I liked Endgame and felt that it ended as well as expected but there were some plot holes that were inconsistent....and Thoro_O

Carole...I did cut a little grass yesterday but relaxed most of the day and I had Sushi after the movie so it was a good day.

I'm happy to say that my vacation was approved :cool1: so we will be going to the beach in July. Now I just have to lose 20 lbs so I can be seen in a swimsuit :rolleyes1

Hi to patty, Lynne, and anyone else who is reading along..have a good night :goodvibes

Sushi and a movie sounds good Vicki......haven't seen the new movie yet.....not something I watch but Tom had the chance to see it Sunday (dodgy copy) but watched the F1 Grand Prix instead.....I`m sure he`ll catch it, but probably not before hearing the spoilers...….

Loved GoT the other night...….we had the room in complete darkness and the tv we watch it on has some kind of backlight on it????? Apparently it helps.....not a clue what it is!!

And so glad to hear you got your July vacation sorted......sounds like a lot of fun.....and you get both kids with you which will be lovely..…..:wave2:

Yay!!:thumbsup2 I've never been to Hobby Lobby, either! I'm not very good at art or crafts! But I hear great things about their selection and prices!

Good news Tink!!:goodvibes You've been working A LOT- you deserve a break!! I hear you on losing weight! I added cruise pounds to my winter pounds! Not good! We're trying to eat better and hopefully some pounds will come off!

Quiet night here! Watching hockey and doing some paperwork!

Safe travels, Mac!!:)

Have a great evening all!!


lol.....I`ve yet to discover something crafty I am good at!!!!

I can`t even sew very well......I had to adjust the neckline of a dress yesterday I bought few days ago.....dress fits, but the neckline is rather`s fine when I`m just sitting, but if I move I could almost be arrested!!! But....wasn't the best alteration!!!! It`ll do I…..

Hope you had a lovely evening.....quiet ones are nice!!

View attachment 398272 Nighty, night for me too.

Little one just had to go dress shopping after my haircut, big zero. But that is fine. Hoping my DSL can do the alterations she wants to the dress she really likes.

Real, keeping you in my prayers, and hoping for the best for your dear mum. Nice family is getting a chance to be with her. You are a great daughter.

How lovely you have someone who can do alterations......I`m sure your daughter will find the perfect dress for her...…

Happy New Haircut!!!!

Morning all - thank you for all your thoughts. They have found me a relatives room now so I had 4/5 hours sleep so good of them.
My son and DIL due to go on vacation to Dubai on Saturday are wanting to cancel but I’ve told them that they should go. Only a short break and my son really needs it at this time of year - he works very hard and Mum would definitely say go.
Those mentioning weight loss I definitely recommend Keto. It’s not easy at first as the mindset goes against every healthy eating article you’ve ever read but it works. I do this WOE for health but have also lost 2 stone and DH 3 stone.
An easy starting point is ditch the carbs. No bread, cereal, biscuits, pasta, rice, potatoes. Increase water, green veg, protein, magnesium. Ditch spreads, jam, sugars. Increase real butter, cheese, full fat milk. Cook in coconut oil adding Himalayan Pink Salt and a little apple cider vinegar to appropriate meals.
Peaceful day to all and safe travels to those going anywhere today.

Glad you had a decent does help get through the day if you`re well rested....or as rested as you can be.

Hope your son has a lovely trip despite I`m sure worrying about his grandmother...….continued good wishes for you all...…

Keto does sound amazing….heard of so many people on it and yes, it does work! I can`t do it as because of my tummy issues I can`t eat more than a tblsp of veg like peppers and carrots, and no high fibre veg. And things like rice, potatoes and white bread are my staples....brown bread leaves me in agony…..I don't process fibre, not great on the weight loss well done for the healthy`s not easy...…

Yep, Wednesday again.......but first day of May!!!!!

Just watching the weather and it`s to be the coldest May Day weekend for many years...….not looking forward to this!!!!! It`s should be warming up by now...….

Having a day at home today......lots of little jobs will get tackled between us.....including our little jobs we put off till we have to!!! Cabinets in the kitchen being emptied and cleaned is one of them!!!

Parma Ham, a little fruit and croissant this morning for`s kind of like bacon...….:scratchin

But.....I can say we go to Orlando this month...…….:cheer2:

Have a great Wednesday………...
Glad you had a decent does help get through the day if you`re well rested....or as rested as you can be.

Hope your son has a lovely trip despite I`m sure worrying about his grandmother...….continued good wishes for you all...…

Keto does sound amazing….heard of so many people on it and yes, it does work! I can`t do it as because of my tummy issues I can`t eat more than a tblsp of veg like peppers and carrots, and no high fibre veg. And things like rice, potatoes and white bread are my staples....brown bread leaves me in agony…..I don't process fibre, not great on the weight loss well done for the healthy`s not easy...…

Parma Ham, a little fruit and croissant this morning for`s kind of like bacon...….:scratchin

But.....I can say we go to Orlando this month...…….:cheer2:

Have a great Wednesday………...

Schumi I would still say worth investigating Keto as I started it because of diverticulitis/bowel issues. They wanted to schedule surgery to remove part of my bowel worst affected but I have had no infection or inflammation since Keto. I used to say I’ll just have white toast or rice pudding when bad and apparently worst thing for me. Consultant recommended high fibre it just made me worse. We’ve been educated to eat the wrong things. DH couldn’t believe this could be good for us and had full health check - everything had improved. My favourite things now are steak and eggs, mushroom omelette, Keto cheeseburger casserole, Keto meatloaf, gluten free sausages...... sorry I’ve become a bit of an evangelist on the subject!!!
Schumi I would still say worth investigating Keto as I started it because of diverticulitis/bowel issues. They wanted to schedule surgery to remove part of my bowel worst affected but I have had no infection or inflammation since Keto. I used to say I’ll just have white toast or rice pudding when bad and apparently worst thing for me. Consultant recommended high fibre it just made me worse. We’ve been educated to eat the wrong things. DH couldn’t believe this could be good for us and had full health check - everything had improved. My favourite things now are steak and eggs, mushroom omelette, Keto cheeseburger casserole, Keto meatloaf, gluten free sausages...... sorry I’ve become a bit of an evangelist on the subject!!!

No works for you...…

I agree....when my consultant first put together a programme that excluded all or most veg, supposedly healthy brown bread.....legumes and high fibre of all kinds and so on...….I did wonder.....but it helps.....although sometimes it doesn't matter what I do, I can have bad days.....

I did love eggs, but that`s one of the triggers for me...I can eat very little egg....maybe a poached egg or a little scrambled now and again, but very little...…and too much water isn't always a good thing either which is frustrating as I did drink a lot of water during the day..

This consultant has been fabulous though.....he never recommends any one "diet". We worked out together what made me bad and went from there.....I have to say this was one area the NHS weren't the best tool on this occasion, so we went private to see this guy. The FODMAP plan is probably the basis of it, but again, no one person is the same as have to find out what works for you. This morning I`m having a small slice of melon with maybe 5 or 6 grapes along with croissant and meat......but I won`t have any more fruit today.

You are right though...everyone believes eating lots of veg, high fibre low fat is the only way to eat.....not so if you have any digestive issues......I do take some comfort from the fact I could never be a vegetarian!!!
But, I do miss onions......a lot…..

Glad it works for you`s a mine field at times with food :)

Almost breakfast time now.....all this food talk...…..::yes::


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