So This is Love.... Our Disney-themed Wedding and Disneymoon! 6/30/12


Earning My Ears
Jun 6, 2011
Hi everyone :)

After being a longtime lurker on Dis, I finally decided to come out of hiding about a month ago and join in the fun! :)

I've never done a trip report or any kind of planning report before, so bear with me as this might be a bit disjointed! I don't know if anyone will even want to read what I write, but I decided to start one after reading a few others that were incredibly informative and interesting (Lurkyloo and One_Song yours were the first two and really made an impact on me :) ) I figure if even one person finds this interesting then it's worth it, and even if no one does it'll be worth it for me! :)

I also have a tendency to take way too many pictures and to babble too much, so I apologize in advance for that :)
As I add posts to this planning journal I will link them here, for easy access :) A link means I've gotten to that part already, while no link means I have an idea of where I want to go, but that I haven't gotten to it yet :)

Table of Contents

Basic Info

The Proposal

Why Disney ?
Let's start with the basics:

I am NML11383, avid WDW fan and lover of all things Disney. I was introduced to WDW way back in 1985 at the ripe young age of 18 months by my amazing parents. They decided last minute to drive the hour just for a day trip from the conference we were at to see if I would like it, and I was so enthralled they decided to spend the night for more time! Apparently I really liked the characters ;) That first time there weren't very many options for hotels, so we stayed in a garden wing room at the Contemporary (at a very inexpensive last minute rate apparently). I will admit, I have no recollection of this trip at all, but then again I think it would be pretty scary if I did!

My first real Disney memory is actually a horrible one, when I got lost in the France pavilion of Epcot at the age of 2.5. I remember concentrating so hard on trying to walk on the edge of the ledge that I didn't even notice my parents were a bit ahead of me! Fortunately, they had already ingrained in me to return to the last place we had been and find a person with a badge and tell them I was lost, so back to the wine shop in France I went! They weren't exactly thrilled to find a 2 year old talking to them, but my parents came to the rescue soon enough! ;)

Most of my Disney memories center around the Polynesian, which is my family's favorite hotel, and the Magic Kingdom, and all of them involve my parents and brother :) We were very lucky that my dad's yearly conferences were always in Florida, so took an extra few days and got to visit Disney every year! :)

Since 'growing up' I've traveled to Disney with 2 groups of female friends, and we've stayed at POR and ASMu, and we've had a blast! I'm still a kid at heart, and still watch plenty of Disney movies even though I'm no longer all that little ;)

Enough about me though! Onto my amazing fiance!

He's sadly not on here, but we'll call him Mickey for the time being as that's his favorite character ;)

He and I met in medical school through my roommate at the time. We were at a Halloween gathering and I was dressed as Michelangelo from the Ninja Turtles, and he was Superman! We figure that will be an entertaining story to tell our kids ;)

He's absolutely amazing and awesome, and everything I could have ever wished for in my prince charming. I could go on and on, but I'm sure none of you really want to hear about that ;)

The one important thing though, is that he's NEVER BEEN TO DISNEY. Not to WDW, not to Disneyland, not ANYWHERE DISNEY. He's always wanted to go though, so this was something I knew we had to reconcile for sure! ;)

We got engaged April 2011. He actually planned it so both his parents and my parents were there, which was really sweet and memorable :) Also means we have plenty of pictures of my stunned look! :scared1:

Since we are both VERY busy with our school schedules we knew we had limited options as to when we would be able to do the wedding. It turned out we either could do it June 23-July 8 2012, or June 2014. Needless to say, neither of us really wanted to wait until 2014, so we opted for the sooner date and got to planning! :)

Next up: the engagement!
While there had been plenty of talk about a wedding in the future, and we both felt there was going to be some sort of engagement eventually, I definitely wasn't expecting it when it happened! Anytime we had discussed it brushed it off and made it seem like he didn't want to talk about it, and it made me wonder if he was second guessing our prior discussions.

Of course, he had other ideas!

My parents had been planning on coming to visit in April 2011, not only to spend time with us, but also to meet his parents for the first time. :scared1:

The week leading up to that my fiance had seemed extra nervous and fidgety, but I had just attributed it to the fact that we had a huge exam that Friday. Little did I know that it was actually due to other reasons!

The night of April 9th, we all went out to dinner at a local Italian cafe, where we had had a wonderful Valentine's Day dinner a few months prior. Dinner was great, and our parents seemed to get along decently well, though everyone seemed to be a bit nervous! Understandable from my point of view, given that they had all just met!

Time for dessert came, and we were supposed to be heading back to his parents house for some cake, when suddenly out came the waitress holding a cheesecake (my favorite!) with the words "Will you Marry Me?" on it. :flower3:

There are photos of me looking dazed, and apparently I squeaked out a barely audible yes, but I have basically no recollection of what happened at that moment, because I was completely in shock!

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