slo’s THURSDAY 4/25 poll - Bologna

Bologna - Do you eat it now & What kind do you eat? (m.c.)

  • Yes - I eat Bologna now - a lot

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Yes - I eat Bologna now - sometimes

    Votes: 12 11.7%
  • Yes - I eat Bologna now - rarely

    Votes: 34 33.0%
  • No - I do not eat Bologna now

    Votes: 48 46.6%
  • I eat regular / all meat Bologna

    Votes: 23 22.3%
  • I eat beef Bologna

    Votes: 20 19.4%
  • I eat garlic Bologna

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • I eat another type - please post what it is

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • I have never in my life ate Bologna

    Votes: 9 8.7%
  • Other - please post your answer

    Votes: 5 4.9%

  • Total voters


My tag used to say - I'm a Tonga Toast Junkie 😁
Feb 28, 2004

Something that was probably part of most of our childhoods.
My curiosity is if it’s part of your current adult life.
So tell us……

Do you eat Bologna now?
If yes…what type(s) do you eat?

For Me…..Yes, I do eat Bologna now. There’s something about a Bologna & mustard sandwich that takes me back to my childhood every time. I don’t eat it every day - I buy a 1/2 lb of very thinly sliced regular/all meat Bologna about once a month or so (I buy garlic for DD20 when she’s home) It’s not very good for any of us, but I’m ok with it as long as it’s just once in awhile.

I love it fried yummy but alas my days of eating it are long gone it does not sit well with me sadly anymore !! Used to love having a fried bologna sandwich !!!
No. It grosses me out. I can still smell it, frying in the pan. :crazy2:

It was a big hit with the rest of the family though growing up. My dad fried bologna at least once a week for breakfast. We never had bacon or sausage.
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I haven't bought/eaten bologna in YEARS. I ate it freqently as a child. I bought it occasionally when my kids were young for lunches (but they never liked it as much as I did.) But they're grown up now, and I haven't bought any since they were probably in elementary school.

My mom used to make "ham salad" with bologna and it was amazing. (I didn't not realize that most people make ham salad with, you know, actual ham until I was well into adulthood!)

Also -- isn't it funny how the tastes of one generation's childhood does not always translate to another generation. My kids did not like bologna that much. They also won't eat cool whip. One time, we were at a restaurant and my daughter ordered the kids plate of pancakes. It came with a dollop of whipped cream and my daughter (young elementary at the time) said "eew!!! I think there's something wrong with this whipped cream!" I tasted it, afraid that maybe it was spoiled or something. It wasn't... but it wasn't "real whipped cream." It was cool whip. I used to LOVE the stuff, but my kids won't touch it with a 10 foot pole!
A fried bologna sandwich is great, but I only eat the beef bologna and it has become very expensive. I will buy it if I see it on sale sometimes.
I haven't bought/eaten bologna in YEARS. I ate it freqently as a child. I bought it occasionally when my kids were young for lunches (but they never liked it as much as I did.) But they're grown up now, and I haven't bought any since they were probably in elementary school.

My mom used to make "ham salad" with bologna and it was amazing. (I didn't not realize that most people make ham salad with, you know, actual ham until I was well into adulthood!)

Also -- isn't it funny how the tastes of one generation's childhood does not always translate to another generation. My kids did not like bologna that much. They also won't eat cool whip. One time, we were at a restaurant and my daughter ordered the kids plate of pancakes. It came with a dollop of whipped cream and my daughter (young elementary at the time) said "eew!!! I think there's something wrong with this whipped cream!" I tasted it, afraid that maybe it was spoiled or something. It wasn't... but it wasn't "real whipped cream." It was cool whip. I used to LOVE the stuff, but my kids won't touch it with a 10 foot pole!
And….with that bolded reply….you just gave me an idea for a future poll 🙂👍🏻
I don't eat bologna now. Rarely did in the past. More recently, GS Christopher loves bologna as does his mom, Natalie.
Growing up, there was a German butcher shop in the neighborhood and they sold their own cured and seasoned cold cuts.
Their bologna tasted quite different from the national brands but when we moved and could only find German butchers in Manhattan Mom stopped buying us cold cuts.
Yeah but we begged her to buy O.M.’s brand so we could be like the other kids. Be careful what you wish for- she bought it and when we didn’t like it too bad so sad I don’t have money to throw away so eat it. Fortunately it wasn’t revolting like say..Maypo, another much advertised thing we requested. After that we learned the lesson- Madison Avenue will lie to you. :rotfl2:
I am the only one that eats it, so I only buy it once every couple of months.
Regular. I like to put cheese on it and melt it or just with mayo/mustard on bread (maybe some lettuce)
My dad loved bologna, but I never did. Some he would eat it fried, but mostly just a cold bologna sandwich with mustard (I also hate mustard).
It was a regular menu item when I was a kid--fried and just cold out of the fridge on a sandwich. I don't recall ever having eaten it as an adult. I wouldn't object to trying it again but I'd much prefer getting it from a deli (as opposed to the packaged cold cuts version.)
I eat it rarely. I did just have a bologna Lunchable last week, but I don't get them often. I used to like the Oscar Mayer stuff as a kid. Never had it cooked.
My dad loved bologna, but I never did. Some he would eat it fried, but mostly just a cold bologna sandwich with mustard (I also hate mustard).
I don't like mustard, either. I always had mayo on bologna sandwiches.
I love baloney. I buy Eckrich garlic baloney for regular sandwiches and Oscar Meyer for fried baloney sandwiches. It probably is not good for me, but at my age I eat what I want, in moderation.
We eat it sometimes. A nice thick slice of either the beef kind, or pork/beef/chicken, on really soft white bread, and mustard. DH likes a slice of cheddar cheese on his.
My mom refused to buy us bologna. She didn’t think it was healthy. I never tried it until I was an adult since DH often eats like a kid and bologna is one of his on again off again phases. I gave it a try…not a fan. I’ve tried better brands and while the taste was different, it’s still not a love. He also doesn’t want anything but OM. The only exception he’ll allow is me getting him the “light” variety.
We eat it sometimes. A nice thick slice of either the beef kind, or pork/beef/chicken, on really soft white bread, and mustard. DH likes a slice of cheddar cheese on his.
:thumbsup2We eat a decent amount of sandwiches here too and I’ve always got cold cuts in the fridge. Bologna isn’t my favourite but I don’t hate it. I can’t remember ever having it fried though.
I grew up eating bologna sandwiches and especially enjoy a fried bologna sandwich. I but it still, maybe every other month. SIL and the resident 7yo like deli meat for lunch, and turkey and roast beef get expensive, quickly!


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