meh, as a chicken keeper they do not cost that much to keep. Chickens are pretty cheap. to start out there is an investment, but even that is minimal. Chicks cost 6-10$ each depending on the breed and number you buy.
Each bag of feed which lasts a month for about 6 hens costs $14. Those 6 hens would easily produce 2-3 dozen eggs a week (depending on the breed). so $14/ 7 dozen = $2 a dozen, and I am being really conservative on the # of eggs. I usually get high egg production breeds.
Plus they love kitchen scraps, so good composters. They are low maintenance and do not need a fancy heated Taj Macoop, just a solid place to protect against predators and get out of the weather. Although janky as heck... I built my coop myself using scrap pallets, old cabinets, leftover roofing shingles and plywood. We sometimes free range which is great for ridding the yard of ticks, but do not keep a regular schedule because predators.
If you do not force them they stop laying in the winter (when there is less daylight), but you can have eggs all winter by using a light in the coop to mimic daylight. I like to give my chooks a break in the winter, Forcing them will decrease the overall number of years they lay as each chicken has a finite ## of eggs.