silly sunscreen question!


Earning My Ears
Sep 21, 2000
Awhile back, someone posted on this board something about Walgreens having a gel sunscreen that worked really well. Anyone have any info on this product? Really prefer gel over cream. I know this is silly, but never the less, important to me! Thanks!!!:rolleyes:
I don't know about a specific Walgreens sunscreen gel, but I use a brand called Bullfrog (in a gel) it is SPF 30 rubs in nicely, and dries very quick, and does not get sticky. It is about the only sunscreen my DS (4YO) will tolerate. It is also 'waterproof' and 'sweatproof'. It is all I use anymore and works great on we fair skinned Irish folk. :cool:

Yes, they have a gel.. I bought some last week. It's nice.. but I also bought their spray stuff at the same time and all weekend I used the spray instead of the gel... I'm never going back! The spray is GREAT! Just spray it on and no or anything... I have really fair skin and burn in about 30 minutes if I'm not wearing sunscreen. I was out all day on Saturday and it was close to 80 here and SUNNY all day long. I sprayed once in the morning and once at lunch and that was it.

If you had a specific question about the gel, let me know. It smells like coppertone, so I suspect that's what it really is.. they just priavte lable from other makers, so it's impossible to tell, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
I posted about the Wal-greens gel sunscreen! We used it on our faces in WDW April 1-7 and it was 88 degrees. No one burned or even tanned! Dd complained about that!! She wanted her freinds to know that she had been in the sun! :earsgirl: Our oldested Dd insissted on using the cream sunscreen on her 1yr old,and it got in her eyes and hurt!!But with the gel it was a lite feeling quick drying non sticky one application and worked ALL day!! My Dd usually starts to burn after a couple of hours in the sun with cream sunscreen!!

The spray is sticky!!


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