Should the Great Movie Ride change the gangster scene?

Ahhh. But they did change the Jungle Cruise. The skippers used to aim their guns right at the hippo, and now they fire a warning shot into the air. Don't think for a moment that this change was not intentional. Disney went from killing the hippo to scaring the hippo. So I can see where the OP is coming from.

Most Skippers don't even fire the warning shot any more because the sight of a gun can be too much for some kids.

Same reason why Storm Troopers no longer point blasters when they are onstage with Jedi training academy.

I think GMR won't changed because although it is okay for people of all ages to ride it does lend itself to be more of an adult ride simple by the movies covered. How many kids know who John Wayne or Cagney are?
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Out of curiosity do you usually have a FP when you ride the Great Movie Ride? I've noticed, the past few times I've ridden it, that I only get the Western Bank Robbery scene, which still has guns also. I assumed that Car 1 (Western Change) is standby and Car 2 (Ganster Change) is FP.
No, I never have a FP for GMR. Always standby. I haven't seen the western scene for several years. I just assumed they weren't using it anymore.
Lest we forget that in the gangster scene they run a red light. This also sends the wrong message to teens who may soon me licensed drivers.

If I ever need a FP for GMR I would move on.
I do hope they have increased the warnings so that parents are aware of what happens and can make the ride decision for their children.
Perhaps that's the right way to go. I was not aware of any type of heads up when going on the ride. I'm not sure what the guidemap description says. I think it would be good to alert guests that the show includes "gun violence" (I put that in quotes because it certainly isn't really violent in any way but I couldn't think of a better term).
Anyone else remember when the Frontierland Shootin' Gallery used to fire off real lead pellets?
I think the Great Movie Ride would be greatly improved by the removal of the shenanigans with the gangster and the hijackings and all that. It's distracting and weird. I prefer Robert Osborne's narration and the audio from the audioanimatronics on their own.

Recently when my mom, sister, and I rode GMR we were shocked and put off by the gun shooting at us. It feels weird in 2015 (2106) America; really really weird. Out of place. And it ruins the ride by taking away from the work of REAL actors being portrayed in the scenes and putting focus on CM with very poor acting skills. It's just odd. It needs to go for several reasons.
The Great Movie Ride celebrates genres of movies throughout history. Changing the gun battle would interfere with the integrity of the representation of both gangster films as well as Westerns. Rather, both would have to just be eliminated. But, then you'd be missing two major genres in cinematic development. After all, the Ride still begins with "Footlight Parade!"
The Great Movie Ride celebrates genres of movies throughout history. Changing the gun battle would interfere with the integrity of the representation of both gangster films as well as Westerns. Rather, both would have to just be eliminated. But, then you'd be missing two major genres in cinematic development. After all, the Ride still begins with "Footlight Parade!"
Except that some of the most iconic scenes from gangster movies do not involve a single shot being fired. Imagine a scene of audio animatronic characters in Don Corleone's office where the Don says that he is going to "Make him an offer he can't refuse", or of Cody Jarrett screaming "Made it Ma! Top of the World!" Both of those scenes would make anyone's "Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time" and would represent the gangster film genre proudly. (Of course, the scene with Cody Jarrett was a shootout, but the iconic scene of James Cagney saying his famous line wouldn't necessarily involve him shooting, or being shot at, because at the moment, the gun is by his side.)

We took our (then) 4 year old son on that ride, not really knowing what to expect, just looking for a nice sit-down-out-of-the-heat ride. Our son LOVES adventure, guns, excitement, etc. But he HATES sudden loud noises or the anticipation of loud noises (he waits for any cars coming down the street to pass before getting out of the car to go in the house, he actively holds his hands over his ears while waiting, even though the cars are seldom "loud"). Needless to say, I held him the entire ride. We felt like awful parents afterward, not because of the gun scene, but because we didn't know what to expect. Perhaps we glossed over the part in the beginning where they tell you to expect loud noises and scenes that may disturb young children. :teacher:
personally i wouldn't change it i love riding it yes its a little dated but those are all classic movies, and I'm sorry but movies from current time aren't classics.. won't hurt kids to go and watch older movies who knows they might even enjoy it

but also think your overthinking reasoning
I think you may be overthinking. WDW is all about fantasy and make believe. I've been taking my son since he was three, his father is a hunter and guns were always in the house (yes, locked in a gun case and not loaded) but even had he not been raised that way I would like to think he knew the difference in play and real. We can't raise our children in a bubble, life doesn't happen that way. Let them get dirty, let them get hurt, let them cry and laugh.
How many kids know who John Wayne or Cagney are?

Not enough!

Regarding OP: I think it's a valid hypothetical (thinking out loud and such). I can remember thinking it was pretty well telegraphed the first time I saw it, and the over-the-top acting certainly helps with that (to make the gangster appear silly, not scary).
I have two issues here: The biggest issue with all of this is the CM talking over the animatronics. Its such a cacophony. And trying to follow the CMs' stilted dialogue and bad fake accents...Ugh. Second; the gun. Really. It's a bit tone deaf of Disney to have our "tour guide" be hijacked by a gun-toting nincompoop. I mean really. It's not good. I don't mind at all the gun battles between the animatronics. It's like the battle on Pirates. But this is different. It should be changed.
YES!!! the gangster scene needs to go ASAP!!!

... cause I've never seen the cowboy one. :smokin:
YES!!! the gangster scene needs to go ASAP!!!

... cause I've never seen the cowboy one. :smokin:
I much prefer the bank robbery scene but with the fire and all, it's probably more costly and maintenance-heavy to operate. I imagine that's why they stopped doing it.
I much prefer the bank robbery scene but with the fire and all, it's probably more costly and maintenance-heavy to operate. I imagine that's why they stopped doing it.

Wait. Are the bank robbery scene and the cowboy scene the same scene?


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