Should I just ask for and "insider rate"?


Earning My Ears
Sep 26, 2000
Hi! We're planning a trip for Oct. (Reg. season) or Nov. (value season). I'd like to stay at a moderate if possible (but value is not out of the question). Should I call Disney direct and just ask if there are any discounts during this time? Maybe Deams Unlimited is the way to go? Any tips you experts can give will be greatly appreciated. I refuse to pay brochure rates when I hear of so many on this board that get moderates for $109 or values for $65 in low season. How do you do it?
Go with Dreams Unlimited. Just tell them you are VERY interested in any upsells or managers specials. Also, tell them how much you are willing to spend(what your limit is). They are excellent, and I really think they have the know-how to get these upsells. Good Luck!!!
One of the ways people get the good rates is through "upsells", I've posted a link to a thread explaining them. Upsells
We're hitting DxL next week for $99 per night. First we had a $109 rate under Disney Insider then switched to a Pa resident's promo. If you try this and need codes, e-mail me at MDUSHORE@MSN.COM. The reason for this is that the moderators of this forum don't want you learning about discount codes here and have deleted messages and links I've put here trying to help people out.

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
i thought the reason for this board was to help us find good deals. why would they (the moderators) block out your discount codes?
is it because they want you to book through DU?
Actually, we are all for saving money, but there have been instances in the past that discount codes were given out on these boards and when a visitor was not able to get the rate because they were not eligible for that type discount, the webmaster received more than his share of grief about the problem. Disney is getting pretty particular about the discount codes. Those state specific discounts require proof of residency. Those "postcard" discount require the postcard at check-in. In order to avoid a huge disappointment for someone thinking they are getting the discount and then being told they are not, we have asked that these codes not be posted on the boards.

I think the best advice I could give is to be prepared. If you ask for a discount which could require some proof of eligibility, be prepared to show that proof or pay the higher room rate.

Good Luck!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

Some of the discount codes are mailed out by Disney on post cards or other mailings. I've read posts from people who have used these discount codes to make reservations without having received the mailing. When they checked in and didn't have the postcard, they were billed for the usual rate rather than the discount rate they thought they would get.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


Our Dreams Unlimited Travel Agents will assist you in booking the perfect Disney getaway, all at no extra cost to you. Get the most out of your vacation by letting us assist you with dining and park reservations, provide expert advice, answer any questions, and continuously search for discounts to ensure you get the best deal possible.


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