September 2011 - The Planning Continues! (2nd Thread)

here is a photo of the downed tree in our cul de sac.


it does warm my heart though to see every neighbor around here out there helping out. Hubby is out there helping but I'm inside the house with the munchkin. It's still pretty windy so she wants no part of going outside... can't say I blame her
I still don't have mine either but checking every day :goodvibes

I still don't have my luggage tags and my Magic your Way package.

I called yesterday and they said they sent them the last week of July/first week of Aug.

I asked if they could resend them a quicker way than regular post and they told me because of customs, there is no way I would get it in time.

I still have 9 business days before I go, so I am holding my breath that I get it before I go.
Oy vey. We went out (don't worry... we kept WAY back of the tree) and I'm just too faint of heart to watch them cut this precariously hanging tree. They just cut the load bearing branch... and I almost watched my hsuband die. Ok maybe not quite that dramatic but that thing came crashing down on top of everyone. I think my heart almost stopped.

So we are back inside because I'm not going to be of any help lol
last week my hubby had a seizure and we almost canceled. We downgraded again. We are now staying at All Star Music. QUOTE]

I am so sorry to hear about the DH, that must have been scary.

Not a downgrade, (unless you are put in the country music section :rolleyes1) you still get all the perks of staying on property! Enjoy your vaycay - it's sooooo close!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Lots of damage around this area. only one death that I know of but LOTS of trees down and LOTS of major flooding all around the area.

Luckily all our trees stayed standing (I prayed to God all night to preserve my precious maple tree in the backyard LOL and he did) but the neighbors across the street weren't so lucky. about 1 am we were laying in bed (awake of course lol who could sleep with all that wind) and *creak creak CRASH* was all we heard. we jumped out of bed and saw the tree down across the neighbors driveway. luckily it missed their house and their vehicles but their mailbox may not have made it lol. Hubby is out there now helping them get it cleaned up.

Which COULD have been a tragedy if they were waiting for Mickey mail!:rotfl2: So glad it wasn't worse and the maple was spared !
I'm preparing to leave for work, which is odd for me since I'm always off on Sundays. The company I work for manages apartment communities and HOAs all over the US, and the majority of our northeast communities have no power, or massive flooding, or both.:sad2: Blessedly, there has not been any loss of life in any of our communities, even the pets have been spared! :woohoo: I will be back with all of you in a couple of days, I'm on duty for the next 48 hours nonstop until things start to settle down!
I'm preparing to leave for work, which is odd for me since I'm always off on Sundays. The company I work for manages apartment communities and HOAs all over the US, and the majority of our northeast communities have no power, or massive flooding, or both.:sad2: Blessedly, there has not been any loss of life in any of our communities, even the pets have been spared! :woohoo: I will be back with all of you in a couple of days, I'm on duty for the next 48 hours nonstop until things start to settle down!

OH bummer for you. I work in the apartment industry and can not imagine having to worry about all the clean-up ect that you guys may have. Luckily
ours are duplexes spread out all over town and the residents take care of their own yards. lol. Don't let them overwork you lady.
Things are really shaping up trip-wise and baby-wise. We've got all of our ADRs set and plans for each day. I'm still concerned about open seating on the plane, but I'm not freaking out about it anymore. :) I still need to start packing though. I haven't even dug our suitcases out yet, let alone checked to make sure we have everything we need! :scared1:

As far as the baby goes, we're 23 weeks today! It's officially a girl too! She's a little ninja in there and almost never takes a break from kicking, unless I've been super active. I love it though; it's a nice reassurance that everything's ok. :goodvibes We've gotten pretty much all of the big stuff now and hope to get most of the little things at the shower. I'm pretty excited about the Pack-n-Play we got today. It's POOH-themed, which I never thought my husband would agree to, but he loves it!


As far as souvenirs go, the only thing I'm pretty set on is the pick-a-pearl. I'd like to get it to replace the butterfly pendant I've been wearing the last couple of years that's looking a little run-down and kind of have it represent the little one.
Baby furniture and accessories sure have come a long way since mine were wee. Love the colours!
Things are really shaping up trip-wise and baby-wise. We've got all of our ADRs set and plans for each day. I'm still concerned about open seating on the plane, but I'm not freaking out about it anymore. :) I still need to start packing though. I haven't even dug our suitcases out yet, let alone checked to make sure we have everything we need! :scared1:

As far as the baby goes, we're 23 weeks today! It's officially a girl too! She's a little ninja in there and almost never takes a break from kicking, unless I've been super active. I love it though; it's a nice reassurance that everything's ok. :goodvibes We've gotten pretty much all of the big stuff now and hope to get most of the little things at the shower. I'm pretty excited about the Pack-n-Play we got today. It's POOH-themed, which I never thought my husband would agree to, but he loves it!

That is adorable! So very very cute!!! Im hoping my next one is a little girl because the baby selection for girls is WAY better than what they offer for boys! ;)
Things are really shaping up trip-wise and baby-wise. We've got all of our ADRs set and plans for each day. I'm still concerned about open seating on the plane, but I'm not freaking out about it anymore. :) I still need to start packing though. I haven't even dug our suitcases out yet, let alone checked to make sure we have everything we need! :scared1:

As far as the baby goes, we're 23 weeks today! It's officially a girl too! She's a little ninja in there and almost never takes a break from kicking, unless I've been super active. I love it though; it's a nice reassurance that everything's ok. :goodvibes We've gotten pretty much all of the big stuff now and hope to get most of the little things at the shower. I'm pretty excited about the Pack-n-Play we got today. It's POOH-themed, which I never thought my husband would agree to, but he loves it!


As far as souvenirs go, the only thing I'm pretty set on is the pick-a-pearl. I'd like to get it to replace the butterfly pendant I've been wearing the last couple of years that's looking a little run-down and kind of have it represent the little one.

It's great to hear that everything is great with your little girl! That Pack-N-Play is too cute! We have one very similar to that and it was honestly the best thing since sliced bread. I even borrowed another one exactly like ours from a friend so we could have one in our bedroom as a bassinet and also one in the living room.
That is adorable! So very very cute!!! Im hoping my next one is a little girl because the baby selection for girls is WAY better than what they offer for boys! ;)

ME TOO!!! Also because I already have two boys. We all went to Babies R Us today to pick up the rain cover for the stroller and I stopped to cry over the adorable little pants with frills on the butt. I've wanted a little girl for so long, but I knew we were destined for three boys before we even got pregnant with our first son. We'll see when I can convince DH to have another one and maybe I'm wrong, maybe it'll be a girl. :rotfl: If it were up to me, we'd start trying when we get back from Disney. I've been working on DH about this idea. :goodvibes

ME TOO!!! Also because I already have two boys. We all went to Babies R Us today to pick up the rain cover for the stroller and I stopped to cry over the adorable little pants with frills on the butt. I've wanted a little girl for so long, but I knew we were destined for three boys before we even got pregnant with our first son. We'll see when I can convince DH to have another one and maybe I'm wrong, maybe it'll be a girl. :rotfl: If it were up to me, we'd start trying when we get back from Disney. I've been working on DH about this idea. :goodvibes

LHarper - I am going to have the post trip convincing too :rolleyes1 He knows full well the only reason we haven't been going for it already is I don't want to be sick on the trip coming up and I have been very sick with my girls. I'll send you some pink pixie dust when you need it :lovestruc It does make planning the next vaca more complicated which is why I won't make any res until I see what happens :goodvibes I have never been pregnant, but going with a 6 month old was way easier than I imagined. Time will tell...
I'm also hoping to get my son's 1st haircut at the barber shop. We'll see if we can fit it in.

Two years ago my boyfriend tried to walk in and get a quick trim up and there was an hour wait! Obviously that did not happen...and now I think you may be able to make reservations for it, if you have an idea of when you might be heading that way. Something to look into anyway. I would hate for you to miss the opportunity if you're interested in it!


It is really hot at MNSSHP. DH and I found that out the hard way...him more so than me. It's shorts and a tank top for me this year.
That being said I really liked Marblies idea. Not sure what you planned for the bottoms. Maybe shorts?

Donna, what's your husband dressing up as ? I wanted to dress up, my bf doesnt. The more I think about the heat, and the extra work, I've decided I"m just going to wear a minnie mouse shirt and my ears (not too different than a regular outfit for disney! lol) and he's going to wear a pirate shirt and a captain's hat for the party.

What souvenirs are all of you planning on getting? I'm starting my list and wanted some more ideas. :laughing:

I'm planning on: {so far}
-Christmas Ornament
-2011 Picture Frame

Here is our running list-
Christmas ornament
a mug or two
a tshirt for each-40th anniversary ones probably
kitchen stuff like hand towels, etc.
pick a pearl
potato head parts for xmas gifts
dog tags

I'm going to buy a beach towel (i always do), my kids both collect pins: my son pirates and my daughter anything "cool" whatever that means :confused3
last trip in the german pavillion at Epcot I saw an awesome Wine Goblet with Maleficant on it, I'm buying that for me, and my hubby collects beer bottles/cups from around "the world" (i think he uses that as an excuse to drink?? LOL :rotfl:) As far as souvenirs for anyone else, I just cant afford it. They closed the $10 and under store so thats too bad maybe a few magnets - is magnet world still in DTD?? If not thats about all I'm buying.
This trip is just for us, and as selfish as it sounds-thats what we are focusing on.
last week my hubby had a seizure and we almost canceled. We downgraded again. We are now staying at All Star Music. I'm glad we are just going and I'm glad we are able to just spend time the two of us. Friends of ours are going to be there the same week, and I just told them yesterday that we'd meet up for an afternoon, but thats it. (we see them twice a week or more-so its not a huge deal).

Hope your husband and your family is all doing ok. You should not feel bad for one second about making this trip just about yourselves. I think souvenir buying for others gets out of hand way too easily.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Lots of damage around this area. only one death that I know of but LOTS of trees down and LOTS of major flooding all around the area.

Thank goodness the damage is minimal. Everyone going through the hurricane conditions is in my thoughts. Don't wish that on anyone !

I'm preparing to leave for work, which is odd for me since I'm always off on Sundays. The company I work for manages apartment communities and HOAs all over the US, and the majority of our northeast communities have no power, or massive flooding, or both.:sad2: Blessedly, there has not been any loss of life in any of our communities, even the pets have been spared! :woohoo: I will be back with all of you in a couple of days, I'm on duty for the next 48 hours nonstop until things start to settle down!

Thank goodness for that. One thing I appreciate so much about natural disasters and unfortunate events like this is how people rally around the community. You see the good that may take more time or effort and is so often pushed aside for whats easy or convenient.

want to post more, will have to wait til tomorrow cause I'm too tired.
We'll see when I can convince DH to have another one and maybe I'm wrong, maybe it'll be a girl. :rotfl: If it were up to me, we'd start trying when we get back from Disney. I've been working on DH about this idea. :goodvibes

LHarper - I am going to have the post trip convincing too :rolleyes1 He knows full well the only reason we haven't been going for it already is I don't want to be sick on the trip coming up and I have been very sick with my girls. I'll send you some pink pixie dust when you need it :lovestruc It does make planning the next vaca more complicated which is why I won't make any res until I see what happens :goodvibes I have never been pregnant, but going with a 6 month old was way easier than I imagined. Time will tell...

LOL I will be starting some convincing too. Everyone has been asking us for the past year but I think I'm now finally ready. DD is 22 months now. Not sure if DH is ready yet. :confused3 Nothing a little nudging can't fix. :rolleyes1
Well, we are still here after Irene. lots of branches down and still raining but nothing serious. Hope everyone s safe this morning.

So glad to hear you all are safe. Seems like all our Sept. peeps are doing pretty well. Prayers answered!:flower3:

What souvenirs are all of you planning on getting? I'm starting my list and wanted some more ideas. :laughing:

I'm planning on: {so far}
-Christmas Ornament
-2011 Picture Frame

We usually get a mug each year, but have about run out of room for them, so unless a really cute one jumps out at me, we'll be passing on them this year.

What we will get:
Christmas ornament
Halloween Mickey Ears
a pin or two
stuff for our 3 grandchildren (our 4th is due Sept 7th!)
kitchen towels and measuring spoons

last week my hubby had a seizure and we almost canceled. We downgraded again. We are now staying at All Star Music.

Wow! So sorry to hear about your husband's seizure. How scary! It's good you didn't have to cancel your vacay and I think you'll enjoy ASMusic just fine.:thumbsup2

I'm preparing to leave for work, which is odd for me since I'm always off on Sundays. The company I work for manages apartment communities and HOAs all over the US, and the majority of our northeast communities have no power, or massive flooding, or both.:sad2: Blessedly, there has not been any loss of life in any of our communities, even the pets have been spared! :woohoo: I will be back with all of you in a couple of days, I'm on duty for the next 48 hours nonstop until things start to settle down!

Sorry you have to work so hard the next few days. Glad, though, that there was no loss of lives. :cheer2:

ME TOO!!! Also because I already have two boys. We all went to Babies R Us today to pick up the rain cover for the stroller and I stopped to cry over the adorable little pants with frills on the butt. I've wanted a little girl for so long, but I knew we were destined for three boys before we even got pregnant with our first son. We'll see when I can convince DH to have another one and maybe I'm wrong, maybe it'll be a girl. :rotfl: If it were up to me, we'd start trying when we get back from Disney. I've been working on DH about this idea. :goodvibes

Ah I feel the same way! I feel like I am going to have three boys, and my dad so nicely has told me he feels the same way! :confused3 Hoping not though, I would really love a mini me to dress up in frilly little clothes! DH and I are deciding if we should have one right now or wait a year. DS is 2 on thursday and Id really love for my kids to be close in age, but since DH decided to go back to school, it might be better to wait another year before trying. Good luck to you though! I will be wishing for pink things to come your way! :thumbsup2

LHarper - I am going to have the post trip convincing too :rolleyes1 He knows full well the only reason we haven't been going for it already is I don't want to be sick on the trip coming up and I have been very sick with my girls. I'll send you some pink pixie dust when you need it :lovestruc It does make planning the next vaca more complicated which is why I won't make any res until I see what happens :goodvibes I have never been pregnant, but going with a 6 month old was way easier than I imagined. Time will tell...

Good luck to you as well on your convincing! So many future dis babies may be a result of this trip! :rotfl:


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