School spirit.


Black and Orange.

2 other schools in my district have lions. One is also black and orange, the other black and yellow.
gr 8-cardinal; red and white
next year
highschool(different school)-cardinal; red and black​
the middle school is a lion. we're still like royal blue and white.
and then in high school we're dukes. and it's like royal blue and gray.

so i have no idea why it's different.
Oh, and to answer my own question:

Vikings, & red and white.
We're the Raiders.

Our mascot is some kind of bird... I think it's an eagle.

And our colors are... Red and White.
i already posted but:

Gr.K: jets;green and white
Gr.1: spartans;orange and black
Gr.2-4: rams;red and black
Gr.5-6: lions;red and black
Gr.7-8: cardinal;red and white

**Highschool: cardinal;red and black

**am going to next year! :p
Our mascot is the Redskins and our colors are Red and Gray!! We have like 3-4 schools in our league that are like red and black or white. It's annoying!!!
The Northstars..
honestly though, it's green, and we should be trees..

We're green & burgundy. [dry heaves] It's go disgusting. They're dark and ugly. Next year it's green & white (the Highlanders). Not a fan of the green, but the white makes the combination prettyful.
My school is the Gettysburg Bullets! (Get it? gettysburg was where a civil war battle happened, and they used bullets, so we're the bullets? haha I know...)

and our colors are Orange and Blue.
I'm a South Billie! Yup, our mascot is a goat. Kinda pathetic but our rivals are the flames and their physical mascot is a walking flame. Quite the thing to look at, actually. Our colors are blue and white.
My school mascot is a Raider.
He's like a pilgrim or something.

The colors are green and white.
Native American Chief, Red and Black

Yeah, it's not the school I go to currently, but it's where my heart is.
We are the Warriors. Our mascot is technically a warrior, but...they kind of messed it up.
Everyone agrees that our mascot looks like an ugly troll! :rotfl:

Our colors are blue and white. Ever since High School Musical came out, the principal has gone overboard with school spirit. The band used to play "Warrior Pride," but now, our principal has invented words to the song. He is notorious for getting on the intercom and singing. Whenever he comes on, we go "No he wouldn't do it again...he can hear the laughing!" And of course, he sings.
The HSM connection was proved when he choreographed a dance routine with the cheerleaders uring our holiday concert. Dressed in his old athletic outfit (he went to our HS), he encouraged us all to get up and dance with him, and sing along to the words.
It was....interesting.
High school: Rams, and our colors were maroon and gold.... our unforms (both school and athletic) were quite ugly....
College: The Spartans, and our colors are green and white.
We're the Wildcats - maroon and gold. Kind of a cute story that goes with it. The town used to be seperated into North & South high. North was the Maroon & gold "maroons" (no, I don't know what a maroon is. I thought it was a color haha). And South was the blue & gold wildcats. When the 2 schools merged, they took the North's colors & the South's mascot. (Obv you can't have the "blue & gold maroons"). So yeah. The college I'm looking into is the Colonels. Which reminds me of KFC hahaha.


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