SB: February Challenge?!


DIS Veteran
Feb 7, 2000
Are we having a Feb. Scrapbook Challenge? If so, I'd like to toss my hat in the ole ring.

Of course I haven't done a single page yet - guess I'm hoping to be motivated by a challenge....

Yes, Pam - every month is a challenge as far as I'm concerned:D ! I think I was the "high scorer" for last month so I thought I would make a little goodie bag for this month's winner. This makes it official - get scrappin ladies!!

Count me in for February. I'm scrapping while I watch the Olympics. I'm working on a trip to Europe I took in the summer of 1980 with some explorer scouts.

Lisa, PM me with your snail-mail address, so I can get your goodie bag in the mail to you!
You can count me in for this month. I am starting a scrapbook for both DS and DD. I hope to get a few pages done now that the holidays are over with.
The first real pages since - eeek- November? October? oh dear. These were special - my friend Shashi's Hindu Wedding!
I replied to the how're ya'll doing post, but forgot to reply to this to throw my hat in the ring. I'm in. I've only done 6 pages so far, but I'm going to a scrap gettogether tonight so maybe I'll get more done :-))
Sounds like everyone is doing great so far! I want to say a HUGE thank you to Merry Poppins for the incredible paper piecing of Mickey Mouse for my goodie for winning last month. I am so thrilled to have this for my scrapbook. Thanks again!!



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