Same use year, different resorts question


DIS Veteran
Sep 25, 1999
I have a question I hope someone can answer. I currently have a contract at Boulder Ridge with a December use year. Let's say I buy a contract at Saratoga Springs, also December use year and titled the same as the original contract so the two contract will be under one membership number and one login.

Suppose I want to make a reservation 6 months out (so home resort doesn't matter) that needs to use points from both contracts, because neither contract has enough by itself. Can I do that? Or do I have to transfer points from one contract to another to use them together? And if I do have to transfer, does the one transfer per year rule apply?
Multiple contracts under the same membership function as one pool of points so there is no need to transfer points. In your example, you could draw points from both contracts to make a reservation within the 7 month window.

If you purchase a contract with a different Use Year than your current contract, or it is titled differently, then it would be set up under a new membership. To use points from multiple memberships, you have two options. 1) You can transfer points from one membership to the other and then make a reservation under the membership that received the transfer; or 2) you make two reservations: one for the first N days of your stay using points in membership 1 and a second reservation for the rest of the nights with points from membership 2 and then ask Member Services to link the two separate reservations so that the room assigner will know that those two reservations are part of one continuous stay.
Thank you! I was hoping it was considered one pool of points. But the 11 month / 7 month rules still apply, right? So I wouldn't be able to make reservations for WL with my SS points until 7 months, right?
Thank you! I was hoping it was considered one pool of points. But the 11 month / 7 month rules still apply, right? So I wouldn't be able to make reservations for WL with my SS points until 7 months, right?

Yes that is correct can't use SS points at 11 months to book at WL
I should have clarified when I said "one pool of points" that the system knows which of those points are tied to Boulder Ridge and which are tied to SSR.
So when I make a reservation, I would choose which points (WL or SS) I wanted to use?
So when I make a reservation, I would choose which points (WL or SS) I wanted to use?
If you are making the reservation at 7 months or less ....then yes you pick which points you'd like to,use...before 7 months you can only use WL points to book at WL or SS points to book at SS
The system displays the contracts that are eligible to use for the dates of your reservation. You click on the contract that you want to use first, then click on the contract to use second etc.

:earsboy: Bill

So when I make a reservation, I would choose which points (WL or SS) I wanted to use?
Yes, it'll pull banked/borrowed points first then same home resort as I understand it but you can change which points are used if you want during the reservation procedure.
Hi - just read through this thread and just wanted to clarify - so if I have either:

A. Two contracts, two home resorts, same use year (=one membership), or

B. Two contracts, two home resorts, different use year (=two memberships),

I will not be able to use the whole amount at the 11 month mark for either home resort? I can only use the amounts at each home resort to book at the 11 month mark?

We bought direct at Poly a couple of years ago and are trying to figure out what to buy next - direct or resale, and whether same use Year matters.

Thanks in advance!
If you are making a reservation more than 7 months from check-in, only home resort points can be used to pay for that reservation. So if you want to book the Poly 11 months out, only Poly points can be used to pay for it. Points don't change their affiliation when you bank, borrow or transfer them so if you receive a transfer of SSR points or BWV points or anything other than Poly points into your existing membership, they remain SSR/BWV/whatever points and cannot be used to book the Poly until you are within 7 months of check-in.

If you purchase a contract with a different Use Year, your new points will be set up under a separate membership. You will have to transfer points from one membership to the other if you want to combine them to make a reservation, or book two separate reservations as I explained above and have them linked.

When you transfer points into your account, unless the points are an exact match for a resort and Use Year of one of the contracts in your account then you will not have access to those points online. That means you cannot use those transferred points to book online. You would have to call Member Services to make the reservation. The 11-month/7-month window opens at 8am eastern time online but MS doesn't open until 9am eastern. If you are trying to book a hard to get reservation, having to wait that extra hour to book through Member Services might make the difference between getting what you want and missing out.
Hi - just read through this thread and just wanted to clarify - so if I have either:

A. Two contracts, two home resorts, same use year (=one membership), or

B. Two contracts, two home resorts, different use year (=two memberships),

I will not be able to use the whole amount at the 11 month mark for either home resort? I can only use the amounts at each home resort to book at the 11 month mark?

We bought direct at Poly a couple of years ago and are trying to figure out what to buy next - direct or resale, and whether same use Year matters.

Thanks in advance!
There are lots of nuances to this but direct to the questions, no you can't use the points from resort B at resort A 11 months out just because you also own at resort A. Having separate memberships means you also can't use directly together at 7 months out. There are some ways around many of these issues some of the time but they require risk and uncertainty, you should understand them prior to buying hence your post here. The decision about purchase is the same as it would have been up front knowing what you know now minus the issue of buying retail for perks since you have ALL of the perks that have any real value. Unless there's a specific reason to have two separate ownership's or you're looking for something that's hard to find (and buying a sufficient # of pts), it's almost always best to buy them so they'll be combined so same UY and title.
There are lots of nuances to this but direct to the questions, no you can't use the points from resort B at resort A 11 months out just because you also own at resort A. Having separate memberships means you also can't use directly together at 7 months out. There are some ways around many of these issues some of the time but they require risk and uncertainty, you should understand them prior to buying hence your post here. The decision about purchase is the same as it would have been up front knowing what you know now minus the issue of buying retail for perks since you have ALL of the perks that have any real value. Unless there's a specific reason to have two separate ownership's or you're looking for something that's hard to find (and buying a sufficient # of pts), it's almost always best to buy them so they'll be combined so same UY and title.

Thanks for the response - regarding your last sentence - same UY and title - does that also mean same resort?
Thanks for the response - regarding your last sentence - same UY and title - does that also mean same resort?

I'm quite sure he means that the "ownership" of the new contract is exactly the same as the first contract. Contracts must be titled exactly the same way to be combined. You can't get them combined if one is titled as John L Smith and the other is another as John L Smith and Mary Smith.
Thanks for the response - regarding your last sentence - same UY and title - does that also mean same resort?
Using them as one seamlessly is about having them under one master contract. If they are titled the same they can POTENTIALLY be under on master contract but they may not always be. Assuming they are under one master they can be used seamlessly at 11 months out if the same home resort and 7 months out if different home resorts. Now there are ways around using them together if not under one Master. Realize that there may be steps to getting them under one master and there is no guarantee it'll work out every time but has consistently over the years when members took the appropriate steps.

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