Running The Half, Dis Meets, Deluxe Dining,& SSR! BACK. Had a great time!

I ran a HALF!!!!!

I'm so happy!!! Glad I was able to get this run in before the half. Hopefully the weather will stay nice through Dec:confused: We shall see.

So, I did 13.17 miles in 1:51:18. Pace 8'27" I'm so happy with that time. My goal for the half in Disney is under 2 hours!!!:woohoo:

Oh, our friend Matt got his ME tags!!! I should be able to post Day 2 later tonight!!

Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Hi Lynn! Yeah for ME tags!!! :cool1: It's getting closer and closer, isn't it? :)

Congrats and a great run, too!:thumbsup2 You'll do a fab job, I have no doubt!

Hmm...12/12, I actually have a guess but I wouldn't dare say anything to ruin it and you know I really have no idea, just a guess! :rotfl:

School is great!! This semester is almost done. I'm doing well in all of my classes. I registered for my Spring classes. I'm taking Educational Psychology, another math, History, and English. In the summer I'm going to take some classes as well. I love summer classes.

Oh and guess what? I have a new love for Math and I'm thinking about teaching it. I never thought I would even think about teaching it. I never liked it when I was younger, but now I love it!!! I have thought about Special Ed ( still thinking about it), but I can see myself teaching Math. Math, Science, and Special Ed is where the jobs are right now in teaching. I would love to teach elementary, but I want to have as many job opportunities as possible, so I think I'm going to get certified K-12, like my adviser advised me to. Oh, and I love Psychology. I talked to my Psych teacher about becoming a counselor in a school. She told me to major in Education and minor in Psych, get my bachelors in Ed, and get my masters in Psych. Something else to think about.

Hey Lynn - following your PTR and excited for you for your upcoming trip! Congratulations on doing so well in school! Also very awesome about loving Math - that's really an area we need more skilled teachers in! My DD is considering going into education (like her momma!) and we've been talking about her options to make her more hireable - I tell her to think about specializing in a content area (I teach H.S. French and Theatre) and definately to go for the K-12 endorsement. I hear horror stories of El-Ed majors having to move far away to find jobs, but that could be just up here in New England. Anyway, looking forward to hearing more plans for your trip and what your DH is planning!
OH and GREAT job on your running! It sounds as if you're going to peak at just the right time - keep up the great work!
Hi Lynnie!!! I can't believe you have so many pages in your PTR! I finally made it over here. I'm running the half too. We'll have to try to meet up!

That is awesome!! Great job!! You are going to do GREAT in Disney!! You should just move to CO to a.) support the Broncos, b.) be closer to family (You do have family here, right?), and c.) practice running here! The air/altitude makes it harder to run here so then when you go down to FL to do the half, it'll be that much easier!! :lmao:

Hope you had a great weekend, Lynn!! I can't believe how close you are! Tomorrow you will be able to say "Next month I'm going to Disney World!"
Great job on the half Lynn! Running and Math :confused3 :crazy2:

:laughing: You must be super excited for your trip after the HGTV special! Everything looks amazing! ::yes::

Jan 7- This will be another run day... my last run before the race.

Going to go to DHS!!

Breakfast- Artist's Palette at SSR

Lunch- 50s PTC- I'm going to go for lunch this time.

Dinner- Yachtsman- Never been!!! Fantasmic is at 6:30 this night so we will walk over to Yachtsman after the show. So late dinner this night.

Jan 8- This is the day I get to meet up with all of my Disney friends!!!

Breakfast- WGPE in DTD.. never been

After breakfast we have to head over to the World Wide of Sports so I can pick up my race packet. Then we will head to the GF and hop on the monorail over to the MK until it's time to meet with the girls for lunch.

Lunch- I'm meeting with the girls at The Grand Floridian for the grand Floridian tea. Going to be fun!!

Dinner- Tutto Italia... I plan on getting my Penne Caprese.. it's full of carbs so good thing before the race, lol.

Jan 9- RACE DAY!!!! My butt will be up at the butt crack of dawn lol!! Race starts at 5:30 AM!!!! I plan on getting my breakfast the night before at the resort.. pick up some bananas, make sure I get some peanut butter, and maybe have some oatmeal.... I should just get bring the oatmeal and peanut butter down. I'll just have to get bananas at the resort.

Hopefully I will finish the race under 2 hours... that is my goal. I know I can do it.

So I should be done hopefully around 7:30, then head back to the resort, shower and we are going to go to the MK. I think this is the day we are supposed meet with the girls again and have our pictures taken in front of the castle, and then go on some rides together.

Lunch- LTT.. we have never been! I'm looking forward to trying it.

Dinner- THE WAVE!! This is going to be a great meal because Toni & Bobby, Christina & Gean, and Lexi & Scott will be joining us for dinner!!! It's going to be so nice!! Then we are going to head up to The Lounge in BLT (Toni is getting us up there) to watch Wishes!!!! Going to be sooo nice!!

Alright guys, I will finish the last two days tomorrow.

I'll be arriving early on 1/7. I'm travelling with Team in Training. I was planning on going to Fantasmic that night. Maybe we could meet up. I didn't realize it was so early, but I missed it on my August trip, so I MUST see it this time. Let me know!

Guess what?????

MAGICAL EXPRESS TAGS CAME IN!!!!!!!!!!!:dance3::yay::woohoo:

It's almost time WOO HOO!!!! So excited!!!

OOh and Tim is up to something. He planned something Dec 12. It's an early Christmas gift. He told me that I have to take a half day on that Saturday! Wonder what it could be!!!

I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!

I haven't received mine yet. I'm not sure if I will or if they go to the TNT office. I'm waiting patiently, but allowing them to do all of the travel reservations is killing me!
Congrats, Lynn! That's amazing! I can't wait to hear how you do in the Disney Half!

Hi! Thank you!!!!

Hi Lynn! Yeah for ME tags!!! :cool1: It's getting closer and closer, isn't it? :)

Congrats and a great run, too!:thumbsup2 You'll do a fab job, I have no doubt!

Hmm...12/12, I actually have a guess but I wouldn't dare say anything to ruin it and you know I really have no idea, just a guess! :rotfl:


Hi Heather! Thank you very much. You can say it, lol. I think it has to do with NYC because our friend Matt sort of gave it away by mistake. He has a Christmas business party to go to in NYC on the 11th and he said to Tim and I, "Is it the 12th that you guys are going to be in the city? I may be able to meet up." LOL. I put two and two together. OOh and we are staying over night. Can't wait to see what it's going to be and where we're staying!!!

Hey Lynn - following your PTR and excited for you for your upcoming trip! Congratulations on doing so well in school! Also very awesome about loving Math - that's really an area we need more skilled teachers in! My DD is considering going into education (like her momma!) and we've been talking about her options to make her more hireable - I tell her to think about specializing in a content area (I teach H.S. French and Theatre) and definately to go for the K-12 endorsement. I hear horror stories of El-Ed majors having to move far away to find jobs, but that could be just up here in New England. Anyway, looking forward to hearing more plans for your trip and what your DH is planning!

Hi!! Thank you! Aww good for your DD. Yeah it is hard to get a teaching job anywhere in the north really. I wouldn't mind having to move, but I would love to stay in this area because Tim is doing well at his job. I think if I stick to an area, I should be fine when it's time to get a job.

OH and GREAT job on your running! It sounds as if you're going to peak at just the right time - keep up the great work!

Thank you!!! :)

Hi Lynnie!!! I can't believe you have so many pages in your PTR! I finally made it over here. I'm running the half too. We'll have to try to meet up!

I know!! It's insane lol!! Glad you are over here! I would love to meet up.

Congratulations!! Great time too!

Hi!!! Thank you!!


That is awesome!! Great job!! You are going to do GREAT in Disney!! You should just move to CO to a.) support the Broncos, b.) be closer to family (You do have family here, right?), and c.) practice running here! The air/altitude makes it harder to run here so then when you go down to FL to do the half, it'll be that much easier!! :lmao:

Hope you had a great weekend, Lynn!! I can't believe how close you are! Tomorrow you will be able to say "Next month I'm going to Disney World!"

Hey Kimmy. HAHA, it would be cool. My parents want to move out there. I do have a relative out there. My Uncle David( dad's brother).

AHHHH I know!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!

Great job on the half Lynn! Running and Math :confused3 :crazy2:

:laughing: You must be super excited for your trip after the HGTV special! Everything looks amazing! ::yes::


HAHA Tracy you crack me up! OMG I loved the show!! I'm hoping that SSR will still have some decorations up when we get there.

I'll be arriving early on 1/7. I'm travelling with Team in Training. I was planning on going to Fantasmic that night. Maybe we could meet up. I didn't realize it was so early, but I missed it on my August trip, so I MUST see it this time. Let me know!

I haven't received mine yet. I'm not sure if I will or if they go to the TNT office. I'm waiting patiently, but allowing them to do all of the travel reservations is killing me!

Oh that's cool!! Yeah you have to see it!! You should get your tags soon!:banana:

Okay, I have to post day 2!!! I was supposed to last night, ugh.
So I was on the Disney site checking some details for our March trip and I noticed May hours are up... have you started planning, yet?!? :lmao:

Your January plans sound great so far. And congrats again on your practice half time! It really is awesome. :goodvibes And just think how much easier it will be with Mickey cheering you on! :mickeyjum I'm so excited for're going to have so much fun during the race.
I ran a HALF!!!!!

I'm so happy!!! Glad I was able to get this run in before the half. Hopefully the weather will stay nice through Dec:confused: We shall see.

So, I did 13.17 miles in 1:51:18. Pace 8'27" I'm so happy with that time. My goal for the half in Disney is under 2 hours!!!:woohoo:

Oh, our friend Matt got his ME tags!!! I should be able to post Day 2 later tonight!!

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

That is fantastic! You are getting so close, I'm so excited for you!
So I was on the Disney site checking some details for our March trip and I noticed May hours are up... have you started planning, yet?!? :lmao:

Your January plans sound great so far. And congrats again on your practice half time! It really is awesome. :goodvibes And just think how much easier it will be with Mickey cheering you on! :mickeyjum I'm so excited for're going to have so much fun during the race.

HI Em!! OOh May hrs are out? I think we are going to go the end of May or early June. My Spring semester ends May 10th.

Thank you! I wish I could stop and get pictures, but when I run I run. I don't stop, lol.

I can't wait to hear all the people cheering the runners on!! It really gives you a boost to hear positive cheers while you run.
That is fantastic! You are getting so close, I'm so excited for you!

TORI!!!! Hey girl!!! How have you been?? Did you start your TR? lol

Thank you! I am very excited!!! Can't wait to get back to SSR!! We're so close!
Hey Kimmy. HAHA, it would be cool. My parents want to move out there. I do have a relative out there. My Uncle David( dad's brother).

AHHHH I know!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!

Its nice out here!! Your parents should at least move out here so you can visit!! :lmao: Don't you and Tim want to move to FL? I can't remember if I actually remember you saying that or if its just something most people who Dis want to do so they can get their WDW fix all the time! :rotfl2:

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!! I am getting so excited for you!! I'm also way excited for the game you've got coming up!! How fun that will be for you!! I think I already asked, but are you going to wear all Eagles stuff? I think it would be slightly hilarious if you wore like an Eagles jersey and a Broncos hat. :laughing: How cold do games get there? I'm not really sure how weather is this time of year where you are. I know we have to like wear thick coats and hats and scarves and gloves and the whole shabang!
DAY 2!!​

DHS Day!! This is the day our friend Matt will be coming in. His flight is early in the morning, so he should get to Disney by noon. I plan on getting up early and going for a run. Then we are heading to DHS for rope drop :) The park hours that day are 9-8.

First thing we always do is go to TSM, ride it, and grab some FPs. After that, we will do whatever. Most likely we will head over to TOT and RNRC. Maybe go draw and see the Little Mermaid show. I have never seen it:scared1:

Lunch- SCI-FI!!!!!! I'm so having some BLT soup!! YUM! Can't wait to have that yummy peanut butter and chocolate dessert. Hopefully Matt will be able to join us. When Matt gets to the park, we will do everything. He has not been in years.

Dinner- Brown Derby!! YUM! We love it there. Before and after dinner we will go see The Osboune Lights!! EEK!! So excited! :dance3:

We plan on taking Matt to DTD after we leave. Should be a very fun day!!

Up Next- Day 3 plans, oh and if you have some Osbourne Lights pics, please share :)
Its nice out here!! Your parents should at least move out here so you can visit!! :lmao: Don't you and Tim want to move to FL? I can't remember if I actually remember you saying that or if its just something most people who Dis want to do so they can get their WDW fix all the time! :rotfl2:

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!! I am getting so excited for you!! I'm also way excited for the game you've got coming up!! How fun that will be for you!! I think I already asked, but are you going to wear all Eagles stuff? I think it would be slightly hilarious if you wore like an Eagles jersey and a Broncos hat. :laughing: How cold do games get there? I'm not really sure how weather is this time of year where you are. I know we have to like wear thick coats and hats and scarves and gloves and the whole shabang!

Yeah. Our dream is to live down there. Maybe when we retire, lol!! I will text and send you pics when we are there!

I don't think I'm going to wear either team. Not like anybody will see what I'm wearing anyway because I will be bundled up, lol. It's Dec 27, so it will probably be like 3 degrees outside, lol!!! If it is a nice day, I think I will wear my Eagles Dawkins Jersey, haha!! I'm hoping it will be nice out!
You've got tickets to the Broncos game!!!! I've been begging DBF to take me since his company has a box. I've been asking him to get us tickets since the schedules were announced. I told him I don't want anything else for Christmas and my b-day if he would just get me those tickets.

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