Runners UNITE! We've graduated C25K, so let's keep on going!

I'm back, people! :woohoo: I ran the Ocean Drive 5k today. Extremely windy conditions, but it was a great run, as far as how I felt. :thumbsup2 I finished in 33.47 in 128th place out of 168. I'm really happy with how it all went down and I'm now looking forward to the May 5k in WDW. :goodvibes

If you want to read a more detailed race report, stop by my journal. ;)

Have a great week, guys!
Woo hoo - way to go KIM! :woohoo: Your report was great and your time was great too! You really are officially back, now! It's great to see.

Allie - how did your race go?

K8 - your race sounds great - I have never been in a race where they called your name going across the finish. That sounds so cool. Well, in the Race for the Cure, they did call out the names of the breast cancer survivors as they crossed, but thankfully I don't qualify for that particular distinction. Also, a very impressive time - nicely done!

Re: Pre Run Eating/Drinking
I agree, it's tough to get it right. On the one hand, you don't want to be full and burpy the whole way. On the other hand, you don't want to run on zero. I like to have a little something, but not too much - maybe half a bowl of oatmeal or half an energy bar. And sometimes a TUMS as well. I guess you just have to experiment some more to find what works for you. :confused3 I am almost always happier on a run when it's been a couple of hours since my last meal.

In fact, I just ate a regular breakfast when I was thinking I was going to go out and run. My garmin needed charging as well, so I have to wait for that. Maybe it will all work out.
Allie - how did your race go?

I finished in 36:34! That's the fastest ever! It would have been faster had I not slowed down to enter my splits into my cellphone's notepad. :lmao: Also, I had tummy issues that morning, so I started off a little dehydrated. A little boy in our preschool had gone home sick earlier in the week with diarrhea. I think I may have caught a touch of it. :sick: I felt fine while running, but felt horrible the rest of the day, and I got to spend the majority of it at the softball field for my daughter's opening day. It was cold out there! :cold:

I did a 5 mile again yesterday (and yes, I did eat:) ) I did it in 1:02:54. I was soooo proud of myself. I feel like I'm turning into a REAL runner. I have all the confidence that I can do that 10K on Memorial Day.
Allie - you ARE a REAL runner, and don't forget it! Those are very nice times. Especially if you are pausing to make notes. ;) I think you could probably do a 10K next week if push came to shove - cause 5 miles to 6 miles is not actually that huge a jump. It sounds big, but are going to do so great in that 10K. That's the botanical garden one, right?

I can not believe that we are still on the page where we were talking about my jacket. :laughing: I have really been enjoying it a lot. I wore it today, even, for my 6 mile run. I have missed a few weeks because of this new dog that we've been adjusting to, but I'm back in and training for Minnie weekend! :thumbsup2 I wore a running skirt, my gore-tek shoes (it was raining) a short sleeved shirt and my man-jacket. It was about right - I was really cold on the way out of the neighborhood, running into the wind, but on the way back, running away from the wind, and the rain having stopped, I took off the sleeves of the jacket and wore it around my waist - so, perfect. :) I highly recommend one of these "nothing" jackets - I got it fairly late in the cold season and have been surprised by how much use it's gotten, even so. I'll be all set for next fall.
Yeah, what's going on with us? Lack of posting or something. Let's stir up some conversation!! :stir:

Anyone watching Biggest Loser?? GO ALI! :woohoo: She looks totally awesome!! They're all doing great, honestly. What an inspirational show. :thumbsup2

I'm running tomorrow. Haven't run since Friday. Having a little pain in my left lower leg, but nothing too bad, so I'll just keep my eye on it.
That's the botanical garden one, right?

That WAS the Botanical Garden Run. The 10K is run through the historic area of downtown. It will be pretty, but it has a nasty hill that everyone talks about. A friend of mine said she will go run the course with me before the race. I think that is a great idea. :idea:
Yes - I have heard that previewing the course is a very good idea. I haven't done a whole lot of it myself. Actually, one time I drove the course as a preview - doesn't really count for much, though. Through the historical district sounds very nice. Even if the hill is too brutal to run, you can always walk that part. :)

Are you feeling better now?
Kim- hope your niggly leg pain's settling down. It's always a bit scary when something starts stinging.

Allie- i'm certain you could go for a 10k, from everything you've said i totally think you're up to it, hill included!

Corinna- so glad your jacket's living upto it's expectations. You sound like you're loving it!

Can't join in the random TV chat :laughing: have to get US tv too. Sorry i haven't been around much, life it hectic right now with work and everything else. Also have a recent man addition to my life which is lovely so far (VERY early days!) but tricky finding enough time really. Speaking of which i've been wracking my brain for a bday present for him- men are so hard!!!!

Running wise i'm sticking to runners world plan and have just been for 6.2 mile run outside which i'm thrilled with cos most of my long runs have been at the gym.

Happy nearly weekend WISHers
'Kay, so I'm in trouble. Thought I wasn't doing Bloomsday so I've been slacking on training. Like, seriously slacking - I'm doing my trainer workouts and nothing else. (And she is brutal, but my abs are feeling solid!) DH and I had a chat about his training today and he doesn't want me to come down until the week after Bloomsday. Crud! So now I'm back in full, fast, training mode!! But.... I'm getting Lasik next week! So hopefully the doctor will let me back in the gym, at least for some fast walking, pretty quick afterward.

There's a 5K on base on the 24th that I'm going to try to get in, too, since I'm training. If the Lasik allows me to! :rotfl:
Wow, Kate - Lasik and cramming for a run at the same time? That is bold and crazy cool. I think. So have you been running at all? Do you have a plan? Are you sure you want to run Bloomsday, all things considered? I'm cramming for a race myself, it seems. What does your full, fast training mode look like?
Eh, I think I'm not going to run Bloomsday now. I tripped over one of Russ' cars and hurt my ankle. (Of course!) That plus Lasik means training won't really happen well enough. However, Bloomsday doesn't have a time limit and strollers are allowed, so I'm going to walk it with Russ and one of my friends. That way afterward we can enjoy all the fun stuff in the park. Last year, I collapsed instead! And I sure as heck didn't enjoy anything in MGM after the TOT 13K. :rotfl:

I do need to get back into running mode, though. I've been working with my trainer and after a month, my percentage body fat didn't change. :guilty: So I really need to get back into the cardio and eating better. My goal is to wear shorts this summer! After the Lasik, I'm getting a new haircut, so maybe I'll do Phase 1 of South Beach again. DH won't know the person who shows up to get him in May!
Sorry about your toy car accident. I bet you will have a great time walking it.

But what do you mean you didn't enjoy MGM after the race last year? :laughing: We evidently split up too soon after the race, cause my one ride on the tower and the one ride on RnRC were excellent. I wish there had been time for more, but unfortunately a lot of our post-race party time got eaten up with the pre-race start delay. :rolleyes:

The eating better is always the hardest part for me too, these days. It's nice you'll have a chance to ease more into running again, without the pressure of Bloomsday coming right up.

Any word yet on your move coming up?
Goodness no! I think the humidity got to me. ToT was the first race I felt like I was going to puke afterward. We rode the Great Movie Ride and then gave up and went back to the hotel. (To be fair, we did have Russ, but I was far whiny than him!)

We're never going to move, I've determined. :rotfl: DH's list for this summer's assignments had to be in by today, and we still don't have a clear ranking of what we want. Those assignments will come out through August. The next round, I think, is November. Which means he'll have time to do another Christmas deployment! Yay! :rolleyes: Last time we talked, DH was leaning toward England or Japan. I'm still leaning toward Tampa!
Hey Ladies! Hey Kat!! :wave2: It's so good to "see" you! Sorry about the toy car problem. :rolleyes: I LOVE the Russ saying in your signature. :laughing: I think taking Bloomsday easy is definitely the way to go, especially with the lasik sugery next week. :thumbsup2

As for me, I wasn't able to do a "long" run today because of the rain, but hopefully tomorrow morning I can get out there. I was hoping for a 4 miler, which would be my first run longer than 3 miles since I started back. :scared:

Corinna - just wanted to tell you it looks like DBIL and I will be picking up our Minnie 5K packages on Friday, so I don't have to worry about waiting in line or getting there super-duper early on Saturday. What time did you say you were planning on getting there? :confused3 It's getting SO close!! :yay:
I don't think I said when I was planning on getting there on Friday. If I did, someone remind me please? I'm going to have to dredge up what plans I had made, and pretty darned soon, huh? Like you say, coming right up. I was figuring on the afternoon sometime. Do you have a plan? Right before your fancy dinner, maybe?
I don't think I said when I was planning on getting there on Friday. If I did, someone remind me please? I'm going to have to dredge up what plans I had made, and pretty darned soon, huh? Like you say, coming right up. I was figuring on the afternoon sometime. Do you have a plan? Right before your fancy dinner, maybe?

Actually, I meant what time on Saturday morning. :goodvibes But as far as Friday goes, we are planning on going to Aquatica that day (Sea World's new water park). DBIL and I are going to drop off our SO's to the hotel to get cleaned up for dinner and the two of us will go over to WWoS to pick up our packets. I'm guessing it'll be between 5 & 6 or so.
Oh, I feel such a fool - but I did find my hastily scrawled out plans and ADR confirmation numbers and times. So I am going to need to do packet pickup to avoid the 4:50 ADR at Boma. We'll be at MGM that day anyhow - I may head over in the early afternoon while DH takes the kids for a little rest. Or maybe while they continue to exhaust themselves in the park. Given that it's likely to be sweaty, my money is on the afternoon shower/rest before dinner. But no matter. It seems we are destined to be at WWoS at different times.

As for race day, the race starts at 7. It's unaccountable, but I think I am going to want to be there on the early side. I don't enjoy the stress of cutting it close, at least not at Disney. Probably, I'll try to be in a cab by 5:45 or 6? Seriously, OKW to Epcot isn't that far. I'll probably have tons of time to just stand around and make multiple visits to the port-a-potties.:rolleyes1 How about you? What time do you hope to arrive? I am guessing we'll want to be in the 11-13 minute pace group?
Yeah, I was hoping to get there no later than 6am on race day. I want to be able to take in the sights, hit the port a potty if needed and then hang out with YOU!! :hug: Hopefully DBIL is good with that, since he's driving. :laughing: I'm getting SO excited!!! But I can't talk about it or show it in front of the kids since they're not coming. :laughing: They know DH and I are going to Universal but we can't exactly rub it in their faces, you know. :rolleyes1 (oh and yes, I think the 11-13 mpm section is good for us)

On the running front....I ran 4.33 miles yesterday in 49.17. Not too bad for me. :thumbsup2 Felt sore/stiff y'day as the day went on, but I'm doing much better today. I plan on running Tues/Thurs and maybe Fri. If I do run Fri, then I'll run again on Sunday. If I don't run on Fri, then I'll run on Saturday. Hopefully another 4-5 mile run over the weekend.
katerkat - I meant to say this earlier but I think I maybe owe you an appology for dragging you through 13K at a pace that made you, in the end, want to yack. Or maybe it was the powerade. In any case, I'm glad you aren't trying to cram for a race. I feel like I'm pushing it a little, myself, and my muscles are complaining at me a bit, even now. If you're walking with a stroller, you can take lots of pictures, right?

Kim, I totally know how it is - really tough to hold back your glee, and yet you don't want to be a jerk about it to your own kids. Way to ratchet up that mileage. You'll be ready for a 10 miler before you know it. :thumbsup2

I was planning on a Tuesday/Thursday thing as well, but I am thinking after my double whammy, I WANT a second recovery day tomorrow. We'll see how I feel, I guess. My feet and legs are both having their gripes today, though. :rolleyes: It might be speed on Wednesday, and then back to backs again on the weekend. I can't help but feel like this is the wackiest, most unbalanced plan I've ever had. :sad2:
Hi! I am so excited to find you ladies! I just ran my first 10K a few weeks ago and had so much fun. Next weekend I plan on running a 5K and the weekend after that we are running in the derby mini marathon (13.1) I am so excited!
I really look forward to chatting with you all!:goodvibes


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