Room Upgrades at HRH?


Earning My Ears
Aug 18, 1999
So, has anyone been successful at getting them and how did you do it? Anyone get upgraded to a kidsuite? I was told the rack rate on the kidsuite was $375 and they didn't have any discounts for it available in late April (entertainment book, introductory rate, etc).


<font color=blue><h5>LadyTrampScamp&Our"Angel"

<font color=red>
"Great minds think for themselves!"
<font color=black>
DL-too many times to count! DL Paris 7/94, WDW-Offsite 10/90, CBR 4/92, PO 8/98, Poly & Homewood Suites 12/99, ASMo 1/01, AKL 4/01!
I got upgrade to a kidsuite earlier this month. I had booked a deluxe room at the entertainment rate of $149.50. I arrived at the hotel at around 7:00pm and I think all the deluxe rooms must have been taken, because I was given a standard club room. When I told the front desk that I appreciated the upgrade (they offered me the Loews First Upgrade), but preferred the space of a deluxe room, they gave me a kidsuite. The room was fantastic! I don't think they would have given it to me if there was a deluxe available.

Good luck!
Thanks again paisleypi!

<font color=blue><h5>LadyTrampScamp&Our"Angel"

<font color=red>
"Great minds think for themselves!"
<font color=black>
DL-too many times to count! DL Paris 7/94, WDW-Offsite 10/90, CBR 4/92, PO 8/98, Poly & Homewood Suites 12/99, ASMo 1/01, AKL 4/01!


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