All right, people, I could use some advice.
I have a chance to add some saratoga points on my use year (which is August).
The terms are fairly favorable, since this was an international seller, the agreement has been negotiated 8 months ago and he needed to get some lawyer document since his wife was not able to provide consent due to medical issues ( a lot, I know).
The terms are, 160 points contract, 87 dollars a point and it is a truly fully loaded contract. 2024-160, 2025-320, 2026-160.
The seller is even willing to work with me with dues giving me a prorated refund for 2025 and he pays 2024.
At this point, I was looking to maybe get some poly points with Disney since I kind of enjoyed the new towers, love the original poly and am not yet a blue card member, but this contract seems like such a good deal financially, that I may just do the resale instead and rent those 160 2024s to amortize the cost. Would you think getting the poly points direct may be a wiser decision if money was no definitive problem, however, it would be likely one or the other.