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I just got notice that our second contract went to ROFR today. I'll update with a string once the new thread is posted. It's through Fidelity as well... *le sigh* The agent we are working with did respond pretty quickly when I asked if we would be notified when our contract went. The first one we did with them as well, but it was bought by Disney, and that time all the parties had signed on the same day, but they took 6 days to send it to Disney. This time the buyers actually took the full week to sign. I'm hoping if it gets passed by Disney, we won't have the horrible First American experience that so many seem to have.
Sorry to hear this. We also are using Fidelity, and have the same experience. Apparently this is normal for them. Everything is very slow, and minimal communication. It took a week to get my contract submitted to Disney for ROFR, and I kept following up with no response or very cryptic responses. We passed ROFR 2 weeks ago today, and I'm still waiting for closing documents. I was essentially told not to even follow up on the status of my closing documents until it's pas the three week mark from passing ROFR. I just keep having to remind myself that the cheap price of the contract is definitely worth this headache in the end. We have worked with 2 other brokers over the years, and never had anything close to this type of experience. Fidelity definitely tests the patience. Do you have the name of the person in contracts that is handling your contract? If not I can give you the person in contracts that I contacted about mine, to see when mine would be sent for ROFR. Maybe they will also be the ones receiving the information on pass/take.

Good luck to you, I'm here with you!

Week 3 here waiting on my closing documents from First American. Sigh.... I just emailed my broker at Fidelity because I needed to email somebody to release some of this anticipated anxiety. All she could say is First American is back logged. Ya think? Cause Mason Title is knocking them out left and right?!?! Last week I actually called and spoke to the lady who was preparing my closing docs at First American and she did say it would be beginning of this week. My thoughts....because First American handles the closing for direct Disney, me thinks Rivera is taking priority for sure. Sorry to hear there are many of y’all suffering with me. Let us commisserate together! I won’t even be using my points until next year I just want to close on the darn thing and gain access to the DVC site.
Those of you who are waiting for Fidelity/First American Title to send closing documents or to return your messages, don't hold your breath :mad: It took 7 WEEKS for me to get my closing documents and my e-mails were for the most part ignored :furious:

I thought I remember you saying it took 7 weeks with First American Title, I just could not believe it! I eat my words. If I ever use Fidelity again, we will totally opt for a different title company.
I do have a question...if most contracts have to close in 60 days, how can a title company take 3 weeks or 7 weeks, etc?
I do have to wonder how interested Disney could possibly be in taking things in ROFR in the near future.

It seems like they're trying to boost resale prices right now to a point where potential resale buyers will go "hey, for only a few dollars more per point we can buy into CCV or Riviera and still get all of those benefits!" while at the same time the direct sales people can take people who are inquiring about any of the existing Monorail or Epcot/HS resorts and say to them "Why pay $190+ per point for these older resorts when you can buy Riviera, which will be around much longer, for even less!"

Does anyone really think that the direct prices Disney has set for the existing resorts has anything to do with the value of those resorts? It seems like it was set up more with the intention of making Riviera look more attractive. Maybe I'm just cynical.
My thought on it all is Disney buy-back because apparently they don’t want to devalue the resorts. If that was the case why would they pass cheaper contracts than other more expensive and almost identical ones that they do buy-back? It makes no sense to me.
I do have to wonder how interested Disney could possibly be in taking things in ROFR in the near future.

It seems like they're trying to boost resale prices right now to a point where potential resale buyers will go "hey, for only a few dollars more per point we can buy into CCV or Riviera and still get all of those benefits!" while at the same time the direct sales people can take people who are inquiring about any of the existing Monorail or Epcot/HS resorts and say to them "Why pay $190+ per point for these older resorts when you can buy Riviera, which will be around much longer, for even less!"

Does anyone really think that the direct prices Disney has set for the existing resorts has anything to do with the value of those resorts? It seems like it was set up more with the intention of making Riviera look more attractive. Maybe I'm just cynical.

My thought on it all is Disney buy-back because apparently they don’t want to devalue the resorts. If that was the case why would they pass cheaper contracts than other more expensive and almost identical ones that they do buy-back? It makes no sense to me.

Disney's ROFR decisions have always been difficult to explain. They took a couple of my BLT contracts for $106pp and maybe $102pp (I can't remember the specifics now), but they let another attempt at $100pp contract pass. Don't try to figure it out as it'll drive you nuts because there are factors at play that we don't know or have access to. :\ Just keep submitting bids that you think are reasonable, and one will eventually make it through. Also, please realize that this is all self-reported data, and some may fudge some things here and there.
WOw - we are having the same experience with Fidelity right now. Extremely poor communication, seemingly annoyed when we call to ask questions (it’s been 8 days since our sellers accepted but they have yet to sign the contract)... if it wasn’t such a perfect contract for us I would have walked away a long time ago. I’m at the point where I’m not sure the cheap price is worth this awful service. They basically ignore our emails then act like we are such a bother when we phone to get the answers. The best part is they sent us a survey yesterday to rate their customer service. Can’t wait to fill that one out once this is over either way!

We have dealt with 2 other resale companies and they have been absolutely fabulous.
That must be so frustrating to wait weeks for closing docs after waiting weeks or more for ROFR.

While the broker has no control over time for ROFR, they certainly have control over respectful and timely client communication and can choose to partner with title companies that are efficient.

We made an offer a month ago on a contract that Fidelity had. Heard nothing for a day or two then got an email response; the contract already had an accepted offer well before we even made ours. The online listing had not been updated to pending. OK. From reading these posts, maybe it was for the best...

For comparison, our current contract is with one of the other major brokers (not fidelity). ROFR took two weeks and closing docs arrived by email 7 days later. So it CAN de done quickly.
Day 35. I just emailed my broker. I know there's nothing she can really do but I just felt like I needed to do something.

I felt the same and did the same too! I’m 36 days in, starting to lose it a little too! :crazy:
Same! Called our broker who pulled up my contract info and said there are a bunch of other Day 35 people in the same boat.

WOw - we are having the same experience with Fidelity right now. Extremely poor communication, seemingly annoyed when we call to ask questions (it’s been 8 days since our sellers accepted but they have yet to sign the contract)... if it wasn’t such a perfect contract for us I would have walked away a long time ago. I’m at the point where I’m not sure the cheap price is worth this awful service. They basically ignore our emails then act like we are such a bother when we phone to get the answers. The best part is they sent us a survey yesterday to rate their customer service. Can’t wait to fill that one out once this is over either way!

We have dealt with 2 other resale companies and they have been absolutely fabulous.
I'm shocked they have a customer service survey! :rotfl2:I was just thinking earlier today that maybe it's because we are used to hearing about (or using ourselves) the fabulous customer service of DVC-specialty brokers. They are smaller fish who rely on word of mouth and customer service. Fidelity is a big company with loads of other timeshare contracts. And the majority of their customers may not have any idea to expect frequent and informative communication. I am using them on this current contract. I would still use them again, but would request a different title company just to be sure I avoid the issues others have had with First American.

tonnerme---$102-$12708-110-AKV-Aug-0/18, 110/19, 110/20- sent 2/25, taken 4/2
NO! Sorry to hear that. I was about to say "that's a really long ROFR" but I've been waiting just one day less. :p
Just got notified this morning Disney took the contract we were waiting on, OKW Dec uy, 150pts for90$. Not sure how many days, I'd have to look back, but our offer was accepted last week of Jan. Back on the hunt. Nice thing is we don't need the points but wanted to add to our current points anticipating retirement at the end of the year.
Sorry they took it. But glad to hear you have time to search for the perfect contract. Best wishes to you & congrats in advance in your upcoming retirement!
@amytaylor6, I’m sorry they took another one from you. :(

Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words. We just tried another...waiting for it to go to ROFR. We went in a bit higher.....everyone says "buy where you want to stay" and BCV is it for us! We bought 100 pts Poly direct in January to get DVC membership benefits, but hadn't stayed (or even visited) anywhere other than BWV and AKL prior to buying. Our trip was right after the direct price increase, so to lock in lower prices, we bought before really seeing the resorts. After our stay in late January, we realized that Poly is nice but BCV absolutely stole our hearts.

My hubby says this is going to be our last try so I wanted to submit a strong offer. We actually offered a bit higher than asking price since it was a nice contract and still a good deal when compared to direct prices (which we cannot justify for BCV).

Trying to keep the faith that it will all work out! Hoping for some Pixie Dust for us and others, too!
I have a good feeling about this one. Everything will turn out the way it's meant to be, right? :)

Thanks again....each of you, the members of this awesome forum, have been so appreciated and helpful! ❤
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Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words. We just tried another...waiting for it to go to ROFR. We went in a bit higher.....everyone says "buy where you want to stay" and BCV is it for us! We bought 100 pts Poly direct in January to get DVC membership benefits, but hadn't stayed (or even visited) anywhere other than BWV and AKL prior to buying. Our trip was right after the direct price increase, so to lock in lower prices, we bought before really seeing the resorts. After our stay in late January, we realized that Poly is nice but BCV absolutely stole our hearts.
Aww, that's how we feel about Poly. We keep buying "affordable" resorts, but if our current contract gets taken, we may change up our thinking. Good luck with your new BCV!
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