response from Disney


Earning My Ears
Mar 9, 2001
Before the holidays I sent a letter to Al Weiss with positive comments about our families trip this past August. Basically we have only had positive experiences going to WDW and in my opinion you really have to try hard to have a bad experience. In my letter I explained how much fun my children had, what the trip highlight's were and how pleased we were staying at PO-R and how we might try the Beach Club on our next trip later this year. A few days before Christmas we recieved a christmas card from the cast at cinderella's Royal Table ( which was my daughters favorite thing ) and earlir this week I recieved a letter from the general manager of the Beach Club Resort thanking me for my comments and statin that they look forward to meeting us this summer and if I need any help with reservations or information to call him at his office. Bottomline, I think no matter how crazy things may get on our vacations the Disney Cast really cares that the guests are happy and that they have the most magical experience possible


CBR 92
Poly 00
PO-R 01
That was your letter??? I (among many other CMs) certainly enjoyed reading it!
You see, Lee Cockerell publishes a weekly feedback newsletter called 'The Main Street Diary', that covers all kinds of things, including progress reports on specific areas, focus messages for managers and CMs on how to maintain the magic, and (my favorite) GUEST LETTERS!!!
Yours was published in last week's edition. Not all letters are 100% positive, and the negative feedback is addressed with a "lets try to do better, here's how" message just as much as the positive results in "attaboys".
How cool! When I read it I had a feeling it was written by a DISer!

(I accidentally posted this as new... could a mod please delete that one?)
Wow, that must be some letter. I would love to read it if you're willing to post it here. I echo your sentiments regarding the overall vacation experience in WDW. It is by far superior to any family vacation destination in the world. WDW and it's CMs never cease to amaze me. Steve, you sure must be proud to be a part of such a unique and wonderful community.
Ok here's the letter that I sent to Al Weiss.

Dear, Mr. Weiss

As this year draws to a close I would like to take the time and thank you and all of the outstanding Cast Members at the Walt Disney World Resort for the wonderful time we had during our vacation this past August. This year our family visited for seven days staying at the Port Orleans - Riverside Resort . From the moment we arrived at the resort we were made to feel welcome by the cast. My son age six and my daughter age two had smiles on their faces a mile wide from the minute we drove on property until the moment we left for the airport. This was our second visit as a family in the past two years and I must say that these past two trips have been the best vacation experiences that we have ever had.
the Riverside Resort Cast does a wonderful job of making their guests feel right at home. The food service was excellent and the housekeeping staff does a phenomonal job. Everyday when we returned to our room in Alligator bayou the housekeeper always had an arrangement of our childrens stuffed toys waiting for them. The character breakfast at Cinderella's castle was the highlight for my Daughter. When we visited the previous year she was afraid of all the characters, this year she went to all the Princesses and has not stopped talking about them 4 months later. My son's highlight came one E-Ride night at the Magic Kingdom where he got to spend quality time with Mickey and Minnie after going on Space Mountain for the first time. What was more amazing was that on Main Street he came to realize what we as parents do and said " Dad, it does'nt get any better than this ". He followed that with the question " who was Walt disney and how did he invent all of this ". I must say that it was a special moment to be standing on Main Street and have to explain to my child about who Walt was and how it all started with a mouse.
Once again we are in the process of planning next summer's vacation and as a family the hardest question seems to be "what resort are we staying at this year ". So far it looks like the Beach Club but I must confess that picking a Disney Resort is about the toughest decision that I'll make all year. As a family we just wanted to say thank you to you and all the cast at Walt Disney World Resort for the wonderful time that we spent as your guest's this past summer. If Walt disney was alive today I think that he would be proud of the job that his cast is doing and that the place in Florida that he created has touched the lives of so many
children in such a profound way

sincerly yours

the Gannon Family
:bounce: :bounce: I feel the same way gannonmnbk,i always have a good time and their is always a helpful cm around to help if neccessary;)
That was so nice to read. :) (I'm not a CM, either.)

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