Repost - Checkin At HH


DIS Veteran - USAF Retired
Aug 18, 1999
Looks like the post got lost but wanted Doc and all to know that I checked in at HH last Sunday @ 3:50pm. Room was ready and we got the exact room we requested in the Lodge. Only problem is that we have five days gone already and only have one more week to enjoy....:D :cool: :D
Have a great trip Tommy! Please let us know how HH is this time of year, okay? I'd love to convince DH to take a long weekend down to HH but those weekend points are killers!

Did you fly or drive? If you flew, did you fly into Savannah? Thanks and enjoy!

We drove to HHI this time. Since we were going to be here for 12 days, it seemed better to do it that way. When we did fly a couple of years ago, we flew into Savannah and rented a car there. Only about a 45 minute trip from there.

You picked a good time to be there. It's snowing up here in the Northeast.


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