Refillable mugs?


Proud Redhead
Jan 1, 2001
Are there refillable anythings at Universal?

Six more big sleeps!!! HOO HAA!!!

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They only have refillable mugs during their off-season times (when we were there in September and February) and, even then, the refills are about $4.75 (if I remember correctly).
Hi, as for refills, we were able to get the following just last week:

1) Bucket of popcorn
You pay initial price (can't recall--around $3.50), then it's 1.50 to refill your bucket. You can refill anytime, anyday.

2) My boys had slushies that came in Dueling Dragon tall cups. They were also refillable for a small fee, anytime, anyday.

You just need to remember your bucket if you want more popcorn each day! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
Actually, drink refills are $1.90, although there are times when you can refill for free.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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