Recommended room # at PBH


DIS Veteran
Mar 6, 2001
On the *old* boards, someone had asked about specific rooms -- we stayed in 3565 at PBH in February 2001. Two Queen beds, separate tub/shower units (enormous bath - the kind with shutter between it and the room) and the most wonderful part: top floor balcony with table and 4 chairs. (share with next door's room - they also have table and 4 chairs).

The downside: it was the next to last room on the West Wing, so you had to walk down the *entire* hallway to get to your room.

However, that was more than offset by the lovely balcony - we spent many a happy hour / late dinner on the balcony while our 1-yr. old dd napped (we actually put her pack & play in the bathroom).

The balcony makes this room worth it!


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