READ POST 1 & 2 FIRST-Rise of the Resistance Boarding Group Planning and Information-*No Spoilers*

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How many examples / data points do we have for people being able to join a BG *after* checking into the park and subsequently leaving?

I assume you can't be checked into another park at that time, but this works even if you've physically left the park?

Also, pardon my ignorance, but I assume you "tap out" upon exiting a park for that day (i.e., when leaving you scan or tap your Magic Band, which reflects you've left the park?)
what you're describing is essentially a fp. They are giving the benefit to people who truly want to ride RotR. Some people might book into a bg and then not show up taking a spot from someone who really wanted to.
You're at Disney, I'm assuming you want to do other attractions/shows/restaurants, why is this system the worst? The other alternative is to show up early and make hours on a standby line without being able to do anything else
Let's be fair - my disagreement that this is not the best system is not the same thing as calling it the worst. Yes - having an advance lottery might seem a lot like a FP. Just like a system that limits participants only to those that really want to ride seems a lot like a standby line. Since the beginning I've thought an all-day VQ (which requires guest flexibility) was odd with the advanced reservation system (highly structured) that Disney offers for everything else. Also odd that the mass drop at opening essentially forces everyone into a RD touring strategy. Yes - the VQ allows guests to do other things - assuming those other things are things you want to do and close by. Waiting in a VQ is still waiting - a guest is still tethered and their options are still limited (less than traditional standby but still limited).

I say this in the most DIS-friendly way possible: after reading plenty of these boards (and to your credit), you're one of Galaxy's Edge staunchest defenders and apologists. I get that you're there a lot (and have even seen you come in to live stream while I was sitting in Oga's). And that your daughter is a CM there (she was the boarding CM when I lucked out once with a solo ride on MFSR - much to my appreciation). You have your views and I wouldn't try to convince you otherwise. We can just respect that opinions will differ. :)

Back to the topic at hand: the reports from today seem to suggest something was really off. I thought our BG 121 was bad but seems we might've still been luckier than a lot of others who had similar connectivity issues.
Expectations is the name of the game.
Assume this is the same as you logging into your MDE at 7am to make fp selections for your trip. You may or may not get the times you want for specific attractions, and then you go about your regular day
Here, it's be at the parks by 7am log in and you may or may not get a time frame you want, then you go about your park day.
(this is where people would say a day at Disney is better than any day at home) :D
The've been going through a lot of backup bg so people with one will get to experience the attraction today

It’s always great when someone can put a positive spin on something negative happening to them, not sarcasm, good for those people! But I think people who get in before opening only to have the system fail them have every right to be frustrated and angry. They were likely awake before 6 AM to arrive in time for opening but potentially aren’t riding until the evening, it’s very frustrating.

Getting those FP at home requires much less effort and time for many people, so when things go wrong while frustrating it isn’t quite the same. Also there are opportunities to secure what you wanted down the road.

A day at Disney is better than a day at home and I don’t think anybody here would argue that, but a day at Disney is also much more expensive and limited (for non locals) than a day at home, making it that much harder to roll with the punches when your hard work doesn’t pay off.
We are staying at Beach Club and had an Epcot morning planned today, but decided to get up a little early to walk over to DHS to tap in and get a backup group, as we plan to finish our day over there. As has now been reported, the backups were gone by 7:35 or so... And we tapped in around 7:40. So, no dice. Bummer. In hindsight we could've woken up later and rope dropped Epcot. But it was worth a shot given how late the backups had been lasting.

We did the rope drop nonsense yesterday, and while we loved the ride we aren't dealing with that again given the fickle nature of all of this.

One more DHS day tomorrow, but will likely sleep in and enjoy the pool, then head into the park refreshed in the evening to cap off the trip (lunch at resort & evening FPs anyway). I'm torn on this BG thing. It's a tough problem with no easy solution. But once was enough for me.
It’s always great when someone can put a positive spin on something negative happening to them, not sarcasm, good for those people! But I think people who get in before opening only to have the system fail them have every right to be frustrated and angry. They were likely awake before 6 AM to arrive in time for opening but potentially aren’t riding until the evening, it’s very frustrating.

Getting those FP at home requires much less effort and time for many people, so when things go wrong while frustrating it isn’t quite the same. Also there are opportunities to secure what you wanted down the road.

A day at Disney is better than a day at home and I don’t think anybody here would argue that, but a day at Disney is also much more expensive and limited (for non locals) than a day at home, making it that much harder to roll with the punches when your hard work doesn’t pay off.

I recognize I am someone who has very limited time there so my view may be tainted, but I agree with this .... overall I really liek the virtual queue concept and think it is probably the best way to handle this (not the only way, but every way has pluses and minuses) ... but the element of IT/Phone/App/whatever messing things up after one does everything else correctly is annoying - and why if we wind up with a Backup BG due to a technical issue I would go to a GET CM or guest services or something. Doesn't seem right that I could miss out on this experience only because Disney IT messed up
We will be there on 1/25, so good to know that they changed the hours. Was able to move some FP selections around to better line up with my plan for the day. Now to hope I can get a decent BG at park opening.
We leave DHS dejected, to be honest. We did everything “right” and our day was impacted by IT and/or data network traffic issues. That is the part that doesn’t sit well with me in a system where every second maters. Granted it sounds like today was more of the exception than the norm (I hope).

Our backup group could still be called, so we have that. We’ll go about our day and come back if possible. I guess that in itself is a good thing, no doubt. We’re fortunate that we go often enough that our days aren’t so structured that it “really” matters too much.

Now to rope drop park #2, which I know is one of benefits of this system.... but I’m still kinda salty! 🤣

Still plenty of day left. And so far my family is still talking to me, despite the early wake up hour! :rotfl2:
Let's be fair - my disagreement that this is not the best system is not the same thing as calling it the worst. Yes - having an advance lottery might seem a lot like a FP. Just like a system that limits participants only to those that really want to ride seems a lot like a standby line. Since the beginning I've thought an all-day VQ (which requires guest flexibility) was odd with the advanced reservation system (highly structured) that Disney offers for everything else. Also odd that the mass drop at opening essentially forces everyone into a RD touring strategy. Yes - the VQ allows guests to do other things - assuming those other things are things you want to do and close by. Waiting in a VQ is still waiting - a guest is still tethered and their options are still limited (less than traditional standby but still limited).

I say this in the most DIS-friendly way possible: after reading plenty of these boards (and to your credit), you're one of Galaxy's Edge staunchest defenders and apologists. I get that you're there a lot (and have even seen you come in to live stream while I was sitting in Oga's). And that your daughter is a CM there (she was the boarding CM when I lucked out once with a solo ride on MFSR - much to my appreciation). You have your views and I wouldn't try to convince you otherwise. We can just respect that opinions will differ. :)

Back to the topic at hand: the reports from today seem to suggest something was really off. I thought our BG 121 was bad but seems we might've still been luckier than a lot of others who had similar connectivity issues.
Guys - I'm reading through both of your sagas this morning from a thousand miles away and I am just so sorry that THIS is the best Disney could offer you this morning. After all of the preparations, the reading, to be dealt this hand is just crazy to me. I know both of you are going to try your hardest to make the best of your day but I also want to acknowledge that it's ok for you be upset and to vent frustrations! I'm sure I speak for hundreds of others reading this thread each day when I say that too!

I know these words provide little solace but I felt it just needed to be said that your frustrations and feelings are justified. Thousands of Dollars, Hours of Prep, and your vacation is left to a lottery system that was tampered with via an IT crap-fest. I hope the ride performs well and that both of you are able to experience this ride today!
You are pardoned. 😉

No one ‘taps out’ when leaving a park.
Thank you! We're going mid-January where the opening will be at 8am. I'm tasked with being the one in charge of our itinerary, which includes ages 5 to 71. Our second day is split EPCOT / DHS (in-laws really want to do Soarin, so that's first) so I think the plan will be to get tapped in around 7:30am/7:40 am, once in park and accounted for head over to EPCOT to (kind of) rope drop, and make sure we get a BG before tapping in to EPCOT.
Has there been any consideration given to where people who had better results for BGs (i.e., their apps worked right away and they got non-backup BGs) were standing? Or is this question creating a situation where everyone who reads this thread would end up standing in Spot X, thereby negating its possible effectiveness?

I'm asking this question in all seriousness.

I actually preferred the previous method, when the earlier you entered the park, the better your chances for a boarding group were. I was there on December 13th and 14th, before they changed the system. The park opened early and you could book a BG as soon as you and the members of your party were tapped in.

I understand that people may prefer the current system, since it means you don't have to get up at 3:30 a.m. (actually the first time I rode I got up at 3:15 a.m. and "slept in" until 4 a.m. the second time), but under the former system at least once you tapped in to the park, you weren't standing in a group of thousands of other people who were all trying to do the same thing you were. There were only a few hundred people and I feel there was less of a strain on the app.

I also understand that people might prefer a FP+ for this ride, but if WDW institutes FP+ for this ride anytime in the near future, one would have to have at least a 7-day onsite trip planned and hope and pray to get the FP+ for RotR for that 7th day. Everyone else--that means all off-site guests and people with "mere" 5-day trips--would be locked out or end up in an 8-hour+ standby queue.

For those of you who haven't experienced RotR yet and are wondering if all this is worth it . . . yes, it is worth it. RotR is like no other ride at WDW or probably anywhere.

I hope that all of you who got backup BGs today will be able to experience RotR. Your saltiness will disappear! Like magic!
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