Questions on planning a trip for Spring 2002.


Earning My Ears
Feb 20, 2001
We are planning a trip for spring of 2002. Easter falls on March 31 (or April 1) so we were planning on going around April 12 to miss the Easter crowd. I was wondering about spring breaks for schools though. Do you think sprind breaks will run earlier because of an early Easter or will April 12 still be a bad time to go? Does anyone know of anywhere I might be able to get more info on this or when it comes out?

It seems to me that Spring Breaks really vary from school district to school district. In Minnesota, the three school districts by me this year all have different weeks off. We have been to Disneyworld during spring break & off peak & love the spring break time the best. The park is open way longer & we found that we accomplished more during that time. The crowds are big, but you have up to 4 extra hours in the day.
For 2 school districts in Iowa and for my daughter's college in Ark., our Spring Breaks are all the same, March 18-22, 2002. So I think you'll be fine. Most Spring Breaks I've heard of are in March. :cool:
Spring Break for our school district (in our part of NJ) is always the same - regardless of when Easter is, it's always the third week in April.


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