question concerning dues


Earning My Ears
Apr 4, 2001
How does paying dues work? I just closed on my resale on Jan. 3 and I was wondering if I would recieve a bill in the mail or if I just send a check? Also, If I wanted to change my payment method to a monthly payment, how I would go about doing that? Boy do I have a lot to learn!!!:rolleyes:
;) Call 1-800-800-9800 and press member accounting when prompted. They can give all that info first hand:D
Thank you for the info. I'm still learning the ropes and every little bit of first hand knowledge helps!!!:)
Your choices are to pay the entire thing in Jan or to spread it out evenly over the year. If you pay in Jan, you can do it on a credit card and get the points or whatever perks apply. If you do it over the 12 months, you get to delay the payment with no cost, interest or extra fees. You can only do it monthly be having it deducted from you bank account. Decide what you want to do then call them.

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