Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Bright sunshine and 88 degrees. We had a sudden downpour come down about 1, but the sun popped right back out and dried everything up. Just finished mowing the lawn, again, along with just about every other person in the neighborhood, lol

Did groceries, talked to Summer. Now she's decided not to have the after graduation party. Luke and Ben can't come up, all of Lily's friends are either going to dinner with family or having their own parties. She decided she's rather just go out to dinner, so they are going to the Wasabi Hibachi place in the mall. I told her I'd pass on that, not my kind of food. I'll just go to the graduation and then come home.

Off to find something for dinner, I'm hungry and getting a headache.

Have a nice evening everyone
@tazdev3225 - seems like things are going fairly well. Chewie sounds like a great dog.
Yikes on the $140 med.

Meanwhile, my appt went well. I'm moving to another antibiotic for my ear, in the form of drops plus a cortisone steroid. It was sent to the pharmacy this morning but not ready yet. They sent a message saying they have to talk to the doctor. Office has been closed since 1 so I guess it will be tomorrow. In other news my A1C is 6.2 so that means my diabetes is being managed well. I'll never not be a diabetic but my meds seem to do their job and keep me stable.

I'll have another appt in June for general health and have to get blood and urine done for that in a day or two at Labcorp. Hate blood draws but otherwise no biggie.

This weekend grands are coming overnight. I have to get their room ready as I moved a lot of stuff in there while the man was painting. A good part of it can move to the car to go to Goodwill.

I also picked up a mount to put a TV on the wall. It's a space saver as I can then move the piece of furniture upstairs and let my DD use it as a nightstand. She says it's too big and I say it's perfect. She will win this one if she doesn't change her mind. I'll find something I like less and move whatever that is out.
:grouphug:and prayers dear Taz.

:hug:Donald and God Bless the hospital!

I did call the new PT company this afternoon having not heard from them. I was told they are still working on finding someone available for me I should hear tomorrow. I sure pray so. I realized this company sounds as though it contracts with physical therapists and perhaps other specialists rather than directly providing the service themselves. I should learn more when they have a therapist for me. Prayers we all get some sleep tonight. Love to all.

Yes, God bless the hospital indeed, and especially their NICU staff…the neonatologists, nurses, etc….!!!!! 😊
And, as I continue to read forward, I hope there is some good news regarding PT…!!! 🙂
Good morning! Sunny, 57° here in Cape May. I did manage to use the CPap machine all night, with “3 get up to pee” happenings. The machine gave me a score of 64, so there’s lots of room for improvement.

We are trying to find the pond’s leak! :fish:

Our swim club opens on Thursday! Not exactly swimming weather here just yet. We have weekday membership only. It’s a small club, and it’s crazy crowded on weekends!

I will do some garden work today.

I hope they find you a Physical Therapist, Mona!

Good day!

Sorry about the pond leak, and hope it can be found and patched/sealed soon…!
The first time I ever saw a koi pond was when I was a kiddo. We were trick or treating and we had to go through a neighbors courtyard to the front door. I remember saying “Wow, giant goldfish…!!!”…!!!!! 😅
Anyway, again, I hope the leak can be taken care of soon…!!! 🙂
Good morning 🌞

@dazedx3, glad you had some new insights!

My number was 79 this morning, but I am very sleepy, groggy. During one potty visit, I nearly fell, I was so out of it.

Today we have doctor visits, in the morning, but for dinner, we will meet my DSis and a friend, Tina. We are celebrating Tina’s great promotion at work!

Even though our temperatures are more moderate, in 70’s, yesterday the sun kept me from working in the garden. I have to remember to work outside in the early mornings.

The pond’s waterfall was sending a spray of water away from the pond, so the problem was fixed by repositioning some of the rocks. At least that was an easy fix!

Good Wednesday everyone!

Glad to hear y’all found the problem with the pond, and that it’s now resolved…!
Haven’t even kept track of the daily high temps the last coupla’ days, but it’s been pretty hot and humid, as per usual, so this summer’s probably gonna’ be another scorcher, but we’re used to it…!!! 🙂
Good Morning @bobbiwoz

I've got a doctor appointment this morning as well. Going to look in my ear again.

I feel as if I've lost a month of Spring because of this ear and throat issue.

Yesterday I collected a rose bush over at Costco in Mount Vernon, Knockout pink for 9.97. I was tempted to buy 10 of them, but no guarantee I can find someone to dig that many holes! At least one is manageable by me! There were also blueberry and raspberry marked to 2.97 so I took a few of those as they were still healthy. I'll add them near my existing plants.

Much of my painting is now done. I picked up some air duct registers to refresh as the old ones are pretty old and not white which is what I've decided goes better with the new paint.

Then after my 3rd Lowes, I found multi packs of door handles, so will replace all of the existing interior ones. Buying multipacks saved $65 so I deserved lunch.

High today of 87 and then tomorrow a bit cooler starting with rain and thunder in the morning.

Couple of weeks ago I bought a beautiful Mandevilla with a palm in the center. I sat it in my pot to transplant a few days later, but ended up gifting it to a neighbor who lost their mother. Went back to get another and they were all gone. I get them every year so may have to go to the nursery, but still happy I had something to gift (without having to order.)

Hope all went well with your Doc regarding your ear and throat issues…!!! 🙂

Very much love roses…!!!!! 😊
Recent pics from our home and from my folks home, respectively…!!! 🙂

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Good morning ☀️ - a bit of sun now, but it's supposed to rain later. DH and I took the pool cover off last night to avoid having to pump it again after the rain. The water looked pretty good (until we lost some yucky leaves into it from the edge of the cover turning over, but DH will vacuum those out).

We did find this little guy clinging to the wall and moved him safely:
Happy Friday Eve!☔

After the rain moved out in the morning it turned out to be a nice day yesterday ☀️. More rain expected every day until next week. I have to work the weekend and holiday so the rain won't be messing up any of my plans.🌧️

We did find this little guy clinging to the wall and moved him safely
Glad you were able to help him, I'm sure he appreciated it.🐸

Mitchell fixed my car last night, I had a bad sensor. Drives much better now.:car:

I give the dogs joint medicine with their dinner each night, it really helped Carly a lot (she's 12). I noticed this week when we go to bed, she can't jump up on the bed so I have to pick her up. She did this last year and that's why I started these tablets. I guess her age is starting to catch up with her.:dog:

Watched the finale of Survivor last night (all 3 hours!). I kinda thought the person who won was going to win but I was hoping for someone else. I took a little nap yesterday so I could stay awake for the entire show. Boy did that backfire on me, I didn't fall asleep until 2:30 am :oops:!!!! When that alarm went off at 6:00 am this morning I was dragging, had to stop and pick up an iced chai latte on my way to work. Hopefully it helps wake me up.🥱

Have a great day! :wave:
Good cloudy morning. It rained a bit overnight and we just had a nice shower, but we could use the rain after 5 days of heat and sun. it goes from not doing a thing, to a sudden downpour that lasts for about 1 minute, then stops
Glad that I mowed last night instead of waiting until today, when it was supposed to be nice out according to the weather.

@footballmouse I watched all of Survivor too. I was okay with the winner, but I wished it had been the other one, and not the one who won the final immunity challenge, lol. I thought the next season was supposed to be bringing back a lot of previous players, but from what they showed, they're all new people. I wish they would go somewhere else besides Fiji for a change!
Off to feed the cats and find some breakfast for myself. Then find something to get into

Have a nice day everyone

I thought the next season was supposed to be bringing back a lot of previous players, but from what they showed, they're all new people. I wish they would go somewhere else besides Fiji for a change!
I believe it's Survivor 50 that will be bringing back past players. I would love to see them move around like the show used to but I think they have an agreement with Fiji now. They really don't do experience rewards anymore since they stay in Fiji, the rewards now are boring since it's basically the same just different food.
Thinking of everyone. I hope people who are sick are feeling better. And those recovering from surgery or injuries are doing well.

Busy couple of days. I went to the registry yesterday to try to get the registration and title issue fixed. I brought all the documents the CS rep with the registry told me to bring. Only one problem, she gave me the wrong info. I need the title even though I am still paying on the car. I had to leave, come back to the condo, call my lender again and have a title sent to me with the words, for registration purposes only. I asked to have it expedited as I would like to get back to the registry tomorrow but not sure I will. I have 5 weeks before my registration expires. Kenny tells me it will be fine but of course I look at the worst case scenario. Today was in the office day. Traffic was a bit lighter than usual even at 5 am. I guess it is due to the holiday weekend. People are taking off work early. I will be picking up Kenny's kids are the bus today.

Have a good day.
Thinking of everyone. I hope people who are sick are feeling better. And those recovering from surgery or injuries are doing well.

Busy couple of days. I went to the registry yesterday to try to get the registration and title issue fixed. I brought all the documents the CS rep with the registry told me to bring. Only one problem, she gave me the wrong info. I need the title even though I am still paying on the car. I had to leave, come back to the condo, call my lender again and have a title sent to me with the words, for registration purposes only. I asked to have it expedited as I would like to get back to the registry tomorrow but not sure I will. I have 5 weeks before my registration expires. Kenny tells me it will be fine but of course I look at the worst case scenario. Today was in the office day. Traffic was a bit lighter than usual even at 5 am. I guess it is due to the holiday weekend. People are taking off work early. I will be picking up Kenny's kids are the bus today.

Have a good day.

Sorry about the registry hassles! It never seems to be easy. :sad2: Have fun with the grandkids, though!


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