Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Today is our anniversary so we are going out for dinner tonight.
Happy Anniversary! We celebrated 30 years last month with a dinner out.
Bose radio
Ok - Bose radios...we have one, similar to the one you had pictured, it's 25+??? years old now. Husband uses it as his alarm clock. That thing will not die! We've toyed around with getting a new one but it seems silly to spend the $$$ when the old one works so well. I think you'll like it a lot, and you'll have it for a long time!
Congratulations to you and your husband Easyas on 30 years! Wishing both of you, of course, you know this, joy and health, happiness always! I completely agree that when something works well there is no need to update! :)

Dad's visit with Dr. M went well. Dr. M was thorough and said the tooth can definitely be saved via surgery. Dr. M will be consulting with dad's two other dentists, and we will go from there. Dad is now out doing some quick morning shopping at 99 and Sprouts. He promised to stay 🏠tomorrow. Prayers he does. Thursday morning, he plans to go to the hearing center at Costco and Walmart very close by to Costco. All quiet here otherwise. Still no reply btw from the podiatrist. We shall see what if anything comes from her later. I sure hope something. My left foot right near the back/tendon is not happy right now :( Take care, please, of your feet friends!
Aww, thank you for all the anniversary wishes! We did have a nice dinner! The waitress gave us a free dessert that we shared! That was so sweet of her. Left her a nice tip. :goodvibes

@easyas123 DH reminded me of a story about the Bose system when I told him what you said. Apparently at one time - either before we had kids or when they were super little - we had someone over the house to show us the system, possibly after signing up for a demonstration at the home show or something. The salesman hooked it up to our TV to show us how it worked and everything. We loved it, but felt it wasn’t something we could afford at that time, so we didn’t buy it! I’d forgotten all about that, but I do know I’ve always wanted one. :laughing:

@PollyannaMom I’m glad you’re going to try the recipe, let me know how you like it! We used vanilla yogurt as that’s all we had, and the dressing was delish!

Extra hug dear Pea. I'm so glad you enjoyed your dinner, my friend as well you should have! :)

Dad and I have enjoyed a quiet afternoon. He is staying home tomorrow, yay. Waiting for the mail (all junk expected) and an Amazon package (surprises I got in advance for dad) to come. Still zip from Dr. Y, the podiatrist. Dad isn't too thrilled with her, I know. He may reach out for himself to the podiatrist his doctor recommended. The doctor who charges $400+ I believe. I also know with what's going on with me, sadly, there is no quick answer. I sure, of course, wish there was! Dad may be right in that my walking a tiny bit more again might help some. Should I not hear from Dr. Y tomorrow I will absolutely be calling her office Thursday morning. I did post a thread in Coping and Compassion in the prayer that it helps someone else! With all my heart, always, you all know this, I thank each of you for all your extra love and prayer. I will keep you posted, of course!

Dad and I watched again the final Price is Right episode taped near us this afternoon. Tonight, we will watch the first new episode of season 52 from Glendale. Have any of you watched that yet?📺It will be strange but interesting too.

Have a good night, everyone with love. Sweet Dreams, always, too! :)
If you take 300 out of Smyrna to 301 wave to me at the J turn🤣, I’m on opposite corner! Save travels-

Good morning everyone. Cool & rainy here. Off to the office- have a good day.

It started to rain so I kept on going on up to Elkton via route one (and right after I got a notification my EZ Pass was replenished) and took 95 south down to my DD's house. I didn't think it would be much fun as the rain got a bit wetter and it was so windy today along the coastal area around Delaware Bay. Traffic was okay and it was an easy drive on 95.

I've been through Smyrna before but don't remember a thing! I'll pay attention and wave next time I'm in the area!

In other news once I got home I checked on my March/Easter trip and was able to add in another night in the VGF Resort studio. That's one down and 1 to go as I'm hoping to change a room I already have at AKV. So it will be 3 nights VGF and then 3 nights in a 1 bedroom at AKL, but I want another club level for the first night. Since it's still 6 months away, anything is possible. It's nothing new for me to be changing resorts and changing rooms around family. Older DD has not stayed at either resort and younger DD has not stayed at VGF, so something new for them.

Then, around 5ish, son in law called to tell me he is coming tomorrow with his crew to do some work for me. Happy to be fitted in but have been clearing out since I got home to make room for work! I'm going to sleep well tonight!
@easyas123 and @Pea-n-Me - Happy Anniversary to you both!
@flyingdumbo127 -loads of horses!

On the trails at the park, I kept seeing the same people as I guess they were following the same schedule I was on. One lady was carrying a camera with a huge attachment. More serious than me about getting good shots - I just do cell phone pics so I can have something to look up with and figure out what I've seen. She was a nice and friendly person so we chatted a bit.

On our last encounter I let her know that I could see a Great Blue Heron across the water in some tall grass. She asked me where I was seeing it and I guided her with words so that she could see it with her camera. As it turned out I was the one that could see with the naked eye, having had cataract surgery 6 or 7 years ago. She was within a few months of my age and was amazed at what I could see. I understand that completely as before surgery and my new lenses, everything was a blur. In any case she was interested in my having had the surgery so young. And in how good the results were. Her doctor had told her she was still too young for it, although that may have meant that she was not ready for it yet. In any case, after experiencing my ability to find and recognize the birds, she wants her eyes done as soon as possible.

I didn't tell her that my brother's eyes were done when he was about the same stage as me, early 60ties, but I also realize that we may not be the norm as my doctor's office was always filled with people that seemed quite a few years older than me.

Anyway the lady was thrilled with her pic of the great blue heron and said she was jealous of my seeing 2 green herons! This bird is in steep decline at present. I was happy that she knew what it was and when I got home I read up on it.
@flyingdumbo127 Sorry the doctor isn't getting back to you. It does seem like maybe walking a bit more would help but I am not a doctor obviously. I find that when my quads and other ligaments get sore that walking helps. I am a bit sore after walking so much at Disney.

@Pea-n-Me Glad you had a nice anniversary dinner. A good server makes all the difference in a nice meal.

@Judique I would love to see the green heron. I have watched birds since I was little. My nana and I would go out and look for birds and also feed them in the winter.

Good morning. It will be a bit warmer today, around 68. I liked seeing the sun yesterday and got some walking in. I did end up booking a bounceback offer at Disney for May 2024. My friend offered to come with me so we are going for 4 nights and staying at Boardwalk Inn. The offer was 35% off and it really is a good deal for us. It will be a slower more relaxing trip as she does not like to power through the day like I do. And it will be nice to just chill a bit. I have to go to the condo today and take in the trash bins I put out yesterday and drop off some more stuff. Kenny is looking to adopt a lab and is going to meet one tonight. We are supposed to have a sleepover with Jeff's kids next Friday night so he can go to a wedding with Aimee. I would prefer that Kenny not get a dog before then as I know Jeff will not allow his kids to come with a big, new dog in the house. Then Jeff would stay home and I could see things getting dicey between the 2 of them. It seems like there is always something to deal with. I just want peace.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Good Wednesday morning.

Cloudy again, but not calling for rain. Our temp is 56 and they say that's our high for the day. I wish the weather would change a little more gradually.

Summer texted me a picture of one of her cats last night but I couldn't figure out what she was trying to show me. Her cat had been missing for 3 days and they had looked everywhere. She had to go to Morgantown yesterday to bring her husband back to work, and one of the girls called to tell her she found the cat, by the garage. She rushed him to the vet. Summer sped most of the way home to get there. The vet said he'd never seen an injury like it. It was like someone had picked the cat up by one leg and just swung it around. Surgery to fix it would have been more than they could afford, so they had to settle for having the poor kitty's leg amputated this morning. That in itself is expensive, but the vet said putting it to sleep shouldn't be an option. Even though the cat is an older cat, he was in good health. I can't believe that someone could be that cruel. The poor cat must have suffered for days trying to get himself back home.
I was sad, but I was also mad at whoever did it. Now the cat will have to be kept indoors all the time.

I think I'm going to wait till tomorrow to do my shopping, just not in the mood today.

Have a great day!

Thanks, Snowysmom! How I pray you and your friend have a fun ::MickeyMotrip! Nothing still from Dr. Y., the podiatrist. Dad is right that between the time I saw her initially and now (her receptionist clearly told me she reads her emails every day) Dr. Y really (in our opinion) should have communicated with me in some way. She hasn't. Should there be nothing more she feels she can offer, tell me that! I will be calling her office either today or for sure tomorrow morning.

Lynn🛒smoothly prayers and always for you and Summer, too, Don, of course, too! I "liked" your pot especially for the picture's words :)

Dad is thank God staying home today. He needs to more often! We did enjoy watching Monday's episode of The Price is Right last night. The audience is back to what it was pre pandemic. Seemed huge! A bit strange that George, the announcer, didn't open the show by saying, "From the Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood." He instead said, "From Hollywood," even though it is taped now in Glendale! Before it was taped in West Hollywood but that is more a technicality lol :) We are expecting a Walmart package and a Boost delivery this afternoon. Wishing all of you a wonderful Wednesday!🌸
Still no reply btw from the podiatrist. We shall see what if anything comes from her later. I sure hope something. My left foot right near the back/tendon is not happy right now
Are you still doing the stretches? I'm wondering if taking walks would help - do you have a nice park you could walk to or drive to? Just driving the car and flexing your feet on the pedals might help, too.
The salesman hooked it up to our TV to show us how it worked and everything.
They hook up to a TV?!?! Man, we must have missed out because we only used it as a alarm clock! I'll have to tell my husband about that!
I've been through Smyrna before but don't remember a thing!
It's fairly unremarkable! We may or may not refer to it as 'Smyrnadelphia' :duck: If you go to Bombay Hook another time and are so inclined, there are two nice sized farm/garden markets right on Rt. 13 , just north of Smyrna Homestead Gardens (same outfit that is on western shore), and Willys. Willys used to be a huge barn with tons of stuff but it burnt down a few years ago, and now it's several buildings in a cluster on the same property.
I liked seeing the sun yesterday and got some walking in
Send some sun down this way! I love a rainy day but we are starting to close in on 2 weeks since we could mow...I'm thinking of just mowing anyhow rain or not at this point!
Cloudy again, but not calling for rain.
ugh, same here
so they had to settle for having the poor kitty's leg amputated this morning
If it helps, a similar situation happened to a friend of mine. Her (indoor/outdoor) cat disapeared overnight, and when she came back one of her back legs was badly injured. Long story short, only thing to do was to amputate the leg. I think it was a back leg?? Anyway, my friend was concerned about how the other cats (she has a lot of cats....) reaction to the cat, and how the cat would make out in the house. Well long story short, only having 3 legs didn't slow the cat down any, and it's all over the house climbing up on stuff and doing whatever cats do. Happy ending there. No idea what happened to the cat. Could have been another animal or possibly got hit by a car- but they never figured it out.

Well good morning everyone. Not much happening in my neck of the woods. Another cloudy, dreary day. I did take the afternoon off as I have a 12 pm hair appt. & a 4:30 nail appt. I think I'm going to finally hike up to Costco inbetween the two appt. and take care of a return. Have a return for Target, too.

Speaking of pets down for the count, had to take our bull terrier to the vet yesterday. She has a leg injury (other dog sat on her, xrays show nothing) that hasn't improved in past few weeks, she is still limping. Long story short we need to keep her sedated and 'still' for next two weeks to promote healing. This dog is a dynomite stick at times, so I'm feeling bad about sedating her for so long but it's medically necessary and in the long run will be the best way for her to heal. Gotta carry her up and down stairs and walk her on a leash when outside for the two weeks, too. She's not going to love that!

On the road most of tomorrow and not a whole lot going on Friday - or this weekend. Sunday is looking nice - warm & sunny, as is the beginning of next week.

No idea what is for dinner tonight. Guess I'll figure that out when I get to that point in the day!
Thought I posted earlier, but must not have hit send.

That poor kitty, @Lynn!! I agree with you in being angry that someone could be so cruel!

I'm glad your friend's cat is managing well, @easyas123, and sorry about having to keep your dog quiet. - I know how hard that can be!

Hope the foot improves, @flyingdumbo127!

I had a yoga class at 8:00 this morning, and this afternoon I need to head to the vet and/or pet store to search up some new kidney-care food for one of the cats. Her favorite kind is on backorder, and she is not pleased.

The other one is buttering me up to go out on her leash, so I'll sign off for now.
Afternoon very slipping thread save! :hug: 🙏each of you are enjoying a happy day! Dad and I did get a great Boost order, we are so grateful. Our Walmart package and the junk regular mail came too. A kind Sprouts employee in Burbank told dad he will put aside 6 jars of my favorite applesauce (hard to find again) for dad to pick up in the morning. This Sprouts so very close to Walmart and Costco where dad is going tomorrow morning. That was an additional blessing. My feet are hanging in there. Podiatrist update: I rescheduled my appointment to the end of October. I now know the cost of that visit. At least it is less than the first visit--still a lot of money for us. I also found out the reason Dr. Y hasn't replied to my emails is that she never got them. Apparently, the email address on the website is wrong :scared1:or I misread it. Her kind receptionist M gave me the correct one. M also said she would make sure Dr. Y replies. I did email her back and included some suggestions I have received on here along with a feet update. I will share her reply, of course!

Some of you already know I did post in our very own dear PollyannaMom's wonderful Gratitude thread about the postcard surprise I am working on for my dad. I have reached out to several of you about this already. Thank you with all my heart, of course, to those of you Quackers that have already sent me a postcard or who are going to do so. For anyone else, who might be able to help with this, please PM me. :thanks: so much. I can also start a Quacker family group PM to keep this more private and by PM only. I have asked several of you already so for now don't think that is needed. Might change my mind :)

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Just a quick Good Morning, I’m in dental he-double-L today! 🤣 Off to an early appt and will probably have to get a crown on a tooth whose filling chipped. Didn’t love the tone of the texts with the coordinator yesterday, had thoughts of going elsewhere because of it, but I’ve always liked the dentist. If I spoke to patients on my job the way she spoke to me, I wouldn’t last very long. (Compassion people, compassion!) So we’ll see how that goes. Wish me luck!

@easyas123 Yes, I’d forgotten about that whole thing with having a Bose rep out to the house and the TV part, too. We went in another direction and bought some sound towers from Brookstone for the family room TV that worked well, and in the living room, our TV is hooked up to our stereo, so it has good sound. We like having good sound with the TV, especially for movies. I copied the instructions for you for hooking up to TV in case you want to see them. It’s simple with the right cords, lol.

I hope everyone has a good day, I have to hop in the shower. 🐥



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