Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Mona, what about the old fashioned writing with glue and putting glitter on it for names? That’s about as crafty as I get!

Kirby, prayers said for your daughter and son’s situations, and please give your son a message for me, speaking of the long haul. Twenty years ago this year I was diagnosed with cancer and then spent nearly a year in treatment. Was as bald as a bat, and it took me several years afterward to feel like things got to be somewhat normal again. Kids were just little. Wasn’t expecting that at that life stage. (Nobody ever really is, right?) When I was in treatment I liked hearing the good stories of people that beat their cancer long term, so I’m sharing that for him. It does change your perspective on life when you go through something like that. You tend to not sweat the small stuff anymore and you appreciate every day you have with your loved ones in a different way than you did before, which is one positive you’re left with after going through it. How is he coping with things? Everyone’s experiences are different and I find it interesting to hear how others cope. For me it was life changing. And you see a different side of people.

Lynn so glad your bathroom is almost finished. It looked lovely already in the picture you posted! Can’t wait to see it finished.

Bobbi I have been to northern CA but not southern. I always loved the song “Ventura Highway” (and saw America perform it last year). I hope you’re having a good time. The young lady looked beautiful.

Well it’s been a busy week for me. I had Zoom meetings on two mornings. (Ugh.) I like the convenience but hate waking up to meetings on my days off. I had a lot of errands to catch up on. We cleaned out a bin in our hallway that had a lot of returns and things to send and all that. Had to grocery shop today but wound up getting super cold and tired so did an online order, then took a nap. My sleep has been off, too. Right as I finished my Zoom meeting this morning I had to run upstairs and join a FaceTime doctor’s appt w DH that DD was already on. They are starting DH on a different medication and I overall liked what the cardiologist had to say. (DH is a little medically spoiled, he just had to sit there while DD and I talked shop with the doctor.) Boston traffic? Yup, will be the one thing I won’t miss when I finally retire.

I am working the weekend so I wanted to get things done before that. We have been talking this week about a plan for getting some of the things done around the house that we need to do. It’s a lot but if we all work together we should be able to make a dent in it. There’s a young kid I know I’m going to hire him to go up into our attics to get stuff down to sort through so we can make room to put other things up there, especially DD’s things over the in law apt so she/we can start getting that cleaned out and updated. We have a large lower family room that we haven’t used much since we put our sunroom on. Both of those areas have turned into storage areas so we have to clean them out and update the family room and the attached bath/laundry and storage room. (We do the work ourselves, mostly.) I think DS is going to use it as his space as he spends the most time down there, so he’s motivated to get started. He has the chance to rent something with some friends but he doesn’t want to live with a bunch of guys again - BTDT in college (and hated it). Plus, rents here are out of control. He can even use the separate entrance if he wants to, so it’s like another apartment, really. It’s helpful to have him here to help DH with things, so it works out for everyone. So hopefully we can get started on the cleaning part soon. It’s supposed to be rain and snow here this weekend. We need to make some dump runs.

I also bought a loose leaf book the other day and some dividers and files to start keeping track of all of our financial info and bills, policies, etc. I’d bought a book designed for that a while back and started to fill it out but it wasn’t designed how I wanted it, so I figured I’d make my own. The night we were in the hospital I was feeling a little panicky that that wasn’t done. 😟 We really should have it anyway in case something were to happen to both of us. We do have wills (which I need to update) and keep them in a fire proof file, but we need to do this other piece, too. Now that Mom’s estate is taken care of I feel like I have a little more energy to deal with some of these other things. (It’s amazing how much that takes out of you!)

I saw this in a store the other day and thought of all of you. (Now I’m wishing I bought it. 😬 )
I hope you all have a good weekend! 🐥


@Kirby Thoughts and prayers for your DD. Your DS too! I feel that the new condo will be a good place for me. I keep looking at condos on the market here and say, I would have looked at that and been able to move in quickly but I have to think of what is right, not what is expedient. I believe it will work out for me. I have decided that if it isn't quite the place I need and want that once I retire I can rethink my needs and my location needs. That is a bit down the road so not a quick decision. For now my plans are in place with this condo.

@Pea-n-Me Thank you for the wise words for Kirby really for all of us. You never know where life is going to bring you. I am glad you are getting your financial affairs together. Thankfully Chris and I had been doing that the year before he passed so I was able to get his work finances like 401K and pension handled fairly quickly. Social security was the hard part but that was them, not me. We had our wills and our attorney was very helpful with what I needed done. I feel bad for my DS Jeff as he is the executor of Joe's will. Joe did not have anything written down other than a will. But, no passwords or any of his accounts or bill pays or even where his money was. We had to figure it out with bank statements. Joe forgot to change beneficiaries when Chris passed so that is a mess. Poor Jeff but he is handling it well. Joes sister Pat is in a nursing home so her finances are another issue Jeff is dealing with too. Glad he is so patient. It prompted me to get a list together of all my accounts, logins and passwords. I made sure my beneficiaries are up to date and went to the attorney to get the condo in a trust. I have to make sure the real estate attorney puts the new deed into the trust. It is alot of work but it makes things so much easier for those who have to deal with it. Long story but it is my PSA for today.

@flyingdumbo127 Thank you for your kinds words. I do have a Disney Cruise in May so I will be away for 5 nights. I have thought about a couple of nights in a hotel in NH near my friend if I absolutely need to get away. Kenny and the kids are away for a few days in June so I will have alone time at his house. I hope you have decided on your Easter baskets and how to decorate them with your names.

Lynn I hope you got some rest and your renovation is almost done.

Yesterday we took the kids to Target where they got legos, then to the car wash, and chik fil A. They were so excited. They got home and put together their legos. It was a tough night sleeping, not sure why. I brought my stuffed animals that I keep on my bed. I wanted them here and not at the condo when the movers come. I will miss them this week. They are stuffed animals Chris gave me including the Teddy bear he gave me when we were dating. I have the doggie made out of his favorite shirt. I have the quilt made from his shirts here too. I feel better knowing they are here and the movers won't take them. I have so much stuff here as I don't want everything in storage. It is hard to move many things twice. :crazy:

I am going to watch the kids do gymnastics and then maybe to the Ecotarium. I have been there once and it is a great place for them.

Have a good Saturday.
Good rainy morning. Dave was supposed to cut trees today, but said if it was raining, they weren't taking any chances, and that he would be here to finish the bathroom. The only thing left is for him to move the curtain rods up a little more, and put a board over the plumbing inside the linen closet and make the shelves. Everything else got done yesterday. Tile trim, floor trim, window trim, all done, and all caulking done. I had bought sage colored rugs and sage and white striped curtains for the windows, but when we put them up, it made the walls look blue instead of green. I went through a hassle with Amazon to get a QR code to return them through Kohls. They wanted me to pay to have UPS pick them up. Their 'more help, and 'contact us' buttons seem to have disappeared off their site, despite her insisting that they were there. No they weren't! I ordered gray rugs instead, and am going to use the curtains that I had made. They are more of a bluish gray color with birdhouses, and they match the walls much better. I have to clean it fully today. Then I will take some pictures to share.

I am tired, it's been a long week. I need a couple of days with nothing much to do. I told Dave to figure out what we owe him, minus my labor, the claw foot tub, and the extra wood he bought that we didn't need. He thanked me yesterday for all the help. I really don't know how he does jobs all by himself. I was constantly running to get this, get that, help lift this, hold that, etc. lol.

@Kirby --Prayers and good thoughts for your daughter and your son

@Pea-n-Me Glad you are finally getting things settled. Take them one day at a time, don't overwhelm yourself

@Snowysmom - Don't start second guessing yourself. You chose the new build for a reason, you had a sense that it was what was right. Chris would be so proud of you!

Hugs to all of my Quacker family.

Have a great Saturday

please give your son a message for me, speaking of the long haul.
Thank you Pea! He and I were just talking this week about staying positive and wanting to hear positive stories. I'll definitely pass yours along. We're going to see him today and bring back Mack with us. The GK's are over the moon, they love that dog.

Thank you to everyone else also. Later in the week I may say more about DD's situation. I will say this, it does not appear to be a good thing that is going on.

Happy Saturday everyone. I've been busy the last couple days and today seems like it might be a little busy as well. My body is tired. LoL My cpap machine has helped me from feeling sleepy tired most days but my body feels physically tired. I think I've been so anxious lately about a few things its wearing me out. I have a Drs appt in 2 weeks and already have a list of things I need to talk to her about.

Prayers for everyone that needs them. Hope you all have a great day.
Happy Saturday afternoon:grouphug:

I've been working on mail this morning to get out Tuesday💌Dad and I are enjoying a quiet day at home. So thankful to God he did stay home today! The weather is a bit warmer, too. I'll take it! :) Thank you all for the Easter basket suggestions! We did get them a little earlier--very cute! I'll let you know what we decide name-tag wise :)

Prayers indeed dear Kirby all-around:hug:. You know it breaks my heart that your precious grandkids are in the middle of such a trial :( How blessed beyond they are to truly have loving you in their lives! Thank you for always making a difference to them. Pea's wise words to your son are so kind and as always right on. Continuing prayers for him and always you, of course, too.

Pea, thank you for your loving words to Kirby and courageous sharing with all of us:grouphug:Sharing with others to be a bringer of extra hope is such a blessing to be able to do, truly a calling from God. I thank you for always doing just that! Get some rest!

Lynn, always you please get some rest! Bathroom finish line here you come indeed!🛀Treat yourself to an extra relaxing soak in your new tub when all is ready!

Snowysmom, extra ❤️and thank you for your own trusting in us with such heartfelt and courageous shares. I absolutely pray we have been and always will be of kind support to you. Thank you always for being a loving Quacker, too, of course! I'm truly thankful to God also you have your cruise to look forward to.

AuntieMe3, please take care of yourself! and feel better. Extra reminder to you that we are here and care. Get some Dolly :dogdance:rest and cozy time (if she's a TV watching pup) while watching or even reading something fun.

:wave:with love to you as well, PollyannaMom always, too.

Have a wonderful rest of Saturday, everyone with love.
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Happy Sunday.:sunny:

Pretty slow at work right now so I figured I could hop on for a little bit while I drink my tea.:surfweb:

Hoping to sleep until around 12 then I'm going to head out and cut the grass. Yay 😒. The grass is so thick I know my mower will be stalling constantly, which is aggravating 🤨.

Nothing else happening with me. Have a good day! :wave:
Good morning. Thinking of all.

Yesterday was such a cold day, and wit the sleet it was bone chilling. We did go to the Ecotarium. It is a nice place for the kids. Kenny has a Museum of Science pass that has the Ecotarium tickets and some other museums as part of the deal. It is nice to be able to go there for a couple of hours. We made pretzels later. I am heading back to the condo then to Jeff's to see his family. Thankfully Sam and Charlotte are feeling better.

I have a busy week ahead of me to be sure I have packed up what I need the movers to take and to separate my stuff from what they will be taking. I think I am in pretty good shape. I really believe I need to be out of this condo and area in order to find some peace. Wrong condo wrong area. However, I do second guess myself all the time and ruminate on things. Tough habit to break. I have decided to just move ahead with an open mind. I know the area has what I want. It is a new build so I picked what I wanted. Nothing says it has to be permanent and knowing that helps me.

Have a good Sunday.
Good morning to you all, hope everyone is doing well. Sorry, I may be a bit out of the loop as I fell behind this past week.
Had a successful week on Cayman and my meetings went well, I ended up coming home a day early but look forward to going again in 2 years for my next set of meeting there. Next trip out of town is next month, a mix of business and pleasure.
Yesterday was rainy and cold, today is sunny and in the neighborhood of 65 degrees. I have a HOA meeting at 10 that is putting a crimp in my day, then home for yard work and a bit of a bonfire later this early evening. Venison & turkey chili for dinner.
Good sunny morning. Heading for mid 60's. Dave never did show up yesterday, so now I have to wait for him to finish. I would like to get things put back in the linen closet instead of being in totes and boxes in the cellar. It's inconvenient, I have to keep making trips up and down the stairs looking for things. Don still hasn't seen the bathroom. He's afraid of getting in and out of the tub, even with his shower seat. We won't know if he can, until he tries, we didn't have the room for a walk in shower in that small bathroom.

@footballmouse I know how you feel about the grass. I was just noticing how fast ours was growing. I'm going to have to get both mowers ready for the season in the next week or so. Just what I don't feel like doing. As convenient as having the riding one is, I still like the way the lawn looks better using the push mower.

@Snowysmom I have a good feeling about the new condo, that it will be just what you are looking for. Like you say, nothing says it has to be permanent.

Have a great day everyone..

Good morning, all!

Plans to go out to eat today, but otherwise just stuff around the house.

Glad to hear about fun with the grandkids, @Snowysmom. I love the Ecotarium (and the Science Museum too) and I do think the new condo will be much better for you. I think you needed some transition time before being able to make the right decisions, and that's OK.

I hope the bathroom gets finished today, @lynxstch! You writing about the inconvenience of the totes reminds me that I really need to overhaul my linen closet as well. It's all there, so at least I'm not running up and down stairs, but it's gotten so disorganized over time. Maybe that will be my project tomorrow.
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Good morning, all!

Plans to go out to eat today, but otherwise just stuff around the house.

Glad to hear about fun with the grandkids, @Snowysmom. I love the Ecotarium (and the Science Museum too) and I do think the new condo will be much better for you. I think you needed some transition time before being able to make the right decisions, and that's OK.

I hope the bathroom gets finished today, @lynxstch! You writing about the inconvenience of the totes reminds me that I really need to overhaul my linen closet as well. t's all there, so at least I'm not running up and down stairs, but it's gotten so disorganized over time. Maybe that will be my project tomorrow.
I know it won't happen today. Since it's nice out, they will be out in the woods cutting wood again. Maybe after dinner, or after dinner tomorrow night. It's only going to take an hour or so to finish anything, and he's not getting paid until it is, so I don't think he's going to wait too long, lol.
Happy Sunday friends from windy LA!

Wow was it ever windy throughout the night. I had somewhat of a restless night sleep as a result. How extra grateful to God I was to be able to give Him in those quiet hours extra praise and thanks. Prayers that He might use me to make a difference to those without a roof over their heads or safe, loving homes with needed essentials. To be able to hear the wind was, of course, a blessing to. I admit to not being and neither is my dad nor was Champ a wind fan. Thankfully all is much calmer and quieter now. Dad is out doing some shopping. I'll shortly watch online worship⛪

Footballmouse, 🙏that you at last did enjoy some good 🛌I hope your yardwork goes quickly and smoothly, too.

Snowysmom, I believe that once you are out of your current condo, you will begin to move toward greater 🕊️Hugs, my friend and you know that is my prayer for you always to be happy and lighter of spirit. The museum does sound like a wonderful place for families and especially kids! So glad you got to go back. As a kid, dad and I often visited the Museum of Science and Industry and adjoining IMAX theater where I remember being a big fan of seeing more than once the movie Blue Planet. At that time, there was also a great Children's Museum Downtown where I had a lot of fun as well. :cheer2:always for time with your grandkids. I'm so thankful to God that Sam and Charlotte are feeling better, too!

Welcome Home, Easyas! I'm glad to hear that your next trip will have some pleasure to it! :hug:You work so hard and need a break.

Lynn, I'm sorry Dave once again never showed up. Easier access to things is always a good thing! 🙏indeed continuing for Don and pooh:as always has such good advice!

Enjoy your meal out, PollyannaMom and a quieter day otherwise at 🏠 to you and Lynn, I would help you both with organizing if I lived closer! :flower3:

Enjoy this day, everyone. I'll check back in later.
Well I got a big surprise. Dave called and said he was on the way over about 1 1/2 hours ago. it was too muddy to cut wood. The bathroom is 100% done! I asked him what the damages were so we could pay him. He only wanted $1750 for 3 weeks work, we figured out he spent almost 90 hours on it. We insisted on paying him more, and he was very happy with $2800. We had figured $4000, so that was a bonus. He also measured for a deck outside the back door with a ramp for Don to get down easily. He's going to figure out tonight what we need and price the materials. He's going to try and do it asap, and maybe get it done in a couple of nights, or a weekend.

I already posted the vanity picture, so I didn't include it in these. But this is the finished product. The only thing I have to do is make a new pair of curtains for the square window, the ones I put up are too short. I got the gray rugs delivered today from Amazon and they look better than the sage green ones I originally bought. Those can go back to Kohls to send back to Amazon on Wednesday. It's a small bathroom, but it was a lot of work!







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Good afternoon from thankfilly calm LA,

Thankful indeed that the wind has died down and all is quiet around here. Dad is safely home, too. I did enjoy some of today's worship service this morning and will watch the rest a little later. Feeling a little restful now. :grouphug:to all. Enjoy the rest of this Sunday :)

:donald:I Know he's a favorite of yours and Don's :), joins me in cheering for your done bathroom, Lynn. Hooray! Dave truly sounds like a wonderful handyman and friend. Yes, he could sometimes be better about communicating but he gets a good job done. Thank you, my friend, also for sharing pictures. Everything looks so sparkling clean and new. I'm so happy and relieved for you. 🙏that you finally are able to catch a much more peaceful night's sleep tonight💤:grouphug:
Lynn Your new bathroom looks great. You and Dave do good work.

@flyingdumbo127 I hope the wind is done for a while. It has been windy here but not enough to affect sleep. Wishing you some calm, warm weather.

Had fun watching the grandkids play outside. I pushed Sam around in a little car stroller. He was quite content. I did see a Cardinal today while walking in Kenny's neighborhood. I heard him calling and then he flew in front of me and into the tree right next to me. He preened for a bit and then started eating the berries on the tree.

Have a nice evening.


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