Problems with the DVC website-This should be a sticky

I use an android tablet and phone, and a windows laptop. I do not recall ever having any dashboard issues. If those of you with the issues are using Apple, Mac, iphones, maybe there are compatibility issues? I am not any kind of tech person.
My issues are with IPad and IPhone browsers. I swear I’ve had it with Chrome on a Desktop too occasionally though, but definitely not as frequently.
My ongoing gripe remains on populating the Dashboard. Sometimes it works and sometimes it goes to the never-ending spinning thing. I generally have ~6 reservations at any given time and rely on that dashboard to refresh my memory on the details as I often move things around.

I'm logging in using a carefully maintained MacBook Pro with Safari. I routinely monitor for malware (etc) and keep up with patches.

And yet, the Dashboard remains, for me, a persistent struggle. Somedays it works quickly ... other days it is either "slow" or "doomed to fail." I got two of those three even today: quick! and "doomed to fail." 🤷‍♀️

And while I don't question your experience in the least, I don't ever recall having a problem with my Dashboard and that's the first thing I go to virtually every morning. I just don't have the same experience. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I've repeatedly had the same experience with the Dashboard. As soon as I see the 'spin' I refresh and it resolves. My point is that it happens a lot - maybe 9 out of 10 times after logging on. After log on and refresh, it seems to resolve.

I use Chrome for DVC. I also use Edge but it won't load DVC. It 'will' load MDE from

Lately it stopped loading my banking website and I now use Chrome for that.

I visit no weird sites and keep my computer clean. Never do anything DVC on my phone.

NO Apple products in this house. All Android all the way.
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I've repeatedly had the same experience with the Dashboard. As soon as I see the 'spin' I refresh and it resolves. My point is that it happens a lot - maybe 9 out of 10 times after logging on. After log on, it seems to resolve.

I use Chrome for DVC. I also use Edge but it won't load DVC. It 'will' load MDE from

Lately it stopped loading my banking website and I now use Chrome for that.

I visit no weird sites and keep my computer clean. Never do anything DVC on my phone.

With all due respect, isn't that a sign that something is likely wrong with your Edge browser or maybe even your Chrome browser? Have you tried a reset of the Edge browser?

The site works fine in Edge. If it's not working at all in yours, and your banking site isn't either, there's a clue in there somewhere.
With all due respect, isn't that a sign that something is likely wrong with your Edge browser or maybe even your Chrome browser? Have you tried a reset of the Edge browser?

The site works fine in Edge. If it's not working at all in yours, and your banking site isn't either, there's a clue in there somewhere.

You may be correct. I'm far from being any kind of IT professional.

However I do have someone who can look at this for me and to be honest, I hadn't bothered them about it. I'll get on that now.

Thanks for the 'push'.

I'll report back if I get my issue resolved because the banking one bothered me way more than the DVC one.

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