Pls explain some of your food to an ignorant foreigner :o)

Hmm wonder what coffee shop YOU work in? Dr Pepper does not taste like caugh syrup. Mc Donalds should sell soft pretzels across the street and they might have dr pepper.
Well after reading this entire thread im finding it quite humerous how confused everyones gotten each other based on differences in food state to state:rotfl2:

Anyway heres my two cents, I work in a coffee shop and the scones we sell are a sweetened bread that is baked. We have different styles such as blueberry, rasberry, chocolate chip, ect. and they generally have sugar sprinkled on top. We sell a maple scone with icing, but other then that all of our scones are just topped with sugar. The only time I've ever encountered a fried scone was on a road trip through Utah where I would call what I got fry bread back in AZ. haha, I hope I didnt make it more confusing

Yes, your description of scones sounds exactly like the ones I've had. At least we know Arizona and California have the same scones! :rotfl:
BBQ is a noun.....something that one eats... & something that has been smoked for 8+ hours (& best consumed with DP ;)).

My DH reminds me of this quite frequently. :rotfl: I ask him if he wants to BBQ and he looks at me like I have lost my head. His BBQ is smoking some meat for a good long time. My BBQ is his Grill. Drives me crazy. Until he brings that slab of ribs off the smoker and serves it for dinner. :banana: He has 2 smokers and 3 grills on the back patio. One of these days I'll get the terms down. :thumbsup2
I would say that Dr. Pepper tastes a bit like cherry licorice mixed with coke and rootbeer, only without the 'caramel' flavoring from the coke. That's the best description I can come up with. Our son can't drink caffeine, and they don't make a caffeine free Dr. Pepper, so we have mixed grenadine in with coke or rootbeer for a similar effect.

Try one of the grocery stores near DLR the next time you are there. They might have caffeine free Dr. Pepper. I know we can find it in Utah, but maybe it is a regional thing??? My kids love it and I don't like them having caffeine, so we compromise sometimes and they can have the caffeine free kind. I hate the stuff, but all of my kids and DH love it. I just don't get it - it tastes like cough syrup to me, too. My brothers love to put milk in their Dr. Pepper. :scared1: Eeeyuuuuh!!!
Well, I'm a Pepper, He's a Pepper, She's a Pepper, Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too? :rotfl: Anyone remember that old commercial for Dr. Pepper? I believe you can look it up on Youtube. Always loved Dr. Pepper. All I can say is, I wish the medicine here tasted that good! :thumbsup2

Pen/Pin: I had this confusion with my MIL. We were working on somesort of word puzzle. She kept saying "pin" and had me confused until I realized she meant "pen". That took us a good 10 min to work out! :rotfl: She grew up in Pen. on a farm.

Also, my dad says "warrrrsh" for wash. When I was little I always said there is no R in the word wash. He is from Washington, or Warshington. :laughing: But my mom, from the very same city, says wash. And HER mom said "warsh". Don't know why it is so different from the same place. I've always tried to figure that one out. :confused3
Well, I'm a Pepper, He's a Pepper, She's a Pepper, Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too? :rotfl: Anyone remember that old commercial for Dr. Pepper? I believe you can look it up on Youtube. Always loved Dr. Pepper. All I can say is, I wish the medicine here tasted that good! :thumbsup2

Pen/Pin: I had this confusion with my MIL. We were working on somesort of word puzzle. She kept saying "pin" and had me confused until I realized she meant "pen". That took us a good 10 min to work out! :rotfl: She grew up in Pen. on a farm.

Also, my dad says "warrrrsh" for wash. When I was little I always said there is no R in the word wash. He is from Washington, or Warshington. :laughing: But my mom, from the very same city, says wash. And HER mom said "warsh". Don't know why it is so different from the same place. I've always tried to figure that one out. :confused3

I remember that commercial! I'll have to look it up on youtube.

Well, I guess my pin/pen theory about it being from socal has proved to be wrong. I guess it doesn't seem to be a regional thing, just sort of random. Is your MIL from Pennsylvania or Pinnsylvania? :rotfl:

Ah, yes, warsh. I used to correct him too. And I believe dad's mom said "wash" instead of "warsh" which makes it even more strange. It's all very mysterious. :confused3

And I remember in elementary school realizing I was saying the word "both" wrong after taking a surprise spelling test. I spelled (and pronuounced) it "bolth". I was shocked when I got that wrong on the test since that was how I always said it! :rotfl2:
OMG, I have so much to say on this thread...LOL Only on the Dis can we talk about food and pronouncing things so long. LOL I love it!! :) First off I'd like to say that I love love love candy corn!!!! AND Indian Corn, they taste different you know! :) Candy corns have yellow, Indian corns have brown, I love them both and we always buy extra after Halloween. :)

Just wanted to point out biscuits aren't really scones. I'm from Texas and we eat them alot. They're flaky and soft and moist, thick and airy on the inside, all at once. They're not as hard as scones. I know scones aren't hard really but, well, they are compared to a good biscuit (unless you're unfortunate to get one that's not so fresh and has been sitting out for awhile). Let's just say you could practically eat them without teeth. :rotfl: Lots of times you can also get them with cream gravy. They're really yummy though. And a breakfast biscuit doesn't mean you're going to end up with anything on it. A side biscuit that comes with meals or ahead of the meal will be plain. If you order it as a breakfast option then you'll have a variety to choose from like ham and cheese biscuit, bacon egg and cheese, egg and cheese, sausage or sausage egg and cheese are common. It's just that that's generally when you have them although some home cooking places(slang for "like mom used to make type food"...mash potatoes, corn, meatloaf, fried chicken...American comfort food if you will) serve biscuits (and/or corn bread) with meals.

Candy corn is just nasty in my opinion. :sick:

Pretzels are good but you have to get them at the right place (soft ones that is). Vending stands they're just eh, ok. Find a Wetzel Pretzel (try the wetzel bitz) or, as someone else mentioned, Auntie Anne's. ahhhh, now that's heaven...

And I'm definitely in the South yet I don't hear people asking for coke unless they want coca-cola. My dh would never in a million years ask for a coke. The horror. He asks for a dp (dr pepper). Then again everyone thinks we're all wearing cowboy boots, listening to country music in our big trucks riding our horses on our oil land herding the cattle. Sorry to disappoint but Texas hasn't seen those days in a LONG time...I've never owned a pair of boots and the closest I get to cattle is on a plate, medium-rare. Oh, and most of us in North Texas say "you guys" not "y'all". Now that will come as a shock to alot of Americans!!!

Yup, and all Californians aren't blonde, actors, models or musicians, nor do we all say Duuuuuuuuude or Hella all the time or as Peach said surf, I've NEVER surfed. LOL And actually I've never lived in TX (ID, OR, CA) but I do say ya'all a lot, my BFF has horses and cows and lives on a FARM!!!!!!!! (family owned farm for at least 3 generations, probably 4) I do wear cowboy boots and listen to country music. Not everyone thinks that about Texans tho, just so you know. :) I've been to TX, Dallas was nice, very humid but nice all the same. :)

I am trying to remember the heritage of the people I have talked to who call any soft drink "Coke". I remember very well one who was from Georgia but living in California. I did personally hear the term "Coke" used once as a generic for soft drink when I was traveling in the South. But I cannot remember which state I was in. :sad1:

I like your husband's choice soft drink. "DP" is a common term in my household because it is my fave. :)

Were you perhaps in Arkansas? my Gma says Coke for any type of soda. And she's from Arkansas and Missouri (pronounced are-kansas & missoura, I actually typed missoura and had to fix it LOL. Oh and we say are-kansas as a family joke, my Gma gets annoyed when we do it lol)

Ok I think I am beginning to understand. A "biscuit" is a scone that is eaten with gravy, and a scone is like a cakey type thing.

I will be interested to see what I get as opposed to what I actually ask for, when I get there.

Is Dr Pepper that stuff that tastes like Benadryl?


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dr Pepper does NOT taste anything like Benadryl!!!!! OMG, where did you get that idea?? Dr Pepper is only the best thing invented, next to Cherry Coke. :)

hahaha Some people say it tastes like cough syrup so probably. LOL

I like to compaire scones to it's deep fried dough minus the sugar. (which you add later by way of honey?) But I may be adding more confusion.

In Utah the general public calls soda "pop". I do not. LOL I call it soda. I had to start editing myself when I worked for a call center..especially when no one knew what a 'coupon' was (Pronounced q-pon here) I had to start saying it 'coo pon'.

Stupid English.

I say it both ways, qpon and coopon, they are the same word, just different ways to say it. I think I do that a lot because of my southern Gma. :)

I'm not originally from Alabama, but having lived here and gone to school here, I think that I can speak on the subject. People Say "Coke" if they want regular Coke or Pepsi. A diet drink is Diet Coke. They will say Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper. The one thing I do enjoy is going to another part of the country and ask for "Sweet Tea". Most people don't understand that you can't put sugar or sweet-n-low into a cold tea and call it Sweet Tea. Where is the best place to eat in Disneyland?

Sweet Tea is definitely VERY different from sweetened iced tea, I love sweet tea but can't really drink it often, it's got too much sugar in it. McD's sweet tea is soooooooooo fact that's what I want for lunch today....LOL Altho McD's has way too much sodium in their food so I always feel my BP go up after eating it....

..and at the store where I have my second job, shagging is putting away returned rental movies.....

:lmao: That is hilarious!!!!!!

This is a great son commented on the soda thing when we were in california bc canada, and i believe across canada, we call it pop...soda is a term we never use...when we were there last time, my husband requested gravy with his fries, and the waitress had NO idea what he wanted :laughing:...we tried at many restaurants, and one gave us some, but no one at our table would touch the "gravy" we were gravy a canadian thing???....he wanted "turkey gravy or roast beef gravy"...he tried in seattle and then again in many restaurants around DL with no luck....

I know what gravy is, I'd know what you's really weird that no one had gravy for him.......

Well, I'm a Pepper, He's a Pepper, She's a Pepper, Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too? :rotfl: Anyone remember that old commercial for Dr. Pepper? I believe you can look it up on Youtube. Always loved Dr. Pepper. All I can say is, I wish the medicine here tasted that good! :thumbsup2

Pen/Pin: I had this confusion with my MIL. We were working on somesort of word puzzle. She kept saying "pin" and had me confused until I realized she meant "pen". That took us a good 10 min to work out! :rotfl: She grew up in Pen. on a farm.

Also, my dad says "warrrrsh" for wash. When I was little I always said there is no R in the word wash. He is from Washington, or Warshington. :laughing: But my mom, from the very same city, says wash. And HER mom said "warsh". Don't know why it is so different from the same place. I've always tried to figure that one out. :confused3

I do remember that commercial, do you remember having a Dr Pepper and peanut snack at 10, 2 and 4?? LOL I used to sing that Pepper song all the time, I loved it!!!! :) My Gma says warsh, so does my Mom (Gma is her Mom), I tease her about it but it's all in good fun. :)

I grew up in Oregon, lived in Idaho (right next to OR) for a few years and have been in CA since I was 16. I order a soda by name, Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, etc but not by saying just soda, pop, coke or soft drink. My Mom says pop, the kids think it's neat that Grammy says that.
No, we didn't have Dr. Pepper and peanut snack. Is that from something? I remember that. We only had soda on holidays, or if I went to my friend's house who always had Dr. Pepper. :)

Now I'm thinking pen/pin thing might just sort be a lazy speech thing. Not lazy as in lazy person, but they just sort of say it quick without really thinking of the difference. Did that make sense?

Oh, and I have always said coo-pon, but DH always says q-pon. He grew up in Norcal too, on the coast.

Thought of one more thing- when we had exchange students, they always wanted pizza. I swear we spent half our time trying to get them American pizza. It must different other places because they could not get enough. One was from Spain, the other from the Canary Islands (also speaks Spanish). Don't know how pizza is Australia and if that is something an Australian would consider looking into.
It was an old commercial according to my Mom. I only remember it from Tim McGraw's song. LOL I love Tim. :)

I do the pin/pen thing and windy/wendy too. DBF is forEVER correcting me when I call Wendy's But I worked with a girl named Windy so sometimes I get confused. lol
Big +1 on Poutine. I have Canadian vendors that told me about that heavenly little heart attack on a plate. Never met a cholesterol I didn't like.

I also have to defend Candy Corn, particularly the Brachs. Fresh sweet and yummy.

Now Aussies, I know you are holding out on us in this thread......two words = TIM TAMS!!!!!!

Yes, your secret is of my buddys came to visit and brought some, speechless I was when I tried em. Yummo!!!
No, we didn't have Dr. Pepper and peanut snack. Is that from something? I remember that. We only had soda on holidays, or if I went to my friend's house who always had Dr. Pepper. :)

Now I'm thinking pen/pin thing might just sort be a lazy speech thing. Not lazy as in lazy person, but they just sort of say it quick without really thinking of the difference. Did that make sense?

Oh, and I have always said coo-pon, but DH always says q-pon. He grew up in Norcal too, on the coast.

Thought of one more thing- when we had exchange students, they always wanted pizza. I swear we spent half our time trying to get them American pizza. It must different other places because they could not get enough. One was from Spain, the other from the Canary Islands (also speaks Spanish). Don't know how pizza is Australia and if that is something an Australian would consider looking into.

Well, when I went to Australia the pizza I had wasn't the same as here. I'm trying to remember now what it was missing. I think it was missing the tomato sauce? But maybe that was just the place we got it from, idk. Also, that was about 17 years ago so maybe they've gotten better at making pizza. :laughing: I think the Aussies should chime in on this and let us know what their pizza is like. If it's different from American pizza then that would definitely be something they should try! Maybe pizza with a Dr. Pepper!
Cordial - I'm having a drink of green cordial now, so is my 6 year old, with ice. It's roughly 1 part thick sugar syrup and 4 parts water. Can get it in a multitude of flavours and colours to make everyone hyped up.

But I've read that I can have "Cordial", beer and wine in some Concierge/Club level lounges at night. From that, I'm guessing that cordial isn't the same? Is it a drink with alcohol?? What would be some brand names so I can picture them in my head?
Well, when I went to Australia the pizza I had wasn't the same as here. I'm trying to remember now what it was missing. I think it was missing the tomato sauce? But maybe that was just the place we got it from, idk. Also, that was about 17 years ago so maybe they've gotten better at making pizza. :laughing: I think the Aussies should chime in on this and let us know what their pizza is like. If it's different from American pizza then that would definitely be something they should try! Maybe pizza with a Dr. Pepper!
I believe we have a different tomato based sauce, and far less cheese. It is rare to have a cheese-only pizza, although I know of places that do that. The most popular pizzas here I believe are ham and pineapple, supreme, meat lovers, vegetarian, bbq chicken, and the like. Normally the cheese goes under the meats and veges. The funny thing is that almost everyone from Australia I know who had been to the US prefer Australian pizzas and believe that our friends in the USA can't make them!!!

Dr Pepper - :scared1: I don't know anyone who is a fan! Not a taste we're used to.
Cordial - I'm having a drink of green cordial now, so is my 6 year old, with ice. It's roughly 1 part thick sugar syrup and 4 parts water. Can get it in a multitude of flavours and colours to make everyone hyped up.

But I've read that I can have "Cordial", beer and wine in some Concierge/Club level lounges at night. From that, I'm guessing that cordial isn't the same? Is it a drink with alcohol?? What would be some brand names so I can picture them in my head?

Ooh! I had cordial when I went to Australia! It tasted like fruit punch. The family I was staying with couldn't believe I didn't know what it was when they asked me if I wanted any. I guess over here I have heard of it being some sort of alcoholic drink but I don't drink alcohol so I don't know much about that. This isn't food related but that same family in Australia also thought it was strange that I had never heard of Netball.

I believe we have a different tomato based sauce, and far less cheese. It is rare to have a cheese-only pizza, although I know of places that do that. The most popular pizzas here I believe are ham and pineapple, supreme, meat lovers, vegetarian, bbq chicken, and the like. Normally the cheese goes under the meats and veges. The funny thing is that almost everyone from Australia I know who had been to the US prefer Australian pizzas and believe that our friends in the USA can't make them!!!

Dr Pepper - :scared1: I don't know anyone who is a fan! Not a taste we're used to.

Thanks for the pizza comparison! Maybe it was the cheese that was "missing" on the pizza I had over there since you said there is a lot less of it. I probably thought it didn't have any cheese on it but maybe it just had a tiny amount. :laughing: Hmm.... maybe you Australians aren't going to the right pizza places over here because you can get some great pizza in the US! :rotfl2: I think the best pizzas are at some of the little privately owned pizza places, not at the big chains like Dominoes or Pizza Hut.

All this talk about Dr. Pepper tasting like medicine makes me wonder if that's what most Aussies think about root beer too. I know I've heard that people over in Europe think that root beer tastes like medicine. Makes me wonder why the US doesn't have yummy root beer or Dr. Pepper flavored medicine! :rotfl:
Ya cordials here are alcoholic, they are usually sweet but I've never had one I liked. Similar to a dessert wine but not the same, sweet but strong alcohol, you put a little in a glass and sip it.

Weird about the no cheese pizzas, I think we have some great pies here in the US!!! My favorites are the ones without tomato sauce but with garlic sauce instead. YUMMO!!!!

I wish they had good tasting medicines here, and for cats and dogs I wish they had meat flavored medicines. LOL I'm on day 2 of medicating my cat and man, she's such a PITA about it! LOL
The first time my DH and I went to England :love: we took a one day bus trip to a bunch of places; one being The White Cliffs of Dover. We had lunch there and my meal came with a dessert. It was called a Spotted D____(a nickname for Richard) :eek: The young lady who was our server asked me why the Americans at our table were laughing at this. I explained (as discretely as possible!) :scared1:and she was really amused by this. :lmao: Then she started asking me what we called this and that; one of which was her shoes. She said, "What would you call these?" And I said, "Well, I would call them tennis shoes" which she thought was pretty funny. She said they called them "trainers." And we call them "pants" but they say "trousers." She said when they say "pants" they mean "UNDERpants"!!! :laughing:
Now Aussies, I know you are holding out on us in this thread......two words = TIM TAMS!!!!!!

Yes, your secret is of my buddys came to visit and brought some, speechless I was when I tried em. Yummo!!!

I actually bought some TimTams at Target here in Washington State, they are made by Pepperidge Farm and they were pretty close to the real thing! Sadly it looks like they will not be continuing to make them :confused3. Oh well, just have to wait until we go home.
I agree about the pizza thing. Most aussies would look at the fast food pizza in the US and say 'yuk' as it looks all cheesy, but the best pizza I have had was in NY, by far.

Where is there some good pizza in LA or even Anaheim?? Would love to know?

Oh, but our chocolate wins, easily. Hershey's just cannot compete with Cadbury, but your Ice Creams win hands down. Cannot wait !!!!
I agree about the pizza thing. Most aussies would look at the fast food pizza in the US and say 'yuk' as it looks all cheesy, but the best pizza I have had was in NY, by far.

Where is there some good pizza in LA or even Anaheim?? Would love to know?

Oh, but our chocolate wins, easily. Hershey's just cannot compete with Cadbury, but your Ice Creams win hands down. Cannot wait !!!!

Well, I love cheesy pizza but yeah, fast food pizza isn't the best option. I wish I knew of a place in LA or Anaheim but I live an hour east of there so my favorite places are here in my town. Maybe someone else has a suggestion though.

Now, see with the chocolate, Hershey's would be my last choice. Yes, it is the most common one you will find in a grocery store but I think a lot of people would agree that it's not that great. What you really need to try is Dove chocoates if you have't already. They are little squares of chocolate that come in a bag and they are so good. Do you have Dove in Australia? I like the dark chocolate but they make milk chocolate too.


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