photographers at DL like WDW

California Mom

DIS Veteran
Feb 21, 2001
Where in DL can we get those park photos taken? At WDW, we had pics at the character meals, in front of Tree of Life, BB rides, SpaceShip Earth, Main Street Studio, etc.
We, my cousin and I, got our pic taken on Main Street on the fire truck and also at the Winnie the Pooh charachter greet in Critter Country. There was one other spot where we wer asked if we wanted our pic taken but I don't remember where it was. It was $20.00 for two pictures :)

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<font face="Ravie"><font size=5><font color=indigo>Meagan</fontsize><font size=5>
We were there about a month ago and the only place someone from DL took our picture was greeting Mickey at his house. Maybe it was because it was so slow it wasn't worth having other photographers around.


FW-`80, '84, '88
WDW International Program Canada Pavillion '97-'98
---Vista Way July '97-April '98
---Commons April '98 - July '98
---WL, CS, ASMu, BW, PO, Poly
Offsite-Feb '99
ASMovies-Feb '00
WL, BC, DCL-Sept '00
DL, Grand Californian-Feb '01,
WDW Sept '01?
Disneyland photographers can usually also be found at the Main Gate by the floral Mickey, along Main Street at different locations. They are also out in the fore court of the castle.

If you don’t want to pay for the picture Disneyland takes. The photographers are always glad to take your picture with your own camera. All you have to do is ask. That actually applies to any Cast Member.

Keith ;)
WDW-87 Disney Villas
99 Wilderness Lodge
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=navy>I didn't even know that they had this at Disneyland :rolleyes:, so I'm glad I didn't answer this earlier. My dd was there with a friend yesterday, and says that they did take their picture on Main Street.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

My DL Site
My Sequoia/Yosemite Trip

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the official guy botchedm y mickey photos, left so much space on one side, the girl with him did a better shot on my camera!!


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