Oxygen and WDW


Disneynut who married Disneyfreak and had Disneyki
Jan 2, 2002
My mom wants to go with us next year and is on oxygen 24/7 and tires easily. I saw the posts about EVCs and think that is the way to go for her but I was wondering about her Oxygen...do they allow it on airplanes? what about as checked baggage? If not can you rent oxyen in orlando and have it delivered to your resort?

thanks ;)
Welcome to disABILITIES.
This should be a link to a page about Oxygen for passengers from the FAA. It will open as a file, rather than a web page.
Anyway, it basically says that oxygen has to be supplied by the airline and that the person using it needs to have a physician prescription that indicates the flow rate, etc of the oxygen if it will be needed on the plane.
I think you would need to arrange with her local oxygen supplier to supply oxygen for the time until she gets on the plane. I'm sure you won't be the first family that have asked them about travel. Your local company would also coordinate things with a company in Orlando.

Care Medical:
Colonial Medical

both specifically list Oxygen and respiratory equipment on their web sites as something they can provide. They also both rent ecvs.

I know we have had readers who did obtain oxygen in Orlando; hopefully one of them will answer.
if you are staying on site, you could also work with WDW RESORTS/SPECIAL RESERVATIONS
(407) 939-7807 [voice]
(407) 939-7670 [TTY]


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