OT a little: Surprise By Design

Thanks for posting the info. I never heard about the show before. I'll try to watch it today.

You're triplets are adorable!

Rosemarie :flower:
It was great! Her fiancee (now DH!) broke his leg playing baseball last spring. He ended up with an embolism, bone infection, which led to sepsis and septic shock. Spent a month in the ICU and was in grave condition. They finally amputated his leg below the knee.

Curtis is a Chiropractor and is back in full swing. He and Susan were married on Saturday. My kids were in awe today watching "Miss Susan" on the TV. She is a remarkable young woman, and I am so happy for her and Curtis. It was a great (and quite touching) show!

If it re-airs, I'll post it here.


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