? on howhot


DIS Veteran
Mar 29, 2001
i just signed up for howhot and has anyone ever had trouble with the screen "freezing up" or a page keeps coming back up? its enough to drive a person crazy and believe me i don't have far to go!!!:jester: also the side bar that moves the screen up and down doesn't come up i can see what my points are for the day but not my total points thanks for any help anyone can give me im lost?!!!
Yes, I have had trouble with that mall site for 2 points on the banners. Have had to close eveything out, so even though its a 2 pointer, going to avoid that one. Only started doing this program 3 days ago, so not an expert, but I think I remember that they move point totals some where else??? However I thought I have been seeing a point counter at the end of the list of searches that seems to be keeping track. The banner searching only shows up on the home page, so if you check your points midway, you have to go back to home. Haven't done HowHot yet today, I'll pay close attention & report back.
I haven't had any of the problems that ya'll are talking about (yet, knock on wood). But, if you want to check your point balance in the middle of doing your clicks and don't want to have to go all the way back to the beginning and start over, just hold down your shift button and click on point history. It will open it up in a new window.
Just finished HowHot today, the banners loaded with no problems and there are lots of 2 pointers!:D
Had some problems with some of the searches not loading but just tried different ones & got my points. So it all worked fine for me today.
I had a lot of trouble yesterday, on just my 2nd day of trying to do this program. First it froze up on me, so I exited the program. Then, every time I tried to re-enter the url to get back in, it literally jumped to a different site-something to do with soccer in Argentina, I think. It was in Spanish, so it was hard to tell. I emailed them about the problem. They did get right back to me, but had no more idea than I did about what caused it.
I did go back today, and the site worked perfectly for me, no problem at all.:confused: I hope it continues to work, because it seems to be a pretty good program-quick and easy, just the way I like them.:D


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