On a Scale of 1-10, 10 being the most strick

My dad was maybe a 3 and my mom an 8. I was about a 4. I have 3 kids all spread out. I was stricter with #1 than #3. By #3 I was old and tired and she was the best behaved of the three.
My parents were pretty strict, around an 8.

I wasn’t as strict with my kids, probably a 6.

In my opinion, my DD and her husband are not as strict as I was with my kids, they are around a 4.
Strict and my mother?
Oh about an 8 and it extended to her entire clan as well as my paternal family. "Good" West Indian families that were convinced you'd be a useless member of society/failure if you didn't do well in school (Got an 86 on your report card? Just think about the little more effort it would take to get a 90), go to church (there were definite disagreements about what religion was right;)), respect your elders, and stay away from the boob tube what did a fine job o' draining yer brain. Had one cousin who was mentally deficient and he received many passes but not ...going to church, respecting elders or having a job.

I'm sure my children thought I was a 9 during their teenage wasteland years American style but doesn't stop my youngest son from asking me to raise his daughter now, LOL.
My oldest son probably thinks I was an 11 and should be in jail. Too bad, so sad, for him.
I'd say that I was about a 4. It really depended on the situation.

My parents were around 7-8. I learned to keep things to myself.
My parents were pretty strict on a lot of thing, and were reasonable on others. It just depended.

I went to boarding school a lot of my growing up years, so it gets a little blurry as they were both strict.

i would say they were an 8 or 9.

I am probably a 4. My kids would likely disagree, but they don't know what it is like to have really strict parents.
It depends. On manners and behaving yourself and being respectful toward teachers/coaches/etc, I am probably around a 8-9. But because of that that, my kids learned how to behave responsibly, stay on task, and make good choices, so now as teens, I only have to be about a 4-ish. This is DS17's Senior Prom weekend, and let's just say that I have knowledge of things he is/did do that I would be called a bad mom for, but let him do anyway. Seriously...the kid has acted like a 40-year old for the past 4 years...he NEEDS to have a final fling in high school. Otherwise, he will never have stories to tell his grandchildren lol And he didn't let me down. Stayed responsible and behaved well through it all.

I am more strict on my nephew right now....we just took guardianship of him last Aug, and he was raised with a 10+ strictness on cleaning his room and taking out the garbage, but a -----0 on everything else. He's a hot mess of chaos, confusion, and no manners about 90% of the time, so we have worked on transitioning him into a strict schedule and expectations of his behavior. He's not a bad kid whatsoever....he is super kind and sweet, but he was treated like a 3 year old his whole life by the series of "grandmas" that raised him, and I swear he can't make a decision, think things through, or take any responsibility for anything. He's coming along though, little by little, but I know we will need to set firmer limits with him in his teen years than we have for our own kids, just because unless something really starts to click, I really don't see him having the complete capacity to always make responsible choices.
My parents were a 9 on the strict scale. I got so tired of it that I spent most of my time outdoors unless it was raining or too cold once my chores were done.
I would read, draw, crochet, climb trees and walk around the farm.

My strictness varied depending on how important something was/is.
My parents were a high 10 and that's putting it nicely. I'm a 2 or so now that they're older but was about a 6 when they were younger. The spouse (ironically, a military officer) has always been a 1. Both kids are in their teens and are respectful, have picked well-behaved friends, and have goals in life. So I feel okay with loosening up.
My stepfather was very authoritarian. If we were in the living room watching tv and he wanted to watch something else, he'd just come in and change the channel. I mostly got in trouble with him for talking back. I used to have a fantasy that he was locked in a cage and I stood outside of it and said whatever I wanted to him.
My mother was pretty lenient. She was strict about some chores, but that's basically it. Neither of them were very strict at all about me going out with my friends/curfew/etc.

I am not strict at all about most things. I am strict about them being polite, showing kindness, honoring commitments, telling the truth. We're not very strict about bedtime, going out, chores, food. I'm middle of the road about school.
Pretty much exactly like the previous poster. 4 kiddos, ages 21, 20, 13, and 9. I'm probably about a 5. I'm very strict on kindness, helpfulness, schoolwork, politeness, behaving in public, cleanliness, friends. I'm lenient on food choices, clothing, music, bedtimes, hairstyles, no curfew, etc. I always ask myself if this rule is really going to matter in 20 years and if the answer is yes, it stays. I've got great kids so far, 2 in college and on the dean's or president's list, depending on the semester, and the 2 younger ones are doing great as well in their advanced/gt classes. Part of the situation is that 2 of the kiddos are autistic and we've had to learn different ways to punish/reward/motivate those particular children and that has benefited the whole family. The typical time-outs/spankings/ grounding just didn't work. In turn, our kids are very well behaved w/ and innate desire to do good in the world and help others.

Now my parents were probably about a 9/10 on the scale. Lots of arbitrary rules and consequences that made no sense. They were not abusive, but then again, I was the easy kid.....my sisters might not say the same.
My dad was retired military and was an 11.5 for sure. You did not want to mess up around him. He was gone a lot during my childhood so there were breaks with just my mom who was about a 4 or 5. I'm probably about an 8 or 9.
My parents were 9.
I am 8.
DH is 6.

I’m surprised to see a lot of low numbers. Maybe my kids are right after all.:rotfl:
I don't have kids yet, but my parents weren't very strict - maybe a 3? We had no chores, didn't really have a curfew once we reached high school, and could pretty much come and go as we pleased if we told them where we were going and who with. We were told this was all only as long as we kept our grades up and didn't get in trouble. They were very involved at our schools and with our sports and extra curriculars, so we couldn't really hide much haha. I do have a bit of a mouth on me so I did get yelled at often and once in a while would get my phone or laptop taken away for a few hours but that was about it.
My mom was a 5 , my dad a 9. With 5 kids I think my dad really felt like he needed to keep a lid on things. Interestingly when the kids were younger I think I was a 6/7. Around high school I went down to a 4/5. I think once we established our expectations the kids kind of took it upon themselves to make fairly good choices.
My mom was a 10+. My dad was 5. (I think my mom was too strict, we were all good kids. And while this would be a whole other topic-probably why I limit my contact with my parents)

With DH, both his parents were 1’s. DH is the 6th of 8 kids, so iMHO, discipline was managed by the older siblings, not the parents.

In our household, I was a 5, DH was a 1. We just have 1 DD, now an adult. She did was mostly a great kid, so not a lot of issues with her.


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