OK, I am offically confused!

Spaceman Spiff

one by one, cleaning the universal boards of riff-
Apr 6, 2000
I have been trying to read up on the HRH to find out exactly what the Hard Rock Club Room actually is. On the UO website it is under the Suite section, so is the room actually a Suite? Also I got a rate of 305.00 plus 30.00 for 2 extra poeple in the room and with tax the total came to be 355.00. At the time I thought this was a good rate but now I am not so sure, can I do better? Also I called twice to see what was available and both times I got the Club Room only. I told the Resort Operator that I was a Entertainment Card member and I was wondering if that was limiting my options? Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Can someone take me through the steps to get these great deals that you guys have been getting. Have I done the best I can? If I am going to spend 710.00 for two nights I am might book the Portofino instead. One last question, with the Club Room can I upgrade any further?Please help!


Club level is the entire top floor. I'm assuming some rooms are club standard and some are deluxe(suites). You should be able to get a better rate for the standard though. Call 1-800-23LOEWS, they seem to be more helpful finding your best rate.
What I got was the Annual Pass rate - $213.50.
Other quotes in posts were $229(can't remember which discount)
But, yeah, call HRH and they push that Introductory $305 special for Club. That's great, if it's a suite.
Good Luck!
Just FYI: It is the entire "top" floor (7th Floor), but the 7th Floor has less rooms than any of the other floors.

I'd stay at the PBH before I paid over $300 for a room at the HRH ... even if it is on the Club Level.
Thanks guys! I will get on the phone right now and cancel my HR Club Room reservations and try to find something at a lower rate for the Portofino(my first choice).




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