Off to see Mickey MEOWS and Snow WIPE again!! A Nov 2012 PTR! W/Pictures

Happy Birthday! party: :flower3: Doing anything special?

Congrats on the 11 pounds lost - FANTASTIC! :cheer2:

Glad to hear you are getting the rain you so badly needed.
Joining in on your PTR! You are courageous driving from CO to WDW!!

We recently purchased a house in CO. (Outside of Pueblo) My husband is the lucky one and gets to live there while I am still in CA for work.

I think I read part of your PTR for your last DL trip but somehow lost track of it. I'm sorry! :sad2: (I think I was staying off the DIS for awhile with trying to sell the house in CA and the mess that entails!)
Happy Birthday!!!! :) enjoy your weekend celebration! :bday:
Thank you very much. ;)
Happy Birthday! party: :flower3: Doing anything special?

Congrats on the 11 pounds lost - FANTASTIC! :cheer2:

Glad to hear you are getting the rain you so badly needed.
The rain has been soooooo lovely. There was actually a time today where it was 65 degrees. :cheer2: After having 100 + degree weather it feels so wonderful. I think I probably gained some weight back today, I splurged for my birthday with my sister in law and really ate well. Opps. Today I went up to Blackhawk to gamble and have dinner with my SIL and tomorrow for my actual birthday I'm finally going to the zoo with my family. :cheer2: Thanks for the Happy Birthday. :)

Joining in on your PTR! You are courageous driving from CO to WDW!!

We recently purchased a house in CO. (Outside of Pueblo) My husband is the lucky one and gets to live there while I am still in CA for work.

I think I read part of your PTR for your last DL trip but somehow lost track of it. I'm sorry! :sad2: (I think I was staying off the DIS for awhile with trying to sell the house in CA and the mess that entails!)
It's going to be an adventure that's for sure. Congrats on buying a house here in colorado. You'll love it. where in Cali do you live right now?
Thank you very much. ;)

The rain has been soooooo lovely. There was actually a time today where it was 65 degrees. :cheer2: After having 100 + degree weather it feels so wonderful. I think I probably gained some weight back today, I splurged for my birthday with my sister in law and really ate well. Opps. Today I went up to Blackhawk to gamble and have dinner with my SIL and tomorrow for my actual birthday I'm finally going to the zoo with my family. :cheer2: Thanks for the Happy Birthday. :)

It's going to be an adventure that's for sure. Congrats on buying a house here in colorado. You'll love it. where in Cali do you live right now?

I'm renting a bedroom in a Condo in San Jose. Its depressing to think I live in a bedroom while hubby gets our huge house but in the end it will be worth it! Plus I wouldn't be able to plan our F&W WDW trip if I was in CO. In the meantime I am calling our home in CO my Vacation home haha as except for the trip to WDW it is where I am taking all my vacations!
November 12th

6:00 am- Wake up

7:15 am- Have breakfast at the hotel or a restaurant nearby

8:00 am- Be on the Road :drive:

5:30 pm- Arrive at AoA
After checking into our room we’ll head straight out to DTD… Not sure if we’ll drive or take the bus. We’ve always found it easier just driving to DTD??

My only MUST for this day is shopping at World of Disney, picking up Disney Dollars, and buying a couple of ornaments from the Christmas store.
AND dinner at TREX Café


I am soooo excited to eat here again. When we were there in 2010, DD was terrified of all the large bugs and DS was only 3 months old. He’s going to get the biggest kick out of it now that he’s older. He’s all about cars, trains, and dinosaurs.

**Reya holding onto daddy because she was scared

**Jayden startled by the changing lights and sounds when we were seated in the ice cave.

**I thought the NACHOS were amazing!!! Mmmmmmm. Can’t wait!!!!

**A few more pictures from our last trip.





After dinner we'll probably go back to the hotel to relax for the night or do some swimming if the weather and our bodies allow.

We will be so excited to be going to one of the parks the next morning, I'm hoping we can get some sleep!!:hyper:
my girls would totally freak out in there haha

In a good way or a bad way? lol It's a really fun restaurant, it'll be nice to experience it with Jayden now. He gets so excited over the smallest stuff .. He claps like we're at Disneyland everytime we go somewhere, even if it's only to the store. So he's going to flip over seeing dinos. ;) Have you ever been to the Rainforest Cafe? This is usually a must for us everytime we go. I bet your girls will love it there? It took Reya a long time to fall in love with it. ((She would be afraid of the thunder storms)) but now she really digs it.
In a good way or a bad way? lol It's a really fun restaurant, it'll be nice to experience it with Jayden now. He gets so excited over the smallest stuff .. He claps like we're at Disneyland everytime we go somewhere, even if it's only to the store. So he's going to flip over seeing dinos. ;) Have you ever been to the Rainforest Cafe? This is usually a must for us everytime we go. I bet your girls will love it there? It took Reya a long time to fall in love with it. ((She would be afraid of the thunder storms)) but now she really digs it.

in a bad way haha :lmao: they can be a bit of a scardy cat at times and those dinos look big! :)
We are planning to do rainforest cafe on our AK day!! :cool1:
I love going to DTD after a long day of traveling! That's what we always do. I also love Trex but not sure my DS would till he's older. I hope your kids enjoy it!

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Your plans sound great! I actually like driving to Disney (although you are driving much further than me). I think road trips are so fun. I look forward to hearing about your plans!!
I love going to DTD after a long day of traveling! That's what we always do. I also love Trex but not sure my DS would till he's older. I hope your kids enjoy it!

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We do too... We usually do DTD first and last.. Nice way to get a little disney in without wasting a 1/2 day at at park. I'm thinking if my some miracle if we get into Orlando earlier then expected maybe we'll add another day to our tickets when we get to our hotel and go to Magic Kingdom for a few hours. That's up in the air though. For less then $30.00 total it would be a good deal. I'm sure your son would like TREX, but all kids handle it differently.

Your plans sound great! I actually like driving to Disney (although you are driving much further than me). I think road trips are so fun. I look forward to hearing about your plans!!
Thank you ;) Driving there is fun, driving back home is a drag. :( Being able to pack as much stuff as you want is a definate plus though.

Welcome. :wave2:
:hyper:I just made a MAJOR change to our trip. 2:00 this morning I decided to change a couple of things. :surfweb: Unfortunately it's costing us a litte bit more, but I think it'll be worth it. Right now I'm just waiting to hear from my travel agent to make sure she cancelled the first portion of our trip. I want to make sure I get a full refund on the deposit I made. Then I booked the new package by myself directly through Disney. Going through a travel agent has been the biggest mistake and stressful beyond my wildest dreams. I'm keeping the Cruise and 2nd portion of trip the way it is and through AAA. Everything seems to be okay, but it still worries me. I prefer to be in compete control of my vacations. I just hope Disney doesn't get confused. I have 4 seperate reservations with them with just this one vacation.
I'll post the new changes later today.

Can somebody tell me ......... Is it IMPOSSIBLE to make reservations for T-REX? I've looked at every possible time and for every possible day that we'll be there in November and NOTHING! We didn't have reservations when we went in 2010? Just walked in. I'm so bummed if we can't eat there.. Any comments or suggestions on this matter?
Try calling them directly. I have heard they don't load many spots into the Disney Dining system!! Good Luck!
117 days to GO!!!!:hourglass
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Anyway ...... I’ve decided there are a couple of fun things I forgot to mention while doing this PTR.

1. We’re going to try our best to make this a trip of as many “Firsts” as possible. Every day we’re going to make it a point to try, see, and or eat someplace that we never have before.:yay:

2. When we arrive in DTD I need to go to the World of Disney and stock up on a bunch of Disney Dollars. Instead of giving the kids money to just waste on whatever they want whenever they want we’re going to make them earn it and have fun doing it. We’re going to have a contest to see how many Hidden Mickeys everyone can find. For every 4 successfully found hidden Mickey :smickey:each person finds they earn one Disney Dollar. This will be something we can do to add to our fun each day of the trip including on our cruise.


3. I made a piggy bank for the kids and everyday we’ve been adding to the funds. I’m hoping to reach at least $250.00 by the time we leave. The money earned will go directly to the kids for each of them to do one extra special activity. As of now that is Reya going to BBB and Jayden going to Ridemakerz.

I’ll be back later to let you know what changes were made to the first portion of our Disney trip. Just a head’s up we’ll be able to add another first to our list! :cheer2:
:hyper:I just made a MAJOR change to our trip. 2:00 this morning I decided to change a couple of things. :surfweb: Unfortunately it's costing us a litte bit more, but I think it'll be worth it. Right now I'm just waiting to hear from my travel agent to make sure she cancelled the first portion of our trip. I want to make sure I get a full refund on the deposit I made. Then I booked the new package by myself directly through Disney. Going through a travel agent has been the biggest mistake and stressful beyond my wildest dreams. I'm keeping the Cruise and 2nd portion of trip the way it is and through AAA. Everything seems to be okay, but it still worries me. I prefer to be in compete control of my vacations. I just hope Disney doesn't get confused. I have 4 seperate reservations with them with just this one vacation.
I'll post the new changes later today.


Wow, 4 separate reservations!? Geez, that will be exciting!!

I am like you, I don't think I could use a travel agent for a Disney vacation. Is there a benefit to using them? I think it is so easy to go directly through Disney.
When we went to TRex in June 2010, I had called them directly to make the resv. When we were there last month, we kept changing our plans with all the rain. So one day, my DSIL and DBIL took my girls to HS, and my DH and I took my DS to DTD. Wasn't sure where we wanted to eat at the time, but while there we decided on TRex. I tried calling Disney Dining from my cell but the times they offered were too late in the day for us. Finally we just walked up to the podium (it was a short line) and they got us in within 15 min. So I guess at this point you could probably either call them directly or call Disney dining.

BTW, my DH and I had the nachos for 2 and they were sooo yummy!! Wish I could have some today!:goodvibes

And on another note, we did finally get to "Brave" and we absolutely loved it!!!:lovestruc


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